Ability to change wifi network

I’m using an IotaWatt in an office environment, with a few wifi networks around. I’ve connected to one, but I’m unable to change to another one unless I somehow disable the first network (which is out of my control) which would force the device back into AP mode.

Is it possible to factory reset the device over the HTTP interface?

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There’s no factory reset, but you can switch WiFi networks. Enter the following command in your browser.


The response should be “ok” and the LED should turn red. At this point, IoTaWatt is still sampling and logging data, but there is no longer a WiFi connection. Power cycle it to restart and set the new WiFi as you would with a new device. Note that if you have changed the device name (from IoTaWatt) you will need to use that new name to connect to the AP, otherwise the factory name IotaWatt (capital I and W) should be used.


When I try this my computer can’t find this sddress

Are you saying that the disconnect command failed or that it disconnected (red LED) but you don’t see the IoTaWatt SSID in your device scan?

Substitute IotaWatt.local with the IP address of your iotawatt. You can usually find this in your router’s DHCP allocation table or using a lanscanner.

If you can login to the iotawatt then Wi-fi can be disconnected from the tools menu

And what if the wifi that the IotaWatt was originally attached to is no longer available? How does one reset the connection to be able to connect to a new wifi?

If you power cycle the unit, it will enter AP mode for three minutes. You can then connect and reconfigure WiFi as with a new device.

If the old WiFi is still available, use the disconnect (tools->WiFi) to disconnect, then restart and it will enter AP mode.


This should be mentioned in the docs. Is it?

Yes, it has always been in the docs.