Trace: 89:107[78], 16:106[235], 219:171[61], 168:208[213], 196:52[240], 229:198[191], 31:226[178], 220:193[195], 174:121[2], 183:91[75], 179:71[48], 31:198[83], 54:156[73], 92:247[12], 70:239[132], 33:95[166], 225:30[56], 50:179[242], 239:119[120], 189:31[109], 118:94[112], 21:76[151], 100:134[73], 136:84[169], 113:255[83], 50:240[248], 51:223[54], 50:93[240], 27:83[17], 78:10[9], 144:146[65], 223:215[179] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526449 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: 0 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Version 02_03_16 Reset reason: External System Trace: 217:107[78], 17:106[235], 251:171[189], 168:208[213], 228:52[244], 229:198[191], 63:226[178], 220:193[199], 174:121, 183:91[203], 179:199[48], 31:198[83], 54:156[73], 92:247[12], 102:238[132], 33:95[166], 225:30[56], 51:243[114], 231:127[120], 189:31[109], 118:126[112], 20:76[151], 100:134[65], 137:116[168], 117:191[83], 50:240[248], 51:95[54], 50:93[248], 27:83[49], 94:10[9], 144:146[65], 223:215[179] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526449 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: 0 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Version 02_03_16 Reset reason: Exception Trace: 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 11:7, 11:8, 16:0, 11:8, 11:9 ESP8266 ChipID: 2526449 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: 0 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Version 02_03_16 Reset reason: External System Trace: 89:107[206], 17:106[235], 219:171[189], 168:208[213], 228:52[244], 245:228[191], 63:226[178], 216:193[195], 174:121, 183:91[218], 178:199[178], 31:198[211], 54:156[73], 92:243[12], 70:254[132], 33:95[230], 225:30[56], 115:243[242], 111:127[120], 189:31[109], 116:122[112], 20:78[151], 100:134[73], 136:116[168], 113:191[83], 50:242[248], 51:87[50], 50:93[240], 27:83[49], 78:10[9], 144:128[65], 223:215[179] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526449 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: 0 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Version 02_03_16 Reset reason: Power on Trace: 89:107[206], 80:106[235], 235:139[157], 168:208[213], 192:52[176], 245:198[63], 23:194[178], 216:213[199], 174:121, 183:95[218], 179:71[50], 15:196[67], 54:156[72], 126:247[12], 70:207[133], 33:95[230], 225:30[60], 115:243[242], 111:119[120], 189:11[109], 118:114[112], 20:78[151], 100:134[65], 137:116[168], 113:191[75], 54:210[250], 51:223[118], 50:85[240], 31:83[49], 78:10[9], 144:146[65], 223:223[179] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526449 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: 0 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Version 02_03_16 Reset reason: External System Trace: 89:107[206], 16:106[235], 203:171[189], 168:208[213], 228:52[244], 229:192[191], 63:234[178], 216:193[199], 166:121, 183:91[218], 179:71[50], 31:198[83], 54:188[74], 20:247[12], 70:238[133], 33:95[38], 225:30[56], 122:179[242], 239:127[120], 189:31[109], 118:114[112], 20:205[151], 100:134[65], 136:116[168], 113:191[83], 50:242[248], 51:223[22], 50:85[240], 27:83[17], 76:10[9], 144:146[65], 223:215[51] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526449 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: 0 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Version 02_03_16 Reset reason: External System Trace: 89:107[78], 16:106[235], 219:171[173], 168:208[213], 224:52[244], 229:196[63], 55:226[178], 152:193[199], 174:121, 183:91[91], 178:71[48], 31:198[83], 54:156[73], 84:243[12], 70:255[4], 33:95[230], 225:28[56], 50:179[242], 239:119[120], 189:31[109], 118:122[112], 21:77[151], 108:134[73], 136:84[169], 117:191[83], 50:242[248], 51:223[22], 50:93[240], 27:83[49], 78:10[9], 144:146[65], 223:223[179] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526449 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: 0 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Version 02_03_16 Reset reason: External System Trace: 89:107[78], 16:106[235], 251:171[189], 168:208[213], 228:52[244], 229:198[63], 31:226[178], 216:193[199], 174:125, 183:91[74], 179:199[176], 31:198[83], 54:156[73], 92:247[44], 70:238[132], 33:95[166], 225:30[56], 114:179[114], 111:119[120], 189:31[109], 118:122[112], 21:76[151], 100:134[73], 136:116[169], 97:191[83], 50:210[248], 51:223[54], 50:93[240], 27:83[17], 78:10[9], 144:144[65], 223:215[179] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526449 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: 0 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Version 02_03_16 Reset reason: External System Trace: 89:107[78], 17:106[235], 219:171[189], 168:208[213], 228:52[244], 229:228[191], 55:226[178], 216:193[199], 174:121, 183:91[219], 179:71[178], 31:198[83], 54:156[75], 124:247[12], 70:238[4], 33:95[230], 225:30[56], 51:179[242], 231:118[120], 189:31[109], 118:122[112], 20:76[151], 100:134[73], 136:116[168], 101:191[67], 50:242[248], 51:215[22], 50:93[240], 27:83[49], 78:10[9], 144:144[69], 223:215[179] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526449 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: 0 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Version 02_03_16 Reset reason: External System Trace: 89:107[206], 16:106[235], 219:171[61], 168:208[213], 228:52[244], 229:198[191], 63:226[178], 216:65[195], 174:121, 183:91[90], 178:70[178], 31:198[83], 54:156[73], 84:247[12], 70:254[132], 33:95[230], 225:30[56], 50:179[242], 239:119[120], 189:31[109], 118:122[112], 20:77[151], 100:134[65], 136:84[168], 113:191[83], 54:242[248], 51:95[22], 50:93[240], 27:83[49], 78:10[9], 144:146[65], 221:215[83] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526449 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: 0 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Version 02_03_16 Reset reason: External System Trace: 89:107[206], 16:106[235], 235:171[189], 168:208[85], 196:52[244], 229:198[63], 63:226[178], 24:193[195], 174:121, 183:95[203], 179:71[50], 31:198[83], 118:156[74], 92:247[12], 70:238[4], 33:95[166], 225:30[56], 51:179[178], 239:119[120], 189:31[109], 118:114[112], 28:72[151], 108:134[65], 136:116[169], 113:191[67], 50:242[248], 51:215[54], 50:93[240], 27:83[49], 78:10[9], 144:146[65], 223:215[179] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526449 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: 0 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Version 02_03_16 Reset reason: External System Trace: 91:107[206], 16:106[235], 219:171[157], 168:208[213], 228:52[244], 229:196[63], 63:234[178], 220:193[195], 174:125, 183:91[91], 178:199[50], 31:198[83], 118:156[73], 92:243[12], 70:238[132], 33:95[166], 225:30[56], 59:243[242], 231:119[120], 189:31[109], 118:118[80], 20:77[151], 100:134[65], 137:116[169], 117:191[83], 50:242[248], 51:87[22], 50:93[240], 27:83[49], 78:10[9], 144:144[65], 223:223[179] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526449 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: 0 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Version 02_03_16 Reset reason: External System Trace: 89:107[78], 17:106[234], 251:171[173], 168:208[213], 228:52[244], 229:192[191], 63:226[178], 216:193[199], 166:121, 183:91[91], 178:199[48], 31:198[83], 54:156[73], 92:247[12], 70:239[132], 33:95[166], 225:30[56], 50:179[114], 231:127[120], 189:31[109], 118:114[112], 20:79[151], 100:134[73], 136:116[168], 113:191[83], 50:210[248], 51:87[54], 50:93[240], 31:83[49], 78:10[9], 144:144[65], 223:215[179] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526449 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: 0 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Version 02_03_16 Reset reason: Power on Trace: 91:107[206], 16:106[239], 219:171[157], 168:208[213], 192:52[176], 229:192[63], 31:226[178], 92:213[199], 174:121, 183:95[203], 179:199[178], 31:198[211], 54:156[73], 60:247[12], 70:239[132], 33:95[230], 225:30[56], 51:243[242], 239:119[120], 189:31[109], 118:122[112], 20:78[183], 100:134[65], 136:116[168], 113:191[91], 50:242[250], 59:223[54], 50:85[240], 27:83[49], 78:10[9], 144:146[65], 223:215[51] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526449 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: 0 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3 Connecting with WiFiManager.