8/30/18 12:40:23z Reset reason: External System 8/30/18 12:40:23z Trace: 5:84[21], 105:219[255], 179:234[52], 60:51[198], 68:158[180], 98:41[153], 150:19[153], 40:26[218], 151:221[23], 44:218[103], 245:98[114], 14:4[169], 142:241[110], 55:62[219], 218:15[36], 18:198[206], 135:17[55], 39:8[249], 242:42[147], 151:34[35], 251:35[155], 227:207[190], 217:153[147], 1:74[246], 113:187[124], 12:95[63], 233:223[241], 75:109[126], 5:78[166], 183:238[74], 82:246[212], 223:205[102] 8/30/18 12:40:23z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910350 8/30/18 14:40:23 Local time zone: 2 8/30/18 14:40:23 device name: pinguITW, version: 3 8/30/18 14:40:26 Connecting with WiFiManager. 8/30/18 14:47:06 No WiFi connection. 8/30/18 14:47:06 MDNS responder started 8/30/18 14:47:06 You can now connect to http://pinguITW.local 8/30/18 14:47:06 HTTP server started 8/30/18 14:47:06 timeSync: service started. 8/30/18 14:47:06 statService: started. 8/30/18 14:47:06 dataLog: service started. 8/30/18 14:47:06 dataLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 14:40:10 8/30/18 14:47:07 historyLog: service started. 8/30/18 14:47:07 historyLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 14:40:00 8/30/18 14:47:12 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguITW,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/30/18 14:47:12 influxDB: started. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/30/18 12:48:49z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535633329 8/30/18 12:48:49z Power failure detected. 8/30/18 12:48:49z Version 02_03_13 8/30/18 12:48:49z Reset reason: External System 8/30/18 12:48:49z Trace: 69:20[21], 105:219[235], 179:170[52], 60:51[198], 70:158[180], 98:11[8], 150:19[139], 40:26[250], 151:221[23], 44:218[103], 245:98[118], 14:4[169], 139:241[110], 55:62[223], 218:13[36], 2:194[238], 135:17[55], 39:8[251], 242:104[147], 151:34[35], 123:161[155], 227:207[190], 221:153[147], 1:74[246], 209:187[236], 8:87[63], 233:151[81], 75:109[124], 5:78[182], 171:230[106], 66:214[214], 221:204[102] 8/30/18 12:48:49z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910350 8/30/18 14:48:49 Local time zone: 2 8/30/18 14:48:49 device name: pinguITW, version: 3 8/30/18 14:48:52 Connecting with WiFiManager. 8/30/18 14:48:56 MDNS responder started 8/30/18 14:48:56 You can now connect to http://pinguITW.local 8/30/18 14:48:56 HTTP server started 8/30/18 14:48:56 timeSync: service started. 8/30/18 14:48:56 statService: started. 8/30/18 14:48:56 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 11, RSSI -75db 8/30/18 14:48:56 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 8/30/18 14:48:56 dataLog: service started. 8/30/18 14:48:56 dataLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 14:48:45 8/30/18 14:48:57 historyLog: service started. 8/30/18 14:48:57 historyLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 14:48:00 8/30/18 14:49:01 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 8/30/18 14:49:02 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguITW,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/30/18 14:49:02 influxDB: started. 8/30/18 14:49:03 EmonService: Start posting at 8/30/18 14:40:10 8/30/18 14:49:24 influxDB: last entry query failed: -4 8/30/18 14:49:24 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 2/6/6 08:28:16 8/30/18 15:14:44 WiFi disconnected. 8/30/18 15:15:06 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 11, RSSI -73db 8/30/18 15:15:16 WiFi disconnected. 8/30/18 15:15:48 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -68db 8/30/18 15:39:15 influxDB: started. 8/30/18 15:39:20 influxDB: Start posting from 8/30/18 15:39:25 8/30/18 15:39:23 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/30/18 13:39:25z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535636365 8/30/18 13:39:25z Version 02_03_13 8/30/18 13:39:25z Reset reason: Software/System restart 8/30/18 13:39:25z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1[12], 1:2[13], 9:0[13], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 8/30/18 13:39:25z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910350 8/30/18 15:39:25 Local time zone: 2 8/30/18 15:39:25 device name: pinguITW, version: 3 8/30/18 15:39:28 MDNS responder started 8/30/18 15:39:28 You can now connect to http://pinguITW.local 8/30/18 15:39:28 HTTP server started 8/30/18 15:39:28 timeSync: service started. 8/30/18 15:39:28 statService: started. 8/30/18 15:39:28 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -67db 8/30/18 15:39:28 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 8/30/18 15:39:28 dataLog: service started. 8/30/18 15:39:28 dataLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 15:39:20 8/30/18 15:39:28 historyLog: service started. 8/30/18 15:39:28 historyLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 15:39:00 8/30/18 15:39:30 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 8/30/18 15:39:33 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguITW,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/30/18 15:39:33 influxDB: started. 8/30/18 15:39:34 EmonService: Start posting at 8/30/18 15:39:30 8/30/18 15:39:34 influxDB: Start posting from 8/30/18 15:39:35 8/30/18 15:39:35 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 8/30/18 15:39:30 8/30/18 15:39:42 influxDB: started. 8/30/18 15:39:43 influxDB: Start posting from 8/30/18 15:39:45 8/31/18 22:39:28 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/01/18 01:00:01 WiFi disconnected. 9/01/18 02:00:01 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 9/01/18 00:00:03z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535760003 9/01/18 00:00:03z Version 02_03_13 9/01/18 00:00:03z Reset reason: Software/System restart 9/01/18 00:00:03z Trace: 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:1[10], 1:2[11], 9:0[11], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 9/01/18 00:00:03z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910350 9/01/18 02:00:03 Local time zone: 2 9/01/18 02:00:03 device name: pinguITW, version: 3 9/01/18 02:00:06 Connecting with WiFiManager. 9/01/18 08:17:39 No WiFi connection. 9/01/18 08:17:39 MDNS responder started 9/01/18 08:17:39 You can now connect to http://pinguITW.local 9/01/18 08:17:39 HTTP server started 9/01/18 08:17:39 timeSync: service started. 9/01/18 08:17:39 statService: started. 9/01/18 08:17:39 dataLog: service started. 9/01/18 08:17:39 dataLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 02:00:00 9/01/18 08:17:39 historyLog: service started. 9/01/18 08:17:40 historyLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 02:00:00 9/01/18 08:17:44 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguITW,interval:10, unsecure GET 9/01/18 08:17:44 influxDB: started. 9/01/18 09:17:40 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 9/01/18 07:17:41z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535786261 9/01/18 07:17:41z Version 02_03_13 9/01/18 07:17:41z Reset reason: Software/System restart 9/01/18 07:17:41z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 9/01/18 07:17:41z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910350 9/01/18 09:17:41 Local time zone: 2 9/01/18 09:17:41 device name: pinguITW, version: 3 9/01/18 09:17:44 Connecting with WiFiManager. 9/01/18 09:17:47 MDNS responder started 9/01/18 09:17:47 You can now connect to http://pinguITW.local 9/01/18 09:17:47 HTTP server started 9/01/18 09:17:47 timeSync: service started. 9/01/18 09:17:47 statService: started. 9/01/18 09:17:47 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -72db 9/01/18 09:17:47 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 9/01/18 09:17:47 dataLog: service started. 9/01/18 09:17:47 dataLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 09:17:40 9/01/18 09:17:48 historyLog: service started. 9/01/18 09:17:48 historyLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 09:17:00 9/01/18 09:17:49 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 9/01/18 09:17:52 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguITW,interval:10, unsecure GET 9/01/18 09:17:52 influxDB: started. 9/01/18 09:17:53 EmonService: Start posting at 9/1/18 01:00:00 9/01/18 09:17:57 influxDB: Start posting from 9/1/18 09:18:00 9/01/18 09:23:41 influxDB: Post Failed: -4 9/02/18 10:17:47 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/03/18 21:17:47 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/04/18 15:13:16 EmonService: HTTP response -4, retrying. 9/04/18 15:13:40 EmonService: Retry successful after 5 attempts. 9/05/18 08:17:47 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/06/18 20:17:47 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/07/18 14:04:22 influxDB: Post Failed: -14 9/08/18 06:17:47 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/09/18 09:33:53 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 9/09/18 18:17:47 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/10/18 22:18:50 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/11/18 11:36:33 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 16:29:42 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 16:33:19 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 16:38:25 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 16:39:53 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 16:43:01 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 16:46:15 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 16:50:20 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 16:51:59 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/12/18 10:18:50 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/13/18 03:38:23 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/13/18 05:00:09 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/13/18 05:00:56 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/13/18 05:56:43 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/13/18 06:03:36 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/13/18 22:18:50 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/14/18 04:33:41 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/15/18 09:18:50 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/16/18 18:26:53 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/17/18 02:10:42 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/17/18 04:19:54 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/17/18 12:19:54 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/17/18 16:25:23 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/17/18 16:40:03 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/17/18 16:42:43 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/17/18 16:48:12 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/17/18 16:50:42 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/17/18 16:55:21 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/18/18 01:23:49 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/19/18 01:52:30 Updater: Update from 02_03_13 to 02_03_14 9/19/18 01:52:30 Updater: download 02_03_14 9/20/18 03:20:57 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/21/18 07:22:00 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/22/18 07:11:52 EmonService: HTTP response -11, retrying. 9/22/18 07:12:00 EmonService: Retry successful after 3 attempts. 9/23/18 02:23:03 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/24/18 13:23:03 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/25/18 21:23:03 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/27/18 11:23:03 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/28/18 23:24:06 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/30/18 09:24:06 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 10/01/18 20:24:06 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 10/03/18 07:24:06 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 10/04/18 18:24:06 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 10/05/18 11:01:33 WiFi disconnected. 10/05/18 11:01:42 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -82db 10/05/18 11:49:48 WiFi disconnected. 10/05/18 11:55:10 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -83db 10/05/18 13:19:15 influxDB: Post Failed: -14 10/06/18 05:24:06 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 10/07/18 16:25:09 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 10/08/18 10:40:42 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 08:40:44z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538988044 10/08/18 08:40:44z Version 02_03_13 10/08/18 08:40:44z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 08:40:44z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1[12], 1:2[13], 9:0[13], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 10/08/18 08:40:44z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910350 10/08/18 10:40:44 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 10:40:44 device name: pinguITW, version: 3 10/08/18 10:40:47 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 10:40:50 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 10:40:50 You can now connect to http://pinguITW.local 10/08/18 10:40:50 HTTP server started 10/08/18 10:40:50 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 10:40:50 statService: started. 10/08/18 10:40:50 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -69db 10/08/18 10:40:50 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA 10/08/18 10:40:51 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 10:40:51 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 10:40:40 10/08/18 10:40:51 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 10:40:51 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 10:40:00 10/08/18 10:40:53 Updater: Update from 02_03_13 to 02_03_16 10/08/18 10:40:53 Updater: download 02_03_16 10/08/18 10:41:09 Updater: Release downloaded 16115ms, size 631848 10/08/18 10:41:10 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguITW,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 10:41:10 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 10:41:23 Updater: Update downloaded and signature verified 10/08/18 10:41:29 Updater: firmware upgraded to version 02_03_16 10/08/18 10:41:29 Firmware updated, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 08:41:36z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538988096 10/08/18 08:41:36z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 08:41:36z Updater: Installing update files for version 02_03_16 10/08/18 08:41:36z Updater: Installing EDIT.HTM 10/08/18 08:41:36z Updater: Installing GRAPH.HTM 10/08/18 08:41:36z Updater: Installing GRAPH.JS 10/08/18 08:41:37z Updater: Installing INDEX.HTM 10/08/18 08:41:37z Updater: Installing TABLES.TXT 10/08/18 08:41:38z Updater: Installing CNFSTYLE.CSS 10/08/18 08:41:38z Updater: Installation complete. 10/08/18 08:41:38z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 08:41:38z Trace: 10:0, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:15, 10:16, 10:17, 10:22, 10:17, 1:4, 1:5[19], 1:6, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[5] 10/08/18 08:41:38z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910350 10/08/18 08:41:47z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 10:41:47 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 10:41:47 device name: pinguITW, version: 3 10/08/18 10:41:47 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 10:41:47 You can now connect to http://pinguITW.local 10/08/18 10:41:48 HTTP server started 10/08/18 10:41:48 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 10:41:48 statService: started. 10/08/18 10:41:48 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -71db 10/08/18 10:41:48 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA 10/08/18 10:41:48 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 10:41:48 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 10:41:00 10/08/18 10:41:49 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 10:41:49 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 10:40:00 10/08/18 10:41:51 Updater: Auto-update is current for class BETA. 10/08/18 10:41:53 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguITW,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 10:41:53 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 10:41:54 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 10:40:50 10/08/18 10:42:00 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 10:42:00 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 2/6/6 08:28:16 10/08/18 10:42:17 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 10:42:24 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 10:42:24 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 2/6/6 08:28:16 10/08/18 10:42:29 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 10:42:20 10/08/18 10:42:30 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 10:42:37 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 10:42:37 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 2/6/6 08:28:16 10/08/18 10:42:52 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 10:42:59 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 10:42:59 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 10:43:05 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 10:43:12 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 10:43:12 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 10:43:14 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 10:43:21 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 10:43:21 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 10:43:25 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 10:43:29 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 08:43:30z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538988210 10/08/18 08:43:30z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 08:43:30z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 08:43:30z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1[14], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 10/08/18 08:43:30z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910350 10/08/18 08:43:30z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 10:43:31 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 10:43:31 device name: pinguITW, version: 3 10/08/18 10:43:34 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 10:43:34 You can now connect to http://pinguITW.local 10/08/18 10:43:34 HTTP server started 10/08/18 10:43:34 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 10:43:34 statService: started. 10/08/18 10:43:34 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -73db 10/08/18 10:43:34 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA 10/08/18 10:43:34 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 10:43:34 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 10:43:25 10/08/18 10:43:34 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 10:43:35 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 10:43:00 10/08/18 10:43:36 Updater: Auto-update is current for class BETA. 10/08/18 10:43:39 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguITW,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 10:43:39 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 10:43:40 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 10:42:30 10/08/18 10:43:40 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 10:42:20 10/08/18 10:43:46 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 10:43:46 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 10:43:51 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 10:43:58 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 10:43:58 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 10:44:31 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 10:44:38 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 10:44:38 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 10:44:42 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 10:44:47 influxDB: Start posting from 10/8/18 00:00:05 10/08/18 10:54:21 influxDB: Post Failed: 400 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 09:17:55z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538990275 10/08/18 09:17:55z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 09:17:55z Reset reason: Exception 10/08/18 09:17:55z Trace: 1:5[7], 7:0, 7:9, 7:7, 1:6, 1:1[2], 1:2[3], 9:0[3], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:0, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:15, 10:16, 10:17, 10:22, 10:17 10/08/18 09:17:55z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910350 10/08/18 09:17:55z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 11:17:56 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 11:17:56 device name: pinguITW, version: 3 10/08/18 11:17:56 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 11:17:56 You can now connect to http://pinguITW.local 10/08/18 11:17:56 HTTP server started 10/08/18 11:17:56 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 11:17:56 statService: started. 10/08/18 11:17:56 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -71db 10/08/18 11:17:56 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA 10/08/18 11:17:56 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 11:17:57 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 11:17:50 10/08/18 11:17:57 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 11:17:57 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 11:17:00 10/08/18 11:17:58 Updater: Auto-update is current for class BETA. 10/08/18 11:18:01 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguITW,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 11:18:01 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:18:02 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 10:42:30 10/08/18 11:18:02 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 10:42:20 10/08/18 11:18:07 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 11:18:07 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 11:24:36 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:24:43 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 11:24:43 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 11:24:49 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:24:56 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 11:24:56 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 11:25:01 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:25:06 influxDB: Start posting from 10/8/18 00:00:05 10/08/18 11:25:06 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 11:25:10 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:25:12 influxDB: Start posting from 10/8/18 00:00:05 10/08/18 11:34:43 influxDB: Post Failed: 400 10/08/18 11:35:35 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 09:35:37z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538991337 10/08/18 09:35:37z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 09:35:37z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 09:35:37z Trace: 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[7], 7:0, 7:6, 7:6, 1:6, 1:1[5], 1:2[6], 9:0[6], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 10/08/18 09:35:37z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910350 10/08/18 09:35:37z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 11:35:38 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 11:35:38 device name: pinguITW, version: 3 10/08/18 11:35:41 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 11:35:41 You can now connect to http://pinguITW.local 10/08/18 11:35:41 HTTP server started 10/08/18 11:35:41 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 11:35:41 statService: started. 10/08/18 11:35:41 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -69db 10/08/18 11:35:41 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA 10/08/18 11:35:41 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 11:35:42 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 11:35:35 10/08/18 11:35:42 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 11:35:42 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 11:35:00 10/08/18 11:35:43 Updater: Auto-update is current for class BETA. 10/08/18 11:35:46 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguITW,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 11:35:46 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:35:47 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 10:42:30 10/08/18 11:35:47 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 10:42:20 10/08/18 11:35:52 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 11:35:52 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 11:42:11 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:42:18 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 11:42:18 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 11:42:21 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:42:27 influxDB: Start posting from 10/8/18 00:00:05 10/08/18 11:51:57 influxDB: Post Failed: 400 10/08/18 11:52:08 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguITW,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 11:52:09 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 10:42:30 10/08/18 11:55:26 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 09:55:28z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538992528 10/08/18 09:55:28z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 09:55:28z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 09:55:28z Trace: 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[7], 7:0, 7:9, 7:7, 7:7, 7:7, 1:6, 1:1[8], 1:2[9], 9:0[9], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 10/08/18 09:55:28z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910350 10/08/18 09:55:28z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 11:55:29 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 11:55:29 device name: pinguITW, version: 3 10/08/18 11:55:32 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 11:55:35 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 11:55:35 You can now connect to http://pinguITW.local 10/08/18 11:55:35 HTTP server started 10/08/18 11:55:35 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 11:55:35 statService: started. 10/08/18 11:55:35 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -69db 10/08/18 11:55:35 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA 10/08/18 11:55:35 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 11:55:36 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 11:55:25 10/08/18 11:55:36 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 11:55:36 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 11:55:00 10/08/18 11:55:37 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 09:55:40z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538992540 10/08/18 09:55:40z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 09:55:40z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 09:55:40z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1[6], 1:2[7], 9:0[7], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 10/08/18 09:55:40z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910350 10/08/18 09:55:40z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 11:55:41 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 11:55:41 device name: pinguITW, version: 3 10/08/18 11:55:44 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 11:55:44 You can now connect to http://pinguITW.local 10/08/18 11:55:44 HTTP server started 10/08/18 11:55:44 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 11:55:44 statService: started. 10/08/18 11:55:44 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -69db 10/08/18 11:55:44 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA 10/08/18 11:55:45 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 11:55:45 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 11:55:35 10/08/18 11:55:45 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 11:55:46 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 11:55:00 10/08/18 11:55:48 Updater: Auto-update is current for class BETA. 10/08/18 11:55:49 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguITW,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 11:55:49 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:55:50 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 11:55:30 10/08/18 11:55:55 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 11:55:55 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 11:56:16 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:56:23 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 11:56:23 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 11:56:41 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:56:47 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 11:56:47 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 11:56:55 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:57:02 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 11:57:02 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 11:57:51 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:57:58 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 11:57:58 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 11:58:04 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:58:09 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 11:58:00 10/08/18 11:58:12 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 11:58:12 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 11:58:22 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:58:29 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 11:58:29 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 11:58:36 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:58:42 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 11:58:42 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 11:58:42 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 09:58:43z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538992723 10/08/18 09:58:43z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 09:58:43z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 09:58:43z Trace: 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[7], 7:0, 7:7, 7:71, 7:72, 1:6, 1:1[6], 1:2[7], 9:0[7], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 10/08/18 09:58:43z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910350 10/08/18 09:58:43z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 11:58:44 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 11:58:44 device name: pinguITW, version: 3 10/08/18 11:58:47 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 11:58:47 You can now connect to http://pinguITW.local 10/08/18 11:58:47 HTTP server started 10/08/18 11:58:47 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 11:58:47 statService: started. 10/08/18 11:58:47 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -69db 10/08/18 11:58:47 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA 10/08/18 11:58:48 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 11:58:48 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 11:58:40 10/08/18 11:58:48 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 11:58:48 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 11:58:00 10/08/18 11:58:50 Updater: Auto-update is current for class BETA. 10/08/18 11:58:52 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguITW,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 11:58:52 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 11:58:53 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 11:58:10 10/08/18 11:58:53 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 11:58:00 10/08/18 11:59:01 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 11:59:02 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 12:00:19 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 12:00:26 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 12:00:26 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 12:00:29 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 12:00:35 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 12:00:35 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 12:00:38 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 12:00:43 influxDB: Start posting from 10/8/18 00:00:05 10/08/18 12:01:45 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 10/08/18 12:10:22 influxDB: Post Failed: 400 10/08/18 13:44:01 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 10:40:40 10/08/18 13:44:03 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 13:44:10 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 13:44:10 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 13:55:40 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 13:55:47 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 13:55:47 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 14:16:45 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 14:16:52 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 14:16:52 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 14:17:03 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 14:17:10 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 14:17:10 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 14:17:13 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 14:17:20 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 14:17:20 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 14:17:22 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 14:17:29 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 14:17:29 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 14:17:45 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 14:17:49 influxDB: Start posting from 10/8/18 00:00:05 10/08/18 14:27:26 influxDB: Post Failed: 400