8/09/18 10:42:36 timeSync: service started. 8/09/18 10:42:37 historyLog: service started. 8/09/18 10:43:01 historyLog: Last log entry 7/13/18 23:21:00 8/09/18 10:43:01 influxDB: started. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/09/18 15:43:16z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1533829396 8/09/18 15:43:16z Power failure detected. 8/09/18 15:43:16z Version 02_03_10 8/09/18 15:43:16z Reset reason: Power on 8/09/18 15:43:16z Trace: 176:158[223], 130:30[137], 125:151[190], 177:142[198], 139:126[142], 232:29[252], 251:22[192], 90:229[182], 145:90[156], 147:94[33], 158:167[42], 60:27[48], 162:7[177], 161:94[184], 156:36[136], 213:181[54], 131:115[68], 250:156[246], 151:229[207], 138:108[64], 195:120[151], 132:39[84], 77:236[229], 198:117[223], 173:39[150], 196:160[11], 182:59[48], 244:17[216], 72:50[184], 32:52[147], 12:29[3], 213:102[1] 8/09/18 15:43:16z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910711 8/09/18 10:43:16 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 10:43:16 Local time zone: -5 8/09/18 10:43:16 device name: Iota1, version: 3 8/09/18 10:43:19 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/09/18 15:44:54z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1533829494 8/09/18 15:44:54z Power failure detected. 8/09/18 15:44:54z Version 02_03_10 8/09/18 15:44:54z Reset reason: Power on 8/09/18 15:44:54z Trace: 176:158[223], 130:30[137], 117:151[190], 177:142[198], 139:126[14], 232:29[252], 251:54[192], 90:133[190], 145:90[156], 147:94[33], 158:167[170], 60:27[48], 226:7[49], 161:222[185], 158:36[138], 213:181[54], 131:115[100], 250:156[246], 151:229[223], 138:108[64], 195:120[151], 132:39[212], 79:252[165], 198:117[223], 173:39[214], 212:32[35], 182:59[49], 244:19[88], 72:50[184], 32:52[147], 12:29[3], 213:102[1] 8/09/18 15:44:54z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910711 8/09/18 10:44:54 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 10:44:54 Local time zone: -5 8/09/18 10:44:54 device name: Iota1, version: 3 8/09/18 10:44:57 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/09/18 15:47:23z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1533829643 8/09/18 15:47:23z Power failure detected. 8/09/18 15:47:23z Version 02_03_10 8/09/18 15:47:23z Reset reason: External System 8/09/18 15:47:23z Trace: 144:158[223], 130:30[137], 127:150[190], 177:140[206], 203:126[14], 104:93[188], 251:23[64], 90:132[180], 145:78[156], 19:90[33], 158:161[170], 60:27[48], 226:35[177], 161:94[56], 158:100[136], 197:53[182], 163:115[100], 111:152[214], 151:229[75], 202:236[64], 195:122[151], 132:39[212], 79:252[53], 70:101[215], 164:37[198], 84:35[11], 190:58[112], 246:25[88], 72:50[184], 33:53[147], 12:29[3], 85:102[1] 8/09/18 15:47:23z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910711 8/09/18 10:47:23 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 10:47:23 Local time zone: -5 8/09/18 10:47:23 device name: Iota1, version: 3 8/09/18 10:47:26 Connecting with WiFiManager. 8/09/18 10:49:16 MDNS responder started 8/09/18 10:49:16 You can now connect to http://Iota1.local 8/09/18 10:49:16 HTTP server started 8/09/18 10:49:16 dataLog: service started. 8/09/18 10:49:16 dataLog: Last log entry 8/9/18 10:43:10 8/09/18 10:49:17 statService: started. 8/09/18 10:49:17 timeSync: service started. 8/09/18 10:49:17 WiFi connected. SSID: IoTaNetwork, IP: 8/09/18 10:49:17 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is NONE 8/09/18 10:49:17 historyLog: service started. 8/09/18 10:49:41 historyLog: Last log entry 7/13/18 23:21:00 8/09/18 10:49:41 influxDB: started. 8/09/18 10:49:43 influxDB: Start posting from 8/8/18 16:38:00 8/09/18 10:50:15 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -3 8/09/18 11:00:15 influxDB: Post Failed: 400 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/09/18 16:51:52z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1533833512 8/09/18 16:51:52z Power failure detected. 8/09/18 16:51:52z Version 02_03_10 8/09/18 16:51:52z Reset reason: Power on 8/09/18 16:51:52z Trace: 144:30[255], 130:30[137], 125:135[190], 177:172[198], 203:126[14], 104:29[188], 251:22[192], 82:132[180], 145:78[156], 19:90[35], 158:167[138], 60:27[48], 226:39[177], 161:222[56], 158:32[142], 197:53[182], 163:115[100], 98:156[246], 183:229[141], 202:236[64], 65:122[151], 132:39[212], 77:254[37], 78:117[223], 172:37[134], 148:162[43], 190:58[96], 254:27[88], 72:50[184], 32:53[147], 8:29[3], 85:102[1] 8/09/18 16:51:52z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910711 8/09/18 11:51:52 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 11:51:52 Local time zone: -5 8/09/18 11:51:52 device name: Iota1, version: 3 8/09/18 11:51:55 Connecting with WiFiManager. 8/09/18 11:51:58 MDNS responder started 8/09/18 11:51:58 You can now connect to http://Iota1.local 8/09/18 11:51:58 HTTP server started 8/09/18 11:51:58 dataLog: service started. 8/09/18 11:51:58 dataLog: Last log entry 8/9/18 11:43:50 8/09/18 11:51:59 statService: started. 8/09/18 11:51:59 timeSync: service started. 8/09/18 11:51:59 WiFi connected. SSID: IoTaNetwork, IP: 8/09/18 11:51:59 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is NONE 8/09/18 11:51:59 historyLog: service started. 8/09/18 11:52:23 historyLog: Last log entry 7/13/18 23:21:00 8/09/18 11:52:23 influxDB: started. 8/09/18 11:52:26 influxDB: Start posting from 8/9/18 10:55:00 8/09/18 11:58:22 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 11:58:25 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 11:58:28 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 11:59:14 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 11:59:21 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 11:59:23 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 11:59:25 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 11:59:28 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 11:59:30 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 11:59:31 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:00:39 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:00:43 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:00:46 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:00:49 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:00:53 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:00:56 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:00:59 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:01:03 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:01:10 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:01:19 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:01:22 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:01:26 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:01:32 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:01:36 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:03:06 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:03:21 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:05:05 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:05:25 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:05:39 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:11:33 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:12:10 New passwords saved. 8/09/18 12:12:36 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:12:59 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:20:16 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:20:34 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:20:53 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:21:25 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:21:46 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:22:07 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:22:26 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 12:22:39 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 13:19:15 WiFi disconnected. 8/09/18 13:22:48 WiFi connected. SSID: IoTaNetwork, IP: 8/09/18 16:46:55 WiFi disconnected. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/09/18 21:57:57z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1533851877 8/09/18 21:57:57z Power failure detected. 8/09/18 21:57:57z Version 02_03_10 8/09/18 21:57:57z Reset reason: External System 8/09/18 21:57:57z Trace: 144:158[95], 130:30[137], 117:150[190], 177:142[198], 203:126[142], 104:93[188], 251:23[64], 82:132[180], 145:75[156], 19:88[33], 158:177[138], 60:19[48], 162:39[177], 161:222[184], 158:36[138], 197:53[182], 163:83[100], 106:152[214], 150:229[203], 202:108[64], 195:122[151], 132:39[212], 79:254[101], 78:117[223], 172:37[134], 212:160[11], 190:59[48], 254:27[88], 72:50[184], 33:53[147], 12:25[3], 85:102[1] 8/09/18 21:57:57z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910711 8/09/18 16:57:57 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 16:57:57 Local time zone: -5 8/09/18 16:57:57 device name: Iota1, version: 3 8/09/18 16:58:00 Connecting with WiFiManager. 8/09/18 16:58:03 MDNS responder started 8/09/18 16:58:03 You can now connect to http://Iota1.local 8/09/18 16:58:03 HTTP server started 8/09/18 16:58:03 dataLog: service started. 8/09/18 16:58:03 dataLog: Last log entry 8/9/18 16:56:40 8/09/18 16:58:04 statService: started. 8/09/18 16:58:04 timeSync: service started. 8/09/18 16:58:04 WiFi connected. SSID: IoTaNetwork, IP: 8/09/18 16:58:04 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is NONE 8/09/18 16:58:04 historyLog: service started. 8/09/18 16:58:28 historyLog: Last log entry 7/13/18 23:21:00 8/09/18 16:58:28 influxDB: started. 8/09/18 16:58:30 influxDB: Start posting from 8/9/18 16:47:00 8/09/18 17:42:06 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 17:42:13 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 17:42:20 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 17:42:46 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 17:42:58 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 17:43:05 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 17:43:17 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 17:43:27 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 17:43:41 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 17:47:56 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 17:48:07 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 17:48:16 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 17:48:24 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 17:48:33 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 17:48:42 EmonService: Invalid configuration. 8/09/18 18:12:55 EmonService: Invalid configuration.