Thanks for your help. The input save worked for about a minute when I came back to it, then started erroring again.
The LED is mostly a steady green (sometimes flashing a little brighter). The status screen does update.
Status page:
Message log:
ESP8266 ChipID: 2528219
IoTaWatt 4.x, Firmware version 02_04_00
SPIFFS mounted.
Local time zone: +0:00
device name: IotaWatt
Connecting with WiFiManager.
** Restart **
SD initialized.
Real Time Clock not initialized.
Reset reason: Power on
Trace: 142:225[51], 199:51[59], 73:239[116], 170:128[26], 180:141[45], 232:16[184], 5:244[232], 217:150[85], 218:5[249], 150:193[245], 67:207[58], 44:164[46], 225:188[99], 43:196[201], 196:91[250], 124:17[11], 44:215[187], 113:150[247], 64:145[249], 1:142[119], 172:146[150], 156:104[82], 158:189[68], 30:114[117], 33:108[94], 199:242[79], 194:223[60], 113:20[107], 140:83[55], 126:110[32], 3:143[176], 180:36[200]
ESP8266 ChipID: 2528219
IoTaWatt 4.x, Firmware version 02_04_00
SPIFFS mounted.
Local time zone: +0:00
device name: IotaWatt
Connecting with WiFiManager.
RTC not running, waiting for WiFi.
MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt
LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt
HTTP server started
WiFi connected. SSID=ATT22WAX7Q, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -63db
timeSync: service started.
statService: started.
Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA
6/04/19 18:32:05z timeSync: RTC initalized to NTP time
6/04/19 18:32:05z dataLog: service started.
6/04/19 18:32:05z dataLog: New current log created.
6/04/19 18:32:08z Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA.
6/04/19 18:34:05z historyLog: service started.
6/04/19 18:34:05z historyLog: first entry 06/04/19 18:33:00
6/04/19 15:07:29 Updater: Auto-update class changed to MINOR
6/04/19 15:07:30 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR.
6/05/19 17:10:14 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11
6/05/19 19:10:17 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4
6/06/19 13:12:04 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11
6/06/19 14:28:05 Restart command received.
** Restart **
SD initialized.
6/06/19 18:28:07z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1559845687
6/06/19 18:28:07z Reset reason: Software/System restart
6/06/19 18:28:07z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1[1], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3
6/06/19 18:28:07z ESP8266 ChipID: 2528219
6/06/19 18:28:07z IoTaWatt 4.x, Firmware version 02_04_00
6/06/19 18:28:07z SPIFFS mounted.
6/06/19 14:28:08 Local time zone: -5:00
6/06/19 14:28:08 Using Daylight Saving Time (BST) when in effect.
6/06/19 14:28:08 device name: IotaWatt
6/06/19 14:28:08 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt
6/06/19 14:28:08 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt
6/06/19 14:28:08 HTTP server started
6/06/19 14:28:08 timeSync: service started.
6/06/19 14:28:09 statService: started.
6/06/19 14:28:09 dataLog: service started.
6/06/19 14:28:09 dataLog: Last log entry 06/06/19 14:28:05
6/06/19 14:28:09 historyLog: service started.
6/06/19 14:28:09 historyLog: Last log entry 06/06/19 14:28:00
6/06/19 14:28:15 WiFi connected. SSID=ATT22WAX7Q, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -59db
6/06/19 14:28:15 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
6/06/19 14:28:16 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR.