Solid Red Light

Hi IoTa Watt community!

Been enjoying my new IoTaWatt since getting it new a few months ago, amazing device and features! But upon checking my Emoncms stats today I noticed the last update was 26 hrs ago. Upon inspection of the device, it had a solid red light - not a signal mentioned in the support documentation. Tried a few power cycles, but to no avail. Any tips on how to recover the device?



Solid red isthe same as solid green, except that there is no WiFi connection. So the unit is monitoring and recording data, and will upload when a WiFi connection is restored.

Check your router to see if it is working properly.

If you power cycle the IoTaWatt, the LED should blink red-green-green for three minutes before turning solid red. During that three minutes, it is in AP mode and you can connect to it as in the documentation for a new unit. When you connect you can see the WiFi networks that are available, select one and provide the password.

Thank you for your reply.

I can confirm the SSID I use for my IoT network was available and everything else on the same SSID was connected OK.

The light was solid red immediately after power-on. I just opened the box up and re-seated the SD card, and everything has come good. Bit weird, but glad it is working again.

Weird isn’t a technical term I subscribe to. SD issues should manifest with specific LED codes. If your Emoncms recovered with data from the solid red period, it wasn’t the SD card. Could you post the message log so I can see what might have happened?

Emoncms is missing the data.

Here is the message log - note it was 5/06/20 17:54:56 when I re-seated the SD card and tried again.

4/28/20 08:25:11 EmonService: query open failed.
4/28/20 08:26:11 EmonService: query open failed.
4/28/20 08:27:08 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 08:27:12 EmonService: Start posting at 04/28/20 07:57:00
4/28/20 08:27:12 PVoutput: System Owarra Solar, interval 5, freeload mode
4/28/20 08:27:12 PVoutput: Start status beginning 04/28/20 08:15:00
4/28/20 09:27:14 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 10:27:20 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 11:27:26 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 12:27:32 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 13:14:08 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
4/28/20 03:14:10z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1588043650
4/28/20 03:14:10z Reset reason: Software/System restart
4/28/20 03:14:10z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[3], 3:0, 3:11, 1:6, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[3], 3:0, 3:11, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21], 21:0, 21:1, 21:10, 21:10
4/28/20 03:14:10z ESP8266 ChipID: 6145636
4/28/20 03:14:10z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_05_08
4/28/20 03:14:10z SPIFFS mounted.
4/28/20 13:14:10 Local time zone: +10:00
4/28/20 13:14:10 device name: IotaWatt
4/28/20 13:14:10 HTTP server started
4/28/20 13:14:10 timeSync: service started.
4/28/20 13:14:10 statService: started.
4/28/20 13:14:10 dataLog: service started.
4/28/20 13:14:10 dataLog: Last log entry 04/28/20 13:14:05
4/28/20 13:14:10 historyLog: service started.
4/28/20 13:14:11 historyLog: Last log entry 04/28/20 13:14:00
4/28/20 13:14:15 EmonService: started. url=HTTP://, node=IotaWatt, interval=10, encrypted
4/28/20 13:14:20 PVoutput: started
4/28/20 13:14:47 WiFi connected. SSID=dotheevolution, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -81db
4/28/20 13:14:47 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt
4/28/20 13:14:47 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt
4/28/20 13:14:47 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
4/28/20 13:14:49 PVoutput: System Owarra Solar, interval 5, freeload mode
4/28/20 13:15:00 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 13:15:06 PVoutput: Start status beginning 04/28/20 13:10:00
4/28/20 13:15:11 EmonService: Start posting at 04/28/20 13:12:10
4/28/20 14:15:06 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 15:15:13 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 15:29:16 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
4/28/20 05:29:17z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1588051757
4/28/20 05:29:17z Reset reason: Software/System restart
4/28/20 05:29:17z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[3], 3:0, 3:11, 1:6, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[3], 3:0, 3:11, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21], 21:0, 21:1, 21:10, 21:10
4/28/20 05:29:17z ESP8266 ChipID: 6145636
4/28/20 05:29:17z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_05_08
4/28/20 05:29:17z SPIFFS mounted.
4/28/20 15:29:17 Local time zone: +10:00
4/28/20 15:29:17 device name: IotaWatt
4/28/20 15:29:17 HTTP server started
4/28/20 15:29:17 timeSync: service started.
4/28/20 15:29:17 statService: started.
4/28/20 15:29:17 dataLog: service started.
4/28/20 15:29:17 dataLog: Last log entry 04/28/20 15:29:15
4/28/20 15:29:17 historyLog: service started.
4/28/20 15:29:18 historyLog: Last log entry 04/28/20 15:29:00
4/28/20 15:29:22 EmonService: started. url=HTTP://, node=IotaWatt, interval=10, encrypted
4/28/20 15:29:27 PVoutput: started
4/28/20 15:29:30 WiFi connected. SSID=dotheevolution, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -80db
4/28/20 15:29:30 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt
4/28/20 15:29:30 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt
4/28/20 15:29:30 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
4/28/20 15:29:30 PVoutput: System Owarra Solar, interval 5, freeload mode
4/28/20 15:29:31 EmonService: Start posting at 04/28/20 15:28:20
4/28/20 15:29:31 PVoutput: Start status beginning 04/28/20 15:25:00
4/28/20 15:29:35 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 16:29:41 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 17:29:47 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 18:29:53 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 19:29:59 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 20:30:05 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 21:30:11 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 22:30:17 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/28/20 23:30:23 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/29/20 00:30:29 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/29/20 01:30:35 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/29/20 02:30:41 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/29/20 03:30:47 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/29/20 04:30:53 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/29/20 05:30:59 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/29/20 06:31:05 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/29/20 07:31:11 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/29/20 08:31:17 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/29/20 09:31:23 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/29/20 10:31:29 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/29/20 11:31:35 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/29/20 12:31:42 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.
4/29/20 13:31:48 Updater: Unrecognized auto-update class MINOR.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
5/01/20 22:19:22z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1588371562
5/01/20 22:19:22z Power failure detected.
5/01/20 22:19:22z Reset reason: External System
5/01/20 22:19:22z ESP8266 ChipID: 6145636
5/01/20 22:19:22z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_05_08
5/01/20 22:19:22z SPIFFS mounted.
5/02/20 08:19:22 Local time zone: +10:00
5/02/20 08:19:22 device name: IotaWatt
5/02/20 08:19:25 HTTP server started
5/02/20 08:19:25 WiFi connected. SSID=dotheevolution, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -70db
5/02/20 08:19:25 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt
5/02/20 08:19:25 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt
5/02/20 08:19:25 timeSync: service started.
5/02/20 08:19:35 statService: started.
5/02/20 08:19:35 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
5/02/20 08:19:35 dataLog: service started.
5/02/20 08:19:35 dataLog: Last log entry 05/02/20 08:19:10
5/02/20 08:19:35 EmonService: started. url=HTTP://, node=IotaWatt, interval=10, encrypted
5/02/20 08:19:36 historyLog: service started.
5/02/20 08:19:36 historyLog: Last log entry 05/02/20 08:19:00
5/02/20 08:19:46 PVoutput: started
5/02/20 08:19:50 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4
5/02/20 08:20:30 PVoutput: System Owarra Solar, interval 5, freeload mode
5/02/20 08:20:30 PVoutput: Start status beginning 05/02/20 08:15:00
5/02/20 08:20:34 EmonService: Start posting at 05/02/20 08:19:10
5/02/20 09:19:42 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR.
5/04/20 17:25:43 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11

** Restart **

SD initialized.
5/06/20 07:54:56z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1588751696
5/06/20 07:54:56z Power failure detected.
5/06/20 07:54:56z Reset reason: External System
5/06/20 07:54:56z ESP8266 ChipID: 6145636
5/06/20 07:54:56z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_05_08
5/06/20 07:54:56z SPIFFS mounted.
5/06/20 17:54:56 Local time zone: +10:00
5/06/20 17:54:56 device name: IotaWatt
5/06/20 17:54:59 HTTP server started
5/06/20 17:54:59 WiFi connected. SSID=dotheevolution, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -47db
5/06/20 17:54:59 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt
5/06/20 17:54:59 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt
5/06/20 17:54:59 timeSync: service started.
5/06/20 17:54:59 statService: started.
5/06/20 17:54:59 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
5/06/20 17:54:59 dataLog: service started.
5/06/20 17:55:00 dataLog: Last log entry 05/05/20 14:31:40
5/06/20 17:55:00 historyLog: service started.
5/06/20 17:55:00 historyLog: Last log entry 05/05/20 14:31:00
5/06/20 17:55:01 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR.
5/06/20 17:55:04 EmonService: started. url=HTTP://, node=IotaWatt, interval=10, encrypted
5/06/20 17:55:05 EmonService: Start posting at 05/05/20 14:31:10
5/06/20 17:55:09 PVoutput: started
5/06/20 17:55:09 PVoutput: System Owarra Solar, interval 5, freeload mode
5/06/20 17:55:10 PVoutput: Start status beginning 05/05/20 14:30:00

Thanks. I can see that your PVoutput stopped on the 5th at 2:35pm and resumed on the 6th at 5:55 for about 35 minutes, then nothing until today (your time) at 10:40am. So something happened around 6:30pm yesterday to stop again.

You say you power cycled several times during the downtime, and that there is no record of that in the log does indicate that the SDcard was probably not working. That said, checking the SDcard is one of the first things iot does at startup, and there are specific LED sequences to indicate problems. So I’m not so much puzzled by an SDcard issue as I am a possible failure to detect it and produce a diagnostic LED sequence. The Serial output would have provided more information, but that’s not a field diagnostic.

If you continue to have problems, please check back in as I would like to get to the bottom of this if it happens again. Thanks again and sorry you lost a day’s worth of monitoring.