** Restart ** No clock yet: statService: started. No clock yet: timeSync: service started. 6/25/18 07:49:54 timeSync: RTC initalized to NTP time 6/25/18 07:49:54 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 6/25/18 07:50:54 historyLog: service started. 6/25/18 07:50:54 historyLog: first entry:1529913000 6/25/18 07:51:30 Restart command received. ** Restart ** No clock yet: SD initialized. 6/25/18 07:51:31 Real Time Clock is running. Unix time: 1529913091 6/25/18 07:51:31 Version: 02_02_30 6/25/18 07:51:31 Reset reason: Software/System restart 6/25/18 07:51:31 Trace: 13,14,13,14,13,14,13,14,13,14,13,14,13,14,13,14,13,14,13,14,13,14,13,14,13,14,13,14,13,14,13,108 6/25/18 07:51:31 ESP8266 ChipID:6902608 6/25/18 09:51:31 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 6/25/18 09:51:31 Local time zone: 2 6/25/18 09:51:31 Updater: Update from 02_02_30 to 02_03_08 6/25/18 09:51:51 Updater: Update downloaded and signature verified 6/25/18 09:51:57 Updater: firmware upgraded to version 02_03_08 6/25/18 09:51:57 Firmware updated, restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 6/25/18 07:52:04z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1529913124 6/25/18 07:52:04z Version 02_03_08 6/25/18 07:52:04z Updater: Installing update files for version 02_03_08 6/25/18 07:52:04z Updater: Installing GRAPH.HTM 6/25/18 07:52:04z Updater: Installing GRAPH.JS 6/25/18 07:52:04z Updater: Installing INDEX.HTM 6/25/18 07:52:05z Updater: Installing TABLES.TXT 6/25/18 07:52:05z Updater: Installing CNFSTYLE.CSS 6/25/18 07:52:05z Updater: Installing EDIT.HTM 6/25/18 07:52:05z Updater: Installation complete. 6/25/18 07:52:05z Reset reason: Software/System restart 6/25/18 07:52:05z Trace: 33:0, 34:0, 35:0, 36:0, 37:0, 38:0, 39:0, 40:0, 41:0, 42:0, 43:0, 44:0, 45:0, 46:0, 47:0, 48:0, 49:0, 50:0, 51:0, 52:0, 53:0, 22:0, 23:0, 24:0, 25:0, 26:0, 27:0, 28:0, 29:0, 30:0, 31:0, 32:0 6/25/18 07:52:05z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 6/25/18 09:52:06 Local time zone: 2 6/25/18 09:52:06 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 6/25/18 09:52:08 MDNS responder started 6/25/18 09:52:09 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 6/25/18 09:52:09 HTTP server started 6/25/18 09:52:09 dataLog: service started. 6/25/18 09:52:09 dataLog: Last log entry 6/25/18 09:51:30 6/25/18 09:52:09 statService: started. 6/25/18 09:52:09 timeSync: service started. 6/25/18 09:52:09 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 6/25/18 09:52:09 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 6/25/18 09:52:09 historyLog: service started. 6/25/18 09:52:09 historyLog: Last log entry 6/25/18 09:51:00 6/25/18 09:52:10 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 6/25/18 10:35:47z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1529922947 6/25/18 10:35:47z Power failure detected. 6/25/18 10:35:47z Version 02_03_08 6/25/18 10:35:47z Reset reason: External System 6/25/18 10:35:47z Trace: 7:160, 166:114, 185:78, 138:48, 75:199, 3:203, 179:161, 23:104, 135:92, 16:86, 183:176, 189:207, 85:125, 222:123, 122:62, 13:93, 163:226, 145:134, 71:218, 3:159, 112:146, 86:255, 52:146, 40:71, 226:27, 86:199, 159:214, 117:205, 35:200, 32:196, 16:27, 96:249 6/25/18 10:35:47z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 6/25/18 12:35:47 Local time zone: 2 6/25/18 12:35:47 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 6/25/18 12:35:50 Connecting with WiFiManager. 6/25/18 12:35:53 MDNS responder started 6/25/18 12:35:53 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 6/25/18 12:35:53 HTTP server started 6/25/18 12:35:53 dataLog: service started. 6/25/18 12:35:53 dataLog: Last log entry 6/25/18 11:24:25 6/25/18 12:35:53 statService: started. 6/25/18 12:35:53 timeSync: service started. 6/25/18 12:35:53 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 6/25/18 12:35:53 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 6/25/18 12:35:53 historyLog: service started. 6/25/18 12:35:53 historyLog: Last log entry 6/25/18 11:24:00 6/25/18 12:35:55 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 6/25/18 12:51:56 influxDB: started. 6/25/18 12:51:57 influxDB: Start posting from 6/25/18 12:52:00 6/25/18 13:49:57 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 6/25/18 13:49:59 EmonService: Node doesn't yet exist. 6/25/18 13:49:59 EmonService: Start posting at 6/25/18 13:50:05 6/25/18 13:49:59 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 6/25/18 13:49:55 6/25/18 13:50:26 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 6/25/18 13:50:27 EmonService: Node doesn't yet exist. 6/25/18 13:50:27 EmonService: Start posting at 6/25/18 09:50:05 6/26/18 09:04:03 WiFi disconnected. 6/26/18 09:04:06 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 6/26/18 09:07:15 influxDB: Post Failed: -4 6/26/18 09:27:22 EmonService: retry count 10 6/26/18 09:36:36 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4 6/26/18 09:37:00 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4 6/26/18 09:37:27 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4 6/26/18 09:38:01 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4 6/26/18 09:38:29 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4 6/26/18 09:38:58 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4 6/26/18 09:39:33 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4 6/26/18 09:40:01 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4 6/26/18 09:40:29 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 6/26/18 07:40:42z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1529998842 6/26/18 07:40:42z Power failure detected. 6/26/18 07:40:42z Version 02_03_08 6/26/18 07:40:42z Reset reason: External System 6/26/18 07:40:42z Trace: 7:160, 166:242, 185:206, 139:58, 75:199, 3:203, 178:161, 7:224, 135:92, 16:126, 182:184, 185:207, 85:125, 238:123, 250:62, 13:93, 227:226, 129:150, 71:222, 67:158, 112:146, 86:255, 60:146, 40:71, 226:43, 62:199, 159:214, 117:237, 35:200, 32:197, 18:23, 96:185 6/26/18 07:40:42z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 6/26/18 09:40:42 Local time zone: 2 6/26/18 09:40:42 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 6/26/18 09:40:45 MDNS responder started 6/26/18 09:40:45 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 6/26/18 09:40:45 HTTP server started 6/26/18 09:40:45 dataLog: service started. 6/26/18 09:40:45 dataLog: Last log entry 6/26/18 09:40:35 6/26/18 09:40:45 statService: started. 6/26/18 09:40:45 timeSync: service started. 6/26/18 09:40:45 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 6/26/18 09:40:45 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 6/26/18 09:40:45 historyLog: service started. 6/26/18 09:40:45 historyLog: Last log entry 6/26/18 09:40:00 6/26/18 09:40:47 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 6/26/18 09:40:50 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 6/26/18 09:40:50 influxDB: started. 6/26/18 09:40:51 EmonService: Start posting at 6/26/18 09:04:00 6/26/18 09:40:51 influxDB: Start posting from 6/26/18 09:04:00 6/26/18 09:43:20 influxDB: started. 6/26/18 09:43:20 influxDB: Start posting from 6/26/18 09:43:20 6/26/18 09:43:54 influxDB: started. 6/26/18 09:43:55 influxDB: Start posting from 6/26/18 09:43:55 6/26/18 09:44:12 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 6/26/18 09:44:13 EmonService: Start posting at 6/26/18 09:44:20 6/26/18 13:53:30 influxDB: Post Failed: -4 6/26/18 14:03:10 influxDB: started. 6/26/18 14:03:11 influxDB: Start posting from 6/26/18 14:03:10 6/27/18 02:41:46 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 6/27/18 02:49:25 WiFi disconnected. 6/27/18 02:49:29 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: ** Restart ** SD initialized. 6/28/18 14:43:51z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1530197031 6/28/18 14:43:51z Power failure detected. 6/28/18 14:43:51z Version 02_03_08 6/28/18 14:43:51z Reset reason: External System 6/28/18 14:43:51z Trace: 7:160, 166:114, 185:78, 138:56, 91:199, 35:203, 178:161, 23:224, 135:88, 16:86, 182:184, 189:207, 81:125, 222:251, 250:62, 13:93, 163:226, 144:130, 71:222, 3:157, 112:146, 118:255, 52:146, 40:71, 226:43, 82:199, 159:214, 119:237, 35:202, 32:196, 16:31, 96:249 6/28/18 14:43:51z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 6/28/18 16:43:51 Local time zone: 2 6/28/18 16:43:51 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 6/28/18 16:43:54 Connecting with WiFiManager. 6/28/18 16:43:57 MDNS responder started 6/28/18 16:43:57 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 6/28/18 16:43:57 HTTP server started 6/28/18 16:43:57 dataLog: service started. 6/28/18 16:43:57 dataLog: Last log entry 6/28/18 16:11:25 6/28/18 16:43:57 statService: started. 6/28/18 16:43:57 timeSync: service started. 6/28/18 16:43:57 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 6/28/18 16:43:57 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 6/28/18 16:43:57 historyLog: service started. 6/28/18 16:43:57 historyLog: Last log entry 6/28/18 16:11:00 6/28/18 16:43:59 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 6/28/18 16:44:02 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 6/28/18 16:44:02 influxDB: started. 6/28/18 16:44:03 EmonService: Start posting at 6/28/18 16:11:30 6/28/18 16:44:03 influxDB: Start posting from 6/28/18 16:11:30 6/29/18 01:44:57 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/01/18 11:45:03 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/03/18 08:45:09 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/05/18 20:45:18 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/06/18 10:11:30 influxDB: Post Failed: -14 7/08/18 00:45:23 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/10/18 04:45:28 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/11/18 16:18:13 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/11/18 14:18:15z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531318695 7/11/18 14:18:15z Version 02_03_08 7/11/18 14:18:15z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/11/18 14:18:15z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1, 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 7/11/18 14:18:15z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/11/18 16:18:15 Local time zone: 2 7/11/18 16:18:15 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/11/18 16:18:18 MDNS responder started 7/11/18 16:18:18 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/11/18 16:18:18 HTTP server started 7/11/18 16:18:18 dataLog: service started. 7/11/18 16:18:18 dataLog: Last log entry 7/11/18 16:18:10 7/11/18 16:18:18 statService: started. 7/11/18 16:18:18 timeSync: service started. 7/11/18 16:18:18 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/11/18 16:18:18 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/11/18 16:18:18 historyLog: service started. 7/11/18 16:18:18 historyLog: Last log entry 7/11/18 16:18:00 7/11/18 16:18:20 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/11/18 16:18:23 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/11/18 16:18:23 influxDB: started. 7/11/18 16:18:24 EmonService: Start posting at 7/11/18 16:18:20 7/11/18 16:18:25 influxDB: Start posting from 7/11/18 16:18:15 7/11/18 16:19:38 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/11/18 14:19:41z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531318781 7/11/18 14:19:41z Version 02_03_08 7/11/18 14:19:41z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/11/18 14:19:41z Trace: 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 7/11/18 14:19:41z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/11/18 16:19:41 Local time zone: 2 7/11/18 16:19:41 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/11/18 16:19:44 MDNS responder started 7/11/18 16:19:44 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/11/18 16:19:44 HTTP server started 7/11/18 16:19:44 dataLog: service started. 7/11/18 16:19:44 dataLog: Last log entry 7/11/18 16:19:35 7/11/18 16:19:44 statService: started. 7/11/18 16:19:44 timeSync: service started. 7/11/18 16:19:44 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/11/18 16:19:44 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/11/18 16:19:44 historyLog: service started. 7/11/18 16:19:44 historyLog: Last log entry 7/11/18 16:19:00 7/11/18 16:19:46 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/11/18 16:19:49 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/11/18 16:19:49 influxDB: started. 7/11/18 16:19:50 EmonService: Start posting at 7/11/18 16:19:40 7/11/18 16:19:50 influxDB: Start posting from 7/11/18 16:19:40 7/11/18 16:21:40 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/11/18 14:21:43z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531318903 7/11/18 14:21:43z Version 02_03_08 7/11/18 14:21:43z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/11/18 14:21:43z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1, 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 7/11/18 14:21:43z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/11/18 16:21:43 Local time zone: 2 7/11/18 16:21:43 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/11/18 16:21:46 MDNS responder started 7/11/18 16:21:46 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/11/18 16:21:46 HTTP server started 7/11/18 16:21:46 dataLog: service started. 7/11/18 16:21:46 dataLog: Last log entry 7/11/18 16:21:40 7/11/18 16:21:46 statService: started. 7/11/18 16:21:46 timeSync: service started. 7/11/18 16:21:46 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/11/18 16:21:46 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/11/18 16:21:46 historyLog: service started. 7/11/18 16:21:46 historyLog: Last log entry 7/11/18 16:21:00 7/11/18 16:21:48 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/11/18 16:21:51 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/11/18 16:21:51 influxDB: started. 7/11/18 16:21:52 EmonService: Start posting at 7/11/18 16:21:50 7/11/18 16:21:52 influxDB: Start posting from 7/11/18 16:21:40 7/11/18 19:50:39 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/11/18 17:50:41z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531331441 7/11/18 17:50:41z Version 02_03_08 7/11/18 17:50:41z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/11/18 17:50:41z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1, 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 7/11/18 17:50:41z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/11/18 19:50:41 Local time zone: 2 7/11/18 19:50:41 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/11/18 19:50:44 Connecting with WiFiManager. 7/11/18 19:50:47 MDNS responder started 7/11/18 19:50:47 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/11/18 19:50:47 HTTP server started 7/11/18 19:50:47 dataLog: service started. 7/11/18 19:50:47 dataLog: Last log entry 7/11/18 19:50:35 7/11/18 19:50:47 statService: started. 7/11/18 19:50:47 timeSync: service started. 7/11/18 19:50:47 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/11/18 19:50:47 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/11/18 19:50:47 historyLog: service started. 7/11/18 19:50:48 historyLog: Last log entry 7/11/18 19:50:00 7/11/18 19:50:49 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/11/18 19:50:52 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/11/18 19:50:52 influxDB: started. 7/11/18 19:50:53 EmonService: Start posting at 7/11/18 19:50:40 7/11/18 19:50:54 influxDB: Start posting from 7/11/18 19:50:40 7/12/18 04:51:47 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/12/18 11:20:49 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/12/18 09:20:50z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531387250 7/12/18 09:20:50z Version 02_03_08 7/12/18 09:20:50z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/12/18 09:20:50z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1, 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 7/12/18 09:20:50z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/12/18 11:20:50 Local time zone: 2 7/12/18 11:20:50 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/12/18 11:20:53 MDNS responder started 7/12/18 11:20:53 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/12/18 11:20:53 HTTP server started 7/12/18 11:20:53 dataLog: service started. 7/12/18 11:20:53 dataLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 11:20:45 7/12/18 11:20:53 statService: started. 7/12/18 11:20:53 timeSync: service started. 7/12/18 11:20:53 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/12/18 11:20:53 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/12/18 11:20:53 historyLog: service started. 7/12/18 11:20:53 historyLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 11:20:00 7/12/18 11:20:55 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/12/18 11:20:58 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/12/18 11:20:58 influxDB: started. 7/12/18 11:20:59 EmonService: Start posting at 7/12/18 11:20:50 7/12/18 11:21:00 influxDB: Start posting from 7/12/18 11:20:50 7/12/18 11:22:17 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/12/18 09:22:18z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531387338 7/12/18 09:22:18z Version 02_03_08 7/12/18 09:22:18z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/12/18 09:22:18z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1, 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 7/12/18 09:22:18z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/12/18 11:22:18 Local time zone: 2 7/12/18 11:22:18 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/12/18 11:22:21 MDNS responder started 7/12/18 11:22:21 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/12/18 11:22:21 HTTP server started 7/12/18 11:22:21 dataLog: service started. 7/12/18 11:22:21 dataLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 11:22:15 7/12/18 11:22:21 statService: started. 7/12/18 11:22:21 timeSync: service started. 7/12/18 11:22:21 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/12/18 11:22:21 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/12/18 11:22:21 historyLog: service started. 7/12/18 11:22:21 historyLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 11:22:00 7/12/18 11:22:23 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/12/18 11:22:26 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/12/18 11:22:26 influxDB: started. 7/12/18 11:22:27 EmonService: Start posting at 7/12/18 11:22:20 7/12/18 11:22:27 influxDB: Start posting from 7/12/18 11:22:20 7/12/18 12:01:32 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/12/18 10:01:34z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531389694 7/12/18 10:01:34z Version 02_03_08 7/12/18 10:01:34z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/12/18 10:01:34z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1, 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 7/12/18 10:01:34z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/12/18 12:01:34 Local time zone: 2 7/12/18 12:01:34 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/12/18 12:01:34 MDNS responder started 7/12/18 12:01:34 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/12/18 12:01:34 HTTP server started 7/12/18 12:01:34 dataLog: service started. 7/12/18 12:01:34 dataLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 12:01:30 7/12/18 12:01:34 statService: started. 7/12/18 12:01:34 timeSync: service started. 7/12/18 12:01:34 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/12/18 12:01:34 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/12/18 12:01:34 historyLog: service started. 7/12/18 12:01:34 historyLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 12:01:00 7/12/18 12:01:39 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/12/18 12:01:39 influxDB: started. 7/12/18 12:01:40 EmonService: Start posting at 7/12/18 12:01:40 7/12/18 12:01:42 influxDB: Start posting from 7/12/18 12:01:35 7/12/18 12:01:51 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/12/18 15:44:39 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/12/18 13:44:40z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531403080 7/12/18 13:44:40z Version 02_03_08 7/12/18 13:44:40z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/12/18 13:44:40z Trace: 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1, 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 7/12/18 13:44:40z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/12/18 15:44:40 Local time zone: 2 7/12/18 15:44:40 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/12/18 15:44:40 MDNS responder started 7/12/18 15:44:40 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/12/18 15:44:40 HTTP server started 7/12/18 15:44:40 dataLog: service started. 7/12/18 15:44:40 dataLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 15:44:35 7/12/18 15:44:40 statService: started. 7/12/18 15:44:40 timeSync: service started. 7/12/18 15:44:40 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/12/18 15:44:40 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/12/18 15:44:40 historyLog: service started. 7/12/18 15:44:41 historyLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 15:44:00 7/12/18 15:44:45 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/12/18 15:44:45 influxDB: started. 7/12/18 15:44:46 EmonService: Start posting at 7/12/18 15:44:40 7/12/18 15:44:48 influxDB: Start posting from 7/12/18 15:44:40 7/12/18 15:44:58 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/12/18 15:49:26 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/12/18 13:49:27z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531403367 7/12/18 13:49:27z Version 02_03_08 7/12/18 13:49:27z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/12/18 13:49:27z Trace: 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1, 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1, 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 7/12/18 13:49:27z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/12/18 15:49:27 Local time zone: 2 7/12/18 15:49:27 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/12/18 15:49:27 MDNS responder started 7/12/18 15:49:27 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/12/18 15:49:27 HTTP server started 7/12/18 15:49:27 dataLog: service started. 7/12/18 15:49:27 dataLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 15:49:25 7/12/18 15:49:27 statService: started. 7/12/18 15:49:27 timeSync: service started. 7/12/18 15:49:27 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/12/18 15:49:27 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/12/18 15:49:27 historyLog: service started. 7/12/18 15:49:28 historyLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 15:49:00 7/12/18 15:49:32 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/12/18 15:49:32 influxDB: started. 7/12/18 15:49:33 EmonService: Start posting at 7/12/18 15:49:30 7/12/18 15:49:33 influxDB: Start posting from 7/12/18 15:49:30 7/12/18 15:49:44 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/12/18 16:12:42 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/12/18 14:12:43z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531404763 7/12/18 14:12:43z Version 02_03_08 7/12/18 14:12:43z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/12/18 14:12:43z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1, 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 7/12/18 14:12:43z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/12/18 16:12:43 Local time zone: 2 7/12/18 16:12:43 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/12/18 16:12:46 MDNS responder started 7/12/18 16:12:46 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/12/18 16:12:46 HTTP server started 7/12/18 16:12:46 dataLog: service started. 7/12/18 16:12:46 dataLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 16:12:40 7/12/18 16:12:46 statService: started. 7/12/18 16:12:46 timeSync: service started. 7/12/18 16:12:46 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/12/18 16:12:46 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/12/18 16:12:46 historyLog: service started. 7/12/18 16:12:46 historyLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 16:12:00 7/12/18 16:12:48 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/12/18 16:12:51 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/12/18 16:12:51 influxDB: started. 7/12/18 16:12:52 EmonService: Start posting at 7/12/18 16:12:50 7/12/18 16:12:53 influxDB: Start posting from 7/12/18 16:12:45 7/12/18 16:34:42 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/12/18 14:34:43z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531406083 7/12/18 14:34:43z Version 02_03_08 7/12/18 14:34:43z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/12/18 14:34:43z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1, 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 7/12/18 14:34:43z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/12/18 16:34:43 Local time zone: 2 7/12/18 16:34:43 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/12/18 16:34:46 MDNS responder started 7/12/18 16:34:46 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/12/18 16:34:46 HTTP server started 7/12/18 16:34:46 dataLog: service started. 7/12/18 16:34:46 dataLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 16:34:40 7/12/18 16:34:46 statService: started. 7/12/18 16:34:46 timeSync: service started. 7/12/18 16:34:46 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/12/18 16:34:46 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/12/18 16:34:46 historyLog: service started. 7/12/18 16:34:46 historyLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 16:34:00 7/12/18 16:34:48 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/12/18 16:34:51 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/12/18 16:34:51 influxDB: started. 7/12/18 16:34:52 EmonService: Start posting at 7/12/18 16:34:50 7/12/18 16:34:53 influxDB: Start posting from 7/12/18 16:34:45 7/12/18 18:35:51 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/12/18 16:35:52z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531413352 7/12/18 16:35:52z Version 02_03_08 7/12/18 16:35:52z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/12/18 16:35:52z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1, 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 7/12/18 16:35:52z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/12/18 18:35:52 Local time zone: 2 7/12/18 18:35:52 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/12/18 18:35:55 MDNS responder started 7/12/18 18:35:55 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/12/18 18:35:55 HTTP server started 7/12/18 18:35:55 dataLog: service started. 7/12/18 18:35:55 dataLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 18:35:50 7/12/18 18:35:55 statService: started. 7/12/18 18:35:55 timeSync: service started. 7/12/18 18:35:55 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/12/18 18:35:55 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/12/18 18:35:55 historyLog: service started. 7/12/18 18:35:55 historyLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 18:35:00 7/12/18 18:35:57 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/12/18 18:36:00 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/12/18 18:36:00 influxDB: started. 7/12/18 18:36:01 EmonService: Start posting at 7/12/18 18:36:00 7/12/18 18:36:03 influxDB: Start posting from 7/12/18 18:35:55 7/12/18 20:02:00 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/12/18 18:02:01z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531418521 7/12/18 18:02:01z Version 02_03_08 7/12/18 18:02:01z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/12/18 18:02:01z Trace: 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 3:0, 3:6, 3:6, 3:6, 3:6, 3:6, 3:6, 1:6, 1:1, 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 7/12/18 18:02:01z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/12/18 20:02:01 Local time zone: 2 7/12/18 20:02:01 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/12/18 20:02:04 MDNS responder started 7/12/18 20:02:04 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/12/18 20:02:04 HTTP server started 7/12/18 20:02:04 dataLog: service started. 7/12/18 20:02:04 dataLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 20:02:00 7/12/18 20:02:04 statService: started. 7/12/18 20:02:04 timeSync: service started. 7/12/18 20:02:04 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/12/18 20:02:04 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/12/18 20:02:04 historyLog: service started. 7/12/18 20:02:04 historyLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 20:02:00 7/12/18 20:02:06 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/12/18 20:02:09 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/12/18 20:02:09 influxDB: started. 7/12/18 20:02:10 EmonService: Start posting at 7/12/18 20:02:00 7/12/18 20:02:12 influxDB: Start posting from 7/12/18 20:02:00 7/12/18 23:56:19 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/12/18 21:56:20z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531432580 7/12/18 21:56:20z Version 02_03_08 7/12/18 21:56:20z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/12/18 21:56:20z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1, 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 7/12/18 21:56:20z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/12/18 23:56:20 Local time zone: 2 7/12/18 23:56:20 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/12/18 23:56:20 MDNS responder started 7/12/18 23:56:20 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/12/18 23:56:20 HTTP server started 7/12/18 23:56:20 dataLog: service started. 7/12/18 23:56:20 dataLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 23:56:15 7/12/18 23:56:20 statService: started. 7/12/18 23:56:20 timeSync: service started. 7/12/18 23:56:20 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/12/18 23:56:20 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/12/18 23:56:20 historyLog: service started. 7/12/18 23:56:21 historyLog: Last log entry 7/12/18 23:56:00 7/12/18 23:56:25 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/12/18 23:56:25 influxDB: started. 7/12/18 23:56:26 EmonService: Start posting at 7/12/18 23:56:20 7/12/18 23:56:27 influxDB: Start posting from 7/12/18 23:56:20 7/12/18 23:56:37 updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/13/18 01:56:39 Updater: Update from 02_03_08 to 02_03_09 7/13/18 01:56:39 Updater: download 02_03_09 7/13/18 01:56:55 Updater: Release downloaded 15388ms, size 630720 7/13/18 01:57:06 Updater: Signature does not verify. 7/13/18 01:57:08 Updater: Update from 02_03_08 to 02_03_09 7/13/18 01:57:08 Updater: download 02_03_09 7/13/18 01:57:23 Updater: Release downloaded 15093ms, size 630720 7/13/18 01:57:35 Updater: Update downloaded and signature verified 7/13/18 01:57:42 Updater: firmware upgraded to version 02_03_09 7/13/18 01:57:42 Firmware updated, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/12/18 23:57:49z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1531439869 7/12/18 23:57:49z Version 02_03_09 7/12/18 23:57:49z Updater: Installing update files for version 02_03_09 7/12/18 23:57:49z Updater: Installing EDIT.HTM 7/12/18 23:57:49z Updater: Installing GRAPH.HTM 7/12/18 23:57:49z Updater: Installing GRAPH.JS 7/12/18 23:57:49z Updater: Installing INDEX.HTM 7/12/18 23:57:50z Updater: Installing TABLES.TXT 7/12/18 23:57:50z Updater: Installing CNFSTYLE.CSS 7/12/18 23:57:50z Updater: Installation complete. 7/12/18 23:57:51z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/12/18 23:57:51z Trace: 43:15, 43:15[1], 43:1[6], 43:1[1], 43:9, 43:9[1], 43:8[4], 43:8[6], 43:8[8], 43:9[3], 43:9[4], 43:9[5], 43:9[9], 43:1[2], 43:1[3], 43:1[4], 43:1[5], 43:1[6], 43:1[1], 43:9, 43:9[1], 43:8[4], 43:8[6], 43:8[8], 43:9[3], 43:9[4], 43:9[5], 43:9[9], 43:1[2], 43:1[3], 43:1[4], 43:1[5] 7/12/18 23:57:51z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/13/18 01:57:51 Local time zone: 2 7/13/18 01:57:51 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/13/18 01:57:54 MDNS responder started 7/13/18 01:57:54 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/13/18 01:57:54 HTTP server started 7/13/18 01:57:54 dataLog: service started. 7/13/18 01:57:54 dataLog: Last log entry 7/13/18 01:57:20 7/13/18 01:57:54 statService: started. 7/13/18 01:57:54 timeSync: service started. 7/13/18 01:57:55 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/13/18 01:57:55 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/13/18 01:57:55 historyLog: service started. 7/13/18 01:57:55 historyLog: Last log entry 7/13/18 01:57:00 7/13/18 01:57:56 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/13/18 01:57:59 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/13/18 01:57:59 influxDB: started. 7/13/18 01:58:00 EmonService: Start posting at 7/13/18 01:56:50 7/13/18 01:58:01 influxDB: Start posting from 7/13/18 01:57:10 7/14/18 07:58:59 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/15/18 08:34:02 EmonService: HTTP response -11, retrying. 7/15/18 08:34:10 EmonService: Retry successful after 3 attempts. 7/15/18 16:40:27 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/15/18 16:48:08 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/15/18 16:59:33 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/15/18 17:14:33 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/15/18 17:22:30 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/15/18 17:34:00 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/15/18 17:45:41 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/15/18 17:57:29 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/15/18 18:08:53 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/15/18 18:20:10 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/15/18 18:31:52 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/15/18 18:43:10 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/15/18 18:50:59 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/15/18 19:05:21 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/15/18 19:16:38 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 7/16/18 01:21:42 EmonService: HTTP response -11, retrying. 7/16/18 01:22:10 EmonService: Retry successful after 5 attempts. 7/16/18 01:22:42 EmonService: HTTP response -11, retrying. 7/16/18 01:23:03 EmonService: Retry successful after 4 attempts. 7/16/18 03:07:13 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4 7/16/18 11:59:04 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/17/18 04:25:55 EmonService: HTTP response -4, retrying. 7/17/18 04:26:21 EmonService: Retry successful after 5 attempts. 7/18/18 08:03:22 EmonService: HTTP response -11, retrying. 7/18/18 08:03:30 EmonService: Retry successful after 3 attempts. 7/18/18 15:59:09 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/20/18 18:59:14 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/22/18 04:54:19 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4 7/22/18 04:55:02 EmonService: HTTP response -4, retrying. 7/22/18 04:58:30 EmonService: Retry successful after 24 attempts. 7/22/18 08:26:03 EmonService: HTTP response -11, retrying. 7/22/18 08:26:10 EmonService: Retry successful after 3 attempts. 7/23/18 02:59:19 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/23/18 20:09:54 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/23/18 18:09:56z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1532369396 7/23/18 18:09:56z Version 02_03_09 7/23/18 18:09:56z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/23/18 18:09:56z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 1:2, 1:2[1], 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 10:13, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 1:4, 1:5[21] 7/23/18 18:09:56z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/23/18 20:09:56 Local time zone: 2 7/23/18 20:09:56 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/23/18 20:09:59 MDNS responder started 7/23/18 20:09:59 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/23/18 20:09:59 HTTP server started 7/23/18 20:09:59 dataLog: service started. 7/23/18 20:09:59 dataLog: Last log entry 7/23/18 20:09:50 7/23/18 20:09:59 statService: started. 7/23/18 20:09:59 timeSync: service started. 7/23/18 20:09:59 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/23/18 20:09:59 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/23/18 20:09:59 historyLog: service started. 7/23/18 20:10:00 historyLog: Last log entry 7/23/18 20:09:00 7/23/18 20:10:01 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/23/18 20:10:04 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/23/18 20:10:04 influxDB: started. 7/23/18 20:10:05 EmonService: Start posting at 7/23/18 20:10:00 7/23/18 20:10:06 influxDB: Start posting from 7/23/18 20:09:50 7/25/18 06:11:09 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/26/18 16:19:50 Updater: Update from 02_03_09 to 02_03_10 7/26/18 16:19:50 Updater: download 02_03_10 7/26/18 16:20:03 Updater: Release downloaded 12920ms, size 602608 7/26/18 16:20:14 Updater: Update downloaded and signature verified 7/26/18 16:20:21 Updater: firmware upgraded to version 02_03_10 7/26/18 16:20:21 Firmware updated, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 7/26/18 14:20:27z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1532614827 7/26/18 14:20:27z Version 02_03_10 7/26/18 14:20:27z Updater: Installing update files for version 02_03_10 7/26/18 14:20:27z Updater: Installing GRAPH.JS 7/26/18 14:20:27z Updater: Installing INDEX.HTM 7/26/18 14:20:28z Updater: Installing TABLES.TXT 7/26/18 14:20:28z Updater: Installing CNFSTYLE.CSS 7/26/18 14:20:28z Updater: Installing EDIT.HTM 7/26/18 14:20:28z Updater: Installing GRAPH.HTM 7/26/18 14:20:29z Updater: Installation complete. 7/26/18 14:20:29z Reset reason: Software/System restart 7/26/18 14:20:29z Trace: 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:2[2], 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[14], 14:0, 14:4, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[19], 1:6, 1:1[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:2[3], 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[5] 7/26/18 14:20:29z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 7/26/18 16:20:29 Local time zone: 2 7/26/18 16:20:29 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 7/26/18 16:20:32 MDNS responder started 7/26/18 16:20:32 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 7/26/18 16:20:32 HTTP server started 7/26/18 16:20:32 dataLog: service started. 7/26/18 16:20:32 dataLog: Last log entry 7/26/18 16:20:00 7/26/18 16:20:33 statService: started. 7/26/18 16:20:33 timeSync: service started. 7/26/18 16:20:33 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 7/26/18 16:20:33 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 7/26/18 16:20:33 historyLog: service started. 7/26/18 16:20:33 historyLog: Last log entry 7/26/18 16:19:00 7/26/18 16:20:35 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 7/26/18 16:20:37 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 7/26/18 16:20:37 influxDB: started. 7/26/18 16:20:38 EmonService: Start posting at 7/26/18 16:20:00 7/26/18 16:20:40 influxDB: Start posting from 7/26/18 16:19:55 7/27/18 08:21:34 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/29/18 10:21:39 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 7/31/18 15:21:45 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 8/01/18 04:08:57 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 04:09:00 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 09:02:35 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 09:02:37 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 10:00:08 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 10:00:10 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 15:00:10 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 15:00:12 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 15:14:26 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 16:02:10 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 16:15:14 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 16:17:10 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 17:21:50 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 17:30:10 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 17:47:08 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 17:47:10 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 18:17:08 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 18:21:34 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 18:44:40 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 18:45:09 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 19:02:08 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 19:02:13 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 20:00:27 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 20:00:50 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 20:23:26 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 20:30:08 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 21:59:11 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 21:59:13 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 22:17:08 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 22:17:10 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 22:30:05 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 22:30:07 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 22:42:50 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 22:59:16 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/01/18 23:51:27 WiFi disconnected. 8/01/18 23:59:01 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/02/18 00:15:08 WiFi disconnected. 8/02/18 00:15:10 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/02/18 13:32:12 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 8/02/18 13:45:07 WiFi disconnected. 8/02/18 13:45:09 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/02/18 14:00:11 WiFi disconnected. 8/02/18 14:00:13 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/02/18 14:04:00 WiFi disconnected. 8/02/18 14:04:54 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/02/18 14:31:18 WiFi disconnected. 8/02/18 14:34:05 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/02/18 15:00:04 WiFi disconnected. 8/02/18 15:00:07 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/02/18 14:01:09z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1533218469 8/02/18 14:01:09z Power failure detected. 8/02/18 14:01:09z Version 02_03_10 8/02/18 14:01:09z Reset reason: External System 8/02/18 14:01:09z Trace: 111:7[160], 114:166[114], 120:185[78], 129:138[56], 185:107[199], 49:3[203], 221:243[163], 179:23[232], 48:135[92], 24:16[86], 189:183[176], 71:189[207], 160:85[125], 139:206[251], 208:250[62], 204:13[93], 96:179[226], 66:145[134], 180:71[218], 157:3[159], 95:112[146], 103:86[255], 81:52[146], 151:40[103], 173:227[27], 173:118[199], 88:159[214], 245:117[237], 26:35[202], 33:0[228], 237:16[27], 93:98[253] 8/02/18 14:01:09z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 8/02/18 16:01:09 Local time zone: 2 8/02/18 16:01:09 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 8/02/18 16:01:12 Connecting with WiFiManager. 8/02/18 16:01:15 MDNS responder started 8/02/18 16:01:15 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 8/02/18 16:01:15 HTTP server started 8/02/18 16:01:15 dataLog: service started. 8/02/18 16:01:15 dataLog: Last log entry 8/2/18 15:21:40 8/02/18 16:01:15 statService: started. 8/02/18 16:01:15 timeSync: service started. 8/02/18 16:01:15 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/02/18 16:01:16 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 8/02/18 16:01:16 historyLog: service started. 8/02/18 16:01:16 historyLog: Last log entry 8/2/18 15:21:00 8/02/18 16:01:17 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 8/02/18 16:01:20 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/02/18 16:01:20 influxDB: started. 8/02/18 16:01:21 EmonService: Start posting at 8/2/18 15:00:40 8/02/18 16:01:23 influxDB: Start posting from 8/2/18 15:02:25 8/02/18 20:18:21 influxDB: started. 8/02/18 20:18:24 influxDB: Start posting from 8/2/18 20:18:25 8/02/18 20:18:36 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/02/18 20:18:39 EmonService: Start posting at 8/2/18 20:18:40 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/03/18 18:57:14z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1533322634 8/03/18 18:57:14z Version 02_03_10 8/03/18 18:57:14z Reset reason: Hardware Watchdog 8/03/18 18:57:14z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1[13], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:2[14], 1:3, 10:0, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14 8/03/18 18:57:14z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 8/03/18 20:57:14 Local time zone: 2 8/03/18 20:57:14 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 8/03/18 20:57:14 MDNS responder started 8/03/18 20:57:14 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 8/03/18 20:57:14 HTTP server started 8/03/18 20:57:14 dataLog: service started. 8/03/18 20:57:14 dataLog: Last log entry 8/3/18 20:57:05 8/03/18 20:57:14 statService: started. 8/03/18 20:57:14 timeSync: service started. 8/03/18 20:57:14 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/03/18 20:57:15 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 8/03/18 20:57:15 historyLog: service started. 8/03/18 20:57:15 historyLog: Last log entry 8/3/18 20:57:00 8/03/18 20:57:16 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 8/03/18 20:57:19 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/03/18 20:57:19 influxDB: started. 8/03/18 20:57:20 EmonService: Start posting at 8/3/18 20:57:10 8/03/18 20:57:23 influxDB: Start posting from 8/3/18 20:57:05 8/05/18 08:58:18 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 8/07/18 15:58:27 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 8/09/18 16:11:10 Updater: Update from 02_03_10 to 02_03_12 8/09/18 16:11:10 Updater: download 02_03_12 8/09/18 16:11:23 Updater: Release downloaded 12456ms, size 604344 8/09/18 16:11:34 Updater: Update downloaded and signature verified 8/09/18 16:11:40 Updater: firmware upgraded to version 02_03_12 8/09/18 16:11:40 Firmware updated, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/09/18 14:11:47z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1533823907 8/09/18 14:11:47z Version 02_03_12 8/09/18 14:11:47z Updater: Installing update files for version 02_03_12 8/09/18 14:11:47z Updater: Installing GRAPH.JS 8/09/18 14:11:47z Updater: Installing INDEX.HTM 8/09/18 14:11:48z Updater: Installing TABLES.TXT 8/09/18 14:11:48z Updater: Installing CNFSTYLE.CSS 8/09/18 14:11:48z Updater: Installing EDIT.HTM 8/09/18 14:11:48z Updater: Installing GRAPH.HTM 8/09/18 14:11:49z Updater: Installation complete. 8/09/18 14:11:49z Reset reason: Software/System restart 8/09/18 14:11:49z Trace: 1:3, 10:0, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:15, 10:16, 10:17, 10:22, 10:17, 1:4, 1:5[19], 1:6, 1:1[14], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[5] 8/09/18 14:11:49z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 8/09/18 16:11:49 Local time zone: 2 8/09/18 16:11:49 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 8/09/18 16:11:52 Connecting with WiFiManager. 8/09/18 16:11:55 MDNS responder started 8/09/18 16:11:55 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 8/09/18 16:11:55 HTTP server started 8/09/18 16:11:55 dataLog: service started. 8/09/18 16:11:55 dataLog: Last log entry 8/9/18 16:11:20 8/09/18 16:11:56 statService: started. 8/09/18 16:11:56 timeSync: service started. 8/09/18 16:11:56 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/09/18 16:11:56 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 8/09/18 16:11:56 historyLog: service started. 8/09/18 16:11:56 historyLog: Last log entry 8/9/18 16:11:00 8/09/18 16:11:58 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 8/09/18 16:12:00 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/09/18 16:12:00 influxDB: started. 8/09/18 16:12:01 EmonService: Start posting at 8/9/18 16:11:20 8/09/18 16:12:04 influxDB: Start posting from 8/9/18 16:11:15 8/09/18 22:11:57 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 8/12/18 01:12:03 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/12/18 22:39:05z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1534113545 8/12/18 22:39:05z Version 02_03_12 8/12/18 22:39:05z Reset reason: Hardware Watchdog 8/12/18 22:39:05z Trace: 18:0, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4 8/12/18 22:39:05z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 8/13/18 00:39:05 Local time zone: 2 8/13/18 00:39:05 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 8/13/18 00:39:06 MDNS responder started 8/13/18 00:39:06 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 8/13/18 00:39:06 HTTP server started 8/13/18 00:39:07 dataLog: service started. 8/13/18 00:39:07 dataLog: Last log entry 8/13/18 00:38:55 8/13/18 00:39:07 statService: started. 8/13/18 00:39:07 timeSync: service started. 8/13/18 00:39:07 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/13/18 00:39:07 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 8/13/18 00:39:07 historyLog: service started. 8/13/18 00:39:07 historyLog: Last log entry 8/13/18 00:38:00 8/13/18 00:39:09 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 8/13/18 00:39:12 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/13/18 00:39:12 influxDB: started. 8/13/18 00:39:13 EmonService: Start posting at 8/13/18 00:39:00 8/13/18 00:39:16 influxDB: Start posting from 8/13/18 00:39:00 8/13/18 17:28:51 WiFi disconnected. 8/13/18 17:28:54 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/13/18 17:29:37 WiFi disconnected. 8/13/18 17:30:42 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/14/18 14:39:37 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 8/15/18 09:34:20 influxDB: Post Failed: -4 8/15/18 09:42:42 influxDB: Post Failed: -14 8/16/18 02:42:53 EmonService: HTTP response -4, retrying. 8/16/18 03:13:40 EmonService: Retry successful after 166 attempts. 8/16/18 16:39:42 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -2 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/17/18 08:49:45z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1534495785 8/17/18 08:49:45z Version 02_03_12 8/17/18 08:49:45z Reset reason: Hardware Watchdog 8/17/18 08:49:45z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 8/17/18 08:49:45z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 8/17/18 10:49:45 Local time zone: 2 8/17/18 10:49:45 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 8/17/18 10:49:45 MDNS responder started 8/17/18 10:49:45 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 8/17/18 10:49:45 HTTP server started 8/17/18 10:49:45 dataLog: service started. 8/17/18 10:49:45 dataLog: Last log entry 8/17/18 10:49:35 8/17/18 10:49:46 statService: started. 8/17/18 10:49:46 timeSync: service started. 8/17/18 10:49:46 WiFi connected. SSID: pingu, IP: 8/17/18 10:49:46 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 8/17/18 10:49:46 historyLog: service started. 8/17/18 10:49:46 historyLog: Last log entry 8/17/18 10:49:00 8/17/18 10:49:48 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 8/17/18 10:49:50 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/17/18 10:49:50 influxDB: started. 8/17/18 10:49:51 EmonService: Start posting at 8/17/18 10:49:40 8/17/18 10:49:54 influxDB: Start posting from 8/17/18 10:49:35 8/18/18 18:53:00 Updater: Update from 02_03_12 to 02_03_13 8/18/18 18:53:00 Updater: download 02_03_13 8/18/18 18:53:19 Updater: Release downloaded 16097ms, size 599608 8/18/18 18:53:30 Updater: Update downloaded and signature verified 8/18/18 18:53:36 Updater: firmware upgraded to version 02_03_13 8/18/18 18:53:36 Firmware updated, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/18/18 16:53:44z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1534611224 8/18/18 16:53:44z Version 02_03_13 8/18/18 16:53:44z Updater: Installing update files for version 02_03_13 8/18/18 16:53:44z Updater: Installing GRAPH.HTM 8/18/18 16:53:44z Updater: Installing GRAPH.JS 8/18/18 16:53:44z Updater: Installing INDEX.HTM 8/18/18 16:53:45z Updater: Installing TABLES.TXT 8/18/18 16:53:45z Updater: Installing CNFSTYLE.CSS 8/18/18 16:53:45z Updater: Installing EDIT.HTM 8/18/18 16:53:46z Updater: Installation complete. 8/18/18 16:53:46z Reset reason: Software/System restart 8/18/18 16:53:46z Trace: 1:2[12], 9:0[12], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[19], 1:6, 1:1[12], 1:2[13], 9:0[13], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[5] 8/18/18 16:53:46z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 8/18/18 18:53:46 Local time zone: 2 8/18/18 18:53:46 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 8/18/18 18:53:49 Connecting with WiFiManager. 8/18/18 18:53:52 MDNS responder started 8/18/18 18:53:52 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 8/18/18 18:53:52 HTTP server started 8/18/18 18:53:52 timeSync: service started. 8/18/18 18:53:52 statService: started. 8/18/18 18:53:52 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 11, RSSI -75db 8/18/18 18:53:52 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 8/18/18 18:53:52 dataLog: service started. 8/18/18 18:53:52 dataLog: Last log entry 8/18/18 18:53:15 8/18/18 18:53:53 historyLog: service started. 8/18/18 18:53:53 historyLog: Last log entry 8/18/18 18:53:00 8/18/18 18:53:55 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 8/18/18 18:53:57 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/18/18 18:53:57 influxDB: started. 8/18/18 18:53:58 EmonService: Start posting at 8/18/18 18:53:10 8/18/18 18:54:01 influxDB: Start posting from 8/18/18 18:53:05 8/19/18 08:29:27 EmonService: HTTP response -11, retrying. 8/19/18 08:29:30 EmonService: Retry successful after 3 attempts. 8/19/18 11:54:55 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 8/20/18 14:54:55 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 8/21/18 04:35:53 EmonService: HTTP response -4, retrying. 8/21/18 04:36:03 EmonService: Retry successful after 3 attempts. 8/21/18 17:54:55 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 8/22/18 19:54:55 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/23/18 09:09:28z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535015368 8/23/18 09:09:28z Power failure detected. 8/23/18 09:09:28z Version 02_03_13 8/23/18 09:09:28z Reset reason: External System 8/23/18 09:09:28z Trace: 111:7[160], 114:166[242], 124:185[78], 133:138[58], 169:75[199], 49:35[203], 223:243[163], 179:23[232], 48:7[92], 24:16[118], 253:191[184], 68:185[207], 164:85[125], 139:206[251], 210:250[62], 204:13[93], 98:227[226], 146:129[134], 180:71[218], 156:67[159], 95:112[146], 99:118[190], 209:52[146], 151:40[7], 173:226[43], 189:54[199], 88:159[214], 197:85[205], 26:35[202], 33:32[229], 237:18[27], 89:98[248] 8/23/18 09:09:28z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 8/23/18 11:09:28 Local time zone: 2 8/23/18 11:09:28 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 8/23/18 11:09:31 Connecting with WiFiManager. 8/23/18 11:12:40 No WiFi connection. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/23/18 09:12:49z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535015569 8/23/18 09:12:49z Version 02_03_13 8/23/18 09:12:49z Reset reason: Hardware Watchdog 8/23/18 09:12:49z Trace: 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 11:7, 11:8, 16:0, 16:1, 16:2, 16:3, 16:4, 16:5, 16:6, 16:7, 11:8, 17:0, 17:0, 17:0, 17:3, 17:4, 17:5, 17:7, 17:7, 17:7, 17:7, 17:8, 17:9, 17:10, 11:9 8/23/18 09:12:49z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 8/23/18 11:12:49 Local time zone: 2 8/23/18 11:12:49 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 8/23/18 11:12:52 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/23/18 09:15:20z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535015720 8/23/18 09:15:20z Power failure detected. 8/23/18 09:15:20z Version 02_03_13 8/23/18 09:15:20z Reset reason: External System 8/23/18 09:15:20z Trace: 110:7[160], 114:166[242], 124:185[238], 129:138[56], 169:75[198], 49:3[203], 221:243[163], 179:23[224], 48:135[92], 24:16[118], 189:183[176], 68:184[79], 164:85[125], 11:222[123], 210:106[62], 206:13[93], 64:227[226], 18:129[134], 180:71[218], 157:67[159], 95:112[130], 107:118[255], 209:52[146], 151:40[7], 173:226[43], 173:118[199], 88:191[214], 229:117[205], 26:35[194], 33:32[229], 237:18[27], 89:98[248] 8/23/18 09:15:20z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 8/23/18 11:15:20 Local time zone: 2 8/23/18 11:15:20 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 8/23/18 11:15:23 MDNS responder started 8/23/18 11:15:23 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 8/23/18 11:15:23 HTTP server started 8/23/18 11:15:23 timeSync: service started. 8/23/18 11:15:23 statService: started. 8/23/18 11:15:23 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -80db 8/23/18 11:15:23 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 8/23/18 11:15:23 dataLog: service started. 8/23/18 11:15:24 dataLog: Last log entry 8/23/18 11:07:45 8/23/18 11:15:24 historyLog: service started. 8/23/18 11:15:24 historyLog: Last log entry 8/23/18 11:07:00 8/23/18 11:15:28 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 8/23/18 11:15:29 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/23/18 11:15:29 influxDB: started. 8/23/18 11:15:32 EmonService: Start posting at 8/23/18 11:07:50 8/23/18 11:15:38 influxDB: Start posting from 8/23/18 11:07:50 8/23/18 11:17:21 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 8/24/18 09:46:57 influxDB: started. 8/24/18 09:47:02 influxDB: Start posting from 8/24/18 09:47:00 8/25/18 05:19:51 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 8/26/18 07:19:51 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 8/27/18 09:19:51 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 8/28/18 10:19:51 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 8/29/18 11:19:51 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 8/30/18 12:19:51 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 8/30/18 14:37:02 influxDB: Post Failed: -4 8/30/18 14:38:39 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/30/18 12:38:41z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535632721 8/30/18 12:38:41z Version 02_03_13 8/30/18 12:38:41z Reset reason: Software/System restart 8/30/18 12:38:41z Trace: 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:1[4], 1:2[5], 9:0[5], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:0, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:15, 10:16, 10:17, 10:22, 10:17, 1:4, 1:5[21] 8/30/18 12:38:41z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 8/30/18 14:38:41 Local time zone: 2 8/30/18 14:38:41 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 8/30/18 14:38:44 MDNS responder started 8/30/18 14:38:44 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 8/30/18 14:38:44 HTTP server started 8/30/18 14:38:44 timeSync: service started. 8/30/18 14:38:44 statService: started. 8/30/18 14:38:44 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -71db 8/30/18 14:38:44 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 8/30/18 14:38:44 dataLog: service started. 8/30/18 14:38:44 dataLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 14:38:35 8/30/18 14:38:45 historyLog: service started. 8/30/18 14:38:45 historyLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 14:38:00 8/30/18 14:38:46 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 8/30/18 14:38:49 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/30/18 14:38:49 influxDB: started. 8/30/18 14:38:50 EmonService: Start posting at 8/30/18 14:37:40 8/30/18 14:39:10 influxDB: last entry query failed: -4 8/30/18 14:39:10 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 8/1/18 00:00:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/30/18 12:40:23z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535632823 8/30/18 12:40:23z Power failure detected. 8/30/18 12:40:23z Version 02_03_13 8/30/18 12:40:23z Reset reason: External System 8/30/18 12:40:23z Trace: 239:7[160], 82:166[242], 124:185[78], 133:138[56], 169:75[199], 49:3[203], 221:243[35], 179:23[232], 49:135[88], 24:16[118], 189:191[176], 68:185[207], 164:69[125], 139:254[123], 210:122[62], 220:13[93], 64:163[226], 82:145[134], 180:71[222], 157:67[159], 95:112[130], 103:86[190], 209:60[146], 151:40[71], 173:227[43], 189:118[199], 88:159[214], 197:117[205], 26:35[202], 33:40[228], 237:18[27], 89:112[253] 8/30/18 12:40:23z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 8/30/18 14:40:23 Local time zone: 2 8/30/18 14:40:23 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 8/30/18 14:40:26 Connecting with WiFiManager. 8/30/18 14:43:35 No WiFi connection. 8/30/18 14:43:35 MDNS responder started 8/30/18 14:43:35 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 8/30/18 14:43:35 HTTP server started 8/30/18 14:43:35 timeSync: service started. 8/30/18 14:43:35 statService: started. 8/30/18 14:43:35 dataLog: service started. 8/30/18 14:43:35 dataLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 14:40:10 8/30/18 14:43:36 historyLog: service started. 8/30/18 14:43:36 historyLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 14:40:00 8/30/18 14:43:41 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/30/18 14:43:41 influxDB: started. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/30/18 12:43:52z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535633032 8/30/18 12:43:52z Power failure detected. 8/30/18 12:43:52z Version 02_03_13 8/30/18 12:43:52z Reset reason: External System 8/30/18 12:43:52z Trace: 111:7[160], 114:166[114], 125:185[78], 129:138[50], 169:73[199], 49:3[203], 213:243[163], 179:21[224], 49:7[92], 24:16[118], 189:183[176], 69:185[207], 164:85[125], 139:206[251], 210:250[62], 78:13[93], 98:179[226], 66:145[150], 180:71[222], 157:3[159], 95:112[146], 103:86[255], 241:52[146], 151:40[71], 173:226[27], 189:118[199], 88:159[214], 197:117[237], 26:35[202], 33:32[196], 236:18[27], 89:96[252] 8/30/18 12:43:52z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 8/30/18 14:43:52 Local time zone: 2 8/30/18 14:43:52 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 8/30/18 14:43:55 Connecting with WiFiManager. 8/30/18 14:47:04 No WiFi connection. 8/30/18 14:47:04 MDNS responder started 8/30/18 14:47:04 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 8/30/18 14:47:04 HTTP server started 8/30/18 14:47:04 timeSync: service started. 8/30/18 14:47:04 statService: started. 8/30/18 14:47:04 dataLog: service started. 8/30/18 14:47:04 dataLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 14:43:50 8/30/18 14:47:05 historyLog: service started. 8/30/18 14:47:05 historyLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 14:43:00 8/30/18 14:47:10 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/30/18 14:47:10 influxDB: started. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/30/18 12:48:53z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535633333 8/30/18 12:48:53z Power failure detected. 8/30/18 12:48:53z Version 02_03_13 8/30/18 12:48:53z Reset reason: External System 8/30/18 12:48:53z Trace: 111:7[40], 114:166[114], 80:185[78], 129:139[48], 169:73[199], 49:3[203], 215:243[163], 179:23[232], 53:135[88], 24:16[118], 189:183[176], 71:189[207], 164:81[125], 139:206[123], 210:122[62], 78:13[93], 98:179[226], 2:145[158], 180:69[218], 157:3[151], 95:112[146], 103:86[255], 209:52[146], 151:40[71], 173:226[43], 173:118[199], 88:159[214], 245:113[205], 26:35[202], 33:32[196], 236:16[27], 89:98[253] 8/30/18 12:48:53z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 8/30/18 14:48:53 Local time zone: 2 8/30/18 14:48:53 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 8/30/18 14:48:56 Connecting with WiFiManager. 8/30/18 14:48:59 MDNS responder started 8/30/18 14:48:59 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 8/30/18 14:48:59 HTTP server started 8/30/18 14:48:59 timeSync: service started. 8/30/18 14:48:59 statService: started. 8/30/18 14:48:59 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -73db 8/30/18 14:48:59 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 8/30/18 14:48:59 dataLog: service started. 8/30/18 14:48:59 dataLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 14:48:45 8/30/18 14:49:00 historyLog: service started. 8/30/18 14:49:00 historyLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 14:48:00 8/30/18 14:49:02 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 8/30/18 14:49:04 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/30/18 14:49:04 influxDB: started. 8/30/18 14:49:05 EmonService: Start posting at 8/30/18 14:40:10 8/30/18 14:49:25 influxDB: last entry query failed: -4 8/30/18 14:49:25 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 8/1/18 00:00:00 8/30/18 15:14:48 WiFi disconnected. 8/30/18 15:15:07 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 11, RSSI -74db 8/30/18 15:15:24 WiFi disconnected. 8/30/18 15:15:48 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -71db 8/30/18 15:38:36 influxDB: started. 8/30/18 15:38:43 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 8/30/18 15:38:43 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 8/1/18 00:00:00 8/30/18 15:38:55 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/30/18 13:38:57z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535636337 8/30/18 13:38:57z Version 02_03_13 8/30/18 13:38:57z Reset reason: Software/System restart 8/30/18 13:38:57z Trace: 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:1[9], 1:2[10], 9:0[10], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 8/30/18 13:38:57z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 8/30/18 15:38:57 Local time zone: 2 8/30/18 15:38:57 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 8/30/18 15:38:57 MDNS responder started 8/30/18 15:38:57 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 8/30/18 15:38:57 HTTP server started 8/30/18 15:38:57 timeSync: service started. 8/30/18 15:38:57 statService: started. 8/30/18 15:38:57 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -72db 8/30/18 15:38:57 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 8/30/18 15:38:57 dataLog: service started. 8/30/18 15:38:58 dataLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 15:38:55 8/30/18 15:38:58 historyLog: service started. 8/30/18 15:38:58 historyLog: Last log entry 8/30/18 15:38:00 8/30/18 15:38:59 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 8/30/18 15:39:02 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 8/30/18 15:39:02 influxDB: started. 8/30/18 15:39:03 EmonService: Start posting at 8/30/18 15:39:00 8/30/18 15:39:03 influxDB: Start posting from 8/30/18 14:36:55 8/30/18 15:39:03 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 8/30/18 14:36:50 8/30/18 15:39:34 influxDB: started. 8/30/18 15:39:35 influxDB: Start posting from 8/30/18 14:36:55 8/31/18 14:41:59 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/01/18 01:00:01 WiFi disconnected. 9/01/18 02:00:02 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 9/01/18 00:00:04z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535760004 9/01/18 00:00:04z Version 02_03_13 9/01/18 00:00:04z Reset reason: Software/System restart 9/01/18 00:00:04z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 9/01/18 00:00:04z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 9/01/18 02:00:04 Local time zone: 2 9/01/18 02:00:04 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 9/01/18 02:00:07 Connecting with WiFiManager. 9/01/18 02:03:16 No WiFi connection. 9/01/18 02:03:16 MDNS responder started 9/01/18 02:03:16 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 9/01/18 02:03:16 HTTP server started 9/01/18 02:03:16 timeSync: service started. 9/01/18 02:03:16 statService: started. 9/01/18 02:03:16 dataLog: service started. 9/01/18 02:03:16 dataLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 02:00:00 9/01/18 02:03:17 historyLog: service started. 9/01/18 02:03:17 historyLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 02:00:00 9/01/18 02:03:22 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 9/01/18 02:03:22 influxDB: started. 9/01/18 03:03:17 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 9/01/18 01:03:18z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535763798 9/01/18 01:03:18z Version 02_03_13 9/01/18 01:03:18z Reset reason: Software/System restart 9/01/18 01:03:18z Trace: 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 9/01/18 01:03:18z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 9/01/18 03:03:18 Local time zone: 2 9/01/18 03:03:18 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 9/01/18 03:03:21 Connecting with WiFiManager. 9/01/18 03:06:30 No WiFi connection. 9/01/18 03:06:30 MDNS responder started 9/01/18 03:06:30 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 9/01/18 03:06:30 HTTP server started 9/01/18 03:06:30 timeSync: service started. 9/01/18 03:06:30 statService: started. 9/01/18 03:06:30 dataLog: service started. 9/01/18 03:06:30 dataLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 03:03:15 9/01/18 03:06:31 historyLog: service started. 9/01/18 03:06:31 historyLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 03:03:00 9/01/18 03:06:36 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 9/01/18 03:06:36 influxDB: started. 9/01/18 04:06:31 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 9/01/18 02:06:32z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535767592 9/01/18 02:06:32z Version 02_03_13 9/01/18 02:06:32z Reset reason: Software/System restart 9/01/18 02:06:32z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 9/01/18 02:06:32z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 9/01/18 04:06:32 Local time zone: 2 9/01/18 04:06:32 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 9/01/18 04:06:35 Connecting with WiFiManager. 9/01/18 04:09:44 No WiFi connection. 9/01/18 04:09:44 MDNS responder started 9/01/18 04:09:44 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 9/01/18 04:09:44 HTTP server started 9/01/18 04:09:44 timeSync: service started. 9/01/18 04:09:44 statService: started. 9/01/18 04:09:44 dataLog: service started. 9/01/18 04:09:44 dataLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 04:06:30 9/01/18 04:09:45 historyLog: service started. 9/01/18 04:09:45 historyLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 04:06:00 9/01/18 04:09:50 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 9/01/18 04:09:50 influxDB: started. 9/01/18 05:09:45 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 9/01/18 03:09:46z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535771386 9/01/18 03:09:46z Version 02_03_13 9/01/18 03:09:46z Reset reason: Software/System restart 9/01/18 03:09:46z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 9/01/18 03:09:46z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 9/01/18 05:09:46 Local time zone: 2 9/01/18 05:09:46 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 9/01/18 05:09:49 Connecting with WiFiManager. 9/01/18 05:12:58 No WiFi connection. 9/01/18 05:12:58 MDNS responder started 9/01/18 05:12:58 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 9/01/18 05:12:58 HTTP server started 9/01/18 05:12:58 timeSync: service started. 9/01/18 05:12:58 statService: started. 9/01/18 05:12:58 dataLog: service started. 9/01/18 05:12:58 dataLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 05:09:45 9/01/18 05:12:59 historyLog: service started. 9/01/18 05:12:59 historyLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 05:09:00 9/01/18 05:13:04 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 9/01/18 05:13:04 influxDB: started. 9/01/18 06:12:59 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 9/01/18 04:13:00z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535775180 9/01/18 04:13:00z Version 02_03_13 9/01/18 04:13:00z Reset reason: Software/System restart 9/01/18 04:13:00z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 9/01/18 04:13:00z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 9/01/18 06:13:00 Local time zone: 2 9/01/18 06:13:00 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 9/01/18 06:13:03 Connecting with WiFiManager. 9/01/18 06:16:12 No WiFi connection. 9/01/18 06:16:12 MDNS responder started 9/01/18 06:16:12 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 9/01/18 06:16:12 HTTP server started 9/01/18 06:16:12 timeSync: service started. 9/01/18 06:16:12 statService: started. 9/01/18 06:16:12 dataLog: service started. 9/01/18 06:16:12 dataLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 06:12:55 9/01/18 06:16:13 historyLog: service started. 9/01/18 06:16:13 historyLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 06:12:00 9/01/18 06:16:18 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 9/01/18 06:16:18 influxDB: started. 9/01/18 07:16:13 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 9/01/18 05:16:14z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535778974 9/01/18 05:16:14z Version 02_03_13 9/01/18 05:16:14z Reset reason: Software/System restart 9/01/18 05:16:14z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 9/01/18 05:16:14z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 9/01/18 07:16:14 Local time zone: 2 9/01/18 07:16:14 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 9/01/18 07:16:17 Connecting with WiFiManager. 9/01/18 07:19:26 No WiFi connection. 9/01/18 07:19:26 MDNS responder started 9/01/18 07:19:26 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 9/01/18 07:19:26 HTTP server started 9/01/18 07:19:26 timeSync: service started. 9/01/18 07:19:26 statService: started. 9/01/18 07:19:26 dataLog: service started. 9/01/18 07:19:26 dataLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 07:16:10 9/01/18 07:19:27 historyLog: service started. 9/01/18 07:19:27 historyLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 07:16:00 9/01/18 07:19:32 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 9/01/18 07:19:32 influxDB: started. 9/01/18 08:19:27 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 9/01/18 06:19:28z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1535782768 9/01/18 06:19:28z Version 02_03_13 9/01/18 06:19:28z Reset reason: Software/System restart 9/01/18 06:19:28z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 9/01/18 06:19:28z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 9/01/18 08:19:28 Local time zone: 2 9/01/18 08:19:28 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 9/01/18 08:19:31 Connecting with WiFiManager. 9/01/18 08:19:34 MDNS responder started 9/01/18 08:19:34 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 9/01/18 08:19:34 HTTP server started 9/01/18 08:19:34 timeSync: service started. 9/01/18 08:19:37 statService: started. 9/01/18 08:19:37 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -74db 9/01/18 08:19:37 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 9/01/18 08:19:37 dataLog: service started. 9/01/18 08:19:38 dataLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 08:19:25 9/01/18 08:19:38 historyLog: service started. 9/01/18 08:19:38 historyLog: Last log entry 9/1/18 08:19:00 9/01/18 08:19:39 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 9/01/18 08:19:39 influxDB: started. 9/01/18 08:19:39 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 9/01/18 08:19:40 EmonService: Start posting at 9/1/18 01:00:00 9/01/18 08:19:44 influxDB: Start posting from 9/1/18 00:59:55 9/01/18 08:21:36 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/01/18 09:23:42 influxDB: Post Failed: -4 9/02/18 16:21:36 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/03/18 17:21:36 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/04/18 15:13:16 EmonService: HTTP response -4, retrying. 9/04/18 15:13:40 EmonService: Retry successful after 5 attempts. 9/04/18 18:21:36 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/05/18 18:21:36 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/06/18 20:21:36 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/07/18 14:04:22 influxDB: Post Failed: -14 9/07/18 15:21:36 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/08/18 22:25:36 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/09/18 09:35:45 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11 9/09/18 22:25:37 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/10/18 19:26:40 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/11/18 11:25:33 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 11:36:30 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 16:29:39 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 16:33:19 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 16:38:42 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 16:46:14 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 16:51:59 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/11/18 19:26:40 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/13/18 02:27:43 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/13/18 03:38:24 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/13/18 05:00:09 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/13/18 05:56:43 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/13/18 06:03:33 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/14/18 04:27:43 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/15/18 03:22:09 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/15/18 05:28:46 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/16/18 06:29:49 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/16/18 18:26:53 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/16/18 22:32:51 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/17/18 02:10:45 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/17/18 16:25:23 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/17/18 16:37:20 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/17/18 16:39:46 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/17/18 16:48:06 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/17/18 16:50:51 influxDB: Post Failed: -11 9/18/18 07:37:03 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/18/18 12:39:12 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 9/18/18 10:39:14z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1537267154 9/18/18 10:39:14z Version 02_03_13 9/18/18 10:39:14z Reset reason: Software/System restart 9/18/18 10:39:14z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1[9], 1:2[10], 9:0[10], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 9/18/18 10:39:14z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 9/18/18 12:39:14 Local time zone: 2 9/18/18 12:39:14 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 9/18/18 12:39:17 Connecting with WiFiManager. 9/18/18 12:39:23 MDNS responder started 9/18/18 12:39:23 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 9/18/18 12:39:23 HTTP server started 9/18/18 12:39:23 timeSync: service started. 9/18/18 12:39:23 statService: started. 9/18/18 12:39:23 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -76db 9/18/18 12:39:23 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 9/18/18 12:39:23 dataLog: service started. 9/18/18 12:39:23 dataLog: Last log entry 9/18/18 12:39:10 9/18/18 12:39:24 historyLog: service started. 9/18/18 12:39:24 historyLog: Last log entry 9/18/18 12:39:00 9/18/18 12:39:25 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 9/18/18 12:39:28 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 9/18/18 12:39:28 influxDB: started. 9/18/18 12:39:29 EmonService: Start posting at 9/18/18 12:39:20 9/18/18 12:39:35 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 9/18/18 12:39:35 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 8/1/18 00:00:00 9/18/18 17:52:43 influxDB: started. 9/18/18 17:52:50 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 9/18/18 17:52:50 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 8/1/18 00:00:00 9/18/18 17:52:58 influxDB: started. 9/18/18 17:53:00 influxDB: Start posting from 9/18/18 12:38:55 9/18/18 17:55:47 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 9/18/18 15:55:49z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1537286149 9/18/18 15:55:49z Version 02_03_13 9/18/18 15:55:49z Reset reason: Software/System restart 9/18/18 15:55:49z Trace: 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:1[13], 1:2[14], 9:0[14], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:0, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:15, 10:16, 10:17, 10:22, 10:17, 1:4, 1:5[21] 9/18/18 15:55:49z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 9/18/18 17:55:49 Local time zone: 2 9/18/18 17:55:49 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 9/18/18 17:55:52 Connecting with WiFiManager. 9/18/18 17:55:55 MDNS responder started 9/18/18 17:55:55 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 9/18/18 17:55:55 HTTP server started 9/18/18 17:55:55 timeSync: service started. 9/18/18 17:55:55 statService: started. 9/18/18 17:55:55 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -76db 9/18/18 17:55:55 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 9/18/18 17:55:55 dataLog: service started. 9/18/18 17:55:56 dataLog: Last log entry 9/18/18 17:55:45 9/18/18 17:55:56 historyLog: service started. 9/18/18 17:55:56 historyLog: Last log entry 9/18/18 17:55:00 9/18/18 17:55:58 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 9/18/18 17:56:00 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 9/18/18 17:56:00 influxDB: started. 9/18/18 17:56:02 EmonService: Start posting at 9/18/18 17:55:50 9/18/18 17:56:04 influxDB: Start posting from 9/18/18 14:48:35 9/19/18 01:56:41 Updater: Update from 02_03_13 to 02_03_14 9/19/18 01:56:41 Updater: download 02_03_14 9/19/18 08:57:57 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/20/18 04:59:00 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/21/18 04:59:00 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/22/18 13:02:09 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/23/18 13:06:12 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/24/18 14:06:12 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/25/18 14:06:12 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/26/18 15:06:12 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/27/18 16:06:12 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/28/18 17:06:12 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/29/18 18:06:12 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 9/30/18 18:06:12 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 10/01/18 18:06:12 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 10/02/18 17:06:12 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 10/03/18 20:06:12 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 10/04/18 20:06:12 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 10/05/18 11:49:40 WiFi disconnected. 10/05/18 11:49:44 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -75db 10/05/18 11:49:57 WiFi disconnected. 10/05/18 11:51:55 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -76db 10/05/18 11:53:02 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/05/18 09:53:04z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538733184 10/05/18 09:53:04z Version 02_03_13 10/05/18 09:53:04z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/05/18 09:53:04z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1[2], 1:2[3], 9:0[3], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/05/18 09:53:04z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/05/18 11:53:04 Local time zone: 2 10/05/18 11:53:04 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/05/18 11:53:07 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/05/18 11:54:12 MDNS responder started 10/05/18 11:54:12 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/05/18 11:54:12 HTTP server started 10/05/18 11:54:12 timeSync: service started. 10/05/18 11:54:12 statService: started. 10/05/18 11:54:12 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -74db 10/05/18 11:54:13 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/05/18 11:54:13 dataLog: service started. 10/05/18 11:54:13 dataLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 11:53:00 10/05/18 11:54:13 historyLog: service started. 10/05/18 11:54:13 historyLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 11:53:00 10/05/18 11:54:17 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/05/18 11:54:17 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 11:54:17 Updater: Update from 02_03_13 to 02_03_16 10/05/18 11:54:17 Updater: download 02_03_16 10/05/18 11:54:18 EmonService: Start posting at 10/5/18 11:52:40 10/05/18 11:54:24 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 11:54:24 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 8/1/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 11:54:49 Updater: Release downloaded 18230ms, size 631848 10/05/18 11:55:02 Updater: Update downloaded and signature verified 10/05/18 11:55:08 Updater: firmware upgraded to version 02_03_16 10/05/18 11:55:08 Firmware updated, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/05/18 09:55:15z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538733315 10/05/18 09:55:15z Version 02_03_16 10/05/18 09:55:15z Updater: Installing update files for version 02_03_16 10/05/18 09:55:15z Updater: Installing EDIT.HTM 10/05/18 09:55:15z Updater: Installing GRAPH.HTM 10/05/18 09:55:15z Updater: Installing GRAPH.JS 10/05/18 09:55:15z Updater: Installing INDEX.HTM 10/05/18 09:55:16z Updater: Installing TABLES.TXT 10/05/18 09:55:16z Updater: Installing CNFSTYLE.CSS 10/05/18 09:55:17z Updater: Installation complete. 10/05/18 09:55:17z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/05/18 09:55:17z Trace: 1:2[6], 9:0[6], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[19], 1:6, 1:1[6], 1:2[7], 9:0[7], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[5] 10/05/18 09:55:17z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/05/18 09:55:26z SPIFFS mounted. 10/05/18 11:55:27 Local time zone: 2 10/05/18 11:55:27 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/05/18 11:55:27 MDNS responder started 10/05/18 11:55:27 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/05/18 11:55:27 HTTP server started 10/05/18 11:55:27 timeSync: service started. 10/05/18 11:55:30 statService: started. 10/05/18 11:55:30 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -74db 10/05/18 11:55:30 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/05/18 11:55:30 dataLog: service started. 10/05/18 11:55:31 dataLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 11:54:45 10/05/18 11:55:31 historyLog: service started. 10/05/18 11:55:31 historyLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 11:54:00 10/05/18 11:55:32 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/05/18 11:55:32 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 11:55:33 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/05/18 11:55:34 EmonService: Start posting at 10/5/18 11:54:40 10/05/18 11:55:40 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 11:55:40 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 8/1/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:10:36 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:10:43 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:10:43 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 8/1/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:10:56 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:11:04 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:11:04 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 8/1/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:11:22 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:11:27 influxDB: Start posting from 10/5/18 11:52:35 10/05/18 13:11:27 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 11:52:30 10/05/18 13:11:57 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:12:04 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:12:04 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 8/1/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:12:17 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/05/18 11:12:19z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538737939 10/05/18 11:12:19z Version 02_03_16 10/05/18 11:12:19z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/05/18 11:12:19z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1[8], 1:2[9], 9:0[9], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 10/05/18 11:12:19z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/05/18 11:12:19z SPIFFS mounted. 10/05/18 13:12:20 Local time zone: 2 10/05/18 13:12:20 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/05/18 13:12:23 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/05/18 13:12:26 MDNS responder started 10/05/18 13:12:26 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/05/18 13:12:26 HTTP server started 10/05/18 13:12:26 timeSync: service started. 10/05/18 13:12:26 statService: started. 10/05/18 13:12:26 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 1, RSSI -71db 10/05/18 13:12:26 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/05/18 13:12:26 dataLog: service started. 10/05/18 13:12:27 dataLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 13:12:15 10/05/18 13:12:27 historyLog: service started. 10/05/18 13:12:27 historyLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 13:12:00 10/05/18 13:12:29 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/05/18 13:12:31 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/05/18 13:12:31 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:12:32 EmonService: Start posting at 10/5/18 13:12:20 10/05/18 13:12:38 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:12:38 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 8/1/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:12:52 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:12:59 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:12:59 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 8/1/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:13:40 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:13:46 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:13:46 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/4/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:13:54 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:14:01 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:14:01 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/4/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:14:18 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:14:25 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:14:25 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/4/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:14:25 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 10/05/18 13:14:43 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:14:50 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:14:50 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:15:05 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:15:12 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:15:12 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:15:20 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/05/18 11:15:21z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538738121 10/05/18 11:15:21z Version 02_03_16 10/05/18 11:15:21z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/05/18 11:15:21z Trace: 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[3], 3:0, 3:11, 1:6, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 10/05/18 11:15:21z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/05/18 11:15:21z SPIFFS mounted. 10/05/18 13:15:22 Local time zone: 2 10/05/18 13:15:22 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/05/18 13:15:25 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/05/18 13:15:30 MDNS responder started 10/05/18 13:15:30 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/05/18 13:15:30 HTTP server started 10/05/18 13:15:30 timeSync: service started. 10/05/18 13:15:30 statService: started. 10/05/18 13:15:30 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -74db 10/05/18 13:15:30 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/05/18 13:15:30 dataLog: service started. 10/05/18 13:15:31 dataLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 13:15:20 10/05/18 13:15:31 historyLog: service started. 10/05/18 13:15:31 historyLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 13:15:00 10/05/18 13:15:33 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/05/18 13:15:35 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/05/18 13:15:35 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:15:36 EmonService: Start posting at 10/5/18 13:15:30 10/05/18 13:15:42 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:15:42 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:15:59 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:16:06 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:16:06 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:16:12 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:16:19 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:16:19 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:16:53 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:17:00 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:17:00 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:17:06 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:17:09 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:17:16 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:17:16 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:19:31 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:19:32 influxDB: last entry query failed: -14 10/05/18 13:19:32 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:20:48 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:20:55 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:20:55 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:24:41 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:24:48 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:24:48 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:27:37 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:27:44 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:27:44 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:27:54 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:28:00 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:28:00 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 2/6/6 08:28:16 10/05/18 13:28:32 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:28:39 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:28:39 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:45:14 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 13:45:10 10/05/18 13:45:17 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:45:24 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:45:24 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:45:28 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:45:34 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:45:34 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:45:37 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/05/18 13:45:38 EmonService: Start posting at 10/5/18 13:45:20 10/05/18 13:45:45 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:45:52 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:45:52 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 13:51:21 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 13:51:28 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 13:51:28 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 14:01:41 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 14:01:48 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 14:01:48 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 14:07:22 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 14:07:29 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 14:07:29 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 14:08:18 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 14:08:25 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/05/18 14:08:25 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/05/18 14:16:35 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 14:16:40 influxDB: Start posting from 10/5/18 11:52:35 10/05/18 14:16:40 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 11:52:30 10/05/18 14:17:28 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 14:17:33 influxDB: Start posting from 10/5/18 11:52:35 10/05/18 14:17:38 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/05/18 12:17:39z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538741859 10/05/18 12:17:39z Version 02_03_16 10/05/18 12:17:39z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/05/18 12:17:39z Trace: 7:7, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[7], 7:0, 7:9, 7:7, 1:6, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[7], 7:0, 7:9, 7:7, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/05/18 12:17:39z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/05/18 12:17:39z SPIFFS mounted. 10/05/18 14:17:40 Local time zone: 2 10/05/18 14:17:40 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/05/18 14:17:43 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/05/18 14:17:48 MDNS responder started 10/05/18 14:17:48 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/05/18 14:17:48 HTTP server started 10/05/18 14:17:48 timeSync: service started. 10/05/18 14:17:48 statService: started. 10/05/18 14:17:48 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -76db 10/05/18 14:17:48 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/05/18 14:17:49 dataLog: service started. 10/05/18 14:17:49 dataLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 14:17:35 10/05/18 14:17:49 historyLog: service started. 10/05/18 14:17:49 historyLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 14:17:00 10/05/18 14:17:51 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/05/18 14:17:53 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/05/18 14:17:53 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 14:17:54 EmonService: Start posting at 10/5/18 14:17:40 10/05/18 14:17:54 influxDB: Start posting from 10/5/18 11:57:30 10/05/18 14:18:34 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/05/18 12:18:35z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538741915 10/05/18 12:18:35z Version 02_03_16 10/05/18 12:18:35z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/05/18 12:18:35z Trace: 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:1[4], 1:2[5], 9:0[5], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/05/18 12:18:35z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/05/18 12:18:35z SPIFFS mounted. 10/05/18 14:18:36 Local time zone: 2 10/05/18 14:18:36 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/05/18 14:18:36 MDNS responder started 10/05/18 14:18:36 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/05/18 14:18:36 HTTP server started 10/05/18 14:18:36 timeSync: service started. 10/05/18 14:18:37 statService: started. 10/05/18 14:18:37 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -74db 10/05/18 14:18:37 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/05/18 14:18:37 dataLog: service started. 10/05/18 14:18:37 dataLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 14:18:30 10/05/18 14:18:37 historyLog: service started. 10/05/18 14:18:38 historyLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 14:18:00 10/05/18 14:18:40 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/05/18 14:18:41 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/05/18 14:18:41 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 14:18:42 EmonService: Start posting at 10/5/18 14:18:40 10/05/18 14:18:43 influxDB: Start posting from 10/5/18 12:25:35 10/05/18 14:19:16 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/05/18 12:19:17z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538741957 10/05/18 12:19:17z Version 02_03_16 10/05/18 12:19:17z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/05/18 12:19:17z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/05/18 12:19:17z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/05/18 12:19:17z SPIFFS mounted. 10/05/18 14:19:18 Local time zone: 2 10/05/18 14:19:18 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/05/18 14:19:21 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/05/18 14:19:24 MDNS responder started 10/05/18 14:19:24 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/05/18 14:19:24 HTTP server started 10/05/18 14:19:24 timeSync: service started. 10/05/18 14:19:24 statService: started. 10/05/18 14:19:24 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -74db 10/05/18 14:19:24 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/05/18 14:19:25 dataLog: service started. 10/05/18 14:19:25 dataLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 14:19:15 10/05/18 14:19:25 historyLog: service started. 10/05/18 14:19:25 historyLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 14:19:00 10/05/18 14:19:27 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/05/18 14:19:29 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/05/18 14:19:29 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 14:19:30 EmonService: Start posting at 10/5/18 14:19:10 10/05/18 14:19:30 influxDB: Start posting from 10/5/18 12:48:30 10/05/18 14:19:48 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/05/18 12:19:49z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538741989 10/05/18 12:19:49z Version 02_03_16 10/05/18 12:19:49z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/05/18 12:19:49z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/05/18 12:19:49z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/05/18 12:19:49z SPIFFS mounted. 10/05/18 14:19:50 Local time zone: 2 10/05/18 14:19:50 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/05/18 14:19:53 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/05/18 14:19:58 MDNS responder started 10/05/18 14:19:58 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/05/18 14:19:58 HTTP server started 10/05/18 14:19:58 timeSync: service started. 10/05/18 14:19:58 statService: started. 10/05/18 14:19:58 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -74db 10/05/18 14:19:58 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/05/18 14:19:58 dataLog: service started. 10/05/18 14:19:58 dataLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 14:19:45 10/05/18 14:19:59 historyLog: service started. 10/05/18 14:19:59 historyLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 14:19:00 10/05/18 14:20:02 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/05/18 14:20:03 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/05/18 14:20:03 influxDB: started. 10/05/18 14:20:04 EmonService: Start posting at 10/5/18 14:19:50 10/05/18 14:20:04 influxDB: Start posting from 10/5/18 13:00:10 10/06/18 21:19:58 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/06/18 22:08:17z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538863697 10/06/18 22:08:17z Version 02_03_16 10/06/18 22:08:17z Reset reason: Hardware Watchdog 10/06/18 22:08:17z Trace: 18:0, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4 10/06/18 22:08:17z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/06/18 22:08:17z SPIFFS mounted. 10/07/18 00:08:18 Local time zone: 2 10/07/18 00:08:18 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/07/18 00:08:18 MDNS responder started 10/07/18 00:08:18 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/07/18 00:08:18 HTTP server started 10/07/18 00:08:19 timeSync: service started. 10/07/18 00:08:19 statService: started. 10/07/18 00:08:19 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -75db 10/07/18 00:08:19 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/07/18 00:08:19 dataLog: service started. 10/07/18 00:08:19 dataLog: Last log entry 10/7/18 00:08:05 10/07/18 00:08:20 historyLog: service started. 10/07/18 00:08:20 historyLog: Last log entry 10/7/18 00:08:00 10/07/18 00:08:22 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/07/18 00:08:24 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/07/18 00:08:24 influxDB: started. 10/07/18 00:08:25 EmonService: Start posting at 10/7/18 00:08:10 10/07/18 00:08:31 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/07/18 00:08:31 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/07/18 08:26:12 EmonService: HTTP response -11, retrying. 10/07/18 08:26:20 EmonService: Retry successful after 3 attempts. 10/07/18 22:11:18 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1 10/07/18 22:41:15 influxDB: started. 10/07/18 22:41:22 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/07/18 22:41:22 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/07/18 22:41:35 influxDB: started. 10/07/18 22:41:42 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/07/18 22:41:42 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/07/18 22:41:54 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/7/18 22:41:50 10/07/18 22:41:56 influxDB: started. 10/07/18 22:42:03 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 00:08:10 10/07/18 22:42:03 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/7/18 00:08:05 10/07/18 22:42:11 influxDB: started. 10/07/18 22:42:17 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 00:08:10 10/07/18 22:42:23 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/07/18 20:42:25z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538944945 10/07/18 20:42:25z Version 02_03_16 10/07/18 20:42:25z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/07/18 20:42:25z Trace: 7:7, 7:7, 1:6, 1:1[10], 1:2[11], 9:0[11], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:0, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:15, 10:16, 10:17, 10:22, 10:17, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/07/18 20:42:25z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/07/18 20:42:25z SPIFFS mounted. 10/07/18 22:42:26 Local time zone: 2 10/07/18 22:42:26 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/07/18 22:42:29 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/07/18 22:42:34 MDNS responder started 10/07/18 22:42:34 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/07/18 22:42:34 HTTP server started 10/07/18 22:42:34 timeSync: service started. 10/07/18 22:42:34 statService: started. 10/07/18 22:42:34 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -75db 10/07/18 22:42:34 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/07/18 22:42:34 dataLog: service started. 10/07/18 22:42:34 dataLog: Last log entry 10/7/18 22:42:20 10/07/18 22:42:35 historyLog: service started. 10/07/18 22:42:35 historyLog: Last log entry 10/7/18 22:42:00 10/07/18 22:42:36 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/07/18 22:42:39 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/07/18 22:42:39 influxDB: started. 10/07/18 22:42:40 EmonService: Start posting at 10/7/18 22:42:00 10/07/18 22:42:40 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/7/18 22:41:50 10/07/18 22:42:43 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 00:12:00 10/07/18 22:42:58 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/07/18 20:42:59z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538944979 10/07/18 20:42:59z Version 02_03_16 10/07/18 20:42:59z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/07/18 20:42:59z Trace: 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:0, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:15, 10:16, 10:17, 10:22, 10:17, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/07/18 20:42:59z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/07/18 20:42:59z SPIFFS mounted. 10/07/18 22:43:00 Local time zone: 2 10/07/18 22:43:00 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/07/18 22:43:03 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/07/18 22:43:06 MDNS responder started 10/07/18 22:43:06 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/07/18 22:43:06 HTTP server started 10/07/18 22:43:06 timeSync: service started. 10/07/18 22:43:06 statService: started. 10/07/18 22:43:06 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -75db 10/07/18 22:43:06 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/07/18 22:43:06 dataLog: service started. 10/07/18 22:43:07 dataLog: Last log entry 10/7/18 22:42:55 10/07/18 22:43:07 historyLog: service started. 10/07/18 22:43:07 historyLog: Last log entry 10/7/18 22:42:00 10/07/18 22:43:09 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/07/18 22:43:11 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/07/18 22:43:11 influxDB: started. 10/07/18 22:43:12 EmonService: Start posting at 10/7/18 22:42:00 10/07/18 22:43:12 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 00:21:45 10/07/18 22:43:12 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/7/18 22:41:50 10/07/18 22:43:27 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/07/18 20:43:28z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538945008 10/07/18 20:43:28z Version 02_03_16 10/07/18 20:43:28z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/07/18 20:43:28z Trace: 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:1[2], 1:2[3], 9:0[3], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/07/18 20:43:28z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/07/18 20:43:28z SPIFFS mounted. 10/07/18 22:43:29 Local time zone: 2 10/07/18 22:43:29 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/07/18 22:43:32 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/07/18 22:43:37 MDNS responder started 10/07/18 22:43:37 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/07/18 22:43:37 HTTP server started 10/07/18 22:43:37 timeSync: service started. 10/07/18 22:43:37 statService: started. 10/07/18 22:43:37 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -75db 10/07/18 22:43:37 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/07/18 22:43:37 dataLog: service started. 10/07/18 22:43:37 dataLog: Last log entry 10/7/18 22:43:25 10/07/18 22:43:38 historyLog: service started. 10/07/18 22:43:38 historyLog: Last log entry 10/7/18 22:43:00 10/07/18 22:43:40 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/07/18 22:43:42 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/07/18 22:43:42 influxDB: started. 10/07/18 22:43:43 EmonService: Start posting at 10/7/18 22:42:00 10/07/18 22:43:43 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/7/18 22:41:50 10/07/18 22:43:48 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/07/18 22:43:48 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 06:40:33 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 06:40:40 influxDB: last entry query failed: -11 10/08/18 06:40:40 influxDB: Stopped. Last post 10/5/18 00:00:00 10/08/18 06:40:51 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 06:40:55 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 00:30:40 10/08/18 06:41:38 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 06:41:39 EmonService: Start posting at 10/7/18 22:42:00 10/08/18 06:42:02 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 04:42:04z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538973724 10/08/18 04:42:04z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 04:42:04z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 04:42:04z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 04:42:04z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 04:42:04z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 06:42:05 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 06:42:05 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 06:42:08 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 06:42:17 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 06:42:17 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 06:42:17 HTTP server started 10/08/18 06:42:17 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 06:42:17 statService: started. 10/08/18 06:42:17 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -75db 10/08/18 06:42:17 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 06:42:17 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:42:17 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:42:00 10/08/18 06:42:18 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:42:18 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:42:00 10/08/18 06:42:20 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 06:42:22 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 06:42:22 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 06:42:23 EmonService: Start posting at 10/7/18 22:55:00 10/08/18 06:42:26 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 01:05:15 10/08/18 06:43:44 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 04:43:45z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538973825 10/08/18 04:43:45z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 04:43:45z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 04:43:45z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 04:43:45z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 04:43:45z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 06:43:46 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 06:43:46 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 06:43:46 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 06:43:46 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 06:43:46 HTTP server started 10/08/18 06:43:47 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 06:43:47 statService: started. 10/08/18 06:43:47 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -76db 10/08/18 06:43:47 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 06:43:47 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:43:47 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:43:40 10/08/18 06:43:47 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:43:48 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:43:00 10/08/18 06:43:49 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 06:43:51 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 06:43:52 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 06:43:52 EmonService: Start posting at 10/7/18 23:50:00 10/08/18 06:43:56 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 01:28:50 10/08/18 06:45:20 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 04:45:22z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538973922 10/08/18 04:45:22z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 04:45:22z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 04:45:22z Trace: 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:1[12], 1:2[13], 9:0[13], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 04:45:22z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 04:45:22z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 06:45:23 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 06:45:23 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 06:45:26 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 06:45:35 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 06:45:35 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 06:45:35 HTTP server started 10/08/18 06:45:35 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 06:45:35 statService: started. 10/08/18 06:45:35 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -78db 10/08/18 06:45:35 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 06:45:35 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:45:36 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:45:20 10/08/18 06:45:36 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:45:36 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:45:00 10/08/18 06:45:38 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 06:45:40 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 06:45:40 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 06:45:41 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 00:39:30 10/08/18 06:45:41 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 02:03:15 10/08/18 06:47:54 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 04:47:55z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538974075 10/08/18 04:47:55z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 04:47:55z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 04:47:55z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 04:47:55z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 04:47:55z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 06:47:56 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 06:47:56 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 06:47:59 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 06:48:04 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 06:48:04 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 06:48:04 HTTP server started 10/08/18 06:48:04 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 06:48:04 statService: started. 10/08/18 06:48:04 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -77db 10/08/18 06:48:04 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 06:48:04 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:48:05 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:47:50 10/08/18 06:48:05 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:48:05 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:47:00 10/08/18 06:48:06 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 06:48:09 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 06:48:09 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 06:48:10 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 01:54:40 10/08/18 06:48:10 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 02:51:40 10/08/18 06:48:14 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 04:48:15z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538974095 10/08/18 04:48:15z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 04:48:15z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 04:48:15z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 04:48:15z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 04:48:15z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 06:48:16 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 06:48:16 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 06:48:19 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 06:48:24 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 06:48:24 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 06:48:24 HTTP server started 10/08/18 06:48:24 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 06:48:24 statService: started. 10/08/18 06:48:24 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -76db 10/08/18 06:48:24 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 06:48:24 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:48:24 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:48:10 10/08/18 06:48:25 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:48:25 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:48:00 10/08/18 06:48:27 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 06:48:29 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 06:48:29 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 06:48:30 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 02:00:10 10/08/18 06:48:30 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 02:51:45 10/08/18 06:48:57 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 04:48:58z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538974138 10/08/18 04:48:58z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 04:48:58z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 04:48:58z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 04:48:58z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 04:48:58z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 06:48:59 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 06:48:59 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 06:49:02 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 06:49:05 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 06:49:05 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 06:49:05 HTTP server started 10/08/18 06:49:05 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 06:49:05 statService: started. 10/08/18 06:49:05 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -76db 10/08/18 06:49:05 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 06:49:05 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:49:05 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:48:55 10/08/18 06:49:05 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:49:06 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:48:00 10/08/18 06:49:07 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 06:49:10 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 06:49:10 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 06:49:11 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 02:07:30 10/08/18 06:49:12 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 03:04:45 10/08/18 06:54:03 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 04:54:05z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538974445 10/08/18 04:54:05z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 04:54:05z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 04:54:05z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 04:54:05z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 04:54:05z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 06:54:06 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 06:54:06 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 06:54:09 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 06:54:14 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 06:54:14 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 06:54:14 HTTP server started 10/08/18 06:54:14 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 06:54:14 statService: started. 10/08/18 06:54:14 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -75db 10/08/18 06:54:14 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 06:54:14 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:54:14 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:54:00 10/08/18 06:54:15 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:54:15 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:54:00 10/08/18 06:54:18 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 06:54:19 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 06:54:19 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 06:54:20 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 04:52:30 10/08/18 06:54:20 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 04:45:35 10/08/18 06:55:45 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 04:55:46z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538974546 10/08/18 04:55:46z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 04:55:46z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 04:55:46z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 04:55:46z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 04:55:46z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 06:55:47 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 06:55:47 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 06:55:50 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 06:55:53 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 06:55:53 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 06:55:53 HTTP server started 10/08/18 06:55:53 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 06:55:53 statService: started. 10/08/18 06:55:53 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -77db 10/08/18 06:55:53 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 06:55:53 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:55:54 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:55:45 10/08/18 06:55:54 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:55:54 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:55:00 10/08/18 06:55:56 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 06:55:58 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 06:55:58 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 06:55:59 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 05:34:40 10/08/18 06:55:59 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 05:18:05 10/08/18 06:56:15 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 04:56:16z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538974576 10/08/18 04:56:16z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 04:56:16z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 04:56:16z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 04:56:16z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 04:56:16z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 06:56:17 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 06:56:17 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 06:56:17 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 06:56:17 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 06:56:18 HTTP server started 10/08/18 06:56:18 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 06:56:18 statService: started. 10/08/18 06:56:18 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -75db 10/08/18 06:56:18 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 06:56:18 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:56:18 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:56:15 10/08/18 06:56:18 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:56:19 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:56:00 10/08/18 06:56:22 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 06:56:23 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 06:56:23 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 06:56:24 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 05:40:10 10/08/18 06:56:24 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 05:22:30 10/08/18 06:57:49 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 04:57:50z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538974670 10/08/18 04:57:50z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 04:57:50z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 04:57:50z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 04:57:50z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 04:57:50z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 06:57:51 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 06:57:51 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 06:57:52 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 06:57:52 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 06:57:52 HTTP server started 10/08/18 06:57:52 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 06:57:52 statService: started. 10/08/18 06:57:52 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -76db 10/08/18 06:57:52 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 06:57:52 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:57:52 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:57:45 10/08/18 06:57:52 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:57:53 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:57:00 10/08/18 06:57:55 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 06:57:57 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 06:57:57 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 06:57:58 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 06:18:40 10/08/18 06:57:58 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 05:56:40 10/08/18 06:58:09 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 04:58:10z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538974690 10/08/18 04:58:10z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 04:58:10z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 04:58:10z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 04:58:10z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 04:58:10z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 06:58:11 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 06:58:11 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 06:58:14 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 06:58:19 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 06:58:19 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 06:58:19 HTTP server started 10/08/18 06:58:19 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 06:58:19 statService: started. 10/08/18 06:58:19 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -78db 10/08/18 06:58:19 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 06:58:19 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:58:19 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:58:05 10/08/18 06:58:19 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 06:58:20 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 06:58:00 10/08/18 06:58:22 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 06:58:24 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 06:58:24 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 06:58:25 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 06:24:10 10/08/18 06:58:25 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 05:59:30 10/08/18 07:00:18 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 05:00:20z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538974820 10/08/18 05:00:20z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 05:00:20z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 05:00:20z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 05:00:20z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 05:00:20z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 07:00:21 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 07:00:21 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 07:00:24 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 07:00:29 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 07:00:29 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 07:00:29 HTTP server started 10/08/18 07:00:29 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 07:00:29 statService: started. 10/08/18 07:00:29 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -74db 10/08/18 07:00:29 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 07:00:29 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:00:30 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:00:15 10/08/18 07:00:30 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:00:30 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:00:00 10/08/18 07:00:32 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 07:00:34 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 07:00:34 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 07:00:35 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 07:00:20 10/08/18 07:00:35 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 06:56:20 10/08/18 07:00:42 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 05:00:43z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538974843 10/08/18 05:00:43z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 05:00:43z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 05:00:43z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 05:00:43z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 05:00:43z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 07:00:44 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 07:00:44 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 07:00:47 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 07:00:52 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 07:00:52 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 07:00:52 HTTP server started 10/08/18 07:00:52 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 07:00:52 statService: started. 10/08/18 07:00:52 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -76db 10/08/18 07:00:52 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 07:00:52 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:00:52 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:00:40 10/08/18 07:00:53 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:00:53 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:00:00 10/08/18 07:00:55 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 07:00:57 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 07:00:57 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 07:00:58 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 07:00:40 10/08/18 07:00:58 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 07:00:45 10/08/18 07:01:29 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 05:01:30z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538974890 10/08/18 05:01:30z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 05:01:30z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 05:01:30z Trace: 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:1[10], 1:2[11], 9:0[11], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 05:01:30z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 05:01:30z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 07:01:31 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 07:01:31 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 07:01:34 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 07:01:39 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 07:01:39 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 07:01:39 HTTP server started 10/08/18 07:01:39 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 07:01:39 statService: started. 10/08/18 07:01:39 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -76db 10/08/18 07:01:39 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 07:01:39 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:01:40 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:01:25 10/08/18 07:01:40 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:01:40 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:01:00 10/08/18 07:01:41 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 07:01:44 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 07:01:44 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 07:01:45 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 07:01:30 10/08/18 07:01:45 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 07:20:45 10/08/18 07:06:19 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 05:06:21z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538975181 10/08/18 05:06:21z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 05:06:21z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 05:06:21z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 05:06:21z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 05:06:21z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 07:06:22 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 07:06:22 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 07:06:25 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 07:06:30 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 07:06:30 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 07:06:30 HTTP server started 10/08/18 07:06:30 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 07:06:30 statService: started. 10/08/18 07:06:30 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -77db 10/08/18 07:06:30 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 07:06:30 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:06:30 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:06:15 10/08/18 07:06:31 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:06:31 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:06:00 10/08/18 07:06:32 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 07:06:35 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 07:06:35 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 07:06:36 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 07:06:10 10/08/18 07:06:37 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 10:23:40 10/08/18 07:07:24 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 05:07:25z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538975245 10/08/18 05:07:25z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 05:07:25z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 05:07:25z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 05:07:25z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 05:07:25z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 07:07:26 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 07:07:26 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 07:07:29 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 07:07:34 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 07:07:34 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 07:07:34 HTTP server started 10/08/18 07:07:34 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 07:07:34 statService: started. 10/08/18 07:07:34 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -78db 10/08/18 07:07:34 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 07:07:34 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:07:34 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:07:20 10/08/18 07:07:35 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:07:35 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:07:00 10/08/18 07:07:36 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 07:07:39 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 07:07:39 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 07:07:40 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 07:07:20 10/08/18 07:07:40 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 10:53:35 10/08/18 07:08:44 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 05:08:46z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538975326 10/08/18 05:08:46z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 05:08:46z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 05:08:46z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 05:08:46z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 05:08:46z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 07:08:47 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 07:08:47 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 07:08:50 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 07:08:55 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 07:08:55 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 07:08:55 HTTP server started 10/08/18 07:08:55 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 07:08:55 statService: started. 10/08/18 07:08:55 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -75db 10/08/18 07:08:55 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 07:08:55 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:08:55 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:08:40 10/08/18 07:08:56 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:08:56 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:08:00 10/08/18 07:08:58 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 07:09:00 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 07:09:00 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 07:09:01 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 07:08:40 10/08/18 07:09:01 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 11:34:40 10/08/18 07:09:38 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 05:09:39z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538975379 10/08/18 05:09:39z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 05:09:39z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 05:09:39z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 05:09:39z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 05:09:39z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 07:09:40 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 07:09:40 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 07:09:43 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 07:09:48 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 07:09:48 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 07:09:48 HTTP server started 10/08/18 07:09:48 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 07:09:48 statService: started. 10/08/18 07:09:48 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -75db 10/08/18 07:09:48 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 07:09:48 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:09:49 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:09:35 10/08/18 07:09:49 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:09:49 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:09:00 10/08/18 07:09:50 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 07:09:53 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 07:09:53 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 07:09:54 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 07:09:30 10/08/18 07:09:54 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 11:54:50 10/08/18 07:11:00 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 05:11:01z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538975461 10/08/18 05:11:01z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 05:11:01z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 05:11:01z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 05:11:01z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 05:11:01z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 07:11:02 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 07:11:02 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 07:11:05 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 07:11:10 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 07:11:10 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 07:11:10 HTTP server started 10/08/18 07:11:10 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 07:11:10 statService: started. 10/08/18 07:11:10 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -75db 10/08/18 07:11:10 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 07:11:10 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:11:11 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:11:00 10/08/18 07:11:11 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:11:11 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:11:00 10/08/18 07:11:13 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 07:11:15 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 07:11:15 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 07:11:16 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 07:10:50 10/08/18 07:11:16 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 12:36:40 10/08/18 07:12:17 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 05:12:19z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538975539 10/08/18 05:12:19z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 05:12:19z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 05:12:19z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 05:12:19z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 05:12:19z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 07:12:20 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 07:12:20 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 07:12:23 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 07:12:28 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 07:12:28 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 07:12:28 HTTP server started 10/08/18 07:12:28 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 07:12:28 statService: started. 10/08/18 07:12:28 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -77db 10/08/18 07:12:28 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 07:12:28 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:12:29 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:12:15 10/08/18 07:12:29 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:12:29 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:12:00 10/08/18 07:12:31 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 07:12:33 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 07:12:33 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 07:12:34 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 07:12:20 10/08/18 07:12:34 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 13:18:20 10/08/18 07:12:53 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 05:12:54z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538975574 10/08/18 05:12:54z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 05:12:54z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 05:12:54z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 05:12:54z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 05:12:54z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 07:12:55 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 07:12:55 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 07:12:58 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 07:13:03 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 07:13:03 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 07:13:03 HTTP server started 10/08/18 07:13:03 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 07:13:03 statService: started. 10/08/18 07:13:03 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -77db 10/08/18 07:13:03 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 07:13:03 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:13:04 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:12:50 10/08/18 07:13:04 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:13:04 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:12:00 10/08/18 07:13:06 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 07:13:08 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 07:13:08 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 07:13:09 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 07:13:00 10/08/18 07:13:09 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 13:31:40 10/08/18 07:13:09 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 07:12:50 10/08/18 07:13:42 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 05:13:43z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538975623 10/08/18 05:13:43z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 05:13:43z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 05:13:43z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 05:13:43z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 05:13:43z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 07:13:44 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 07:13:44 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 07:13:47 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 07:13:47 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 07:13:47 HTTP server started 10/08/18 07:13:47 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 07:13:47 statService: started. 10/08/18 07:13:47 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -77db 10/08/18 07:13:47 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 07:13:47 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:13:48 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:13:40 10/08/18 07:13:48 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:13:48 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:13:00 10/08/18 07:13:51 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 07:13:52 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 07:13:52 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 07:13:53 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 07:13:00 10/08/18 07:13:53 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 13:53:05 10/08/18 07:13:53 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 07:12:50 10/08/18 07:13:54 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 05:13:55z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538975635 10/08/18 05:13:55z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 05:13:55z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 05:13:55z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:1[14], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:0, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:14, 10:15, 10:16, 10:17, 10:22, 10:17, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 05:13:55z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 05:13:55z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 07:13:56 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 07:13:56 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 07:13:59 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 07:14:04 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 07:14:04 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 07:14:04 HTTP server started 10/08/18 07:14:04 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 07:14:04 statService: started. 10/08/18 07:14:04 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -75db 10/08/18 07:14:04 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 07:14:04 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:14:04 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:13:50 10/08/18 07:14:04 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:14:05 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:13:00 10/08/18 07:14:06 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 07:14:09 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 07:14:09 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 07:14:10 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 07:13:00 10/08/18 07:14:10 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 13:53:10 10/08/18 07:14:10 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 07:12:50 10/08/18 07:18:43 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 10/08/18 05:18:45z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538975925 10/08/18 05:18:45z Version 02_03_16 10/08/18 05:18:45z Reset reason: Software/System restart 10/08/18 05:18:45z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 10/08/18 05:18:45z ESP8266 ChipID: 6902608 10/08/18 05:18:45z SPIFFS mounted. 10/08/18 07:18:46 Local time zone: 2 10/08/18 07:18:46 device name: pinguIW2, version: 3 10/08/18 07:18:49 Connecting with WiFiManager. 10/08/18 07:18:58 MDNS responder started 10/08/18 07:18:58 You can now connect to http://pinguIW2.local 10/08/18 07:18:58 HTTP server started 10/08/18 07:18:58 timeSync: service started. 10/08/18 07:18:58 statService: started. 10/08/18 07:18:58 WiFi connected. SSID pingu, IP, channel 6, RSSI -75db 10/08/18 07:18:58 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA 10/08/18 07:18:58 dataLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:18:59 dataLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:18:40 10/08/18 07:18:59 historyLog: service started. 10/08/18 07:18:59 historyLog: Last log entry 10/8/18 07:18:00 10/08/18 07:19:01 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA. 10/08/18 07:19:03 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 07:19:03 influxDB: started. 10/08/18 07:19:04 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 07:13:00 10/08/18 07:19:04 influxDB: Start posting from 10/7/18 16:59:30 10/08/18 07:19:04 EmonService: Stopped. Last post 10/8/18 07:12:50 10/08/18 08:34:12 EmonService: started. url:emoncms.org:80,node:pinguIW2,interval:10, unsecure GET 10/08/18 08:34:13 EmonService: Start posting at 10/8/18 07:13:00