ESP8266 ChipID: 2526180 IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_04_00 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: -6:00 Using Daylight Saving Time (BST) when in effect. device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Reset reason: External System Trace: 163:3[42], 131:223[58], 49:198[116], 146:168[167], 155:40[32], 58:87[10], 147:8[127], 38:124[118], 72:5[32], 120:173[20], 41:4[49], 212:253[250], 50:205[156], 33:189[215], 57:92[62], 193:33[60], 59:135[132], 145:163[181], 25:171[132], 182:90[170], 90:68[8], 156:79[173], 122:20[9], 151:255[108], 107:254[80], 78:237[159], 167:187, 19:94[200], 37:102[16], 20:29[209], 237:167[64], 23:219[235] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526180 IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_04_00 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: -6:00 Using Daylight Saving Time (BST) when in effect. device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Reset reason: External System Trace: 163:2[42], 131:223[58], 57:198[116], 146:169[167], 155:12, 58:87[10], 147:12[119], 38:124[118], 88:4[32], 56:60[20], 41:4[33], 196:253[250], 54:76[156], 53:188[247], 25:92[38], 201:33[60], 43:142[132], 145:163[181], 25:187[12], 182:90[170], 90:20[8], 156:79[173], 126:20[9], 151:255[96], 59:254[90], 14:239[159], 167:187, 131:222[200], 101:102[16], 144:29[212], 237:175[64], 23:223[99] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526180 IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_04_00 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: -6:00 Using Daylight Saving Time (BST) when in effect. device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Reset reason: External System Trace: 179:2[42], 131:223[58], 57:196[100], 18:232[167], 155:12, 58:199[10], 147:14[127], 38:124[118], 90:4[32], 248:236[20], 171:4[33], 212:253[250], 54:76[156], 33:189[215], 57:92[38], 193:33[56], 35:130[132], 145:162[181], 25:171[132], 182:91[171], 90:4[8], 156:79[173], 126:20[8], 151:255[108], 59:250[88], 78:237[159], 167:59, 131:222[200], 117:102[16], 144:157[212], 109:255[64], 23:223[226] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526180 IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_04_00 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: -6:00 Using Daylight Saving Time (BST) when in effect. device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Reset reason: External System Trace: 167:3[42], 131:215[58], 57:196[100], 146:168[167], 155:13[32], 58:199[10], 147:14[119], 38:252[118], 90:4[32], 120:237[20], 41:4[33], 212:253[250], 54:77[156], 37:189[87], 57:92[63], 193:33[60], 59:130[132], 145:227[181], 25:163[12], 180:90[170], 90:84[8], 156:79[45], 122:20[9], 151:255[104], 123:251[88], 78:237[159], 167:43, 19:94[200], 101:102[48], 148:157[208], 237:239[64], 23:219[234] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526180 IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_04_00 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: -6:00 Using Daylight Saving Time (BST) when in effect. device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Reset reason: External System Trace: 163:2[58], 131:223[58], 57:198[100], 18:168[167], 155:13[32], 58:87[10], 147:14[119], 38:252[118], 90:5[32], 248:61[20], 41:4[33], 212:253[250], 50:77[156], 37:189[87], 57:92[38], 201:33[60], 59:147[132], 145:162[181], 25:187[4], 182:91[170], 91:20[8], 156:79[173], 122:20[8], 150:255[108], 123:251[80], 110:205[31], 167:187, 3:222[216], 101:102[16], 144:29[209], 109:255[64], 151:219[235] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526180 IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_04_00 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: -6:00 Using Daylight Saving Time (BST) when in effect. device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Reset reason: External System Trace: 167:2[42], 131:215[58], 57:196[100], 146:172[167], 155:12[32], 58:199[10], 147:8[119], 38:252[118], 90:5[32], 248:172[150], 41:0[49], 212:253[250], 50:77[156], 37:185[215], 57:92[54], 193:33[60], 43:139[132], 145:226[181], 25:163[4], 182:90[170], 90:84[8], 156:79[45], 122:20[9], 151:255[108], 107:251[80], 14:207[159], 167:59, 131:222[200], 101:103[16], 144:157[209], 237:191[64], 23:223[226] ESP8266 ChipID: 2526180 IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_04_00 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: -6:00 Using Daylight Saving Time (BST) when in effect. device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt HTTP server started WiFi connected. SSID=Konkle, IP=, channel=6, RSSI -60db timeSync: service started. statService: started. Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Reset reason: Exception Trace: 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1[5], 1:2[6], 9:0[6], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2 ESP8266 ChipID: 2526180 IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_04_00 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: -6:00 Using Daylight Saving Time (BST) when in effect. device name: IotaWatt MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt HTTP server started WiFi connected. SSID=Konkle, IP=, channel=6, RSSI -59db timeSync: service started. statService: started. Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 5/12/19 14:41:07 timeSync: RTC initalized to NTP time 5/12/19 14:41:07 dataLog: service started. 5/12/19 14:41:07 dataLog: Last log entry 05/12/19 10:53:20 5/12/19 14:41:07 historyLog: service started. 5/12/19 14:41:07 historyLog: Last log entry 05/12/19 10:53:00 5/12/19 14:41:08 PVoutput: started 5/12/19 14:41:08 PVoutput: System MicroWatt, interval 5, freeload mode 5/12/19 14:41:08 PVoutput: Start status beginning 05/12/19 10:50:00 5/12/19 14:41:09 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 5/12/19 21:07:09z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1557695229 5/12/19 21:07:09z Power failure detected. 5/12/19 21:07:09z Reset reason: External System 5/12/19 21:07:09z ESP8266 ChipID: 2526180 5/12/19 21:07:09z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_04_00 5/12/19 21:07:09z SPIFFS mounted. 5/12/19 16:07:10 Local time zone: -6:00 5/12/19 16:07:10 Using Daylight Saving Time (BST) when in effect. 5/12/19 16:07:10 device name: IotaWatt 5/12/19 16:07:13 Connecting with WiFiManager. 5/12/19 16:07:19 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 5/12/19 16:07:19 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 5/12/19 16:07:19 HTTP server started 5/12/19 16:07:19 WiFi connected. SSID=Konkle, IP=, channel=6, RSSI -55db 5/12/19 16:07:19 timeSync: service started. 5/12/19 16:07:19 statService: started. 5/12/19 16:07:19 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 5/12/19 16:07:19 dataLog: service started. 5/12/19 16:07:19 dataLog: Last log entry 05/12/19 16:07:00 5/12/19 16:07:19 historyLog: service started. 5/12/19 16:07:19 historyLog: Last log entry 05/12/19 16:07:00 5/12/19 16:07:21 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 5/12/19 16:07:29 PVoutput: started 5/12/19 16:07:30 PVoutput: System MicroWatt, interval 5, freeload mode 5/12/19 16:07:30 PVoutput: Start status beginning 05/12/19 16:05:00 5/12/19 17:16:31 WiFi disconnected. 5/12/19 17:17:41 WiFi connected. SSID=Konkle, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -61db 5/12/19 21:50:50 WiFi disconnected. 5/12/19 21:51:50 WiFi connected. SSID=Konkle, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -57db 5/13/19 20:20:07 WiFi disconnected. 5/13/19 20:21:04 WiFi connected. SSID=Konkle, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -55db 5/13/19 20:21:55 WiFi disconnected. 5/13/19 20:22:45 WiFi connected. SSID=Konkle, IP=, channel=11, RSSI -55db 5/13/19 20:38:07 Incomplete HTTP request detected, id 7, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 5/14/19 01:38:09z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1557797889 5/14/19 01:38:09z Reset reason: Software/System restart 5/14/19 01:38:09z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21] 5/14/19 01:38:09z ESP8266 ChipID: 2526180 5/14/19 01:38:09z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_04_00 5/14/19 01:38:09z SPIFFS mounted. 5/13/19 20:38:10 Local time zone: -6:00 5/13/19 20:38:10 Using Daylight Saving Time (BST) when in effect. 5/13/19 20:38:10 device name: IotaWatt 5/13/19 20:38:10 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 5/13/19 20:38:10 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 5/13/19 20:38:10 HTTP server started 5/13/19 20:38:10 timeSync: service started. 5/13/19 20:38:11 statService: started. 5/13/19 20:38:11 dataLog: service started. 5/13/19 20:38:11 dataLog: Last log entry 05/13/19 20:38:05 5/13/19 20:38:11 historyLog: service started. 5/13/19 20:38:12 historyLog: Last log entry 05/13/19 20:38:00 5/13/19 20:38:13 WiFi connected. SSID=Konkle, IP=, channel=11, RSSI -55db 5/13/19 20:38:13 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 5/13/19 20:38:13 timesync: Kiss-o'-Death, code RATE, ip: 5/13/19 20:38:19 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 5/13/19 20:38:22 PVoutput: started 5/13/19 20:38:22 timesync: Kiss-o'-Death, code RATE, ip: 5/13/19 20:38:31 PVoutput: System MicroWatt, interval 5, freeload mode 5/13/19 20:38:32 timesync: Kiss-o'-Death, code RATE, ip: 5/13/19 20:38:41 PVoutput: Start status beginning 05/13/19 20:15:00 5/13/19 20:38:41 timesync: Kiss-o'-Death, code RATE, ip: