** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Reset reason: Software/System restart Trace: 131:182[237], 44:210[2], 11:57[255], 15:128[100], 221:211[193], 162:52[49], 133:233[97], 252:0[195], 0:89[71], 118:106[14], 192:157[237], 250:30[208], 27:33[79], 86:168[106], 238:194[158], 168:154[180], 190:174[9], 253:140[2], 17:159[211], 161:56[234], 45:157[31], 241:8[124], 160:181[225], 101:122[112], 115:28[169], 126:110[194], 25:75[4], 23:1[233], 130:183[58], 118:241[14], 133:94[246], 192:47[152] ESP8266 ChipID: 12672402 IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_05_11 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Reset reason: External System Trace: 166:142[109], 44:210[2], 3:57[248], 47:64[68], 221:251[201], 162:52[53], 149:233[105], 252:0[225], 72:89[71], 116:107[10], 192:157[239], 154:30[209], 27:7[79], 86:168[106], 254:196[158], 136:154[180], 159:174[9], 253:36[2], 21:31[211], 177:168[250], 173:181[31], 241:40[92], 168:149[225], 229:122[112], 115:188[169], 126:110[194], 17:195[4], 23:1[233], 130:183[58], 54:225[46], 133:94[118], 201:47[152] ESP8266 ChipID: 12672402 IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_05_11 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/04/21 20:56:49z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1628110609 8/04/21 20:56:49z Power failure detected. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 8/04/21 21:00:47z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1628110847 8/04/21 21:00:47z Power failure detected. 8/04/21 21:00:47z Reset reason: External System 8/04/21 21:00:47z ESP8266 ChipID: 12672402 8/04/21 21:00:47z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_05_11 8/04/21 21:00:47z SPIFFS mounted. 8/04/21 21:00:47z Local time zone: +0:00 8/04/21 21:00:47z device name: IotaWatt ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Reset reason: External System Trace: 175:142[109], 52:210[2], 43:57[252], 47:64[102], 221:211[200], 162:52[52], 199:233[97], 252:0[227], 8:81[71], 116:106[10], 193:157[237], 250:30[209], 91:33[79], 86:168[106], 238:196[158], 136:154[180], 191:172[25], 253:172[2], 17:159[211], 129:56[250], 45:157[11], 241:8[124], 168:149[227], 101:122[112], 115:60[169], 126:110[210], 9:202[4], 23:1[233], 134:55[58], 54:225[14], 165:94[118], 192:175[152] ESP8266 ChipID: 12672402 IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_05_11 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Reset reason: Power On Trace: 131:150[109], 52:210[2], 171:56[253], 47:72[100], 221:218[193], 170:48[53], 199:105[105], 188:0[225], 72:81[199], 116:106[14], 192:157[239], 186:14[209], 27:33[79], 118:168[110], 238:196[142], 168:154[180], 167:172[9], 253:76[147], 17:31[211], 177:56[250], 45:156[27], 241:40[124], 160:209[225], 109:114[112], 115:60[169], 126:110[210], 1:195, 215:1[233], 166:183[58], 118:225[46], 133:94[247], 192:175[152] ESP8266 ChipID: 12672402 IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_06_02 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. HTTP server started ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not initialized. Reset reason: Power On Trace: 143:134[125], 36:146[2], 43:56[252], 15:200[68], 221:218[193], 162:52[53], 199:105[105], 188:1[225], 8:81[199], 118:106[10], 192:141[237], 218:14[209], 91:33[77], 70:184[106], 238:196[158], 160:154[180], 167:172[25], 237:108[3], 17:159[211], 129:56[250], 45:156[27], 241:40[124], 168:145[225], 109:122[112], 103:124[169], 126:110[210], 1:194, 87:1[233], 134:183[58], 118:225[46], 133:94[247], 64:175[152] ESP8266 ChipID: 12672402 IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_06_02 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. HTTP server started