** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: Software/System restart Trace: 152:39[183], 123:69[95], 242:95[90], 50:29[116], 249:23[177], 29:23[33], 220:86[201], 211:5[235], 107:188[172], 139:56[144], 139:69[129], 238:90[217], 76:211[48], 49:33[133], 78:222[233], 183:206[61], 85:239[228], 233:165[4], 153:12[31], 227:194[215], 170:158[5], 88:22[225], 156:44[235], 248:133[136], 91:5[20], 50:133[22], 150:246[157], 119:228[192], 132:155[166], 39:19[17], 137:60[137], 99:75[198] ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 156:39[183], 123:71[95], 240:95[90], 50:31[116], 249:23[177], 29:23[161], 220:86[201], 215:1[235], 235:188[172], 139:184[178], 139:93[65], 238:90[89], 72:211[48], 49:161[133], 4:222[235], 150:206[61], 21:238[196], 195:181[4], 153:12[62], 99:192[87], 170:158[5], 200:22[225], 157:44[235], 184:133[136], 75:21[60], 146:133[22], 148:250[189], 113:224[193], 132:155[166], 37:3[17], 137:188[137], 99:75[135] ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 144:39[183], 122:119[94], 194:95[90], 50:29[118], 249:23[177], 29:23[165], 222:86[201], 215:1[203], 235:188[172], 139:184[146], 11:77[65], 239:90[89], 72:211[112], 49:161[133], 12:222[235], 150:206[61], 149:238[228], 195:181[68], 153:148[30], 99:194[119], 170:156[5], 200:22[225], 157:108[227], 184:133[136], 75:21[124], 146:133[22], 148:242[157], 113:240[193], 132:155[166], 37:3[81], 136:188[137], 97:75[143] ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 144:39[183], 122:87[95], 242:95[90], 178:29[118], 253:23[177], 29:23[165], 222:86[201], 215:1[235], 235:188[172], 139:184[178], 9:93[65], 239:90[89], 76:211[48], 49:33[133], 6:222[233], 151:206[61], 149:238[192], 195:181[68], 153:212[62], 99:194[87], 170:159[7], 72:22[241], 157:44[235], 248:133[136], 91:5[60], 146:133[22], 148:250[157], 113:224[192], 132:155[166], 39:3[17], 201:188[137], 99:75[135] ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. HTTP server started WiFi connected. SSID=Linksys 2ghz, IP=, channel=6, RSSI -87db MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 152:39[183], 123:69[95], 240:95[90], 50:29[116], 253:23[177], 29:21[165], 220:214[201], 211:133[235], 171:188[174], 139:56[176], 139:69[129], 238:90[89], 76:211[48], 49:33[133], 76:222[235], 182:206[61], 149:238[196], 227:183[4], 153:132[63], 226:192[87], 170:158[5], 216:22[225], 156:44[235], 248:149[140], 91:5[22], 146:133[23], 150:254[157], 119:228[192], 132:155[166], 37:21[81], 137:188[139], 99:75[198] ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. HTTP server started WiFi connected. SSID=Linksys 2ghz, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -91db MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 152:39[183], 122:87[95], 240:95[90], 50:29[118], 253:23[177], 29:23[161], 222:86[201], 215:1[235], 235:188[172], 139:184[146], 10:93[65], 238:90[217], 72:211[48], 49:161[133], 6:222[235], 150:206[61], 149:238[196], 195:181[68], 153:148[30], 227:194[87], 170:159[7], 200:22[241], 157:109[227], 248:133[136], 75:85[125], 146:133[22], 148:242[157], 113:244[192], 134:155[166], 39:1[81], 201:188[137], 99:75[135] ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. HTTP server started WiFi connected. SSID=Linksys 2ghz, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -59db MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 16:39[183], 122:87[94], 208:95[90], 50:29[118], 249:23[177], 29:23[161], 222:94[201], 215:1[203], 235:188[164], 139:184[178], 11:93[65], 238:90[81], 72:211[112], 49:161[133], 14:222[235], 23:206[61], 149:238[196], 195:181[76], 153:148[30], 99:194[87], 170:157[7], 72:22[241], 157:45[235], 184:133[136], 75:5[125], 146:133[22], 148:250[157], 113:244[192], 132:155[166], 39:17[81], 137:60[137], 97:75[207] ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. HTTP server started WiFi connected. SSID=Linksys 2ghz, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -59db MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt timeSync: service started. statService: started. Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 5/28/22 11:03:07z timeSync: RTC initalized to NTP time 5/28/22 11:03:07z Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 5/28/22 11:03:07z Updater: update tables from 0.0.4 to 0.0.5 5/28/22 11:03:07z dataLog: service started. 5/28/22 11:03:07z dataLog: New current log created. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 5/28/22 11:26:43z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1653737203 5/28/22 11:26:43z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 5/28/22 11:26:43z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 5/28/22 11:26:43z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 5/28/22 11:26:43z SPIFFS mounted. 5/28/22 11:26:43z Local time zone: +0:00 5/28/22 11:26:43z device name: IotaWatt 5/28/22 11:26:46z Connecting with WiFiManager. 5/28/22 11:26:49z HTTP server started 5/28/22 11:26:49z WiFi connected. SSID=Linksys 2ghz, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -54db 5/28/22 11:26:49z MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 5/28/22 11:26:49z LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 5/28/22 11:26:49z timeSync: service started. 5/28/22 11:26:50z statService: started. 5/28/22 11:26:50z Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 5/28/22 11:26:50z dataLog: service started. 5/28/22 11:26:50z dataLog: New current log created. 5/28/22 11:26:51z Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 5/28/22 11:26:51z Updater: update tables from 0.0.4 to 0.0.5 5/28/22 11:27:55z historyLog: service started. 5/28/22 11:27:55z historyLog: first entry 05/28/22 11:27:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/14/23 09:39:58z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676367598 2/14/23 09:39:58z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/14/23 09:39:58z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/14/23 09:39:58z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/14/23 09:39:58z SPIFFS mounted. 2/14/23 17:39:59 Local time zone: +8:00 2/14/23 17:39:59 device name: IotaWatt 2/14/23 17:40:02 Connecting with WiFiManager. 2/14/23 17:40:05 HTTP server started 2/14/23 17:50:42 Disconnect command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/14/23 09:55:25z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676368525 2/14/23 09:55:25z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/14/23 09:55:25z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/14/23 09:55:25z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/14/23 09:55:25z SPIFFS mounted. 2/14/23 17:55:25 Local time zone: +8:00 2/14/23 17:55:25 device name: IotaWatt 2/14/23 17:55:28 Connecting with WiFiManager. 2/14/23 17:57:39 HTTP server started 2/14/23 17:57:39 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -46db 2/14/23 17:57:39 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/14/23 17:57:39 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/14/23 17:57:39 timeSync: service started. 2/14/23 19:06:59 statService: started. 2/14/23 19:06:59 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/14/23 19:06:59 dataLog: service started. 2/14/23 19:06:59 dataLog: Last log entry 06/01/22 16:49:30 2/14/23 19:06:59 historyLog: service started. 2/14/23 19:06:59 historyLog: Last log entry 06/01/22 16:49:00 2/14/23 18:57:05 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/14/23 18:57:05 Updater: update tables from 0.0.5 to 0.0.7 2/14/23 20:03:45 WiFi disconnected. 2/14/23 20:04:10 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -32db 2/14/23 22:36:45 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/14/23 14:36:46z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676385406 2/14/23 14:36:46z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/14/23 14:36:46z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/14/23 14:36:46z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/14/23 14:36:46z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/14/23 14:36:46z SPIFFS mounted. 2/14/23 22:36:46 Local time zone: +8:00 2/14/23 22:36:46 device name: IotaWatt 2/14/23 22:36:46 HTTP server started 2/14/23 22:36:46 timeSync: service started. 2/14/23 22:36:47 statService: started. 2/14/23 22:36:47 dataLog: service started. 2/14/23 22:36:47 dataLog: Last log entry 02/14/23 22:31:45 2/14/23 22:42:14 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/14/23 14:42:16z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676385736 2/14/23 14:42:16z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/14/23 14:42:16z Trace: 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/14/23 14:42:16z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/14/23 14:42:16z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/14/23 14:42:16z SPIFFS mounted. 2/14/23 22:42:16 Local time zone: +8:00 2/14/23 22:42:16 device name: IotaWatt 2/14/23 22:42:16 HTTP server started 2/14/23 22:42:19 timeSync: service started. 2/14/23 23:53:50 statService: started. 2/14/23 23:53:50 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/14/23 23:53:50 dataLog: service started. 2/14/23 23:53:50 dataLog: Last log entry 02/14/23 22:32:00 2/14/23 23:53:50 historyLog: service started. 2/14/23 23:53:50 historyLog: Last log entry 02/14/23 22:31:00 2/14/23 23:53:50 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -34db 2/14/23 23:53:50 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/14/23 23:53:50 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/14/23 23:53:52 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/15/23 01:10:25 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/14/23 17:10:25z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676394625 2/14/23 17:10:25z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/14/23 17:10:25z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/14/23 17:10:25z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/14/23 17:10:25z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/14/23 17:10:25z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 01:10:25 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 01:10:25 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 01:10:25 HTTP server started 2/15/23 01:10:28 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 02:21:59 statService: started. 2/15/23 02:21:59 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 02:21:59 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 02:21:59 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 01:05:25 2/15/23 02:21:59 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 02:21:59 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 01:05:00 2/15/23 02:21:59 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -34db 2/15/23 02:21:59 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 02:21:59 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 02:22:02 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/15/23 03:38:35 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/14/23 19:38:36z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676403516 2/14/23 19:38:36z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/14/23 19:38:36z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/14/23 19:38:36z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/14/23 19:38:36z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/14/23 19:38:36z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 03:38:36 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 03:38:36 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 03:38:36 HTTP server started 2/15/23 03:38:37 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 03:38:37 statService: started. 2/15/23 03:38:39 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 03:38:39 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 03:33:35 2/15/23 03:43:40 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/14/23 19:43:41z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676403821 2/14/23 19:43:41z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/14/23 19:43:41z Trace: 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/14/23 19:43:41z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/14/23 19:43:41z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/14/23 19:43:41z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 03:43:41 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 03:43:41 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 03:43:41 HTTP server started 2/15/23 04:55:15 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 04:55:16 statService: started. 2/15/23 04:55:16 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 04:55:16 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 04:55:16 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 03:33:45 2/15/23 04:55:16 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 04:55:16 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 03:33:00 2/15/23 04:55:16 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -34db 2/15/23 04:55:16 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 04:55:16 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 06:11:54 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/14/23 22:11:55z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676412715 2/14/23 22:11:55z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/14/23 22:11:55z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/14/23 22:11:55z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/14/23 22:11:55z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/14/23 22:11:55z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 06:11:55 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 06:11:55 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 06:11:55 HTTP server started 2/15/23 06:11:56 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 07:23:29 statService: started. 2/15/23 07:23:29 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 07:23:29 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 07:23:29 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 05:11:55 2/15/23 07:23:29 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 07:23:29 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 05:11:00 2/15/23 07:23:29 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -35db 2/15/23 07:23:29 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 07:23:29 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 07:23:32 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/15/23 07:28:30 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/14/23 23:28:31z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676417311 2/14/23 23:28:31z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/14/23 23:28:31z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/14/23 23:28:31z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/14/23 23:28:31z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/14/23 23:28:31z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 07:28:31 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 07:28:31 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 07:28:31 HTTP server started 2/15/23 07:28:34 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 07:28:34 statService: started. 2/15/23 07:28:48 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 08:40:05 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 08:40:05 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 07:23:30 2/15/23 08:40:05 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 08:40:05 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 07:23:00 2/15/23 08:40:05 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -37db 2/15/23 08:40:05 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 08:40:05 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 08:40:07 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/15/23 09:56:48 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 01:56:50z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676426210 2/15/23 01:56:50z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/15/23 01:56:50z Trace: 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/15/23 01:56:50z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/15/23 01:56:50z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 01:56:50z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 09:56:50 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 09:56:50 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 09:56:50 HTTP server started 2/15/23 09:56:51 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 09:56:53 statService: started. 2/15/23 09:56:53 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 09:56:53 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 09:16:20 2/15/23 09:57:01 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 09:57:01 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 09:16:00 2/15/23 10:02:01 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 02:02:02z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676426522 2/15/23 02:02:02z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/15/23 02:02:02z Trace: 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/15/23 02:02:02z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/15/23 02:02:02z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 02:02:02z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 10:02:02 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 10:02:02 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 10:02:02 HTTP server started 2/15/23 10:02:05 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 10:02:05 statService: started. 2/15/23 10:02:33 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 11:13:36 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 11:13:36 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 09:57:00 2/15/23 11:13:36 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 11:13:36 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 09:16:00 2/15/23 11:13:36 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -37db 2/15/23 11:13:36 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 11:13:36 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 12:30:14 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 04:30:15z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676435415 2/15/23 04:30:15z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/15/23 04:30:15z Trace: 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/15/23 04:30:15z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/15/23 04:30:15z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 04:30:15z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 12:30:15 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 12:30:15 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 12:30:15 HTTP server started 2/15/23 12:30:16 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 12:30:16 statService: started. 2/15/23 12:30:16 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 12:30:16 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 11:27:25 2/15/23 12:30:18 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 12:30:18 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 09:16:00 2/15/23 12:30:18 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -25db 2/15/23 12:30:18 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 12:30:18 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 12:35:46 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 04:35:47z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676435747 2/15/23 04:35:47z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/15/23 04:35:47z Trace: 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2 2/15/23 04:35:47z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/15/23 04:35:47z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 04:35:47z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 12:35:47 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 12:35:47 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 12:35:47 HTTP server started 2/15/23 12:35:48 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 12:35:48 statService: started. 2/15/23 12:35:48 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 12:35:48 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 12:30:20 2/15/23 12:41:15 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 04:41:16z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676436076 2/15/23 04:41:16z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/15/23 04:41:16z Trace: 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/15/23 04:41:16z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/15/23 04:41:16z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 04:41:16z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 12:41:16 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 12:41:16 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 12:41:16 HTTP server started 2/15/23 12:41:19 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 12:41:19 statService: started. 2/15/23 12:41:49 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 13:52:50 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 13:52:50 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 12:30:40 2/15/23 13:52:50 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 13:52:50 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 09:16:00 2/15/23 13:52:50 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -36db 2/15/23 13:52:50 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 13:52:50 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 15:09:30 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 07:09:32z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676444972 2/15/23 07:09:32z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/15/23 07:09:32z Trace: 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/15/23 07:09:32z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/15/23 07:09:32z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 07:09:32z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 15:09:32 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 15:09:32 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 15:09:32 HTTP server started 2/15/23 16:21:06 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -36db 2/15/23 16:21:06 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 16:21:06 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 16:21:06 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 16:21:07 statService: started. 2/15/23 16:21:07 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 16:21:07 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 16:21:07 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 14:12:55 2/15/23 16:21:07 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 16:21:07 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 14:12:00 2/15/23 17:37:44 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 09:37:46z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676453866 2/15/23 09:37:46z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/15/23 09:37:46z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/15/23 09:37:46z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/15/23 09:37:46z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 09:37:46z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 17:37:46 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 17:37:46 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 17:37:46 HTTP server started 2/15/23 17:37:47 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 17:37:47 statService: started. 2/15/23 17:37:47 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 17:37:47 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 16:35:30 2/15/23 17:37:49 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 17:37:49 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 16:35:00 2/15/23 17:42:55 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 09:42:56z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676454176 2/15/23 09:42:56z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/15/23 09:42:56z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/15/23 09:42:56z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/15/23 09:42:56z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 09:42:56z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 17:42:56 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 17:42:56 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 17:42:56 HTTP server started 2/15/23 18:54:30 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -39db 2/15/23 18:54:30 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 18:54:30 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 18:54:30 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 18:54:31 statService: started. 2/15/23 18:54:31 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 18:54:31 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 18:54:31 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 17:37:50 2/15/23 18:54:31 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 18:54:31 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 16:35:00 2/15/23 20:06:15 Incomplete HTTP request detected, id 5, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 12:06:17z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676462777 2/15/23 12:06:17z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/15/23 12:06:17z Trace: 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6[6], 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[21], 1:6[4], 21:0, 21:1, 21:10, 21:20, 21:21, 21:22 2/15/23 12:06:17z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/15/23 12:06:17z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 12:06:17z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 20:06:17 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 20:06:17 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 20:06:17 HTTP server started 2/15/23 21:17:51 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -38db 2/15/23 21:17:51 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 21:17:51 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 21:17:51 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 21:17:52 statService: started. 2/15/23 21:17:52 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 21:17:52 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 21:17:52 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 20:06:15 2/15/23 21:17:52 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 21:17:52 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 20:06:00 2/15/23 22:34:31 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 14:34:32z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676471672 2/15/23 14:34:32z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/15/23 14:34:32z Trace: 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2 2/15/23 14:34:32z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/15/23 14:34:32z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 14:34:32z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 22:34:32 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 22:34:32 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 22:34:32 HTTP server started 2/15/23 22:34:33 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 22:34:35 statService: started. 2/15/23 22:34:41 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 22:34:44 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 22:34:44 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 21:38:40 2/15/23 22:41:12 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 14:41:13z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676472073 2/15/23 14:41:13z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/15/23 14:41:13z Trace: 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/15/23 14:41:13z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/15/23 14:41:13z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 14:41:13z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 22:41:13 Local time zone: +8:00 2/15/23 22:41:13 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 22:41:13 HTTP server started 2/15/23 22:41:16 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 22:41:16 statService: started. 2/15/23 22:41:17 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 23:52:47 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 23:52:47 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 22:34:45 2/15/23 23:52:47 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 23:52:47 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 21:38:00 2/15/23 23:52:47 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -36db 2/15/23 23:52:47 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 23:52:47 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 01:04:35 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/16/23 03:32:30 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 19:32:32z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676489552 2/15/23 19:32:32z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/15/23 19:32:32z Trace: 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/15/23 19:32:32z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/15/23 19:32:32z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 19:32:32z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 03:32:32 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 03:32:32 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 03:32:32 HTTP server started 2/16/23 04:44:06 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -36db 2/16/23 04:44:06 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 04:44:06 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 04:44:06 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 04:44:07 statService: started. 2/16/23 04:44:07 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/16/23 04:44:07 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 04:44:07 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 03:27:30 2/16/23 04:44:07 historyLog: service started. 2/16/23 04:44:07 historyLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 03:27:00 2/16/23 06:00:46 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 22:00:47z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676498447 2/15/23 22:00:47z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/15/23 22:00:47z Trace: 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/15/23 22:00:47z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/15/23 22:00:47z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 22:00:47z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 06:00:47 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 06:00:47 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 06:00:47 HTTP server started 2/16/23 06:00:48 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 06:00:48 statService: started. 2/16/23 06:00:50 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 06:00:50 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 05:07:15 2/16/23 06:00:50 historyLog: service started. 2/16/23 06:00:50 historyLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 05:07:00 2/16/23 06:06:17 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 22:06:18z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676498778 2/15/23 22:06:18z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/15/23 22:06:18z Trace: 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/15/23 22:06:18z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/15/23 22:06:18z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 22:06:18z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 06:06:18 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 06:06:18 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 06:06:18 HTTP server started 2/16/23 07:17:52 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -36db 2/16/23 07:17:52 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 07:17:52 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 07:17:52 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 07:17:53 statService: started. 2/16/23 07:17:53 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/16/23 07:17:53 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 07:17:53 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 06:00:55 2/16/23 07:17:53 historyLog: service started. 2/16/23 07:17:53 historyLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 05:07:00 2/16/23 08:34:30 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 00:34:32z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676507672 2/16/23 00:34:32z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 00:34:32z Trace: 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2 2/16/23 00:34:32z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 00:34:32z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 00:34:32z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 08:34:32 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 08:34:32 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 08:34:32 HTTP server started 2/16/23 08:34:33 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 08:34:35 statService: started. 2/16/23 08:34:35 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 08:34:35 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 07:30:35 2/16/23 08:34:35 historyLog: service started. 2/16/23 08:34:35 historyLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 07:30:00 2/16/23 08:40:03 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 00:40:04z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676508004 2/16/23 00:40:04z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 00:40:04z Trace: 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2 2/16/23 00:40:04z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 00:40:04z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 00:40:04z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 08:40:04 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 08:40:04 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 08:40:04 HTTP server started 2/16/23 08:40:05 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 08:40:05 statService: started. 2/16/23 08:40:05 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 08:40:05 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 08:34:40 2/16/23 08:45:16 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 00:45:16z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676508316 2/16/23 00:45:16z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 00:45:16z Trace: 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2 2/16/23 00:45:16z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 00:45:16z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 00:45:16z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 08:45:16 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 08:45:16 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 08:45:16 HTTP server started 2/16/23 08:45:17 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 08:45:17 statService: started. 2/16/23 08:45:19 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 08:45:19 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 08:35:00 2/16/23 08:45:19 historyLog: service started. 2/16/23 08:45:19 historyLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 07:30:00 2/16/23 10:01:50 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 02:01:51z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676512911 2/16/23 02:01:51z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 02:01:51z Trace: 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/16/23 02:01:51z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 02:01:51z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 02:01:51z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 10:01:51 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 10:01:51 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 10:01:51 HTTP server started 2/16/23 10:01:52 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 10:01:52 statService: started. 2/16/23 10:01:52 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 10:01:52 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 08:45:40 2/16/23 10:01:54 historyLog: service started. 2/16/23 10:01:54 historyLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 07:30:00 2/16/23 11:13:32 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -37db 2/16/23 11:13:32 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 11:13:32 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 11:13:32 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/16/23 11:13:35 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/16/23 13:41:35 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 05:41:36z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676526096 2/16/23 05:41:36z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 05:41:36z Trace: 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/16/23 05:41:36z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 05:41:36z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 05:41:36z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 13:41:36 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 13:41:36 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 13:41:36 HTTP server started 2/16/23 13:41:37 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 13:41:37 statService: started. 2/16/23 13:41:39 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 13:41:39 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 13:36:35 2/16/23 13:47:00 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 05:47:01z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676526421 2/16/23 05:47:01z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 05:47:01z Trace: 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/16/23 05:47:01z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 05:47:01z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 05:47:01z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 13:47:01 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 13:47:01 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 13:47:01 HTTP server started 2/16/23 13:47:01 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 13:47:02 statService: started. 2/16/23 13:47:02 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 13:47:02 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 13:37:05 2/16/23 13:52:27 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 05:52:28z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676526748 2/16/23 05:52:28z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 05:52:28z Trace: 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/16/23 05:52:28z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 05:52:28z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 05:52:28z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 13:52:28 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 13:52:28 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 13:52:28 HTTP server started 2/16/23 13:52:31 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 13:52:33 statService: started. 2/16/23 15:04:02 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/16/23 15:04:02 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 15:04:02 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 13:37:15 2/16/23 15:04:02 historyLog: service started. 2/16/23 15:04:02 historyLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 13:36:00 2/16/23 15:04:02 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -38db 2/16/23 15:04:02 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 15:04:02 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 16:20:44 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 08:20:45z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676535645 2/16/23 08:20:45z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 08:20:45z Trace: 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/16/23 08:20:45z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 08:20:45z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 08:20:45z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 16:20:45 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 16:20:45 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 16:20:45 HTTP server started 2/16/23 16:20:46 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 16:20:46 statService: started. 2/16/23 16:20:48 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 16:20:48 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 15:32:25 2/16/23 16:20:48 historyLog: service started. 2/16/23 16:20:48 historyLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 15:32:00 2/16/23 16:25:56 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 08:25:58z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676535958 2/16/23 08:25:58z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 08:25:58z Trace: 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/16/23 08:25:58z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 08:25:58z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 08:25:58z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 16:25:58 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 16:25:58 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 16:25:58 HTTP server started 2/16/23 16:25:59 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 16:25:59 statService: started. 2/16/23 16:26:01 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 16:26:01 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 16:20:50 2/16/23 16:31:48 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 08:31:49z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676536309 2/16/23 08:31:49z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 08:31:49z Trace: 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/16/23 08:31:49z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 08:31:49z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 08:31:49z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 16:31:49 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 16:31:49 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 16:31:49 HTTP server started 2/16/23 16:31:50 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 16:31:50 statService: started. 2/16/23 16:31:50 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 16:31:50 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 16:21:00 2/16/23 16:31:52 historyLog: service started. 2/16/23 16:31:52 historyLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 15:32:00 2/16/23 16:37:20 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 08:37:20z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676536640 2/16/23 08:37:20z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 08:37:20z Trace: 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2 2/16/23 08:37:20z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 08:37:20z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 08:37:20z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 16:37:20 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 16:37:20 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 16:37:20 HTTP server started 2/16/23 16:37:23 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 16:37:23 statService: started. 2/16/23 16:37:45 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/16/23 16:37:46 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 16:37:46 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 16:31:55 2/16/23 16:42:48 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 08:42:49z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676536969 2/16/23 08:42:49z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 08:42:49z Trace: 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2 2/16/23 08:42:49z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 08:42:49z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 08:42:49z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 16:42:49 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 16:42:49 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 16:42:49 HTTP server started 2/16/23 16:42:49 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 17:54:23 statService: started. 2/16/23 17:54:23 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/16/23 17:54:23 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 17:54:23 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 16:32:00 2/16/23 17:54:23 historyLog: service started. 2/16/23 17:54:23 historyLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 15:32:00 2/16/23 17:54:23 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -41db 2/16/23 17:54:23 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 17:54:23 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 19:11:03 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 11:11:04z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676545864 2/16/23 11:11:04z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 11:11:04z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/16/23 11:11:04z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 11:11:04z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 11:11:04z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 19:11:04 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 19:11:04 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 19:11:04 HTTP server started 2/16/23 19:11:04 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 19:11:05 statService: started. 2/16/23 19:11:05 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 19:11:05 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 18:12:00 2/16/23 19:11:07 historyLog: service started. 2/16/23 19:11:07 historyLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 18:12:00 2/16/23 19:11:08 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -39db 2/16/23 19:11:08 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 19:11:08 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 19:16:11 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 11:16:12z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676546172 2/16/23 11:16:12z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 11:16:12z Trace: 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/16/23 11:16:12z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 11:16:12z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 11:16:12z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 19:16:12 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 19:16:12 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 19:16:12 HTTP server started 2/16/23 19:16:13 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 19:16:15 statService: started. 2/16/23 19:16:15 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 19:16:15 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 19:11:10 2/16/23 19:21:24 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 11:21:25z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676546485 2/16/23 11:21:25z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 11:21:25z Trace: 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2 2/16/23 11:21:25z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 11:21:25z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 11:21:25z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 19:21:25 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 19:21:25 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 19:21:25 HTTP server started 2/16/23 19:21:26 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 19:21:26 statService: started. 2/16/23 19:21:28 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 19:21:28 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 19:12:40 2/16/23 19:26:28 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 11:26:29z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676546789 2/16/23 11:26:29z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 11:26:29z Trace: 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2 2/16/23 11:26:29z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 11:26:29z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 11:26:29z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 19:26:29 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 19:26:29 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 19:26:29 HTTP server started 2/16/23 19:26:32 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 19:26:40 statService: started. 2/16/23 19:26:40 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/16/23 19:26:40 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 19:26:40 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 19:12:45 2/16/23 20:43:04 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 12:43:06z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676551386 2/16/23 12:43:06z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 12:43:06z Trace: 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2 2/16/23 12:43:06z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 12:43:06z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 12:43:06z SPIFFS mounted. 2/16/23 20:43:06 Local time zone: +8:00 2/16/23 20:43:06 device name: IotaWatt 2/16/23 20:43:06 HTTP server started 2/16/23 20:43:07 timeSync: service started. 2/16/23 20:43:09 statService: started. 2/16/23 20:43:29 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/16/23 20:43:30 dataLog: service started. 2/16/23 20:43:30 dataLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 19:31:00 2/16/23 20:43:30 historyLog: service started. 2/16/23 20:43:30 historyLog: Last log entry 02/16/23 18:12:00 2/16/23 20:43:31 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -40db 2/16/23 20:43:32 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 20:43:32 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/16/23 21:54:50 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/17/23 00:22:50 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 16:22:51z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676564571 2/16/23 16:22:51z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 16:22:51z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/16/23 16:22:51z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 16:22:51z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 16:22:51z SPIFFS mounted. 2/17/23 00:22:51 Local time zone: +8:00 2/17/23 00:22:51 device name: IotaWatt 2/17/23 00:22:51 HTTP server started 2/17/23 01:34:25 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -41db 2/17/23 01:34:25 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/17/23 01:34:25 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/17/23 01:34:25 timeSync: service started. 2/17/23 01:34:26 statService: started. 2/17/23 01:34:26 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/17/23 01:34:26 dataLog: service started. 2/17/23 01:34:26 dataLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 00:17:50 2/17/23 01:34:26 historyLog: service started. 2/17/23 01:34:26 historyLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 00:17:00 2/17/23 01:34:27 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/17/23 02:51:05 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 18:51:05z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676573465 2/16/23 18:51:05z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 18:51:05z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/16/23 18:51:05z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 18:51:05z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 18:51:05z SPIFFS mounted. 2/17/23 02:51:05 Local time zone: +8:00 2/17/23 02:51:05 device name: IotaWatt 2/17/23 02:51:05 HTTP server started 2/17/23 04:02:39 timeSync: service started. 2/17/23 04:02:40 statService: started. 2/17/23 04:02:40 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/17/23 04:02:40 dataLog: service started. 2/17/23 04:02:40 dataLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 02:46:05 2/17/23 04:02:40 historyLog: service started. 2/17/23 04:02:40 historyLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 02:46:00 2/17/23 04:02:40 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -37db 2/17/23 04:02:40 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/17/23 04:02:40 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/17/23 04:02:42 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/17/23 05:19:18 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 21:19:19z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676582359 2/16/23 21:19:19z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 21:19:19z Trace: 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/16/23 21:19:19z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 21:19:19z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 21:19:19z SPIFFS mounted. 2/17/23 05:19:19 Local time zone: +8:00 2/17/23 05:19:19 device name: IotaWatt 2/17/23 05:19:19 HTTP server started 2/17/23 06:30:53 timeSync: service started. 2/17/23 06:30:54 statService: started. 2/17/23 06:30:54 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/17/23 06:30:54 dataLog: service started. 2/17/23 06:30:54 dataLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 04:16:50 2/17/23 06:30:54 historyLog: service started. 2/17/23 06:30:54 historyLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 04:16:00 2/17/23 06:30:54 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -40db 2/17/23 06:30:54 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/17/23 06:30:54 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/17/23 06:30:55 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/17/23 07:47:30 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 23:47:31z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676591251 2/16/23 23:47:31z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/16/23 23:47:31z Trace: 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 8:4, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/16/23 23:47:31z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/16/23 23:47:31z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 23:47:31z SPIFFS mounted. 2/17/23 07:47:31 Local time zone: +8:00 2/17/23 07:47:31 device name: IotaWatt 2/17/23 07:47:31 HTTP server started 2/17/23 08:59:05 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -40db 2/17/23 08:59:05 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/17/23 08:59:05 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/17/23 08:59:05 timeSync: service started. 2/17/23 08:59:06 statService: started. 2/17/23 08:59:06 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/17/23 08:59:06 dataLog: service started. 2/17/23 08:59:06 dataLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 07:42:30 2/17/23 08:59:06 historyLog: service started. 2/17/23 08:59:06 historyLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 07:42:00 2/17/23 08:59:07 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/17/23 16:13:35 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/17/23 08:13:36z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676621616 2/17/23 08:13:36z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/17/23 08:13:36z Trace: 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/17/23 08:13:36z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/17/23 08:13:36z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/17/23 08:13:36z SPIFFS mounted. 2/17/23 16:13:36 Local time zone: +8:00 2/17/23 16:13:36 device name: IotaWatt 2/17/23 16:13:36 HTTP server started 2/17/23 16:13:37 timeSync: service started. 2/17/23 16:13:39 statService: started. 2/17/23 16:13:39 dataLog: service started. 2/17/23 16:13:39 dataLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 16:08:35 2/17/23 16:20:29 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/17/23 08:20:30z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676622030 2/17/23 08:20:30z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/17/23 08:20:30z Trace: 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 8:4, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2 2/17/23 08:20:30z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/17/23 08:20:30z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/17/23 08:20:30z SPIFFS mounted. 2/17/23 16:20:30 Local time zone: +8:00 2/17/23 16:20:30 device name: IotaWatt 2/17/23 16:20:30 HTTP server started 2/17/23 16:20:31 timeSync: service started. 2/17/23 16:20:31 statService: started. 2/17/23 16:20:31 dataLog: service started. 2/17/23 16:20:31 dataLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 16:08:40 2/17/23 16:20:33 historyLog: service started. 2/17/23 16:20:33 historyLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 16:08:00 2/17/23 16:26:37 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/17/23 08:26:39z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676622399 2/17/23 08:26:39z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/17/23 08:26:39z Trace: 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/17/23 08:26:39z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/17/23 08:26:39z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/17/23 08:26:39z SPIFFS mounted. 2/17/23 16:26:39 Local time zone: +8:00 2/17/23 16:26:39 device name: IotaWatt 2/17/23 16:26:39 HTTP server started 2/17/23 16:26:40 timeSync: service started. 2/17/23 16:26:42 statService: started. 2/17/23 16:26:42 dataLog: service started. 2/17/23 16:26:42 dataLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 16:20:35 2/17/23 17:38:20 historyLog: service started. 2/17/23 17:38:20 historyLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 16:08:00 2/17/23 17:38:20 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -40db 2/17/23 17:38:20 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/17/23 17:38:20 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/17/23 17:38:20 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/17/23 17:38:22 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/17/23 21:18:00 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/17/23 13:18:01z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676639881 2/17/23 13:18:01z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/17/23 13:18:01z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/17/23 13:18:01z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/17/23 13:18:01z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/17/23 13:18:01z SPIFFS mounted. 2/17/23 21:18:01 Local time zone: +8:00 2/17/23 21:18:01 device name: IotaWatt 2/17/23 21:18:01 HTTP server started 2/17/23 22:29:35 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -41db 2/17/23 22:29:35 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/17/23 22:29:35 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/17/23 22:29:35 timeSync: service started. 2/17/23 22:29:36 statService: started. 2/17/23 22:29:36 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/17/23 22:29:36 dataLog: service started. 2/17/23 22:29:36 dataLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 21:13:00 2/17/23 22:29:36 historyLog: service started. 2/17/23 22:29:36 historyLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 21:13:00 2/17/23 23:46:16 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/17/23 15:46:17z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676648777 2/17/23 15:46:17z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/17/23 15:46:17z Trace: 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2 2/17/23 15:46:17z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/17/23 15:46:17z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/17/23 15:46:17z SPIFFS mounted. 2/17/23 23:46:17 Local time zone: +8:00 2/17/23 23:46:17 device name: IotaWatt 2/17/23 23:46:17 HTTP server started 2/17/23 23:46:18 timeSync: service started. 2/17/23 23:46:20 statService: started. 2/17/23 23:46:20 dataLog: service started. 2/17/23 23:46:20 dataLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 22:55:30 2/17/23 23:52:18 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/17/23 15:52:19z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676649139 2/17/23 15:52:19z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/17/23 15:52:19z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/17/23 15:52:19z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/17/23 15:52:19z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/17/23 15:52:19z SPIFFS mounted. 2/17/23 23:52:19 Local time zone: +8:00 2/17/23 23:52:19 device name: IotaWatt 2/17/23 23:52:19 HTTP server started 2/17/23 23:52:19 timeSync: service started. 2/17/23 23:52:20 statService: started. 2/17/23 23:52:20 dataLog: service started. 2/17/23 23:52:20 dataLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 23:46:25 2/17/23 23:57:20 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/17/23 15:57:21z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676649441 2/17/23 15:57:21z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/17/23 15:57:21z Trace: 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/17/23 15:57:21z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/17/23 15:57:21z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/17/23 15:57:21z SPIFFS mounted. 2/17/23 23:57:21 Local time zone: +8:00 2/17/23 23:57:21 device name: IotaWatt 2/17/23 23:57:21 HTTP server started 2/17/23 23:57:22 timeSync: service started. 2/17/23 23:57:24 statService: started. 2/17/23 23:57:24 dataLog: service started. 2/17/23 23:57:24 dataLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 23:46:30 2/18/23 00:02:51 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/17/23 16:02:52z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676649772 2/17/23 16:02:52z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/17/23 16:02:52z Trace: 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2 2/17/23 16:02:52z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/17/23 16:02:52z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/17/23 16:02:52z SPIFFS mounted. 2/18/23 00:02:52 Local time zone: +8:00 2/18/23 00:02:52 device name: IotaWatt 2/18/23 00:02:52 HTTP server started 2/18/23 00:02:55 timeSync: service started. 2/18/23 00:02:55 statService: started. 2/18/23 00:03:23 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/18/23 01:14:26 dataLog: service started. 2/18/23 01:14:26 dataLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 23:57:25 2/18/23 01:14:26 historyLog: service started. 2/18/23 01:14:26 historyLog: Last log entry 02/17/23 22:55:00 2/18/23 01:14:26 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -42db 2/18/23 01:14:26 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/18/23 01:14:26 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/18/23 01:14:29 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/18/23 02:31:01 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/17/23 18:31:02z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676658662 2/17/23 18:31:02z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/17/23 18:31:02z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/17/23 18:31:02z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/17/23 18:31:02z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/17/23 18:31:02z SPIFFS mounted. 2/18/23 02:31:02 Local time zone: +8:00 2/18/23 02:31:02 device name: IotaWatt 2/18/23 02:31:02 HTTP server started 2/18/23 02:31:03 timeSync: service started. 2/18/23 02:31:03 statService: started. 2/18/23 02:31:07 dataLog: service started. 2/18/23 02:31:07 dataLog: Last log entry 02/18/23 02:26:00 2/18/23 02:36:36 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/17/23 18:36:37z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676658997 2/17/23 18:36:37z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/17/23 18:36:37z Trace: 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/17/23 18:36:37z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/17/23 18:36:37z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/17/23 18:36:37z SPIFFS mounted. 2/18/23 02:36:37 Local time zone: +8:00 2/18/23 02:36:37 device name: IotaWatt 2/18/23 02:36:37 HTTP server started 2/18/23 02:36:40 timeSync: service started. 2/18/23 02:36:40 statService: started. 2/18/23 02:36:50 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/18/23 02:36:50 dataLog: service started. 2/18/23 02:36:50 dataLog: Last log entry 02/18/23 02:26:05 2/18/23 02:42:08 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/17/23 18:42:09z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676659329 2/17/23 18:42:09z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/17/23 18:42:09z Trace: 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/17/23 18:42:09z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/17/23 18:42:09z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/17/23 18:42:09z SPIFFS mounted. 2/18/23 02:42:09 Local time zone: +8:00 2/18/23 02:42:09 device name: IotaWatt 2/18/23 02:42:09 HTTP server started 2/18/23 02:42:10 timeSync: service started. 2/18/23 02:42:10 statService: started. 2/18/23 02:42:10 dataLog: service started. 2/18/23 02:42:10 dataLog: Last log entry 02/18/23 02:37:05 2/18/23 02:47:39 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/17/23 18:47:40z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676659660 2/17/23 18:47:40z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/17/23 18:47:40z Trace: 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 1:2 2/17/23 18:47:40z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/17/23 18:47:40z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/17/23 18:47:40z SPIFFS mounted. 2/18/23 02:47:40 Local time zone: +8:00 2/18/23 02:47:40 device name: IotaWatt 2/18/23 02:47:40 HTTP server started 2/18/23 02:47:41 timeSync: service started. 2/18/23 02:47:43 statService: started. 2/18/23 02:47:43 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/18/23 02:48:11 dataLog: service started. 2/18/23 02:48:11 dataLog: Last log entry 02/18/23 02:37:20 2/18/23 03:59:21 historyLog: service started. 2/18/23 03:59:21 historyLog: Last log entry 02/18/23 02:26:00 2/18/23 03:59:21 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -42db 2/18/23 03:59:21 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/18/23 03:59:21 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/18/23 03:59:23 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/18/23 05:15:50 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/17/23 21:15:50z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676668550 2/17/23 21:15:50z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/17/23 21:15:50z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2 2/17/23 21:15:50z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/17/23 21:15:50z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/17/23 21:15:50z SPIFFS mounted. 2/18/23 05:15:50 Local time zone: +8:00 2/18/23 05:15:50 device name: IotaWatt 2/18/23 05:15:50 HTTP server started 2/18/23 05:15:51 timeSync: service started. 2/18/23 05:15:51 statService: started. 2/18/23 05:15:53 dataLog: service started. 2/18/23 05:15:53 dataLog: Last log entry 02/18/23 05:10:50 2/18/23 06:27:31 historyLog: service started. 2/18/23 06:27:31 historyLog: Last log entry 02/18/23 05:10:00 2/18/23 06:27:31 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -42db 2/18/23 06:27:31 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/18/23 06:27:31 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/18/23 06:27:31 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/18/23 06:27:34 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/18/23 07:44:00 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/17/23 23:44:01z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676677441 2/17/23 23:44:01z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/17/23 23:44:01z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/17/23 23:44:01z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/17/23 23:44:01z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/17/23 23:44:01z SPIFFS mounted. 2/18/23 07:44:01 Local time zone: +8:00 2/18/23 07:44:01 device name: IotaWatt 2/18/23 07:44:01 HTTP server started 2/18/23 08:55:35 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -43db 2/18/23 08:55:35 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/18/23 08:55:35 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/18/23 08:55:35 timeSync: service started. 2/18/23 08:55:36 statService: started. 2/18/23 08:55:36 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/18/23 08:55:36 dataLog: service started. 2/18/23 08:55:36 dataLog: Last log entry 02/18/23 07:39:00 2/18/23 10:12:18 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/18/23 02:12:19z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676686339 2/18/23 02:12:19z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/18/23 02:12:19z Trace: 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[1], 1:2[2], 9:0[2], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[2], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[2], 1:2, 9:0, 9:0, 8:2, 8:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:2[1], 8:2, 9:2, 1:2 2/18/23 02:12:19z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/18/23 02:12:19z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/18/23 02:12:19z SPIFFS mounted. 2/18/23 10:12:19 Local time zone: +8:00 2/18/23 10:12:19 device name: IotaWatt 2/18/23 10:12:19 HTTP server started 2/18/23 10:12:20 timeSync: service started. 2/18/23 10:12:20 statService: started. 2/18/23 10:12:20 dataLog: service started. 2/18/23 10:12:20 dataLog: Last log entry 02/18/23 09:31:40 2/18/23 10:12:22 historyLog: service started. 2/18/23 10:12:22 historyLog: Last log entry 02/18/23 07:39:00 2/18/23 11:24:01 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -40db 2/18/23 11:24:01 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/18/23 11:24:01 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/18/23 11:24:01 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/18/23 11:24:03 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/23/23 03:11:37z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1677121897 2/23/23 03:11:37z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/23/23 03:11:37z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/23/23 03:11:37z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/23/23 03:11:37z SPIFFS mounted. 2/23/23 11:11:37 Local time zone: +8:00 2/23/23 11:11:37 device name: IotaWatt 2/23/23 11:11:40 Connecting with WiFiManager. 2/23/23 11:13:49 Did not connect after power-fail. Restarting to reset WiFi. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/23/23 03:13:51z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1677122031 2/23/23 03:13:51z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/23/23 03:13:51z Trace: 11:15, 11:20, 11:20[1], 11:20[2], 11:20[3], 11:21, 11:22, 11:21, 11:22, 11:21, 11:22, 11:20[4], 11:20[5], 11:20[6], 11:20[7], 11:25, 11:30, 11:30[1], 11:30[2], 11:31, 11:31[1], 11:31[2], 11:31[3], 11:30[3], 11:35, 11:36, 11:35, 11:40, 11:45, 11:50, 11:55, 11:70 2/23/23 03:13:51z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 2/23/23 03:13:51z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/23/23 03:13:51z SPIFFS mounted. 2/23/23 11:13:51 Local time zone: +8:00 2/23/23 11:13:51 device name: IotaWatt 2/23/23 11:13:51 HTTP server started 2/23/23 11:13:51 timeSync: service started. 2/23/23 11:13:51 statService: started. 2/23/23 11:13:51 dataLog: service started. 2/23/23 11:13:51 dataLog: Last log entry 02/18/23 13:11:00 2/23/23 11:13:51 historyLog: service started. 2/23/23 11:13:51 historyLog: Last log entry 02/18/23 13:10:00 2/23/23 11:13:58 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -27db 2/23/23 11:13:58 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/23/23 11:13:58 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/23/23 11:13:58 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/23/23 11:13:59 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/23/23 12:56:35 WiFi disconnected. 2/23/23 13:21:59 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -29db 3/03/23 14:22:20 WiFi disconnected. 3/03/23 14:22:42 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -20db ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/07/23 02:41:40z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678156900 3/07/23 02:41:40z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/07/23 02:41:40z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/07/23 02:41:40z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 3/07/23 02:41:40z SPIFFS mounted. 3/07/23 10:41:41 Local time zone: +8:00 3/07/23 10:41:41 device name: IotaWatt 3/07/23 10:41:44 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/07/23 10:43:55 Did not connect after power-fail. Restarting to reset WiFi. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/07/23 02:43:57z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678157037 3/07/23 02:43:57z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/07/23 02:43:57z Trace: 11:15, 11:20, 11:20[1], 11:20[2], 11:20[3], 11:21, 11:22, 11:21, 11:22, 11:21, 11:22, 11:20[4], 11:20[5], 11:20[6], 11:20[7], 11:25, 11:30, 11:30[1], 11:30[2], 11:31, 11:31[1], 11:31[2], 11:31[3], 11:30[3], 11:35, 11:36, 11:35, 11:40, 11:45, 11:50, 11:55, 11:70 3/07/23 02:43:57z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/07/23 02:43:57z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 3/07/23 02:43:57z SPIFFS mounted. 3/07/23 10:43:57 Local time zone: +8:00 3/07/23 10:43:57 device name: IotaWatt 3/07/23 10:43:57 HTTP server started 3/07/23 10:43:57 timeSync: service started. 3/07/23 10:43:57 statService: started. 3/07/23 10:43:57 dataLog: service started. 3/07/23 10:43:57 dataLog: Last log entry 03/03/23 15:27:50 3/07/23 10:44:02 historyLog: service started. 3/07/23 10:44:02 historyLog: Last log entry 03/03/23 15:27:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/07/23 04:27:12z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678163232 3/07/23 04:27:12z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/07/23 04:27:12z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/07/23 04:27:12z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 3/07/23 04:27:12z SPIFFS mounted. 3/07/23 12:27:12 Local time zone: +8:00 3/07/23 12:27:12 device name: IotaWatt 3/07/23 12:27:15 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/07/23 12:29:26 Did not connect after power-fail. Restarting to reset WiFi. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/07/23 04:29:28z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678163368 3/07/23 04:29:28z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/07/23 04:29:28z Trace: 11:15, 11:20, 11:20[1], 11:20[2], 11:20[3], 11:21, 11:22, 11:21, 11:22, 11:21, 11:22, 11:20[4], 11:20[5], 11:20[6], 11:20[7], 11:25, 11:30, 11:30[1], 11:30[2], 11:31, 11:31[1], 11:31[2], 11:31[3], 11:30[3], 11:35, 11:36, 11:35, 11:40, 11:45, 11:50, 11:55, 11:70 3/07/23 04:29:28z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/07/23 04:29:28z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 3/07/23 04:29:28z SPIFFS mounted. 3/07/23 12:29:28 Local time zone: +8:00 3/07/23 12:29:28 device name: IotaWatt 3/07/23 12:29:28 HTTP server started ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/07/23 04:31:07z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678163467 3/07/23 04:31:07z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/07/23 04:31:07z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/07/23 04:31:07z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 3/07/23 04:31:07z SPIFFS mounted. 3/07/23 12:31:07 Local time zone: +8:00 3/07/23 12:31:07 device name: IotaWatt 3/07/23 12:31:10 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/07/23 12:32:56 HTTP server started 3/07/23 12:32:56 WiFi connected. SSID=Linksys 2ghz, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -51db 3/07/23 12:32:56 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 3/07/23 12:32:56 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 3/07/23 12:40:43 Disconnect command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/07/23 04:46:55z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678164415 3/07/23 04:46:55z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/07/23 04:46:55z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/07/23 04:46:55z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 3/07/23 04:46:55z SPIFFS mounted. 3/07/23 12:46:55 Local time zone: +8:00 3/07/23 12:46:55 device name: IotaWatt 3/07/23 12:46:58 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/07/23 04:53:59z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678164839 3/07/23 04:53:59z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/07/23 04:53:59z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/07/23 04:53:59z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 3/07/23 04:53:59z SPIFFS mounted. 3/07/23 12:53:59 Local time zone: +8:00 3/07/23 12:53:59 device name: IotaWatt 3/07/23 12:54:02 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/07/23 04:56:34z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678164994 3/07/23 04:56:34z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/07/23 04:56:34z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/07/23 04:56:34z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 3/07/23 04:56:34z SPIFFS mounted. 3/07/23 12:56:34 Local time zone: +8:00 3/07/23 12:56:34 device name: IotaWatt 3/07/23 12:56:37 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/07/23 13:03:38 Did not connect after power-fail. Restarting to reset WiFi. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/07/23 05:03:39z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678165419 3/07/23 05:03:39z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/07/23 05:03:39z Trace: 11:15, 11:20, 11:20[1], 11:20[2], 11:20[3], 11:21, 11:22, 11:21, 11:22, 11:21, 11:22, 11:20[4], 11:20[5], 11:20[6], 11:20[7], 11:25, 11:30, 11:30[1], 11:30[2], 11:31, 11:31[1], 11:31[2], 11:31[3], 11:30[3], 11:35, 11:36, 11:35, 11:40, 11:45, 11:50, 11:55, 11:70 3/07/23 05:03:39z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/07/23 05:03:39z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 3/07/23 05:03:39z SPIFFS mounted. 3/07/23 13:03:39 Local time zone: +8:00 3/07/23 13:03:39 device name: IotaWatt 3/07/23 13:03:39 HTTP server started 3/07/23 13:03:40 timeSync: service started. 3/07/23 13:03:42 statService: started. 3/07/23 13:03:44 dataLog: service started. 3/07/23 13:03:44 dataLog: Last log entry 03/07/23 10:54:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/07/23 05:13:45z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678166025 3/07/23 05:13:45z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/07/23 05:13:45z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/07/23 05:13:45z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 3/07/23 05:13:45z SPIFFS mounted. 3/07/23 13:13:45 Local time zone: +8:00 3/07/23 13:13:45 device name: IotaWatt 3/07/23 13:13:48 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/07/23 13:15:30 HTTP server started 3/07/23 13:19:29 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -41db 3/07/23 13:19:29 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 3/07/23 13:19:29 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 3/07/23 13:19:30 timeSync: service started. 3/07/23 13:19:31 statService: started. 3/07/23 13:19:31 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/07/23 13:19:31 dataLog: service started. 3/07/23 13:19:31 dataLog: Last log entry 03/07/23 10:54:00 3/07/23 13:19:31 historyLog: service started. 3/07/23 13:19:31 historyLog: Last log entry 03/07/23 10:54:00 3/07/23 13:19:32 Updater: Update from 02_07_05 to 02_08_02 3/07/23 13:19:32 Updater: download 02_08_02 3/07/23 13:19:48 Updater: Release downloaded 16731ms, size 964192 3/07/23 13:19:59 Updater: signature verified 3/07/23 13:20:08 Updater: firmware upgraded to version 02_08_02 3/07/23 13:20:08 Updater: Firmware updated, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/07/23 05:24:47z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/07/23 05:26:27z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678166787 3/07/23 05:26:27z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/07/23 05:26:27z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/07/23 05:26:27z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/07/23 05:26:27z Updater: Installing update files for version 02_08_02 3/07/23 05:26:27z Updater: Installing EDIT.HTM 3/07/23 05:26:27z Updater: Installing FAVICON.ICO 3/07/23 05:26:28z Updater: Installing GRAPH.HTM 3/07/23 05:26:28z Updater: Installing GRAPH.JS 3/07/23 05:26:28z Updater: Installing GRAPH2.HTM 3/07/23 05:26:28z Updater: Installing GRAPH2.JS 3/07/23 05:26:29z Updater: Installing INDEX.HTM 3/07/23 05:26:30z Updater: Installing TABLES.TXT 3/07/23 05:26:30z Updater: Installing CNFSTYLE.CSS 3/07/23 05:26:30z Updater: Installation complete. 3/07/23 05:26:30z SPIFFS mounted. 3/07/23 13:26:30 Local time zone: +8:00 3/07/23 13:26:30 device name: IotaWatt 3/07/23 13:26:34 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/07/23 05:27:17z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678166837 3/07/23 05:27:17z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/07/23 05:27:17z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/07/23 05:27:17z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/07/23 05:27:17z SPIFFS mounted. 3/07/23 13:27:17 Local time zone: +8:00 3/07/23 13:27:17 device name: IotaWatt 3/07/23 13:27:20 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/07/23 13:31:36 HTTP server started 3/07/23 13:31:36 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -28db 3/07/23 13:31:36 timeSync: service started. 3/07/23 13:31:36 statService: started. 3/07/23 13:31:36 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/07/23 13:31:36 dataLog: service started. 3/07/23 13:31:36 dataLog: Last log entry 03/07/23 13:19:45 3/07/23 13:31:37 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 3/07/23 13:31:41 historyLog: service started. 3/07/23 13:31:41 historyLog: Last log entry 03/07/23 10:54:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/07/23 05:32:12z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678167132 3/07/23 05:32:12z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/07/23 05:32:12z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/07/23 05:32:12z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/07/23 05:32:12z SPIFFS mounted. 3/07/23 13:32:12 Local time zone: +8:00 3/07/23 13:32:12 device name: IotaWatt 3/07/23 13:32:15 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/07/23 13:32:18 HTTP server started 3/07/23 13:32:18 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -47db 3/07/23 13:32:18 timeSync: service started. 3/07/23 13:32:19 statService: started. 3/07/23 13:32:19 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/07/23 13:32:19 dataLog: service started. 3/07/23 13:32:19 dataLog: Last log entry 03/07/23 13:32:00 3/07/23 13:32:20 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 3/07/23 13:32:24 historyLog: service started. 3/07/23 13:32:24 historyLog: Last log entry 03/07/23 13:32:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/08/23 13:00:48z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678280448 3/08/23 13:00:48z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/08/23 13:00:48z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/08/23 14:13:32z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/08/23 14:15:49z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678284949 3/08/23 14:15:49z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/08/23 14:15:49z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/08/23 14:15:49z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/08/23 14:15:49z SPIFFS mounted. 3/08/23 22:15:50 Local time zone: +8:00 3/08/23 22:15:50 device name: IotaWatt 3/08/23 22:15:53 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/08/23 22:15:58 HTTP server started 3/08/23 22:15:59 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -96db 3/08/23 22:15:59 timeSync: service started. 3/08/23 22:16:00 statService: started. 3/08/23 22:16:00 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/08/23 22:16:00 dataLog: service started. 3/08/23 22:16:00 dataLog: Last log entry 03/08/23 10:37:20 3/08/23 22:16:02 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 3/08/23 22:16:05 historyLog: service started. 3/08/23 22:16:05 historyLog: Last log entry 03/08/23 10:37:00 3/08/23 22:16:18 WiFi disconnected. 3/08/23 22:16:33 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -96db 3/08/23 22:16:44 WiFi disconnected. 3/08/23 22:17:21 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -96db 3/08/23 22:18:07 WiFi disconnected. 3/08/23 22:19:16 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -96db 3/08/23 22:19:33 WiFi disconnected. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/08/23 14:25:40z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678285540 3/08/23 14:25:40z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/08/23 14:25:40z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/08/23 14:25:40z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/08/23 14:25:40z SPIFFS mounted. 3/08/23 22:25:40 Local time zone: +8:00 3/08/23 22:25:40 device name: IotaWatt 3/08/23 22:25:43 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/08/23 22:26:56 HTTP server started 3/08/23 22:26:56 WiFi connected. SSID=Linksys 2ghz, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -60db 3/08/23 22:26:56 timeSync: service started. 3/08/23 22:26:56 statService: started. 3/08/23 22:26:56 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/08/23 22:26:57 dataLog: service started. 3/08/23 22:26:57 dataLog: Last log entry 03/08/23 22:25:25 3/08/23 22:26:58 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 3/08/23 22:27:02 historyLog: service started. 3/08/23 22:27:02 historyLog: Last log entry 03/08/23 22:25:00 3/08/23 22:31:22 Disconnect command received. 3/08/23 22:31:23 WiFi disconnected. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/08/23 14:38:42z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678286322 3/08/23 14:38:42z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/08/23 14:38:42z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/08/23 14:38:42z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/08/23 14:38:42z SPIFFS mounted. 3/08/23 22:38:42 Local time zone: +8:00 3/08/23 22:38:42 device name: IotaWatt 3/08/23 22:38:45 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/08/23 22:39:40 HTTP server started 3/08/23 22:39:40 WiFi connected. SSID=Linksys 2ghz, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -54db 3/08/23 22:39:40 timeSync: service started. 3/08/23 22:39:40 statService: started. 3/08/23 22:39:40 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/08/23 22:39:40 dataLog: service started. 3/08/23 22:39:41 dataLog: Last log entry 03/08/23 22:38:25 3/08/23 22:39:41 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 3/08/23 22:39:45 historyLog: service started. 3/08/23 22:39:45 historyLog: Last log entry 03/08/23 22:38:00 3/08/23 22:40:03 Disconnect command received. 3/08/23 22:40:04 WiFi disconnected. 3/08/23 23:40:04 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/08/23 15:40:05z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678290005 3/08/23 15:40:05z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/08/23 15:40:05z Trace: 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[5], 1:6[4], 5:0, 1:6[6], 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[21], 1:6[4], 21:0, 21:2 3/08/23 15:40:05z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/08/23 15:40:05z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/08/23 15:40:05z SPIFFS mounted. 3/08/23 23:40:06 Local time zone: +8:00 3/08/23 23:40:06 device name: IotaWatt 3/08/23 23:40:06 HTTP server started 3/08/23 23:40:06 timeSync: service started. 3/08/23 23:40:06 statService: started. 3/08/23 23:40:06 dataLog: service started. 3/08/23 23:40:06 dataLog: Last log entry 03/08/23 23:40:00 3/08/23 23:40:11 historyLog: service started. 3/08/23 23:40:11 historyLog: Last log entry 03/08/23 23:40:00 3/09/23 00:40:06 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/08/23 16:40:08z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678293608 3/08/23 16:40:08z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/08/23 16:40:08z Trace: 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[20], 1:6[4], 20:0, 20:1, 20:2, 20:3, 1:6[6], 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[21], 1:6[4], 21:0, 21:2 3/08/23 16:40:08z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/08/23 16:40:08z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/08/23 16:40:08z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 00:40:09 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 00:40:09 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 00:40:09 HTTP server started 3/09/23 00:40:09 timeSync: service started. 3/09/23 00:40:09 statService: started. 3/09/23 00:40:09 dataLog: service started. 3/09/23 00:40:09 dataLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 00:40:05 3/09/23 00:40:14 historyLog: service started. 3/09/23 00:40:14 historyLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 00:40:00 3/09/23 01:40:09 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/08/23 17:40:10z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678297210 3/08/23 17:40:10z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/08/23 17:40:10z Trace: 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[20], 1:6[4], 20:0, 20:1, 20:2, 20:3, 1:6[6], 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[21], 1:6[4], 21:0, 21:2 3/08/23 17:40:10z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/08/23 17:40:10z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/08/23 17:40:10z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 01:40:11 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 01:40:11 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 01:40:11 HTTP server started 3/09/23 01:40:11 timeSync: service started. 3/09/23 01:40:11 statService: started. 3/09/23 01:40:11 dataLog: service started. 3/09/23 01:40:11 dataLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 01:40:05 3/09/23 01:40:16 historyLog: service started. 3/09/23 01:40:16 historyLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 01:40:00 3/09/23 02:40:11 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/08/23 18:40:12z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678300812 3/08/23 18:40:12z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/08/23 18:40:12z Trace: 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[20], 1:6[4], 20:0, 20:1, 20:2, 20:3, 1:6[6], 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[21], 1:6[4], 21:0, 21:2 3/08/23 18:40:12z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/08/23 18:40:12z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/08/23 18:40:12z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 02:40:13 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 02:40:13 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 02:40:13 HTTP server started 3/09/23 02:40:13 timeSync: service started. 3/09/23 02:40:13 statService: started. 3/09/23 02:40:13 dataLog: service started. 3/09/23 02:40:13 dataLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 02:40:10 3/09/23 02:40:18 historyLog: service started. 3/09/23 02:40:18 historyLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 02:40:00 3/09/23 03:40:13 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/08/23 19:40:15z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678304415 3/08/23 19:40:15z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/08/23 19:40:15z Trace: 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[20], 1:6[4], 20:0, 20:1, 20:2, 20:3, 1:6[6], 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[21], 1:6[4], 21:0, 21:2 3/08/23 19:40:15z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/08/23 19:40:15z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/08/23 19:40:15z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 03:40:16 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 03:40:16 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 03:40:16 HTTP server started 3/09/23 03:40:16 timeSync: service started. 3/09/23 03:40:16 statService: started. 3/09/23 03:40:16 dataLog: service started. 3/09/23 03:40:16 dataLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 03:40:10 3/09/23 03:40:21 historyLog: service started. 3/09/23 03:40:21 historyLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 03:40:00 3/09/23 04:40:16 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/08/23 20:40:17z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678308017 3/08/23 20:40:17z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/08/23 20:40:17z Trace: 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[20], 1:6[4], 20:0, 20:1, 20:2, 20:3, 1:6[6], 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[21], 1:6[4], 21:0, 21:2 3/08/23 20:40:17z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/08/23 20:40:17z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/08/23 20:40:17z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 04:40:18 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 04:40:18 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 04:40:18 HTTP server started 3/09/23 04:40:18 timeSync: service started. 3/09/23 04:40:18 statService: started. 3/09/23 04:40:18 dataLog: service started. 3/09/23 04:40:18 dataLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 04:40:15 3/09/23 04:40:23 historyLog: service started. 3/09/23 04:40:23 historyLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 04:40:00 3/09/23 05:40:18 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/08/23 21:40:20z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678311620 3/08/23 21:40:20z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/08/23 21:40:20z Trace: 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[20], 1:6[4], 20:0, 20:1, 20:2, 20:3, 1:6[6], 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[21], 1:6[4], 21:0, 21:2 3/08/23 21:40:20z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/08/23 21:40:20z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/08/23 21:40:20z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 05:40:21 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 05:40:21 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 05:40:21 HTTP server started 3/09/23 05:40:21 timeSync: service started. 3/09/23 05:40:21 statService: started. 3/09/23 05:40:21 dataLog: service started. 3/09/23 05:40:21 dataLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 05:40:15 3/09/23 05:40:26 historyLog: service started. 3/09/23 05:40:26 historyLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 05:40:00 3/09/23 06:40:21 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/08/23 22:40:22z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678315222 3/08/23 22:40:22z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/08/23 22:40:22z Trace: 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[21], 1:6[4], 21:0, 21:2 3/08/23 22:40:22z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/08/23 22:40:22z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/08/23 22:40:22z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 06:40:23 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 06:40:23 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 06:40:23 HTTP server started 3/09/23 06:40:23 timeSync: service started. 3/09/23 06:40:23 statService: started. 3/09/23 06:40:23 dataLog: service started. 3/09/23 06:40:23 dataLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 06:40:20 3/09/23 06:40:28 historyLog: service started. 3/09/23 06:40:28 historyLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 06:40:00 3/09/23 07:40:23 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/08/23 23:40:24z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678318824 3/08/23 23:40:24z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/08/23 23:40:24z Trace: 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[20], 1:6[4], 20:0, 20:1, 20:2, 20:3, 1:6[6], 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[21], 1:6[4], 21:0, 21:2 3/08/23 23:40:24z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/08/23 23:40:24z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/08/23 23:40:24z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 07:40:25 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 07:40:25 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 07:40:25 HTTP server started 3/09/23 07:40:25 timeSync: service started. 3/09/23 07:40:25 statService: started. 3/09/23 07:40:25 dataLog: service started. 3/09/23 07:40:25 dataLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 07:40:20 3/09/23 07:40:30 historyLog: service started. 3/09/23 07:40:30 historyLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 07:40:00 3/09/23 08:40:25 WiFi disconnected more than 60 minutes, restarting. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 00:40:27z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678322427 3/09/23 00:40:27z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/09/23 00:40:27z Trace: 1:1[6], 1:2[7], 9:0[7], 9:0, 9:1, 8:3[7], 8:3, 9:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[20], 1:6[4], 20:0, 20:1, 20:2, 20:3, 1:6[6], 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[21], 1:6[4], 21:0, 21:2 3/09/23 00:40:27z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 00:40:27z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 00:40:27z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 08:40:28 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 08:40:28 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 08:40:28 HTTP server started 3/09/23 08:40:28 timeSync: service started. 3/09/23 08:40:28 statService: started. 3/09/23 08:40:28 dataLog: service started. 3/09/23 08:40:28 dataLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 08:40:25 3/09/23 08:40:33 historyLog: service started. 3/09/23 08:40:33 historyLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 08:40:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 00:56:42z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678323402 3/09/23 00:56:42z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/09/23 00:56:42z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 00:56:42z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 00:56:42z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 08:56:42 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 08:56:42 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 08:56:45 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/09/23 08:57:53 HTTP server started 3/09/23 08:57:54 WiFi connected. SSID=Linksys 2ghz, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -59db 3/09/23 08:57:54 timeSync: service started. 3/09/23 08:57:54 statService: started. 3/09/23 08:57:54 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/09/23 08:57:54 dataLog: service started. 3/09/23 08:57:54 dataLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 08:53:35 3/09/23 08:57:55 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 3/09/23 08:57:59 historyLog: service started. 3/09/23 08:57:59 historyLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 08:53:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 01:46:49z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678326409 3/09/23 01:46:49z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/09/23 01:46:49z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 01:46:49z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 01:46:49z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 09:46:49 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 09:46:49 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 09:46:52 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/09/23 09:46:55 HTTP server started 3/09/23 09:46:55 WiFi connected. SSID=Linksys 2ghz, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -53db 3/09/23 09:46:56 timeSync: service started. 3/09/23 09:46:56 statService: started. 3/09/23 09:46:56 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/09/23 09:46:56 dataLog: service started. 3/09/23 09:46:56 dataLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 09:46:25 3/09/23 09:46:57 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 3/09/23 09:47:01 historyLog: service started. 3/09/23 09:47:01 historyLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 09:46:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 02:25:08z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678328708 3/09/23 02:25:08z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/09/23 02:25:08z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 02:25:08z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 02:25:08z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 10:25:08 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 10:25:08 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 10:25:11 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/09/23 10:25:14 HTTP server started 3/09/23 10:25:14 WiFi connected. SSID=Linksys 2ghz, IP=, channel=1, RSSI -56db 3/09/23 10:25:15 timeSync: service started. 3/09/23 10:25:15 statService: started. 3/09/23 10:25:15 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/09/23 10:25:15 dataLog: service started. 3/09/23 10:25:16 dataLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 10:23:15 3/09/23 10:25:16 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 3/09/23 10:25:20 historyLog: service started. 3/09/23 10:25:20 historyLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 10:23:00 3/09/23 10:26:32 Disconnect command received. 3/09/23 10:26:33 WiFi disconnected. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 02:28:31z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678328911 3/09/23 02:28:31z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/09/23 02:28:31z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 02:28:31z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 02:28:31z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 10:28:31 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 10:28:31 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 10:28:34 Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 02:34:44z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678329284 3/09/23 02:34:44z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/09/23 02:34:44z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 02:34:44z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 02:34:44z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 10:34:44 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 10:34:44 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 10:34:47 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/09/23 10:41:34 Did not connect after power-fail. Restarting to reset WiFi. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 02:41:36z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678329696 3/09/23 02:41:36z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/09/23 02:41:36z Trace: 11:15, 11:20, 11:20[1], 11:20[2], 11:20[3], 11:21, 11:22, 11:21, 11:22, 11:21, 11:22, 11:20[4], 11:20[5], 11:20[6], 11:20[7], 11:25, 11:30, 11:30[1], 11:30[2], 11:31, 11:31[1], 11:31[2], 11:31[3], 11:30[3], 11:35, 11:36, 11:35, 11:40, 11:45, 11:50, 11:55, 11:70 3/09/23 02:41:36z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 02:41:36z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 02:41:36z SPIFFS mounted. 3/09/23 10:41:37 Local time zone: +8:00 3/09/23 10:41:37 device name: IotaWatt 3/09/23 10:41:37 HTTP server started 3/09/23 10:41:37 timeSync: service started. 3/09/23 10:41:37 statService: started. 3/09/23 10:41:38 dataLog: service started. 3/09/23 10:41:38 dataLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 10:28:15 3/09/23 10:41:42 historyLog: service started. 3/09/23 10:41:42 historyLog: Last log entry 03/09/23 10:28:00 3/09/23 10:46:48 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -26db 3/09/23 10:46:48 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/09/23 10:46:49 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 16:23:27z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678379007 3/09/23 16:23:27z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/09/23 16:23:27z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/09/23 16:23:27z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 16:23:27z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 16:23:27z SPIFFS mounted. 3/10/23 00:23:28 Local time zone: +8:00 3/10/23 00:23:28 device name: IotaWatt 3/10/23 00:23:28 HTTP server started 3/10/23 00:23:28 timeSync: service started. 3/10/23 00:23:28 statService: started. 3/10/23 00:23:28 dataLog: service started. 3/10/23 00:23:29 dataLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 00:18:20 3/10/23 00:23:32 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -25db 3/10/23 00:23:32 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/10/23 00:23:33 historyLog: service started. 3/10/23 00:23:33 historyLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 00:18:00 3/10/23 00:23:33 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 16:36:47z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678379807 3/09/23 16:36:47z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/09/23 16:36:47z Trace: 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:43, 10:57, 10:58, 25:20, 25:40, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/09/23 16:36:47z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 16:36:47z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 16:36:47z SPIFFS mounted. 3/10/23 00:36:48 Local time zone: +8:00 3/10/23 00:36:48 device name: IotaWatt 3/10/23 00:36:48 HTTP server started 3/10/23 00:36:48 timeSync: service started. 3/10/23 00:36:48 statService: started. 3/10/23 00:36:48 dataLog: service started. 3/10/23 00:36:49 dataLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 00:31:40 3/10/23 00:36:52 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -26db 3/10/23 00:36:52 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/10/23 00:36:53 historyLog: service started. 3/10/23 00:36:53 historyLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 00:31:00 3/10/23 00:36:53 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 16:49:07z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678380547 3/09/23 16:49:07z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/09/23 16:49:07z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/09/23 16:49:07z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 16:49:07z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 16:49:07z SPIFFS mounted. 3/10/23 00:49:08 Local time zone: +8:00 3/10/23 00:49:08 device name: IotaWatt 3/10/23 00:49:08 HTTP server started 3/10/23 00:49:08 timeSync: service started. 3/10/23 00:49:08 statService: started. 3/10/23 00:49:08 dataLog: service started. 3/10/23 00:49:09 dataLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 00:43:55 3/10/23 00:49:12 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -24db 3/10/23 00:49:12 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/10/23 00:49:13 historyLog: service started. 3/10/23 00:49:13 historyLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 00:43:00 3/10/23 00:49:14 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 17:00:32z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678381232 3/09/23 17:00:32z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/09/23 17:00:32z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/09/23 17:00:32z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 17:00:32z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 17:00:32z SPIFFS mounted. 3/10/23 01:00:33 Local time zone: +8:00 3/10/23 01:00:33 device name: IotaWatt 3/10/23 01:00:33 HTTP server started 3/10/23 01:00:33 timeSync: service started. 3/10/23 01:00:33 statService: started. 3/10/23 01:00:33 dataLog: service started. 3/10/23 01:00:34 dataLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 00:55:20 3/10/23 01:00:37 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/10/23 01:00:37 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -26db 3/10/23 01:00:38 historyLog: service started. 3/10/23 01:00:38 historyLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 00:55:00 3/10/23 01:00:38 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 17:11:57z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678381917 3/09/23 17:11:57z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/09/23 17:11:57z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/09/23 17:11:57z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 17:11:57z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 17:11:57z SPIFFS mounted. 3/10/23 01:11:58 Local time zone: +8:00 3/10/23 01:11:58 device name: IotaWatt 3/10/23 01:11:58 HTTP server started 3/10/23 01:11:58 timeSync: service started. 3/10/23 01:11:58 statService: started. 3/10/23 01:11:58 dataLog: service started. 3/10/23 01:11:59 dataLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 01:06:45 3/10/23 01:12:02 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/10/23 01:12:02 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -27db 3/10/23 01:12:03 historyLog: service started. 3/10/23 01:12:03 historyLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 01:06:00 3/10/23 01:12:03 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 17:23:52z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678382632 3/09/23 17:23:52z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/09/23 17:23:52z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/09/23 17:23:52z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 17:23:52z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 17:23:52z SPIFFS mounted. 3/10/23 01:23:53 Local time zone: +8:00 3/10/23 01:23:53 device name: IotaWatt 3/10/23 01:23:53 HTTP server started 3/10/23 01:23:53 timeSync: service started. 3/10/23 01:23:53 statService: started. 3/10/23 01:23:53 dataLog: service started. 3/10/23 01:23:54 dataLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 01:18:45 3/10/23 01:23:58 historyLog: service started. 3/10/23 01:23:58 historyLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 01:18:00 3/10/23 01:23:58 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -28db 3/10/23 01:23:59 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/10/23 01:24:00 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 17:37:32z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678383452 3/09/23 17:37:32z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/09/23 17:37:32z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/09/23 17:37:32z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 17:37:32z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 17:37:32z SPIFFS mounted. 3/10/23 01:37:33 Local time zone: +8:00 3/10/23 01:37:33 device name: IotaWatt 3/10/23 01:37:33 HTTP server started 3/10/23 01:37:33 timeSync: service started. 3/10/23 01:37:33 statService: started. 3/10/23 01:37:33 dataLog: service started. 3/10/23 01:37:34 dataLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 01:37:25 3/10/23 01:37:38 historyLog: service started. 3/10/23 01:37:38 historyLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 01:37:00 3/10/23 01:37:42 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -26db 3/10/23 01:37:42 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/10/23 01:37:43 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 17:55:02z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678384502 3/09/23 17:55:02z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/09/23 17:55:02z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/09/23 17:55:02z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 17:55:02z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 17:55:02z SPIFFS mounted. 3/10/23 01:55:03 Local time zone: +8:00 3/10/23 01:55:03 device name: IotaWatt 3/10/23 01:55:03 HTTP server started 3/10/23 01:55:03 timeSync: service started. 3/10/23 01:55:03 statService: started. 3/10/23 01:55:03 dataLog: service started. 3/10/23 01:55:04 dataLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 01:54:55 3/10/23 01:55:08 historyLog: service started. 3/10/23 01:55:08 historyLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 01:54:00 3/10/23 01:55:11 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -24db 3/10/23 01:55:11 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/10/23 01:55:12 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/09/23 18:00:25z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678384825 3/09/23 18:00:25z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/09/23 18:00:25z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/09/23 18:00:25z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/09/23 18:00:25z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/09/23 18:00:25z SPIFFS mounted. 3/10/23 02:00:26 Local time zone: +8:00 3/10/23 02:00:26 device name: IotaWatt ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/10/23 01:29:45z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678411785 3/10/23 01:29:45z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/10/23 01:29:45z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/10/23 01:29:45z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/10/23 01:29:45z SPIFFS mounted. 3/10/23 09:29:45 Local time zone: +8:00 3/10/23 09:29:45 device name: IotaWatt 3/10/23 09:29:48 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/10/23 09:29:51 HTTP server started 3/10/23 09:29:51 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -37db 3/10/23 09:29:52 timeSync: service started. 3/10/23 09:29:52 statService: started. 3/10/23 09:29:52 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/10/23 09:29:53 dataLog: service started. 3/10/23 09:29:53 dataLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 02:00:20 3/10/23 09:29:54 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 3/10/23 09:29:58 historyLog: service started. 3/10/23 09:29:58 historyLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 02:00:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/10/23 08:36:13z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678437373 3/10/23 08:36:13z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/10/23 08:36:13z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/10/23 08:36:13z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/10/23 08:36:13z SPIFFS mounted. 3/10/23 16:36:13 Local time zone: +8:00 3/10/23 16:36:13 device name: IotaWatt 3/10/23 16:36:16 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/10/23 16:36:19 HTTP server started 3/10/23 16:36:20 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -40db 3/10/23 16:36:20 timeSync: service started. 3/10/23 16:36:20 statService: started. 3/10/23 16:36:20 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/10/23 16:36:20 dataLog: service started. 3/10/23 16:36:21 dataLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 16:35:45 3/10/23 16:36:21 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 3/10/23 16:36:25 historyLog: service started. 3/10/23 16:36:25 historyLog: Last log entry 03/10/23 16:35:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 00:21:12z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678494072 3/11/23 00:21:12z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/11/23 00:21:12z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 00:21:12z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 00:21:12z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 00:21:12z SPIFFS mounted. 3/11/23 08:21:13 Local time zone: +8:00 3/11/23 08:21:13 device name: IotaWatt 3/11/23 08:21:13 HTTP server started 3/11/23 08:21:13 timeSync: service started. 3/11/23 08:21:13 statService: started. 3/11/23 08:21:13 dataLog: service started. 3/11/23 08:21:14 dataLog: Last log entry 03/11/23 08:15:05 3/11/23 08:21:17 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -24db 3/11/23 08:21:17 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/11/23 08:21:18 historyLog: service started. 3/11/23 08:21:18 historyLog: Last log entry 03/11/23 08:15:00 3/11/23 08:21:18 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 00:42:27z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678495347 3/11/23 00:42:27z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/11/23 00:42:27z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 00:42:27z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 00:42:27z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 00:42:27z SPIFFS mounted. 3/11/23 08:42:28 Local time zone: +8:00 3/11/23 08:42:28 device name: IotaWatt 3/11/23 08:42:28 HTTP server started 3/11/23 08:42:28 timeSync: service started. 3/11/23 08:42:28 statService: started. 3/11/23 08:42:28 dataLog: service started. 3/11/23 08:42:29 dataLog: Last log entry 03/11/23 08:36:25 3/11/23 08:42:32 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -26db 3/11/23 08:42:32 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/11/23 08:42:33 historyLog: service started. 3/11/23 08:42:33 historyLog: Last log entry 03/11/23 08:36:00 3/11/23 08:42:33 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 16:14:45z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678551285 3/11/23 16:14:45z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/11/23 16:14:45z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 16:14:45z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 16:14:45z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 16:14:45z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 00:14:46 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 00:14:46 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 00:14:46 HTTP server started 3/12/23 00:14:46 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 00:14:46 statService: started. 3/12/23 00:14:46 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 00:14:47 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 00:08:55 3/12/23 00:14:50 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -26db 3/12/23 00:14:50 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 00:14:51 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 00:14:51 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 00:08:00 3/12/23 00:14:51 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 16:26:48z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678552008 3/11/23 16:26:48z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/11/23 16:26:48z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 16:26:48z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 16:26:48z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 16:26:48z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 00:26:49 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 00:26:49 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 00:26:49 HTTP server started 3/12/23 00:26:49 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 00:26:49 statService: started. 3/12/23 00:26:49 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 00:26:50 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 00:21:35 3/12/23 00:26:54 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 00:26:54 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 00:21:00 3/12/23 00:26:57 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -24db 3/12/23 00:26:57 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 00:26:58 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 16:40:33z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678552833 3/11/23 16:40:33z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/11/23 16:40:33z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 16:40:33z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 16:40:33z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 16:40:33z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 00:40:34 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 00:40:34 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 00:40:34 HTTP server started 3/12/23 00:40:34 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 00:40:34 statService: started. 3/12/23 00:40:34 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 00:40:35 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 00:35:25 3/12/23 00:40:38 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -25db 3/12/23 00:40:38 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 00:40:39 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 00:40:39 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 00:35:00 3/12/23 00:40:39 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 16:54:33z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678553673 3/11/23 16:54:33z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/11/23 16:54:33z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 16:54:33z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 16:54:33z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 16:54:33z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 00:54:34 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 00:54:34 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 00:54:34 HTTP server started 3/12/23 00:54:34 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 00:54:34 statService: started. 3/12/23 00:54:34 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 00:54:35 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 00:49:25 3/12/23 00:54:38 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -24db 3/12/23 00:54:38 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 00:54:39 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 00:54:39 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 00:49:00 3/12/23 00:54:39 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 17:06:33z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678554393 3/11/23 17:06:33z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/11/23 17:06:33z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 17:06:33z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 17:06:33z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 17:06:33z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 01:06:34 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 01:06:34 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 01:06:34 HTTP server started 3/12/23 01:06:34 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 01:06:34 statService: started. 3/12/23 01:06:34 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 01:06:35 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 01:01:25 3/12/23 01:06:38 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -23db 3/12/23 01:06:38 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 01:06:39 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 01:06:39 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 01:01:00 3/12/23 01:06:39 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 17:18:04z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678555084 3/11/23 17:18:04z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/11/23 17:18:04z Trace: 34:0, 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[9], 34:0, 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[4], 34:0, 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[3], 34:0, 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[2], 34:0, 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[1], 25:18, 25:19 3/11/23 17:18:04z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 17:18:04z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 17:18:04z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 01:18:05 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 01:18:05 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 01:18:05 HTTP server started 3/12/23 01:18:05 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 01:18:05 statService: started. 3/12/23 01:18:05 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 01:18:06 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 01:12:55 3/12/23 01:18:09 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -25db 3/12/23 01:18:09 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 01:18:10 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 01:18:10 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 01:12:00 3/12/23 01:18:10 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 17:32:04z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678555924 3/11/23 17:32:04z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/11/23 17:32:04z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 17:32:04z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 17:32:04z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 17:32:04z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 01:32:05 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 01:32:05 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 01:32:05 HTTP server started 3/12/23 01:32:05 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 01:32:05 statService: started. 3/12/23 01:32:05 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 01:32:06 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 01:26:50 3/12/23 01:32:09 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -24db 3/12/23 01:32:09 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 01:32:10 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 01:32:10 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 01:26:00 3/12/23 01:32:10 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 17:47:48z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678556868 3/11/23 17:47:48z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/11/23 17:47:48z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 17:47:48z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 17:47:48z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 17:47:48z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 01:47:49 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 01:47:49 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 01:47:49 HTTP server started 3/12/23 01:47:49 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 01:47:49 statService: started. 3/12/23 01:47:49 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 01:47:50 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 01:42:30 3/12/23 01:47:53 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -28db 3/12/23 01:47:53 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 01:47:54 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 01:47:54 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 01:42:00 3/12/23 01:47:54 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 18:04:53z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678557893 3/11/23 18:04:53z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/11/23 18:04:53z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 18:04:53z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 18:04:53z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 18:04:53z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 02:04:54 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 02:04:54 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 02:04:54 HTTP server started 3/12/23 02:04:54 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 02:04:54 statService: started. 3/12/23 02:04:54 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 02:04:55 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 01:59:40 3/12/23 02:04:58 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -26db 3/12/23 02:04:58 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 02:04:59 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 02:04:59 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 01:59:00 3/12/23 02:04:59 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 18:16:43z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678558603 3/11/23 18:16:43z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/11/23 18:16:43z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 18:16:43z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 18:16:43z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 18:16:43z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 02:16:44 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 02:16:44 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 02:16:44 HTTP server started 3/12/23 02:16:44 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 02:16:44 statService: started. 3/12/23 02:16:44 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 02:16:45 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 02:11:25 3/12/23 02:16:48 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -24db 3/12/23 02:16:48 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 02:16:49 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 02:16:49 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 02:11:00 3/12/23 02:16:49 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 18:30:45z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678559445 3/11/23 18:30:45z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/11/23 18:30:45z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 18:30:45z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 18:30:45z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 18:30:45z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 02:30:46 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 02:30:46 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 02:30:46 HTTP server started 3/12/23 02:30:46 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 02:30:46 statService: started. 3/12/23 02:30:46 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 02:30:47 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 02:30:35 3/12/23 02:30:50 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -28db 3/12/23 02:30:50 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 02:30:51 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 02:30:51 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 02:30:00 3/12/23 02:30:51 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 18:37:58z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678559878 3/11/23 18:37:58z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/11/23 18:37:58z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 18:37:58z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 18:37:58z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 18:37:58z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 02:37:59 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 02:37:59 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 02:37:59 HTTP server started 3/12/23 02:37:59 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 02:37:59 statService: started. 3/12/23 02:37:59 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 02:38:00 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 02:32:40 3/12/23 02:38:03 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -26db 3/12/23 02:38:03 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 02:38:04 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 02:38:04 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 02:32:00 3/12/23 02:38:04 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 18:49:12z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678560552 3/11/23 18:49:12z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/11/23 18:49:12z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 18:49:12z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 18:49:12z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 18:49:12z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 02:49:13 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 02:49:13 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 02:49:13 HTTP server started 3/12/23 02:49:13 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 02:49:13 statService: started. 3/12/23 02:49:13 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 02:49:14 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 02:49:05 3/12/23 02:49:17 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -29db 3/12/23 02:49:17 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 02:49:18 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 02:49:18 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 02:49:00 3/12/23 02:49:18 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 18:56:13z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678560973 3/11/23 18:56:13z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/11/23 18:56:13z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 18:56:13z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 18:56:13z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 18:56:13z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 02:56:14 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 02:56:14 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 02:56:14 HTTP server started 3/12/23 02:56:14 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 02:56:14 statService: started. 3/12/23 02:56:14 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 02:56:15 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 02:50:50 3/12/23 02:56:19 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 02:56:19 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 02:50:00 3/12/23 02:56:22 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -19db 3/12/23 02:56:22 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 02:56:23 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 19:09:06z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678561746 3/11/23 19:09:06z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/11/23 19:09:06z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 19:09:06z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 19:09:06z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 19:09:06z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 03:09:07 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 03:09:07 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 03:09:07 HTTP server started 3/12/23 03:09:07 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 03:09:07 statService: started. 3/12/23 03:09:07 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 03:09:08 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 03:08:55 3/12/23 03:09:12 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 03:09:12 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 03:08:00 3/12/23 03:09:12 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -27db 3/12/23 03:09:12 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 03:09:14 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/11/23 19:13:08z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678561988 3/11/23 19:13:08z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/11/23 19:13:08z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/11/23 19:13:08z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/11/23 19:13:08z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/11/23 19:13:08z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 03:13:09 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 03:13:09 device name: IotaWatt ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 01:33:22z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678584802 3/12/23 01:33:22z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/12/23 01:33:22z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 01:33:22z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 01:33:22z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 09:33:22 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 09:33:22 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 09:33:25 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/12/23 09:33:28 HTTP server started 3/12/23 09:33:28 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -28db 3/12/23 09:33:29 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 09:33:29 statService: started. 3/12/23 09:33:29 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 09:33:30 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 09:33:30 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 03:13:00 3/12/23 09:33:31 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 3/12/23 09:33:35 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 09:33:35 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 03:13:00 3/12/23 12:36:46 Restart command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 04:36:48z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678595808 3/12/23 04:36:48z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/12/23 04:36:48z Trace: 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3 3/12/23 04:36:48z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 04:36:48z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 04:36:48z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 12:36:49 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 12:36:49 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 12:36:49 HTTP server started 3/12/23 12:36:49 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 12:36:49 statService: started. 3/12/23 12:36:49 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 12:36:50 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 12:36:45 3/12/23 12:36:53 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -32db 3/12/23 12:36:53 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 12:36:54 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 12:36:54 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 12:36:00 3/12/23 12:36:54 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 3/12/23 12:37:31 deletelog=both command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 04:37:33z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678595853 3/12/23 04:37:33z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/12/23 04:37:33z Trace: 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[6], 1:2[7], 9:0[7], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:3, 10:2, 10:21, 10:23 3/12/23 04:37:33z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 04:37:33z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 04:37:33z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 12:37:34 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 12:37:34 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 12:37:34 HTTP server started 3/12/23 12:37:34 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 12:37:34 statService: started. 3/12/23 12:37:34 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 12:37:35 dataLog: New current log created. 3/12/23 12:37:39 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -33db 3/12/23 12:37:39 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 12:37:40 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 3/12/23 12:38:44 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 12:38:44 historyLog: first entry 03/12/23 12:38:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 15:41:12z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678635672 3/12/23 15:41:12z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 15:41:12z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 15:41:12z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 15:41:12z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 15:41:12z SPIFFS mounted. 3/12/23 23:41:13 Local time zone: +8:00 3/12/23 23:41:13 device name: IotaWatt 3/12/23 23:41:13 HTTP server started 3/12/23 23:41:13 timeSync: service started. 3/12/23 23:41:13 statService: started. 3/12/23 23:41:14 dataLog: service started. 3/12/23 23:41:14 dataLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 23:41:05 3/12/23 23:41:18 historyLog: service started. 3/12/23 23:41:18 historyLog: Last log entry 03/12/23 23:41:00 3/12/23 23:41:22 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -30db 3/12/23 23:41:22 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/12/23 23:41:23 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 16:18:00z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678637880 3/12/23 16:18:00z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 16:18:00z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 16:18:00z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 16:18:00z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 16:18:00z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 00:18:01 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 00:18:01 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 00:18:01 HTTP server started 3/13/23 00:18:01 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 00:18:01 statService: started. 3/13/23 00:18:02 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 00:18:02 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 00:17:55 3/13/23 00:18:06 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 00:18:06 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 00:17:00 3/13/23 00:18:07 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -28db 3/13/23 00:18:07 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 00:18:08 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 16:41:27z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678639287 3/12/23 16:41:27z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 16:41:27z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 16:41:27z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 16:41:27z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 16:41:27z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 00:41:28 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 00:41:28 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 00:41:28 HTTP server started 3/13/23 00:41:28 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 00:41:28 statService: started. 3/13/23 00:41:29 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 00:41:29 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 00:41:20 3/13/23 00:41:33 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 00:41:33 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 00:41:00 3/13/23 00:41:36 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 00:41:37 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -30db 3/13/23 00:41:37 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 16:50:46z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678639846 3/12/23 16:50:46z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/12/23 16:50:46z Trace: 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:43, 10:57, 10:58, 25:20, 25:40, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 16:50:46z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 16:50:46z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 16:50:46z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 00:50:47 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 00:50:47 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 00:50:47 HTTP server started 3/13/23 00:50:47 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 00:50:47 statService: started. 3/13/23 00:50:48 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 00:50:48 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 00:45:45 3/13/23 00:50:52 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 00:50:52 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 00:45:00 3/13/23 00:50:55 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -31db 3/13/23 00:50:55 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 00:50:56 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 16:57:53z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678640273 3/12/23 16:57:53z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 16:57:53z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 16:57:53z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 16:57:53z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 16:57:54z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 00:57:54 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 00:57:54 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 00:57:54 HTTP server started 3/13/23 00:57:54 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 00:57:54 statService: started. 3/13/23 00:57:55 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 00:57:55 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 00:57:45 3/13/23 00:57:58 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -31db 3/13/23 00:57:58 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 00:57:59 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 00:57:59 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 00:57:00 3/13/23 00:57:59 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 17:03:06z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678640586 3/12/23 17:03:06z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 17:03:06z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 17:03:06z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 17:03:06z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 17:03:06z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 01:03:07 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 01:03:07 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 01:03:07 HTTP server started 3/13/23 01:03:07 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 01:03:07 statService: started. 3/13/23 01:03:08 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 01:03:08 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 01:02:55 3/13/23 01:03:11 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -29db 3/13/23 01:03:11 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 01:03:12 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 01:03:12 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 01:02:00 3/13/23 01:03:12 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 17:36:26z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678642586 3/12/23 17:36:26z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 17:36:26z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 17:36:26z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 17:36:26z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 17:36:26z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 01:36:27 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 01:36:27 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 01:36:27 HTTP server started 3/13/23 01:36:27 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 01:36:27 statService: started. 3/13/23 01:36:28 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 01:36:28 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 01:36:20 3/13/23 01:36:31 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -32db 3/13/23 01:36:31 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 01:36:32 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 01:36:32 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 01:36:00 3/13/23 01:36:32 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 17:37:41z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678642661 3/12/23 17:37:41z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 17:37:41z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 17:37:41z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 17:37:41z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 17:37:41z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 01:37:42 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 01:37:42 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 01:37:42 HTTP server started 3/13/23 01:37:42 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 01:37:42 statService: started. 3/13/23 01:37:43 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 01:37:43 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 01:37:35 3/13/23 01:37:47 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 01:37:47 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 01:37:00 3/13/23 01:37:50 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -30db 3/13/23 01:37:50 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 01:37:51 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 17:46:35z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678643195 3/12/23 17:46:35z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 17:46:35z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 17:46:35z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 17:46:35z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 17:46:35z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 01:46:36 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 01:46:36 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 01:46:36 HTTP server started 3/13/23 01:46:36 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 01:46:36 statService: started. 3/13/23 01:46:37 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 01:46:37 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 01:46:25 3/13/23 01:46:40 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -29db 3/13/23 01:46:40 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 01:46:41 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 01:46:41 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 01:46:00 3/13/23 01:46:41 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 17:52:19z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678643539 3/12/23 17:52:19z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 17:52:19z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 17:52:19z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 17:52:19z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 17:52:19z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 01:52:20 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 01:52:20 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 01:52:20 HTTP server started 3/13/23 01:52:20 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 01:52:20 statService: started. 3/13/23 01:52:21 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 01:52:21 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 01:52:10 3/13/23 01:52:24 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -29db 3/13/23 01:52:24 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 01:52:25 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 01:52:25 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 01:52:00 3/13/23 01:52:25 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 18:03:04z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678644184 3/12/23 18:03:04z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 18:03:04z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 18:03:04z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 18:03:04z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 18:03:04z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 02:03:05 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 02:03:05 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 02:03:05 HTTP server started 3/13/23 02:03:05 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 02:03:05 statService: started. 3/13/23 02:03:06 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 02:03:06 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 02:02:55 3/13/23 02:03:10 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 02:03:10 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 02:02:00 3/13/23 02:03:14 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -29db 3/13/23 02:03:14 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 02:03:15 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 18:27:17z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678645637 3/12/23 18:27:17z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 18:27:17z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 18:27:17z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 18:27:17z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 18:27:17z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 02:27:18 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 02:27:18 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 02:27:18 HTTP server started 3/13/23 02:27:18 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 02:27:18 statService: started. 3/13/23 02:27:19 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 02:27:19 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 02:27:10 3/13/23 02:27:23 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 02:27:23 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 02:27:00 3/13/23 02:27:27 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -30db 3/13/23 02:27:27 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 02:27:28 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 18:59:33z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678647573 3/12/23 18:59:33z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 18:59:33z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 18:59:33z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 18:59:33z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 18:59:33z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 02:59:34 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 02:59:34 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 02:59:34 HTTP server started 3/13/23 02:59:34 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 02:59:34 statService: started. 3/13/23 02:59:35 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 02:59:35 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 02:59:25 3/13/23 02:59:38 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -33db 3/13/23 02:59:38 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 02:59:39 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 02:59:39 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 02:59:00 3/13/23 02:59:40 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 19:11:22z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678648282 3/12/23 19:11:22z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/12/23 19:11:22z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 19:11:22z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 19:11:22z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 19:11:22z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 03:11:23 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 03:11:23 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 03:11:23 HTTP server started 3/13/23 03:11:23 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 03:11:23 statService: started. 3/13/23 03:11:24 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 03:11:24 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 03:06:00 3/13/23 03:11:28 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 03:11:28 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 03:06:00 3/13/23 03:11:32 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -30db 3/13/23 03:11:32 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 03:11:33 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 19:57:37z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678651057 3/12/23 19:57:37z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/12/23 19:57:37z Trace: 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:61, 25:63, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 19:57:37z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 19:57:37z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 19:57:37z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 03:57:38 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 03:57:38 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 03:57:38 HTTP server started 3/13/23 03:57:38 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 03:57:38 statService: started. 3/13/23 03:57:39 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 03:57:39 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 03:52:15 3/13/23 03:57:42 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -30db 3/13/23 03:57:42 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 03:57:43 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 03:57:43 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 03:52:00 3/13/23 03:57:43 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 20:06:05z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678651565 3/12/23 20:06:05z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 20:06:05z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 20:06:05z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 20:06:05z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 20:06:05z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 04:06:06 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 04:06:06 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 04:06:06 HTTP server started 3/13/23 04:06:06 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 04:06:06 statService: started. 3/13/23 04:06:07 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:06:07 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:05:55 3/13/23 04:06:10 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -29db 3/13/23 04:06:10 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 04:06:11 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:06:11 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:05:00 3/13/23 04:06:11 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 20:08:28z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678651708 3/12/23 20:08:28z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 20:08:28z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 20:08:28z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 20:08:28z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 20:08:28z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 04:08:29 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 04:08:29 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 04:08:29 HTTP server started 3/13/23 04:08:29 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 04:08:29 statService: started. 3/13/23 04:08:30 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:08:30 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:08:20 3/13/23 04:08:34 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:08:34 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:08:00 3/13/23 04:08:38 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -29db 3/13/23 04:08:38 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 04:08:39 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 20:18:28z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678652308 3/12/23 20:18:28z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 20:18:28z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 20:18:28z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 20:18:28z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 20:18:28z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 04:18:29 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 04:18:29 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 04:18:29 HTTP server started 3/13/23 04:18:29 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 04:18:29 statService: started. 3/13/23 04:18:30 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:18:30 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:18:20 3/13/23 04:18:34 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:18:34 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:18:00 3/13/23 04:18:34 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -31db 3/13/23 04:18:34 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 04:18:36 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 20:20:19z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678652419 3/12/23 20:20:19z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 20:20:19z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 20:20:19z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 20:20:19z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 20:20:19z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 04:20:20 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 04:20:20 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 04:20:20 HTTP server started 3/13/23 04:20:20 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 04:20:20 statService: started. 3/13/23 04:20:21 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:20:21 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:20:10 3/13/23 04:20:24 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -32db 3/13/23 04:20:24 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 04:20:25 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:20:25 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:20:00 3/13/23 04:20:25 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 20:21:36z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678652496 3/12/23 20:21:36z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 20:21:36z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 20:21:36z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 20:21:36z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 20:21:37z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 04:21:37 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 04:21:37 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 04:21:37 HTTP server started 3/13/23 04:21:37 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 04:21:37 statService: started. 3/13/23 04:21:38 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:21:38 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:21:25 3/13/23 04:21:41 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -30db 3/13/23 04:21:41 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 04:21:42 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:21:42 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:21:00 3/13/23 04:21:42 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 20:23:09z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678652589 3/12/23 20:23:09z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 20:23:09z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 20:23:09z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 20:23:09z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 20:23:09z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 04:23:10 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 04:23:10 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 04:23:10 HTTP server started 3/13/23 04:23:10 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 04:23:10 statService: started. 3/13/23 04:23:11 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:23:11 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:23:00 3/13/23 04:23:14 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -32db 3/13/23 04:23:14 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 04:23:15 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:23:15 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:23:00 3/13/23 04:23:15 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 20:25:14z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678652714 3/12/23 20:25:14z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 20:25:14z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 20:25:14z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 20:25:14z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 20:25:14z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 04:25:15 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 04:25:15 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 04:25:15 HTTP server started 3/13/23 04:25:15 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 04:25:15 statService: started. 3/13/23 04:25:16 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:25:16 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:25:05 3/13/23 04:25:20 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:25:20 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:25:00 3/13/23 04:25:24 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -30db 3/13/23 04:25:24 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 04:25:25 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 20:27:57z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678652877 3/12/23 20:27:57z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 20:27:57z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 20:27:57z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 20:27:57z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 20:27:58z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 04:27:58 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 04:27:58 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 04:27:58 HTTP server started 3/13/23 04:27:58 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 04:27:58 statService: started. 3/13/23 04:27:59 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:27:59 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:27:50 3/13/23 04:28:03 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 04:28:03 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:27:00 3/13/23 04:28:03 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -29db 3/13/23 04:28:03 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 04:28:05 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 20:32:01z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678653121 3/12/23 20:32:01z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 20:32:01z Trace: 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51 3/12/23 20:32:01z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 20:32:01z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 20:32:01z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 04:32:02 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 04:32:02 device name: IotaWatt ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 22:56:03z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678661763 3/12/23 22:56:03z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 3/12/23 22:56:03z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 22:56:03z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 22:56:03z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 06:56:03 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 06:56:03 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 06:56:06 Connecting with WiFiManager. 3/13/23 06:56:09 HTTP server started 3/13/23 06:56:10 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -32db 3/13/23 06:56:10 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 06:56:10 statService: started. 3/13/23 06:56:10 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 06:56:10 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 06:56:11 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:31:55 3/13/23 06:56:11 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 3/13/23 06:56:15 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 06:56:15 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 04:31:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 22:59:03z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678661943 3/12/23 22:59:03z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/12/23 22:59:03z Trace: 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:3, 10:13, 1:3, 1:1[4], 1:2[5], 9:0[5], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[5], 1:2[6], 9:0[6], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:3, 10:13 3/12/23 22:59:03z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 22:59:03z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 22:59:03z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 06:59:04 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 06:59:04 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 06:59:04 HTTP server started 3/13/23 06:59:04 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 06:59:04 statService: started. 3/13/23 06:59:04 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 06:59:05 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 06:59:00 3/13/23 06:59:08 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -33db 3/13/23 06:59:08 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 06:59:09 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 06:59:09 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 06:59:00 3/13/23 06:59:09 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 22:59:38z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678661978 3/12/23 22:59:38z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/12/23 22:59:38z Trace: 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6[6], 1:1[4], 1:2[5], 9:0[5], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:3, 10:13 3/12/23 22:59:38z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 22:59:38z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 22:59:38z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 06:59:39 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 06:59:39 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 06:59:39 HTTP server started 3/13/23 06:59:39 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 06:59:39 statService: started. 3/13/23 06:59:39 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 06:59:40 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 06:59:35 3/13/23 06:59:43 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -33db 3/13/23 06:59:43 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 06:59:44 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 06:59:44 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 06:59:00 3/13/23 06:59:44 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 23:01:54z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678662114 3/12/23 23:01:54z Reset reason: Software/System restart 3/12/23 23:01:54z Trace: 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 10:13 3/12/23 23:01:54z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 23:01:54z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 23:01:54z SPIFFS mounted. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 3/12/23 23:02:01z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1678662121 3/12/23 23:02:01z Reset reason: Software Watchdog 3/12/23 23:02:01z Trace: 11:5, 11:10, 11:15, 11:20, 11:20[1], 11:20[2], 11:20[3], 11:21, 11:22, 11:21, 11:22, 11:21, 11:22, 11:21, 11:20[4], 11:20[5], 11:20[6], 11:20[7], 11:25, 11:30, 11:30[1], 11:30[2], 11:31, 11:31[1], 11:30[3], 11:35, 11:36, 11:35, 11:40, 11:45, 11:50, 11:55 3/12/23 23:02:01z ESP8266 ID: 546971, RTC M41T81 (68) 3/12/23 23:02:01z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_02 3/12/23 23:02:01z SPIFFS mounted. 3/13/23 07:02:02 Local time zone: +8:00 3/13/23 07:02:02 device name: IotaWatt 3/13/23 07:02:02 HTTP server started 3/13/23 07:02:02 timeSync: service started. 3/13/23 07:02:02 statService: started. 3/13/23 07:02:03 dataLog: service started. 3/13/23 07:02:03 dataLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 07:01:50 3/13/23 07:02:06 WiFi connected. SSID=RP-hotspot, IP=, channel=7, RSSI -34db 3/13/23 07:02:06 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 3/13/23 07:02:07 historyLog: service started. 3/13/23 07:02:07 historyLog: Last log entry 03/13/23 07:01:00 3/13/23 07:02:08 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR.