** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: Software/System restart Trace: 223:195[36], 181:166[139], 155:24[212], 69:145[115], 89:161[162], 26:85[125], 162:106[129], 100:172[249], 252:87[64], 110:105[56], 10:235[99], 137:57[111], 235:169[174], 27:63[5], 175:19[44], 118:123[226], 204:251[226], 73:118[120], 93:227[244], 94:31[236], 242:165[70], 73:90[63], 189:62[189], 58:247[194], 65:202[118], 104:23[66], 201:230[10], 161:128[57], 178:66[33], 9:84[112], 185:166[25], 189:65[164] ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 223:195[36], 181:167[139], 155:27[212], 69:145[115], 81:169[162], 58:81[125], 162:98[161], 100:140[249], 244:87[64], 108:105[56], 10:239[99], 137:57[47], 107:233[46], 27:63[133], 167:19[172], 118:123[226], 204:251[234], 73:118[120], 93:227[244], 94:31[238], 242:165[70], 75:114[55], 189:126[189], 58:247[130], 97:194[118], 96:23[66], 201:102[26], 161:128[185], 178:98[33], 9:84[118], 185:166[185], 189:64[164] ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 223:195[36], 181:166[131], 155:26[212], 69:145[119], 217:169[162], 26:81[125], 162:102[161], 36:140[249], 244:85[64], 110:105[56], 10:235[99], 137:57[103], 107:233[174], 27:63[69], 175:19[44], 118:115[226], 204:251[226], 73:118[120], 93:227[244], 94:31[238], 242:165[70], 75:114[127], 189:126[189], 58:242[130], 97:202[118], 104:23[66], 201:70[10], 161:128[57], 178:2[33], 8:84[118], 185:166[153], 189:65[172] ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 223:195[36], 181:166[139], 155:27[212], 69:145[115], 81:161[163], 26:85[125], 162:98[1], 100:140[251], 244:85[64], 108:105[184], 10:235[99], 137:57[111], 123:169[42], 27:63[197], 175:19[44], 118:115[226], 204:251[234], 77:118[124], 93:227[244], 94:95[238], 242:229[70], 75:242[63], 189:62[189], 58:243[130], 97:202[118], 104:23[66], 201:70[90], 161:128[185], 178:98[33], 9:84[118], 185:166[153], 189:64[228] ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: Software/System restart Trace: 11:4, 11:5, 11:5, 11:10, 11:15, 11:20, 11:20[1], 11:20[2], 11:20[3], 11:21, 11:22, 11:20[4], 11:20[5], 11:20[6], 11:20[7], 11:25, 11:30, 11:30[1], 11:30[2], 11:31, 11:31[1], 11:31[2], 11:31[3], 11:30[3], 11:35, 11:36, 11:35, 11:40, 11:45, 11:50, 11:55, 11:70 ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 223:195[36], 181:166[131], 155:27[212], 69:145[119], 209:161[163], 58:81[125], 162:38[161], 100:140[249], 244:85[64], 110:105[56], 10:235[99], 201:57[103], 123:169[174], 27:63[133], 175:19[172], 118:123[226], 204:251[234], 73:118[120], 93:227[244], 126:95[236], 242:37[78], 75:114[127], 189:62[189], 26:243[194], 97:66[54], 104:23[66], 201:198[10], 161:128[57], 178:34[33], 9:84[118], 185:166[57], 189:65[228] ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 223:195[36], 181:166[139], 155:27[212], 69:145[115], 81:169[162], 26:81[125], 162:34[161], 100:172[249], 244:85[64], 108:105[56], 10:235[99], 201:57[111], 123:233[47], 27:63[5], 175:19[172], 118:123[226], 204:251[234], 77:118[120], 85:227[244], 94:31[238], 224:229[70], 75:114[63], 189:126[189], 58:246[194], 65:66[118], 232:23[66], 201:102[26], 161:128[185], 178:34[33], 9:84[118], 185:166[185], 61:65[164] ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. HTTP server started ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 223:195[36], 181:167[139], 155:26[212], 69:145[115], 81:161[162], 26:85[125], 162:108[33], 36:172[249], 252:85[64], 110:105[184], 10:175[99], 137:57[111], 107:233[174], 27:63[133], 175:19[44], 118:115[226], 204:251[234], 73:118[124], 93:227[244], 94:31[238], 242:165[70], 75:122[63], 189:126[189], 26:243[194], 97:194[118], 104:23[66], 201:102[26], 161:128[57], 178:98[33], 9:84[118], 185:166[185], 61:64[164] ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. HTTP server started ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 223:195[36], 189:166[194], 155:90[212], 69:145[115], 81:169[163], 26:213[125], 162:104[161], 100:140[249], 244:85[64], 110:105[56], 10:234[99], 137:57[103], 107:233[175], 27:63[5], 175:19[44], 118:123[226], 204:251[234], 73:116[124], 93:227[244], 94:31[238], 242:165[78], 75:114[63], 189:126[181], 58:242[130], 97:202[118], 104:23[2], 201:98[10], 161:128[185], 178:34[33], 8:84[118], 185:166[185], 189:65[36] ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. HTTP server started WiFi connected. SSID=HappyDog , IP=, channel=2, RSSI -55db MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt Disconnect command received. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 223:195[36], 180:166[131], 155:90[212], 69:145[115], 216:169[162], 26:81[125], 162:102[161], 36:172[249], 244:87[64], 110:105[56], 10:239[99], 129:57[103], 107:233[46], 27:63[133], 175:19[44], 118:123[226], 204:251[226], 77:118[120], 221:227[244], 94:95[238], 242:165[78], 75:122[61], 189:62[181], 58:243[130], 97:218[118], 104:23[66], 201:102[10], 161:128[57], 186:2[33], 9:84[116], 185:166[153], 189:65[164] ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +5:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 223:195[36], 181:166[195], 155:26[212], 69:145[115], 201:169[162], 30:81[125], 162:102[129], 100:172[249], 252:85[65], 110:105[56], 10:239[99], 137:57[103], 123:233[35], 27:63[197], 175:19[44], 118:123[226], 204:251[226], 77:86[120], 93:227[244], 94:31[238], 114:229[70], 79:114[127], 189:62[181], 58:247[130], 65:202[118], 104:23[66], 201:102[26], 161:128[57], 178:2[33], 9:84[112], 185:166[153], 189:65[230] ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +5:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. RTC not running, waiting for WiFi. ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 223:195[37], 181:166[131], 155:90[212], 69:145[115], 65:169[163], 26:85[125], 162:110[33], 100:172[249], 245:85[64], 110:105[56], 10:235[99], 201:57[111], 59:233[167], 27:63[69], 175:19[44], 118:123[226], 204:251[234], 73:118[124], 93:227[244], 94:31[238], 242:165[70], 75:90[63], 189:126[189], 62:243[130], 97:66[118], 104:23[66], 201:102[10], 161:128[57], 178:34[33], 8:84[114], 185:166[153], 189:64[166] ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +5:00 device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. HTTP server started WiFi connected. SSID=HappyDog , IP=, channel=2, RSSI -54db MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt ** Restart ** SD initialized. Real Time Clock not running. Reset reason: External System Trace: 223:195[44], 181:167[131], 155:89[212], 69:145[119], 81:169[163], 26:85[125], 162:42[161], 100:140[251], 116:87[64], 110:105[188], 10:235[99], 137:57[111], 43:169[174], 27:63[69], 175:19[172], 118:115[226], 204:251[234], 73:118[124], 93:227[244], 94:31[236], 242:165[70], 75:82[60], 189:126[181], 58:246[194], 97:202[118], 96:23[67], 201:230[10], 161:128[185], 178:226[33], 9:84[114], 185:166[25], 189:64[164] ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 SPIFFS mounted. Local time zone: +0:00, using DST/BST when in effect. device name: IotaWatt Connecting with WiFiManager. HTTP server started WiFi connected. SSID=HappyDog , IP=, channel=2, RSSI -55db MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt timeSync: service started. statService: started. Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/09/23 15:52:52z timeSync: RTC initalized to NTP time 2/09/23 15:52:52z dataLog: service started. 2/09/23 15:52:52z dataLog: New current log created. 2/09/23 15:52:53z Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/09/23 15:52:53z Updater: update tables from 0.0.4 to 0.0.7 2/09/23 15:53:57z historyLog: service started. 2/09/23 15:53:57z historyLog: first entry 02/09/23 15:53:00 2/09/23 15:57:21z Disconnect command received. 2/09/23 15:57:22z WiFi disconnected. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/09/23 15:58:45z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1675958325 2/09/23 15:58:45z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/09/23 15:58:45z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/09/23 15:58:45z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/09/23 15:58:45z SPIFFS mounted. 2/09/23 15:58:45z Local time zone: +0:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/09/23 15:58:45z device name: IotaWatt 2/09/23 15:58:48z Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/09/23 16:02:30z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1675958550 2/09/23 16:02:30z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/09/23 16:02:30z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/09/23 16:02:30z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/09/23 16:02:30z SPIFFS mounted. 2/09/23 16:02:30z Local time zone: +0:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/09/23 16:02:30z device name: IotaWatt 2/09/23 16:02:33z Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/09/23 16:02:45z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1675958565 2/09/23 16:02:45z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/09/23 16:02:45z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/09/23 16:02:45z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/09/23 16:02:45z SPIFFS mounted. 2/09/23 16:02:45z Local time zone: +0:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/09/23 16:02:45z device name: IotaWatt 2/09/23 16:02:48z Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/09/23 16:07:18z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1675958838 2/09/23 16:07:18z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/09/23 16:07:18z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/09/23 16:07:18z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/09/23 16:07:18z SPIFFS mounted. 2/09/23 16:07:18z Local time zone: +0:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/09/23 16:07:18z device name: IotaWatt 2/09/23 16:07:21z Connecting with WiFiManager. 2/09/23 16:08:24z HTTP server started 2/09/23 16:08:24z WiFi connected. SSID=HappyDog , IP=, channel=2, RSSI -59db 2/09/23 16:08:24z MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/09/23 16:08:24z LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/09/23 16:11:14z timeSync: service started. 2/09/23 16:11:14z statService: started. 2/09/23 16:11:14z Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/09/23 16:11:14z dataLog: service started. 2/09/23 16:11:14z dataLog: Last log entry 02/09/23 15:57:20 2/09/23 16:11:14z historyLog: service started. 2/09/23 16:11:14z historyLog: Last log entry 02/09/23 15:57:00 2/09/23 16:11:15z Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/09/23 16:35:12z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1675960512 2/09/23 16:35:12z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/09/23 16:35:12z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/09/23 16:35:12z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/09/23 16:35:12z SPIFFS mounted. 2/09/23 16:35:12z Local time zone: +0:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/09/23 16:35:12z device name: IotaWatt 2/09/23 16:35:15z Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/09/23 16:41:01z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1675960861 2/09/23 16:41:01z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/09/23 16:41:01z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/09/23 16:41:01z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/09/23 16:41:01z SPIFFS mounted. 2/09/23 16:41:01z Local time zone: +0:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/09/23 16:41:01z device name: IotaWatt 2/09/23 16:41:04z Connecting with WiFiManager. 2/09/23 16:49:10z Did not connect after power-fail. Restarting to reset WiFi. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/09/23 16:49:11z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1675961351 2/09/23 16:49:11z Reset reason: Software/System restart 2/09/23 16:49:11z Trace: 11:4, 11:5, 11:5, 11:10, 11:15, 11:20, 11:20[1], 11:20[2], 11:20[3], 11:21, 11:22, 11:20[4], 11:20[5], 11:20[6], 11:20[7], 11:25, 11:30, 11:30[1], 11:30[2], 11:31, 11:31[1], 11:31[2], 11:31[3], 11:30[3], 11:35, 11:36, 11:35, 11:40, 11:45, 11:50, 11:55, 11:70 2/09/23 16:49:11z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/09/23 16:49:11z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/09/23 16:49:11z SPIFFS mounted. 2/09/23 16:49:11z Local time zone: +0:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/09/23 16:49:11z device name: IotaWatt 2/09/23 16:49:11z HTTP server started 2/09/23 16:49:11z timeSync: service started. 2/09/23 16:49:11z statService: started. 2/09/23 16:49:11z dataLog: service started. 2/09/23 16:49:11z dataLog: Last log entry 02/09/23 16:31:00 2/09/23 16:49:11z historyLog: service started. 2/09/23 16:49:11z historyLog: Last log entry 02/09/23 16:30:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/09/23 17:34:54z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1675964094 2/09/23 17:34:54z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/09/23 17:34:54z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/09/23 17:34:54z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/09/23 17:34:54z SPIFFS mounted. 2/09/23 17:34:54z Local time zone: +0:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/09/23 17:34:54z device name: IotaWatt 2/09/23 17:34:57z Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/09/23 17:44:51z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1675964691 2/09/23 17:44:51z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/09/23 17:44:51z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/09/23 17:44:51z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/09/23 17:44:51z SPIFFS mounted. 2/09/23 17:44:51z Local time zone: +0:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/09/23 17:44:51z device name: IotaWatt 2/09/23 17:44:54z Connecting with WiFiManager. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/09/23 17:59:07z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1675965547 2/09/23 17:59:07z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/09/23 17:59:07z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/09/23 17:59:07z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/09/23 17:59:07z SPIFFS mounted. 2/09/23 17:59:07z Local time zone: +0:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/09/23 17:59:07z device name: IotaWatt 2/09/23 17:59:10z Connecting with WiFiManager. 2/09/23 18:00:06z HTTP server started 2/09/23 18:00:10z WiFi connected. SSID=HappyDogFarm, IP=, channel=4, RSSI -59db 2/09/23 18:00:10z MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/09/23 18:00:10z LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/09/23 18:00:10z timeSync: service started. 2/09/23 18:00:10z statService: started. 2/09/23 18:00:10z Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/09/23 18:00:10z dataLog: service started. 2/09/23 18:00:10z dataLog: Last log entry 02/09/23 17:34:40 2/09/23 18:00:10z historyLog: service started. 2/09/23 18:00:10z historyLog: Last log entry 02/09/23 17:34:00 2/09/23 18:00:12z Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/13/23 20:07:20z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676318840 2/13/23 20:07:20z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/13/23 20:07:20z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/13/23 20:07:20z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/13/23 20:07:20z SPIFFS mounted. 2/13/23 15:07:20 Local time zone: -5:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/13/23 15:07:20 device name: IotaWatt 2/13/23 15:07:23 Connecting with WiFiManager. 2/13/23 15:07:26 HTTP server started 2/13/23 15:07:26 WiFi connected. SSID=HappyDogFarm, IP=, channel=4, RSSI -67db 2/13/23 15:07:26 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/13/23 15:07:26 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/13/23 15:07:26 timeSync: service started. 2/13/23 15:07:26 statService: started. 2/13/23 15:07:26 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/13/23 15:07:26 dataLog: service started. 2/13/23 15:07:26 dataLog: Last log entry 02/13/23 15:07:00 2/13/23 15:07:26 historyLog: service started. 2/13/23 15:07:26 historyLog: Last log entry 02/13/23 15:07:00 2/13/23 15:07:28 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/13/23 21:10:32z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676322632 2/13/23 21:10:32z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/13/23 21:10:32z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/13/23 21:10:32z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/13/23 21:10:32z SPIFFS mounted. 2/13/23 16:10:32 Local time zone: -5:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/13/23 16:10:32 device name: IotaWatt 2/13/23 16:10:35 Connecting with WiFiManager. 2/13/23 16:10:38 HTTP server started 2/13/23 16:10:38 WiFi connected. SSID=HappyDogFarm, IP=, channel=4, RSSI -60db 2/13/23 16:10:38 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/13/23 16:10:38 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/13/23 16:10:38 timeSync: service started. 2/13/23 16:10:38 statService: started. 2/13/23 16:10:38 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/13/23 16:10:38 dataLog: service started. 2/13/23 16:10:38 dataLog: Last log entry 02/13/23 15:07:40 2/13/23 16:10:38 historyLog: service started. 2/13/23 16:10:38 historyLog: Last log entry 02/13/23 15:07:00 2/13/23 16:10:39 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 17:39:18z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676482758 2/15/23 17:39:18z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/15/23 17:39:18z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/15/23 17:39:18z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 17:39:18z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 12:39:18 Local time zone: -5:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/15/23 12:39:18 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 12:39:21 Connecting with WiFiManager. 2/15/23 12:39:24 HTTP server started 2/15/23 12:39:24 WiFi connected. SSID=HappyDogFarm, IP=, channel=4, RSSI -67db 2/15/23 12:39:24 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 12:39:24 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 12:39:24 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 12:39:24 statService: started. 2/15/23 12:39:24 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 12:39:24 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 12:39:24 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 12:39:05 2/15/23 12:39:25 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 20:31:01z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676493061 2/15/23 20:31:01z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/15/23 20:31:01z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/15/23 20:31:01z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 20:31:01z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 15:31:01 Local time zone: -5:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/15/23 15:31:01 device name: IotaWatt ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 20:31:06z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676493066 2/15/23 20:31:06z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/15/23 20:31:06z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/15/23 20:31:06z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 20:31:06z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 15:31:06 Local time zone: -5:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/15/23 15:31:06 device name: IotaWatt ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 20:31:11z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676493071 2/15/23 20:31:11z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/15/23 20:31:11z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/15/23 20:31:11z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 20:31:11z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 15:31:11 Local time zone: -5:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/15/23 15:31:11 device name: IotaWatt ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 20:49:50z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676494190 2/15/23 20:49:50z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/15/23 20:49:50z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/15/23 20:49:50z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 20:49:50z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 15:49:50 Local time zone: -5:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/15/23 15:49:50 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 15:49:53 Connecting with WiFiManager. 2/15/23 15:49:56 HTTP server started 2/15/23 15:49:56 WiFi connected. SSID=HappyDogFarm, IP=, channel=4, RSSI -74db 2/15/23 15:49:56 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 15:49:56 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 15:49:56 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 15:49:56 statService: started. 2/15/23 15:49:56 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 15:49:56 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 15:49:56 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 12:39:25 2/15/23 15:49:57 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/15/23 15:50:01 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 15:50:01 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 12:39:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/15/23 23:11:28z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676502688 2/15/23 23:11:28z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/15/23 23:11:28z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/15/23 23:11:28z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/15/23 23:11:28z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 18:11:28 Local time zone: -5:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/15/23 18:11:28 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 18:11:31 Connecting with WiFiManager. 2/15/23 18:11:34 HTTP server started 2/15/23 18:11:34 WiFi connected. SSID=HappyDogFarm, IP=, channel=4, RSSI -72db 2/15/23 18:11:34 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 18:11:34 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 18:11:34 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 18:11:34 statService: started. 2/15/23 18:11:34 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 18:11:34 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 18:11:34 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 18:10:35 2/15/23 18:11:35 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/15/23 18:11:39 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 18:11:39 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 18:10:00 ** Restart ** SD initialized. 2/16/23 00:05:25z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1676505925 2/16/23 00:05:25z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart. 2/16/23 00:05:25z ESP8266 ID: 14640709, RTC PCF8523 (68) 2/16/23 00:05:25z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05 2/16/23 00:05:25z SPIFFS mounted. 2/15/23 19:05:25 Local time zone: -5:00, using DST/BST when in effect. 2/15/23 19:05:25 device name: IotaWatt 2/15/23 19:05:28 Connecting with WiFiManager. 2/15/23 19:05:31 HTTP server started 2/15/23 19:05:31 WiFi connected. SSID=HappyDogFarm, IP=, channel=4, RSSI -69db 2/15/23 19:05:31 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 19:05:31 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt 2/15/23 19:05:31 timeSync: service started. 2/15/23 19:05:31 statService: started. 2/15/23 19:05:31 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR 2/15/23 19:05:31 dataLog: service started. 2/15/23 19:05:32 dataLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 19:03:45 2/15/23 19:05:32 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR. 2/15/23 19:05:36 historyLog: service started. 2/15/23 19:05:36 historyLog: Last log entry 02/15/23 19:03:00