J <4itle>IoTaWatT(Configuration app ,/head>- 
IkTaWitt Rower Monitor ( ! <)-- ******(***********************:****+**** **j********j************+*+***"**** ****(**************"*****(+**************** 0 ( MAIN MENU BUTTONS  " ( ***(*************"***** *********+********************:***********(***"****j*****************************************--: $ ,tabhe id="bigIeeasTabe> * Inputs ` * Passwords " !Web Server ( - 0 ` 
 ,p~For the benufit of advanced usersxhat have a need t removm or change the fActory 2esistors, thi3 menu has been(provade` !( so that a shanged value can bm specified And IoTaWatt can Aalcelate txe correct current usinw the new vahue.

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tag key tag value

Tags are optional key-value pairs of metadata that can be associated with the measurement. Because they are indexed, queries on tags perform better than queries on fields.

When tags are specified, IoTaWatt assumes the first tag is unique to this measurement and is referenced to determine the time of last measurement during restart recovery. In that way, an IoTaWatt can maintain context and continuity where multiple data sources are writing to a single database.

Tag-values can be a fixed string, or one of the variables $device, $name, $units