IotaWatt appears to claim connected staus ... even with router powered off

It appears that your system stopped on Sept 26, I think about 1:22am. Is that when you experienced the power outage? Your time is set as +8 hours from GMT, but your order was shipped to US Pacific time zone which is -8. So the log entries are timestamped 16 hours ahead and the last entry is Sept 26 17:22.

For the sake of simplicity, I’ll use the timestamps as shown in the log from here on.

Looking back at your message log, I see where the current log has had damage twice. Once in April and again in August. This suggests a problem with the SDcard, so I would recommend replacing that. See links at the end of this post.

Your current problem may be caused by the SDcard, but there is something more mysterious going on. Beginning 9/26/23 at 06:13, the unit auto-updated to release 02_08_03. That would be almost normal as the auto-update was uploaded 25 hours before.

Subsequently, you bounced around reverting to 02_08_02 and back to 02_08_03. That would be caused by the unit receiving different version files when it checked the current release. I believe you are getting different versions of the file due to some caching somewhere between your ISP and the IoTaWatt. I use Cloudflare to cache these files, but once they are updated, they should not revert. This works all over the world and I have not seen this problem anywhere else. Could be something with Cloudflare but I suspect it is more likely at your ISP (s?) or you have some other caching going on locally. I notice your SSID is dd-wrt suggesting that you are have some home-installed components.

I’m not a big believer in coincidence when it comes to computer anomalies, so I think it may be related. Hopefully the all of the caches you are using are now in sync. Try replacing the SDcard and then when you get the unit back up and it’s running, set auto-update to NONE for awhile to insure against the flip-flop updates.

References for new SDcard: