Information is available. You hear what you want to hear. I’ll see if I can source another CDN source or another solution tomorrow. As a last resort, we can load that file to your IoTaWatt and have it serve it to graph+.
Okay cool thanks a lot.
Maybe pre-emptive, but the interwebbs gods have smiled and the graphs+ appear to be working again as per normal.
at least that is one thing i no longer have to worry about !
Thanks Bob for your patience !
I located that file on the cloudflare cdn and tested it. Seems to work fine. I will change the source in the next release. If you continue to have problems, you can download this file and upload to the root of your IoTaWatt to use the cloudflare cdn.
graph2.htm (18.7 KB)
Thanks Bob,
Just verifying I am on 02_05_05 and that graphs+ is working 100% as it should this morning.
Must have just been a cloudfare server issue yesterday.
Thanks again for the excellent support
Aussie Dave