3-phase voltage readings drop

You can simply move or copy the SD card.

I strongly recommend that you try derived reference and discontinue use of those VT-CT adapters. I don’t believe you will notice any difference in accuracy. The overwhelming majority of IoTaWatt users use derived with very satisfactory results. I cannot recall anyone ever switching from derived to direct because of inaccurate results.

If you want to continue with direct, I suggest you get a V5 unit that has barrel jacks for two additional VTs

I swapped the whole device against a new one, and all the problems disappeared. It seems that the inputs of the old device were faulty.

We’ll see. From a hardware perspective, inputs 7 and 14 do not share anything, in fact, there is nothing shared by 7 and 14 that would not be affecting other inputs as well. You should try derived reference.

If I encounter false readings again, I’ll definitely will. BTW, does the V5 do better with 3 phase? How large is its memory card?

The V5 has the native ability to connect 3 VTs, but otherwise is the same as the V4. It has an 8GB SD card.