(a how to): pull all inputs into InfluxDB (and graphite)

this is a bit sloppy - but im just posting this to share with others - as in my usecase i wanted to to have all my watts readings for all inputs (8x in one iotaW , 12x in another iotaW) recorded into influxDB v1 (really into graphite) for use over in grafana. (and ideally without over taxing the iotawatt itself)


I am making use of the builtin iota data-uploader for the 3 or 4x iota outputs i have configured ->influxDB. Normally scrapping the json from a url would be easy for telegraf’s inputs.http but the Quotes around Watts: in the json outputted at the url above was causing issues. (telegraf thinks its a string and discards it)

below is what i ended up with in my telegraf.conf (most of this is to get the formatting right for GRAPHITE, not so much for influxDB, as i love working with graphite via grafana for any stats/data. I left out the 2nd duplicate config which handels my 2nd iotaWatt (can add it, but wanted to keep this clean / shorter, its almost the exact same as below)

  interval = "15s"	#this value IS USED even if the OUTPUT part has a different interval
  urls = [""]
  method = "GET"
  name_override = "iotaGARG"
  data_format = "json"
  json_query = "inputs"
  # tag_keys = ["channel"]
  json_string_fields = ["Watts"]
	tag_keys = [
    iotaUnitID = "GARG"

	namepass = ["*iotaGARG*"]
		float = ["Watts"]
		measurement = ["channel"]

# Configuration for Graphite server to send metrics to
  ## TCP endpoint for your graphite instance.
  servers = [""]

  ## Prefix metrics name
  prefix = "IotaGARG-rawInputs.10minRes-goCarbon.iotaINPUTnum."
  # prefix = ""

  ## Graphite output template
  ## see https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/docs/DATA_FORMATS_OUTPUT.md
  template = "measurement.field"
  # template = "host.tags.measurement.field"

  timeout = "2s"
    iotaUnitID = ["GARG"]

I used the iotaUnitID tagpass as i have 2x iotawatts and wanted them named differently in graphite (else they would overwrite each other).

hope this helps someone (Note: for most people it’s most likely easier /cleaner - and better - to just manually go through each of your inputs and add them as measurements into the iotawatts built-in influxDB data uploader)

ie in here:

the reason i wanted this above , is kinda of as “reliable - backup” to a python script i have running as a service that scrapes this same /status? url every 5 seconds, and feeds it into Grafana Live Streaming (i can share that if anyone is interested, however im not a coder, so its a bit hacky / alot of chatGPT help, but that also has been working nicely for nearly 1 month now) giving me this:


(btw, as posted elsewhere, there are more stats are at this url below but it is not formatted to work with my telegraph config below)

Thanks for contributing this different method. Folks should take note of your recommendation too use the inbuilt uploaders. There are some key differences beyond “easier/cleaner” with using those uploaders:

The status API is really just a snapshot of the latest 1 or 2 seconds data. Your example seems to have 15 second resolution, so the value imported each 15 seconds would be assumed to be the power for the entire 15 seconds. When using the uploader (or the query API), the value returned would be the average over the interval.

This uploaders, upon startup, will query influx to determine when the last data was sent and resume sending from that time forward. Scraping would leave a hole whenever there is a communication failure or graphite downtime.

Wh (or kWh) cannot be expressed in a status output, so it is not possible to scrape those values.

thank you for the additional info (and for all your work on iotawatt- i really love it, and both of my units work perfectly for several months now!).

(and thanks for the clarification on the 15sec resolution- that is what i assumed to be the case, ie a “better” number for the 15 sec polling would be the average over the last 15 sec which the iota-uploader would output ) - but in my case im mainly trying to see if different devices are ON or OFF so a snapshot works for that.

as i said this is rough code below, mostly done by working with chatGPT alot and tweaking what im able to (so I strongly advise anyone against copying and pasting for their own environment).

but below Is what I’m running , and it polls that url/api every 5 seconds via python 2.7 on a Debian OS vm, which manages /runs it as a systemd service (or whatever you call systemctl status myIotaWattPoller).

you can see im using watt thresholds to then tell grafana if my variable speed air-condition unit is running off/low/medium/high - i could do that ALL over in grafana but i prefer this)

one example usage of this data are these which update in realtime (and wo dashboard reloads) over in grafana. i have several grafana dashboards displaying 24/7 on monitors - 1x set via a windows PCs + nativefier (browser app) and some using rasPIs 4b or pi-5’s accessing the dashboard url → a hdmi monitor at full screen): it all works very well and reliably. (im happy to share whatever, just ask/reply here)


(a note on rasPi’s in a un-attended setup - I have a few different use cases for raspberry pis that display XYZ 24/7, I have found that the best way to monitor if a ras-pi is doing what it’s supposed to be doing , is by monitoring bandwidth usage over its network interface. IE: if MB moved over prior 3 minutes drops below 5MB, then restart the service (or just reboot the entire rasPI) - assuming bw usage correlates to whatever your raspberry pie is displaying (like showing grafana dashboards, or displaying CCTV cameras / a VNC client session)

import requests
import time
import socket
import json
from websocket import create_connection, WebSocketConnectionClosedException
from threading import Thread, Event
import subprocess  # Added for executing shell commands


GRAPHITE_SERVER = ''  # Replace with your Graphite server
GRAPHITE_PREFIX = 'telegraphFASTsnmp.iotaWatt.MainPanel'  # Replace with your desired prefix
DEBUG = False  # Set to True to enable debug mode - Script will only output to console and NOT send to Graphite OR Grafana Live.

GRAFANA_ENABLED = True  # Set to True to enable Grafana streaming
SPECIFIED_METRICS = ['outputs.sum_bothMAINs', 'outputs.AC_1stFL_i9', 'inputs.inpt0_Input_0.Vrms', 'outputs.GarageFeed_i13']  # ONLY these will be live streamed to grafana
GRAFANA_LIVE_MEASUREMENTS_URL = 'ws://'  # Grafana WebSocket URL
GRAFANA_API_TOKEN = 'glsa_Vz9qmAATNcXqXXX'  # Replace with your Grafana API key

# Below is IOTAWATT URL to pull stats from

channel_names = {}
stop_event = Event()

# Counters for failed connections
failed_connection_count = 0
MAX_FAILED_CONNECTIONS = 5  # Threshold for restarting the service

def fetch_channel_names():
    global channel_names, failed_connection_count
    while not stop_event.is_set():
            response = requests.get(SERIES_URL, timeout=5)
            data = response.json()
            series = data['series']
            channel_names = {index: series[index]['name'] for index in range(len(series))}
            if DEBUG:
                print('Fetched channel names:', channel_names)
            failed_connection_count = 0  # Reset the counter on success
        except requests.RequestException as e:
            failed_connection_count += 1
            if DEBUG:
                print('Error fetching channel names:', e)
            if failed_connection_count >= MAX_FAILED_CONNECTIONS:
                failed_connection_count = 0
        for _ in range(3 * 60 * 60):  # Sleep for 3 hours in 1-second increments
            if stop_event.is_set():

def is_numeric(value):
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

def convert_value(value):
    if isinstance(value, bool):
        return int(value)
    if is_numeric(value):
        return float(value)
    return None

def send_to_graphite(path, value, timestamp):
    global failed_connection_count
    value = convert_value(value)
    if value is None:
    full_path = '{}.{}'.format(GRAPHITE_PREFIX, path)
    message = '{} {} {}\n'.format(full_path, value, timestamp)
    message = ' '.join(message.split())
    if DEBUG:
            sock = socket.socket()
            sock.settimeout(5)  # Added timeout
            sock.connect((GRAPHITE_SERVER, GRAPHITE_PORT))
            sock.sendall((message + '\n').encode('utf-8'))
            failed_connection_count = 0  # Reset on success
        except (socket.error, socket.timeout) as e:
            failed_connection_count += 1
            if DEBUG:
                print('Socket error:', e)
            log_error('Socket error: {}'.format(e))
            if failed_connection_count >= MAX_FAILED_CONNECTIONS:
                failed_connection_count = 0  # Reset after restarting

def send_to_grafana(metric, value, timestamp, ws):
    global failed_connection_count
    value = convert_value(value)
    if value is None:
        return  # Skip non-numeric data
    line_protocol = '{},metric={} value={} {}'.format(GRAPHITE_PREFIX, metric, value, timestamp * 1000000000)
    if DEBUG:
            failed_connection_count = 0  # Reset on success
        except (WebSocketConnectionClosedException, socket.error, socket.timeout) as e:
            failed_connection_count += 1
            if DEBUG:
                print("WebSocket error: {}, attempting to reconnect".format(e))
                ws = create_connection(GRAFANA_LIVE_MEASUREMENTS_URL, header=["Authorization: Bearer {}".format(GRAFANA_API_TOKEN)], timeout=5)
                failed_connection_count = 0  # Reset on success
            except Exception as e:
                if DEBUG:
                    print("Failed to reconnect WebSocket:", e)
                if failed_connection_count >= MAX_FAILED_CONNECTIONS:
                    failed_connection_count = 0  # Reset after restarting

def should_send_to_grafana(metric):
    for specified_metric in SPECIFIED_METRICS:
        if metric.startswith(specified_metric):
            return True
    return False

def parse_and_send_data(ws):
    global failed_connection_count
    if not channel_names:

        response = requests.get(STATUS_URL, timeout=5)
        data = response.json()
        timestamp = int(time.time())
        failed_connection_count = 0  # Reset the counter on success

        stats = data['stats']
        for key, value in stats.items():
            metric = 'stats.{}'.format(key)
            send_to_graphite(metric, value, timestamp)
            if should_send_to_grafana(metric):
                send_to_grafana(metric, value, timestamp, ws)

        inputs = data['inputs']
        for index, input_data in enumerate(inputs):
            channel = input_data["channel"]
            channel_name = channel_names.get(index, 'channel{}'.format(channel))
            for key, value in input_data.items():
                if key != 'channel':
                    metric = 'inputs.inpt{}_{}.{}'.format(channel, channel_name, key)
                    send_to_graphite(metric, value, timestamp)
                    if should_send_to_grafana(metric):
                        send_to_grafana(metric, value, timestamp, ws)

        outputs = data['outputs']
        for output_data in outputs:
            name = output_data['name']
            metric = 'outputs.{}'.format(name)
            send_to_graphite(metric, output_data['value'], timestamp)
            if should_send_to_grafana(metric):
                send_to_grafana(metric, output_data['value'], timestamp, ws)

            if 'AC_1stFL_i9' in name:
                ac_status_value = output_data['value']
                if 0 <= ac_status_value < 400:
                    ac_status = 0
                elif 400 <= ac_status_value < 1200:
                    ac_status = 1
                elif 1200 <= ac_status_value < 4000:
                    ac_status = 2
                    ac_status = -1
                send_to_graphite('ACs_ON_OFF_Status.AC_1stFL_i9', ac_status, timestamp)
                send_to_grafana('ACs_ON_OFF-AC_1stFL_i9', ac_status, timestamp, ws)

        wifi = data['wifi']
        for key, value in wifi.items():
            metric = 'wifi.{}'.format(key)
            if is_numeric(value):
                send_to_graphite(metric, value, timestamp)
                if should_send_to_grafana(metric):
                    send_to_grafana(metric, value, timestamp, ws)
                if DEBUG:
                    print('Skipping non-numeric wifi data:', metric, value)
    except requests.RequestException as e:
        if DEBUG:
            print('Error fetching data:', e)
        failed_connection_count += 1
        if failed_connection_count >= MAX_FAILED_CONNECTIONS:
            failed_connection_count = 0

def restart_service():
        result = subprocess.call(['service', 'iotaWattMAIN_pythonTO_graphite', 'restart'])
        if DEBUG:
            if result == 0:
                print("Service iotaWattMAIN_pythonTO_graphite restarted successfully.")
                print("Failed to restart service with exit code: {}".format(result))
    except Exception as e:
        if DEBUG:
            print("Failed to restart service: {}".format(e))

def main():
            ws = create_connection(GRAFANA_LIVE_MEASUREMENTS_URL, header=["Authorization: Bearer {}".format(GRAFANA_API_TOKEN)], timeout=5)
        except Exception as e:
            if DEBUG:
                print("Failed to establish WebSocket connection:", e)
            ws = None
        ws = None
    fetch_thread = Thread(target=fetch_channel_names)
        while not stop_event.is_set():
            for _ in range(4):
                if stop_event.is_set():
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        if ws:

if __name__ == '__main__':

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