AcuCT-H040-50:333 - How to set up?

I ordered the AcuCT-H040-50:333 CTs from AccuEnergy due to supply issues from IotaWatt. I tried to match the AcuCT-H040-50 units that came with the kit, but I now notice that the units that shipped with the kit have 50mA output, and the new ones I ordered have 333mV output. How do I set them up?

Must I select VT in the Inputs? And set model to generic, Cal to 150 (50/.333) and Phase lead to 0.2?


Think I found the answer in the forums. It can be made to work by removing the internal 20ohm burden resistor in the iotawatt, but it will only have 1/3 accuracy due to 0.333V < 1V.

So best is to get 50mA.

That’s correct, and I strongly recommend using 50mA CTs, but just to clarify, don’t confuse accuracy with resolution. If you measure the thickness of a nail with a 1/16 ruler, you will get an accurate measure to 1/16 or maybe 1/32. if you use a vernier caliper, you can probably get it to a mil. Both will be accurate to their respective scales.

Of course you are correct - I was sloppy in my language (accuracy vs resolution).