I received a unit with one of the “bad” SD cards (green-red-red). Pulled it and checked it. Zero files on it. Replaced with new blank SD card and received (green-red-red-green). I am trying to download the files to a new SD card using your windows “this link” but I cannot figure out how to make a .zip file of your SD directory. Can you provide instructions for dummies, a different link or possibly replace the card so I can get back online? Thank you.
Card Info:
EBS 8gb 10 micro
X0 220715008
What was your order number and about when did you buy it?
Order Number: 127717
Order Date: 11/5/2022
I figured out how to download the .zip file (replaced the % with /) in the “this link” page (https:%/github.com/boblemaire/IoTaWatt/tree/master/SD). I have the 10 files in the root directory of my new SD card but won’t have a chance to test it until Saturday. I can reply after that with the results.
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Got the new SD card installed and had to reconfigure everything from scratch except for the wifi. Appears to be working normal. I appreciate you!
Less than two months later, cannot connect again. LED indicates (green-red-red-green). I can remove the SD card and reload the files but would like to know why the config.txt file format is invalid again. Assistance is appreciated.
Can you post a copy of the config.txt file? Post it in a private message without altering anything.
Thanks for your attentive reply. Just so I understand, you wish me to open the case, remove the SD card, copy the config.txt file and private message you the file copy?
Yes, I’d like to see if the file is actually damaged. A copy of the message log from the time it was last OK until now would also be helpful.
Turned out to be a bad Micro SD connector which was a known issue. Out of warranty. Trashed it an purchased a Siemens.
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