Best Data Visualization for Android/iOS

Hi there,

I’m looking for a better data visualization platform. I know I can push datapoints to the InfluxDB but it seems their Android version is too buggy.

I tried emoncms but their Android application isn’t that sophisticated/looking nice.

If anyone has tried something different, please share your wisdom.

Don’t know what you are looking for in an Android app, but I believe Graph+ (IoTaWatt native visualization) should work fine there. Have you tried it with saved graphs?

I like to also use the PVOutput mobile app and web interface for visuals if you are looking for things like generation vs consumption type graphs. If you want more details into the CTs used, I would think the built in graphs would be a better fit. Really depends on what you are looking to visualize.

The idea is to track across multiple devices at a given time. Extracting the data points from the cloud is my intention.

Need cool looking visuals like how we have in Grafana but it should be in the form of Android/iOS app.