Can't get past initial wifi setup

honestly i havent even got it on a different vlan yet, I can ping from the AP its connected to, but not the switch, yes all Unifi gear, yes UDM Pro. As I said only device on the entire network that is doing this. I can’t imagine why or how its being blocked from reaching the switch.

I wonder if the ESP module is setting a strange subnet?

Need to up my network debugging skills

Not unless you have hard coded it - i am more thinking something weird with your DHCP server for that subnet - make the wrong default gateway ?

Can you try and delete the record for it on the DHCP server and then let it get a new one ?

It sounds to me almost like you have duplicate IP addresses or an incorrect gateway - can you have a look at the mac address table on the AP it is connected to and make sure it is the same MAC address as reported on your DHCP server (presumably UDM Pro ?)


I figured it out, it was a bad arp table on the switch, which in turn caused a bad arp table on the UDM Pro after restarting the switch the arp table sorted itself out properly, now I can ping it from any AP and the switch. What a bizarre problem to have.

AP it was connected to, the table was fine.

For anyone else, you can check using arp -a directly on the AP’s and switch and UDM.

Good one - well done perservering and getting to the bottom of it


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@craigcurtin thanks for your suggestion to check the tables.

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