Discrepancy in readings

Hello, I am seeing data that doesn’t make sense.
Displays show that during the day that the mains are pushing more power to the grid than the solar panels are producing.
I have 2 solar systems, the older (Sunrun) appears to be working as expected, the newer system (Sunpower) shows only 2 watts. (The new system I Can’t monitor with the provided app due to Sunpower bankruptcy. Thats why I bought Iotawatt) An electrician verified with a current probe that the Sunpower system does not seen to be producing power tha he could see.
But, looking at the status and graphs they show more power being pushed to the grid than the Sunrun system is producing. So how can that be?
The Sunpower system is smaller and being monitored by AcuCT-H040-50 ct’s.
I connected a third AcuCT-H040-50 to input 14 monitoring a 200 watt bulb just as a sanity check on my configuration.
Having said all that could anyone explain why I would be seeing the discrepancy in readings?

Can you post a good resolution picture of the panel that shows the mains CTs and the CTs on the two PV systems?

Mains CT highlighted with blue line
very crowded panel

Sunrun CTs in lower rt corner of main panel
Sunpower CTs in lower rt subpanel

fyi Sunrun aka sunnyboy inverter

Thank you

There are connections spliced to the main feeds just below the mains CTs. What are those for? Are you sure those are not the feeds for the SunnyBoy? Can you put a CT on one of them and see what it reads?

That was the it! Apparently those devices are taps and is where the new Sunpower pushes power to the grid. I had never seen those before. The 20 amp breakers in the sub panel seem to only supply stand by power to their monitoring equipment.

Thank you so much for you help!