I did not find any example for the new function min and max, so after a lot of tries, here is one:
Autarkie factor
= ((SolarR + SolarS + SolarT) ÷ ((SolarR + SolarS + SolarT) + (Input_2 + Input_3 + Input_4 max 0))) x 100 min 100
Input_x are the 3 phases at net Connection
SolarX are the 3 phases at production line.
(Input_2 + Input_3 + Input_4 max 0) will calculate the sum of Input_x and negative values are made 0
Internal Energie use:
Input_2 + Input_3 + Input_4 min 0 + SolarR + SolarS + SolarT
Sum of Input_x, if less than Zero (more production than use), then add SolarX to it