Emoncms last upload date resetting


Twice in the last two days, I’ve had an iotawatt unit reset the starting time that it is using to send to emoncms.

This is what the log says after I restarted it yesterday. In the GUI it was saying it was uploading data from 2011.

SD initialized.
12/28/24 22:26:44z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1735424804
12/28/24 22:26:44z Reset reason: Software/System restart
12/28/24 22:26:44z Trace: 31:1, 1:6[6], 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[3], 1:5[31], 1:6[4], 31:0, 31:1, 31:2[3], 3:60, 3:60, 3:60, 3:62, 3:63, 31:1, 1:6[6], 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3
12/28/24 22:26:44z ESP8266 ID: 6920627, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/28/24 22:26:44z IoTaWatt 4.x, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/28/24 22:26:44z SPIFFS mounted.
12/28/24 18:26:44 Local time zone: -4:00
12/28/24 18:26:44 device name: House2
12/28/24 18:26:44 HTTP server started
12/28/24 18:26:44 emoncms: Starting, interval:10, url:http://
12/28/24 18:26:44 timeSync: service started.
12/28/24 18:26:44 statService: started.
12/28/24 18:26:44 dataLog: service started.
12/28/24 18:26:47 dataLog: Last log entry 12/28/24 18:26:40
12/28/24 18:26:49 timesync: Kiss-o’-Death, code RATE, ip:
12/28/24 18:26:49 historyLog: service started.
12/28/24 18:26:49 historyLog: Last log entry 12/28/24 18:26:00
12/28/24 18:26:49 WiFi connected. SSID=, IP=, channel=11, RSSI -58db
12/28/24 18:26:50 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is NONE
12/28/24 18:26:50 emoncms: Start posting at 07/05/24 01:00:10
12/28/24 18:28:25 emoncms: stopped, Last post 07/05/24 21:31:20
12/28/24 18:28:41 emoncms: Start posting at 12/27/24 00:00:10

This is what the GUI is saying this morning:
Emoncms: Running, Last update 11/12/2023 10:13:45 AM

Not really enough to go on here. The heavily redacted message log leaves unanswered questions.

Are you using Emoncms.org or do you have your own local instance? There are some significant differences between the two that bear on this issue. If you are using a local instance, do you have Redis persistence setup?

I’m using a local emoncms install with 5 other iotawatts pointing to it that aren’t exhibiting this same problem. Its the docker container alexjunk/emoncms. Even if redis were the problem, shouldn’t iotawatt honor the “Upload History From ” configuration in the emoncms uploader ? Its currently set to 12/27/24, yet I found it trying to upload data from 2023.

So what happened here? The uploader stopped and then restarted 16 seconds later at the aformentioned 12/27/24 date.

What transpired from 12/28/24 18:28:41. The uploader should not have back peddled spontaneously. Can you post the complete message log subsequent to 12/28/24 18:28:41? If you don’t want to publish it publicly, post it to me in a PM.

Also, is there any overlap between the data uploaded by the five units. Do they all use unique node-ids? What did Emoncms show this morning when the log reported 11/12/23 10:13:45. Did it have data for the period subsequent to that? Was it progressing from that date?

So the previous date had been set to 7/05/24. What happened there is I stopped the uploader and reset the “Upload History From” date to 12/27/24 and started it again.