EmonCMS - maximum 30 inputs


I use IoTaWatt in a 3 phase system and with 3 electricity meters. A lot of data.
I set up an local EmonCMS and eyerything works fine. i added some costum values (Watts aggregated for every electricity meter and so on). Works fine too :slight_smile:

My problem is, the maximum Emoncms inputs i can configure are limited by 29. I this a hard limit? Is there a mistake in my config? I didn’t find anything in the documentation and in this forum.

Thank you,

It’s a limit intended to keep folks from shooting themselves in the foot. The protocol for uploading data to emoncms is positional. If you were to define an output 01 and an output 99 with nothing else, each interval uploaded would need to upload an array of 99 entries where 97 are null. Given that IoTaWatt has 15 inputs, the 30 output limit has been fine.

As a practical matter, I could debate the value of uploading excessive metrics, but folks just seem to want to do it. You need to keep in mind that the IoTaWatt is an IOT device with limited resources. I don’t impose many limits on folks and leave it to them to recognize when the thing gets overloaded. Sometimes it does not fail gracefully.

To change the limit, locate this code in the config app using the File Manager (currently at line 2298):

var scriptEdit = {
              table : EbyId("serverOutputs"),
              set : config[emoncmsAlias].outputs,
              units : ["Watts", "Volts", "Amps", "Hz", "PF", "VA", "Wh", "kWh", "VAR", "VARh"],
              namePrompt : "Name is Emoncms Input Key 1-29",
              namePattern : "^[1-9]{1}$|^[1-2]{1}[0-9]{1}$",
              title : "Emoncms input"

and using the Ace editor, change it to this to limit to 39, or whatever you would like:

var scriptEdit = {
              table : EbyId("serverOutputs"),
              set : config[emoncmsAlias].outputs,
              units : ["Watts", "Volts", "Amps", "Hz", "PF", "VA", "Wh", "kWh", "VAR", "VARh"],
              namePrompt : "Name is Emoncms Input Key 1-39",
              namePattern : "^[1-9]{1}$|^[1-3]{1}[0-9]{1}$",
              title : "Emoncms input"

Wow, That’s a very quick and helpfull response. Thank you.
I understand the problem with the ESP8266 and it’s limited ressources.

I just need one more input. EmonCMS is unaware of 3 phase systems. So i have to do the math for the combined power in IoTaWatt.

What is better to keep system load low? Bulkupload or continius?

You may be underestimating the input process facilities in EmonCMS. It is more tedious to setup than IoTaWatt calculator, but it is capable of doing the same math and then some.

If you are only uploading EmonCMS don’t worry about it.