Any ideas?
Ive tried deleting the integrator and waiting…
Here’s the last of my logs:
** Restart **
SD initialized.
3/05/25 22:23:03z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1741213383
3/05/25 22:23:03z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
3/05/25 22:23:03z ESP8266 ID: 16295167, RTC PCF8523 (68)
3/05/25 22:23:03z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
3/05/25 22:23:03z SPIFFS mounted.
3/06/25 09:23:04 Script: integration Grid not defined in script Export.
3/06/25 09:23:04 Script: integration Grid not defined in script Import.
3/06/25 09:23:04 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
3/06/25 09:23:04 device name: IotaWatt
3/06/25 09:23:07 Connecting with WiFiManager.
3/06/25 09:23:12 HTTP server started
3/06/25 09:23:12 WiFi connected. SSID=Mainecoon, IP=, channel=5, RSSI -70db
3/06/25 09:23:12 timeSync: service started.
3/06/25 09:23:12 statService: started.
3/06/25 09:23:12 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
3/06/25 09:23:12 dataLog: service started.
3/06/25 09:23:14 dataLog: Last log entry 03/06/25 09:22:40
3/06/25 09:23:14 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR.
3/06/25 09:23:16 Grid2: Started
3/06/25 09:23:16 Grid2: Last log entry 03/06/25 09:22:35
3/06/25 09:23:17 historyLog: service started.
3/06/25 09:23:17 historyLog: Last log entry 03/06/25 09:22:00
3/06/25 09:23:21 PVoutput: started
3/06/25 09:23:22 PVoutput: System Homehome, interval 5, freeload mode
3/06/25 09:23:22 PVoutput: Start status beginning 12/16/21 00:05:00