Creating a topic in the right place. Sorry for the duplicate.
Thanks in advance for all suggestions/corrections. I am a newbie and trying to understand what I should be ordering.
I have a 200A service into a “main panel” This panel has only 2 circuits in use. There is however a 2nd sub-panel that has 16 circuits. These two sub-panels are 10 feet apart. I would like to monitor the main as well as individual circuits.
What would I need to order:
- IoTaWatt 120V Kit +
- IoTaWatt Generic Kit +
- 18 50A Transformers
Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks
I’m not clear how many panels you have. There is a main with 2 circuits. Is that two 240V circuits or just a double breaker feeding one sub-panel?
Can you post pictures of the panels please?
Sorry I mis-stated number of circuits.
The panel where the main service is connected to is Main-Panel.jpg. it has 3 circuits that I would like to monitor (2 ACs and 1 EV)
The sub-panel has 9 circuits I would like to monitor. 1 AC, Washer, Dryer etc.
Pictures attached.
You might read through the docs to see how some 240V circuits only need one CT, some need two. Also, some circuits can be combined into one input. It’s a little complicated to design that for two panels via the forum.
Probably your best bet is two 120V kits. One would have 200A mains and CTs for the EV, ACs. The other would have 100A mains and CTs for the sub-panel loads.
Understand that the two units are separate. If you want to aggregate the data, you should look into uploading it to influx or Emoncms.