History log empty

Hey Bob,

I am running firmware 02_08_03 and noticed today that the History log has no information. The current log shows 2 years worth of data. Is there a reason why the history log would not show any dates?


Thanks in advance for the help.


It’s probably damaged. Check the message log for a message during startup.

Your current log has one year of history. I would recommend replacing the SDcard. Copy all of the files from your old card except the History log (/iotawatt/histlog.log).

When you restart, it will take a long while (probably a day or so) to build a new history log from the current log. Best not to do anything with the configuration and stop any uploaders while this is going on. You can watch the progress on the status display.


Thanks for the response. I will give that a try.


According to the message log, the history log started failing last month. Prior to that, there were no errors.

3/25/24 21:01:40 historyLog: Last log entry 03/25/24 21:01:00
4/26/24 07:27:21 historyLog: Log file open failed: 2, service halted.

It happens. SDcard.