History upload issue with EmonCMS

hello BOB,

please, can you help me to understood better what is happening ?

due to some trouble , i need to restart every week my emoncms RASPI - is a emoncms problem…
now, my IOTAWATT need to re feed emoncms with data; at this point is returning at very beginning time , at the time that i first power up and configure it, on 2018 ! i tray to put time reference for example this month, from first day ,and nothing change.
second problem, i have more than 28 hours continuously from the restart of emoncms and data transferred between emoncms and IOTAWATT is just less than a half. previously, all those data was synchronize in less than 10 hours.
today, my IOTAWATT is running 02_04_00 firmware; it something related to the firmware ?
