Home assistant integration bug?

some of the inputs do work in home assistant and others just stay at 0

for axemple like in this picture is:
Aircos – Home assistant 0W – iotawatt 22w
grid 4C – Home assistant 0W – iotawatt 137w
garden6B – Home assistant 0W – iotawatt 2w
garden7C – Home assistant 0W – iotawatt 22w

but like solar1C, solar2A, grid3B, grid 5A works :exploding_head:

i tried reloaded ha integration, reboots device and home assistant.

The HA integration was contributed by a third party. Don’t know the current status of support but might also get result song he HA forum.

Incidentally, looking at your IoTaWatt status, it does appear that your three-phase setup may not be correct. For example I don’t see any power factors greater than 0.50. You might want to perform the first few steps of the derived three phase setup from the docs.