Integrate to athom homey pro


I have had my unit for a while now and successfully integrated it to home assistant, however as time in the day is limited and my skillet is not the highest I have decided to get a homey pro device.

I can’t seem to find an app in their website or how to integrate it in another way.

Does anyone have any tips on this, anything would be helpful.

Kind regards, C

Like many things that claim to be the best, this one can only be that for the things that it actually does. If it, at least, does what you want it can be a good enough solution. If not, like for this, it is no solution at all. It does look like it is possible for someone with the desire and skill to create something (probably like the HA integration) for it. This would take time, effort, and skill. It sounds like you don’t have the time to do this, so ask on the athom forum to find someone who might be interested.

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