Integrating IoTaWatt to Ignition SCADA


Just though I would share this information so it may help someone. This is a script I wrote that goes into ignition SCADA, the script hits the URL and then splits the results and then updates tags within Ignition.

The ipaddress needs to be changed to your iotawatt ip adress from x.x.x.x.
There needs to be a tag in Ignition which matches the tag within the iotawatt (as shown in the URL below)
Also there needs to be some other tags

#print receivedData"http://x.x.x.x/query?select=[time.local.unix,input1a.amps.d2,,input1w.watts.d1,input2a.amps.d2,,input2w.watts.d1,input3a.amps.d2,,input3w.watts.d1,input4a.amps.d2,,input4w.watts.d1,input5a.amps.d2,,input5w.watts.d1,input6a.amps.d2,,input6w.watts.d1,input7a.amps.d2,,input7w.watts.d1,input8a.amps.d2,,input8w.watts.d1,input9a.amps.d2,,input9w.watts.d1,input10a.amps.D2,,input10w.watts.d1,phaseA.volts.d1,phaseB.volts.d1,phaseAFreq.hz.d1,phaseBFreq.hz.d1]&begin=s-5s&end=s&resolution=high&group=auto&header=yes",1000,2500)

#print DataJSON

for key, value in DataJSON.items(): #or leave the .keys() off entirely
    print key
    print value

for item in DataJSON["labels"]:
    for j in DataJSON["data"]:
    	if ((item == "Time") & (updateTags==0)):
    		val1 ="[default]IotaWatt/lastTimestamp").value
    		if (val1 < j[i]):
    		if (updateTags==1):
    			if j[i] is not None:
# Need to compare the above with 1sec updates using http://x.x.x.x/status?inputs=yes&outputs=yes
# from the author and forum.

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I see that nobody else has responded to the this message. I can say that this code does work. To the OP: I am curious how you set up your configuration on the Iotawatt.
I would like to get amps, watts and PF from each input. I assume you set up named calculations for this. The way the code is set up, the tag name is exactly the name of the field. So it depends on the Iotawatt set up to match that for each of the units that we want to track.

I was also curious if getting the units in the data stream would be another way to do this.

I am very new to Ignition and this post kick started me down the path of using scripts. I was going to go down a completely different path that was far less elegant.

Thank you very much for posting this here