IotaWatt 2.4GHz WiFi connection

I am still having problems logging into my IoTawatt. It seems to timeout before completing load. I have moved the Iotawatt from its usual location, & using Firefox I get :
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

When I ping it, it responds in under 4mS, except once was 193mS.

What I would like to do is move the device to a secondary interface on my bPi (OpenWRT) router. I have set up an emulation of an old router set to only AX access point for my EV charger, so would like to connect to it. Trouble is I cannot get to the secondary pages on the Iotawatt webserver to change the setting (Pages do not load). Any Ideas? This has been flaky for some time. It is most likely a problem with my network, but any help appreciated.

Found it: bad SD .
Built a new SD & recopied config file & now all good. Not sure what corrupted the SD, but we have had lightning strikes near here, etc so who knows.
So mark as Ā“solvedā€™for me.

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