I’ve been using my iotawatt for several years, and it generally works great. But this morning it stopped responding to any IP traffic, then started constantly rebooting itself. It looked like the LED was blinking red-red-red, but I’m not completely certain of that.
I power cycled it, and the LED started blinking green-green-green. That’s not one of the patterns on the troubleshooting site.
So I took it apart, and determined that:
- The SD card is readable.
- When I clone the entire contents of the SD card to a new SD card, it’s still flashing “green green green”
- Based on what I can now see when powering it up with the case off, it looks like the LED is giving one green flash, then it’s crashing at some point early in the boot process, rebooting, and giving another green flash on the next boot (since the blue LEDs on the microcontroller are similarly cycling.
Here’s what I found in the logs:
At exactly the time the problem started (as measured by the last data received by home assistant):
10/05/24 08:15:31 timeSync: Six week routine restart.^M
** Restart **^M
SD initialized.^M
10/05/24 15:15:32z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1728141332 ^M
10/05/24 15:15:32z Reset reason: Software/System restart^M
10/05/24 15:15:32z Trace: 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[11], 1:2[12], 9:0[12], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[20], 1:6[4], 20:0, 20:1^M
10/05/24 15:15:32z ESP8266 ID: 522967, RTC M41T81 (68)^M
10/05/24 15:15:32z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03^M
10/05/24 15:15:32z SPIFFS mounted.^M
** Restart **^M
SD initialized.^M
10/05/24 15:15:33z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1728141333 ^M
10/05/24 15:15:33z Reset reason: Exception^M
10/05/24 15:15:33z Trace: 34:30, 34:30, 34:10[3], 34:30, 34:10[4], 34:30, 34:10[5], 34:30, 34:10[7], 34:30, 34:10[8], 34:30, 34:10[9], 34:30, 34:10[10], 34:30, 34:10[11], 34:30, 34:10[12], 34:30, 34:10[13], 34:30, 34:10[14], 34:30, 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:10[5], 34:30, 34:25[103], 34:28^M
10/05/24 15:15:33z ESP8266 ID: 522967, RTC M41T81 (68)^M
10/05/24 15:15:33z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03^M
10/05/24 15:15:33z SPIFFS mounted.^M
That last log block then repeats verbatim other than the timestamps (trace is identical) every 1-2 seconds, over 34,000 times (until I unplugged it).
There is one other different trace, which appears twice. I cannot correlate the two timestamps (16:01:17 UTC and 00:25:07 UTC the next day) to anything I did. I was out of the house at both times, and as far as I know the iotawatt was undisturbed.
SD initialized.^M
10/05/24 16:01:17z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1728144077 ^M
10/05/24 16:01:17z Reset reason: Exception^M
10/05/24 16:01:17z Trace: 11:30[2], 11:31, 11:31[1], 11:31[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:25[45], 34:28, 34:30, 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:10[1], 34:30, 34:10[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[2], 34:25[43], 34:28, 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:25[117], 34:28[2], 34:30, 34:10[5]^M
10/05/24 16:01:17z ESP8266 ID: 522967, RTC M41T81 (68)^M
10/05/24 16:01:17z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03^M
10/05/24 16:01:17z SPIFFS mounted.^M
** Restart **^M
The only other notable thing I found was that the last modified times of the all the files on the SD card was either Dec 31, 1999, Dec 31 2097, or Jan 21, 2098. Obviously those are all wrong, but I don’t know if that’s expected, harmless wrongness, or perhaps a sign that there’s something wrong with the clock.
I have not yet tried flashing a clean SD card image. It sounds like there should be instructions/a download for that somewhere I can find, so I’m assuming that’s something I can do myself. I’ll post again with the results once I try that.