IotaWatt has taken a walk

Apparently, about mid September, my Iotawatt stopped reporting in to EmonCMS. Just noticed this today, so I went out to power cycle it. Before I power cycled it, the activity on the LED suggested that it was still collecting data, even though it was no longer reporting to EmonCMS.

After power cycling it, it didn’t come back all the way. Apparently, it is connecting to my AP, getting an IP, responds to pings, but the LED is steady, suggesting it’s not collecting data.

I connected up to it via USB to see what serial data I could get, and I got the following using 115200 for a baud rate:

SD initialized.
10/05/18 22:47:10z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538779630 
10/05/18 22:47:10z Version 02_03_13
10/05/18 22:47:10z Reset reason: External System
10/05/18 22:47:10z Trace:  1:2[4], 9:0[4], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[5], 1:6, 1:1[4], 1:2[5], 9:0[5], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[19]
10/05/18 22:47:10z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 16:47:10 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 16:47:10 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 16:47:10 MDNS responder started
10/05/18 16:47:10 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/05/18 16:47:10 HTTP server started
10/05/18 16:47:10 timeSync: service started.
10/05/18 16:47:10 statService: started.
10/05/18 16:47:10 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -48db
10/05/18 16:47:10 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MAJOR
10/05/18 16:47:10 dataLog: service started.
Datalog inconsistent: size:

(an aside, the data pasted does NOT visually match what secureCRT showed me - there’s a lot of gibberish in what was displayed in SecureCRT)

Trying to browse to the IP Address it received just times out.

Not really sure where the issue is, but is there a way to get it ‘alive’ again without losing the data it logged?

The bad news is that the current log (5 sec intervals) is damaged. The good news is that the history file (60 sec intervals) is probably still fine. There have been a few occurrences of this lately, and the latest release has automatic recovery. Unfortunately you can’t get there from here.

The simplest way to recover is to power down the unit.
Open the unit and remove the SDcard.
Mount the SDcard in another computer.
Delete the file /iotawatt/iotalog.log
Insert the SDcard back into the Iotawatt
Power it back up.

Be careful not to remove or insert the SDcard while the device is powered up.

After you power up, it may take awhile to start working normally. Depending on when the file damage occured, it could take an hour or more. If it really was still logging up until today, it will come back in minutes. If you are in doubt about this, leave the serial connected and post the status. I will be able to tell if it restarted ok.

Welp - that appears to have nuked everything since 9/14. Maybe there’s data it’s ‘reconstructing’ in the background and will send to EmonCMS when it’s done, but looking at the graphing on the IotaWatt, it stops on 9/14. After removing the ‘iotalog.log’ file (which was 1.3GB!) and powering it up, it came up pretty quick. There was another smaller file, which may have been the ‘less granular’ data, which I of course did not touch, so maybe that’s the ‘60 sec intervals’ data that’ll start trickling in. If not, well, shrug, it’s back working, so that’s what is most important. I don;t know for sure that it was still actually logging data, but the LED activity seemed to suggest that it was.

Based on the log file, it appears to be running v02_03_13 - is that the current major release (I assume it is)?

It is. 02_03_16 will become the MINOR release tomorrow. I suggest you upgrade to that.

What you see is what you get. The recovery is complete, and that’s all there was in the history file.

If you look at your Emoncms, it should also stop on or about Sept 14. If you can look at the message log file, I’d be interested in seeing the log from before 9/12 until 9/14. Your system should have upgraded to 02_03_13 on Sept 12. It’s not yet clear if 02_03_13 is just more vulnerable to the damage or if it causes it. Either way, there is both more prevention and detection/recovery in 02_03_16.

Sorry about the data loss. That’s why I’m fast tracking 02_03_16, to minimize that. Most folks will never miss their current log. Even a daily graph is only 120 second resolution, so the history log services all of it.

It is what it is. While it would have been great if at least some of the data from the last few weeks survived and was able to fill in, life on earth won’t end because I lost some energy usage data. Let me know what, if anything, I can send you that might help - I didn’t delete the 1.3GB log file, I just moved it off the SD card - so if that can help, I’d gladly send it to you. It compressed down to 506MB, so I might be able to get it in a dropbox, or if not that, I can most likely work something out.

Thanks. If. You could hold onto it for a few weeks in case I need it that would be fine. I’ve not had much luck with copied and transmitted files. I know that shouldn’t be, but it is. There must be parts of the process that don’t verify.

I’m optimistic that the new release will solve this. Even if it doesn’t, it produces a good diagnostic file from the original file.

Can do. I’ll try to keep an eye on this thread, or PM me if you decide you want it.

Welp… It appears to have done it again. I noticed this AM that it hadn’t been reporting to EmonCMS, so I went and reset it -it’s responding to pings, but the WebUI isn’t working.

Oddly, I started getting a red-green-red led sequence after plugging it bck in, that went away when I plugged the USB into my PC and when I changed the USB cable that’s powering it…

Here’s the serial data from this time:

SPI started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/18/18 15:41:49z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1539877309 
10/18/18 15:41:49z Version 02_03_16
10/18/18 15:41:49z Reset reason: External System
10/18/18 15:41:49z Trace:  8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[19], 1:6, 1:1[5], 1:2[6], 9:0[6], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:13, 1:4, 1:5[14], 14:0, 14:1, 14:2
10/18/18 15:41:50z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/18/18 15:41:50z SPIFFS mounted.
10/18/18 09:41:51 Local time zone: -6
10/18/18 09:41:51 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/18/18 09:41:54 Connecting with WiFiManager.
10/18/18 09:42:03 MDNS responder started
10/18/18 09:42:03 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/18/18 09:42:04 HTTP server started
10/18/18 09:42:04 timeSync: service started.
10/18/18 09:42:04 statService: started.
10/18/18 09:42:04 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -43db
10/18/18 09:42:04 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
10/18/18 09:42:05 dataLog: service started.
10/18/18 09:42:05 dataLog: Last log entry 10/6/18 13:08:40 
10/18/18 09:42:05 historyLog: service started

The red-green-red is an indication that a diagnostic file is being built from a damaged datalog (current or history). That can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour or two depending on the file size. I had not updated the troubleshooting section of the wiki with that information, but I have done so now.

Could you look in the /iotawatt directory for a file called /iotawatt/logDiag.txt and post it along with your message log please?

Looking back at the history of your troubles, I would recommend that you get a new SDcard (8mb) or at a minimum reformat the one you have. Save the files in the root directory (not the directories) and place them in the root of the new or reformatted card then restart. The device should work OK.

The logdiag.txt only has:

10/18/18 09:39:17
filesize 122297088, entries 477723

The iotamsgs.txt is much longer, obviously - here is the portion of that from september until now

9/30/18 09:16:38 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1
10/01/18 01:16:38 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1
10/01/18 15:16:38 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1
10/02/18 03:16:38 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1
10/02/18 16:16:38 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1
10/03/18 04:17:41 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1
10/03/18 17:17:41 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1
10/04/18 07:17:41 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1
10/04/18 19:17:41 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1
10/05/18 06:18:44 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/05/18 22:26:00z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538778360 
10/05/18 22:26:00z Power failure detected.
10/05/18 22:26:00z Version 02_03_13
10/05/18 22:26:00z Reset reason: External System
10/05/18 22:26:00z Trace:  130:180[78], 171:218[233], 116:180[222], 230:111[215], 198:149[26], 191:3[157], 170:207[223], 206:62[206], 255:26[47], 199:157[51], 92:80[206], 44:155[88], 103:5[94], 48:75[215], 222:117[200], 180:243[81], 167:24[47], 213:212[171], 253:236[29], 38:97[227], 55:58[172], 195:242[233], 238:212[60], 241:104[46], 41:11[145], 214:21[182], 101:105[137], 136:186[138], 252:22[212], 146:139[108], 153:5[44], 93:207[117]
10/05/18 22:26:00z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 16:26:00 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 16:26:00 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 16:26:03 MDNS responder started
10/05/18 16:26:03 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/05/18 16:26:03 HTTP server started
10/05/18 16:26:03 timeSync: service started.
10/05/18 16:26:03 statService: started.
10/05/18 16:26:03 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -37db
10/05/18 16:26:03 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MAJOR
10/05/18 16:26:04 dataLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/05/18 22:33:09z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538778789 
10/05/18 22:33:09z Power failure detected.
10/05/18 22:33:09z Version 02_03_13
10/05/18 22:33:09z Reset reason: External System
10/05/18 22:33:09z Trace:  130:180[78], 171:218[233], 112:116[218], 230:111[215], 198:149[26], 191:2[157], 143:255[223], 142:124[206], 255:26[175], 199:157[19], 92:16[206], 40:155[216], 103:23[86], 32:107[215], 222:117[200], 182:243[81], 39:24[47], 213:212[171], 245:236[29], 38:113[227], 119:58[172], 195:242[169], 206:212[60], 193:104[46], 41:11[154], 150:21[182], 101:105[137], 136:187[140], 188:22[84], 18:139[236], 153:20[44], 29:237[245]
10/05/18 22:33:09z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 16:33:09 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 16:33:09 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 16:33:12 MDNS responder started
10/05/18 16:33:12 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/05/18 16:33:12 HTTP server started
10/05/18 16:33:12 timeSync: service started.
10/05/18 16:33:12 statService: started.
10/05/18 16:33:12 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -47db
10/05/18 16:33:12 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MAJOR
10/05/18 16:33:12 dataLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/05/18 22:34:18z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538778858 
10/05/18 22:34:18z Power failure detected.
10/05/18 22:34:18z Version 02_03_13
10/05/18 22:34:18z Reset reason: External System
10/05/18 22:34:18z Trace:  130:148[46], 171:218[233], 116:116[218], 226:111[151], 134:149[26], 191:3[221], 139:255[223], 206:58[206], 223:26[175], 199:157[19], 92:16[206], 40:155[24], 231:23[94], 240:107[215], 222:125[202], 182:243[81], 167:184[47], 213:212[171], 245:236[29], 38:113[227], 55:58[174], 193:242[227], 238:244[60], 241:120[46], 41:11[152], 150:21[182], 97:105[137], 136:154[142], 189:22[84], 150:11[236], 153:48[44], 93:239[213]
10/05/18 22:34:18z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 16:34:18 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 16:34:18 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 16:34:21 MDNS responder started
10/05/18 16:34:21 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/05/18 16:34:21 HTTP server started
10/05/18 16:34:21 timeSync: service started.
10/05/18 16:34:21 statService: started.
10/05/18 16:34:21 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -43db
10/05/18 16:34:21 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MAJOR
10/05/18 16:34:21 dataLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/05/18 22:34:40z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538778880 
10/05/18 22:34:40z Power failure detected.
10/05/18 22:34:40z Version 02_03_13
10/05/18 22:34:40z Reset reason: External System
10/05/18 22:34:40z Trace:  130:180[78], 171:218[233], 112:52[218], 102:111[215], 198:149[26], 191:2[157], 142:239[223], 198:60[206], 223:26[175], 199:157[19], 92:80[206], 40:155[88], 231:21[86], 48:107[215], 222:119[138], 180:243[81], 165:24[47], 213:212[171], 245:236[29], 38:113[227], 55:58[172], 199:242[227], 140:244[60], 241:104[46], 41:11[153], 150:21[183], 101:105[9], 136:158[142], 60:7[84], 154:139[236], 153:21[44], 29:237[213]
10/05/18 22:34:40z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 16:34:40 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 16:34:40 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 16:34:43 MDNS responder started
10/05/18 16:34:43 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/05/18 16:34:43 HTTP server started
10/05/18 16:34:43 timeSync: service started.
10/05/18 16:34:43 statService: started.
10/05/18 16:34:43 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -47db
10/05/18 16:34:43 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MAJOR
10/05/18 16:34:43 dataLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/05/18 22:43:17z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538779397 
10/05/18 22:43:17z Power failure detected.
10/05/18 22:43:17z Version 02_03_13
10/05/18 22:43:17z Reset reason: External System
10/05/18 22:43:17z Trace:  130:180[78], 171:218[232], 112:52[218], 102:111[215], 198:149[26], 191:2[157], 138:223[223], 206:57[206], 223:26[47], 199:157[19], 92:80[206], 40:155[88], 103:23[94], 112:75[215], 220:127[202], 182:243[81], 167:24[47], 213:212[169], 253:228[29], 38:113[227], 55:58[172], 195:242[235], 206:212[60], 225:104[46], 41:11[152], 150:21[246], 69:105[9], 140:190[142], 188:22[212], 18:139[108], 153:4[44], 29:173[85]
10/05/18 22:43:17z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 16:43:17 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 16:43:17 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 16:43:20 MDNS responder started
10/05/18 16:43:20 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/05/18 16:43:20 HTTP server started
10/05/18 16:43:20 timeSync: service started.
10/05/18 16:43:20 statService: started.
10/05/18 16:43:20 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -43db
10/05/18 16:43:20 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MAJOR
10/05/18 16:43:20 dataLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/05/18 22:43:35z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538779415 
10/05/18 22:43:35z Version 02_03_13
10/05/18 22:43:35z Reset reason: External System
10/05/18 22:43:35z Trace:  1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[21], 1:6, 1:1[3], 1:2[4], 9:0[4], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[5], 1:6, 1:1[4], 1:2[5], 9:0[5], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[19]
10/05/18 22:43:35z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 16:43:35 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 16:43:35 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 16:43:35 MDNS responder started
10/05/18 16:43:35 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/05/18 16:43:35 HTTP server started
10/05/18 16:43:35 timeSync: service started.
10/05/18 16:43:35 statService: started.
10/05/18 16:43:35 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -43db
10/05/18 16:43:35 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MAJOR
10/05/18 16:43:35 dataLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/05/18 22:45:51z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538779551 
10/05/18 22:45:51z Power failure detected.
10/05/18 22:45:51z Version 02_03_13
10/05/18 22:45:51z Reset reason: External System
10/05/18 22:45:51z Trace:  130:182[110], 171:218[232], 116:116[218], 102:111[215], 198:149[26], 191:3[221], 142:255[223], 206:56[206], 223:26[47], 199:189[51], 92:80[206], 40:187[92], 231:23[94], 48:75[215], 222:127[202], 180:243[81], 167:152[47], 213:212[171], 253:228[29], 38:113[227], 55:58[172], 199:242[233], 238:84[60], 193:104[46], 41:11[154], 150:21[183], 97:105[137], 136:191[138], 184:23[68], 146:11[236], 152:20[44], 29:236[85]
10/05/18 22:45:51z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 16:45:51 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 16:45:51 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 16:45:54 MDNS responder started
10/05/18 16:45:54 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/05/18 16:45:54 HTTP server started
10/05/18 16:45:54 timeSync: service started.
10/05/18 16:45:54 statService: started.
10/05/18 16:45:54 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -48db
10/05/18 16:45:54 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MAJOR
10/05/18 16:45:55 dataLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/05/18 22:46:21z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538779581 
10/05/18 22:46:21z Version 02_03_13
10/05/18 22:46:21z Reset reason: External System
10/05/18 22:46:21z Trace:  1:2[4], 9:0[4], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[5], 1:6, 1:1[4], 1:2[5], 9:0[5], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[19]
10/05/18 22:46:21z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 16:46:21 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 16:46:21 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 16:46:21 MDNS responder started
10/05/18 16:46:21 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/05/18 16:46:21 HTTP server started
10/05/18 16:46:21 timeSync: service started.
10/05/18 16:46:21 statService: started.
10/05/18 16:46:21 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -44db
10/05/18 16:46:21 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MAJOR
10/05/18 16:46:21 dataLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/05/18 22:46:45z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538779605 
10/05/18 22:46:45z Version 02_03_13
10/05/18 22:46:45z Reset reason: External System
10/05/18 22:46:45z Trace:  1:2[4], 9:0[4], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[5], 1:6, 1:1[4], 1:2[5], 9:0[5], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[19]
10/05/18 22:46:45z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 16:46:45 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 16:46:45 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 16:46:45 MDNS responder started
10/05/18 16:46:45 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/05/18 16:46:45 HTTP server started
10/05/18 16:46:45 timeSync: service started.
10/05/18 16:46:45 statService: started.
10/05/18 16:46:45 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -47db
10/05/18 16:46:45 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MAJOR
10/05/18 16:46:45 dataLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/05/18 22:47:10z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538779630 
10/05/18 22:47:10z Version 02_03_13
10/05/18 22:47:10z Reset reason: External System
10/05/18 22:47:10z Trace:  1:2[4], 9:0[4], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[5], 1:6, 1:1[4], 1:2[5], 9:0[5], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[19]
10/05/18 22:47:10z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 16:47:10 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 16:47:10 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 16:47:10 MDNS responder started
10/05/18 16:47:10 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/05/18 16:47:10 HTTP server started
10/05/18 16:47:10 timeSync: service started.
10/05/18 16:47:10 statService: started.
10/05/18 16:47:10 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -48db
10/05/18 16:47:10 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MAJOR
10/05/18 16:47:10 dataLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/06/18 00:24:32z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538785472 
10/06/18 00:24:32z Power failure detected.
10/06/18 00:24:32z Version 02_03_13
10/06/18 00:24:32z Reset reason: External System
10/06/18 00:24:32z Trace:  128:180[110], 171:218[233], 112:180[218], 230:111[151], 134:149[26], 191:3[157], 142:255[223], 206:62[206], 223:26[47], 199:157[51], 92:80[206], 40:251[88], 227:55[94], 48:75[215], 222:127[202], 182:243[81], 165:152[47], 213:212[171], 245:236[29], 38:113[227], 55:58[172], 195:242[227], 238:252[60], 241:104[46], 41:11[154], 214:21[182], 97:105[9], 140:154[142], 188:71[84], 154:139[108], 153:16[44], 29:205[247]
10/06/18 00:24:32z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 18:24:32 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 18:24:32 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 18:24:35 Connecting with WiFiManager.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/06/18 00:24:37z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538785477 
10/06/18 00:24:37z Version 02_03_13
10/06/18 00:24:37z Reset reason: External System
10/06/18 00:24:37z Trace:  15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 15:1, 15:0, 15:1, 11:7, 11:8, 16:0, 16:1, 16:2, 16:3, 16:4, 16:5, 16:6, 16:7, 11:8, 11:9
10/06/18 00:24:37z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 18:24:37 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 18:24:37 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 18:24:40 Connecting with WiFiManager.
10/05/18 18:24:43 MDNS responder started
10/05/18 18:24:43 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/05/18 18:24:43 HTTP server started
10/05/18 18:24:44 timeSync: service started.
10/05/18 18:24:44 statService: started.
10/05/18 18:24:44 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -45db
10/05/18 18:24:44 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MAJOR
10/05/18 18:24:44 dataLog: service started.
10/05/18 18:24:45 dataLog: Last history entry: 1536951600
10/05/18 18:24:46 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MAJOR.
10/05/18 18:24:49 EmonService: started. url:,node:IotaWatt,interval:10, unsecure GET
10/05/18 18:24:50 EmonService: Start posting at 10/5/18 18:25:00 
10/05/18 18:25:45 historyLog: service started.
10/05/18 18:25:45 historyLog: Last log entry 9/14/18 13:00:00 

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/06/18 00:30:47z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538785847 
10/06/18 00:30:47z Power failure detected.
10/06/18 00:30:47z Version 02_03_13
10/06/18 00:30:47z Reset reason: External System
10/06/18 00:30:47z Trace:  131:180[78], 171:218[233], 116:116[218], 230:111[215], 198:149[26], 191:3[157], 138:207[159], 198:62[206], 223:26[175], 195:157[51], 92:80[206], 40:187[24], 99:23[94], 48:75[215], 222:125[202], 182:243[81], 167:152[47], 213:212[171], 245:236[29], 38:113[227], 55:58[172], 195:242[235], 236:244[60], 241:104[46], 43:11[155], 134:21[182], 97:105[137], 136:190[142], 189:23[196], 22:139[236], 153:4[44], 21:236[245]
10/06/18 00:30:47z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 18:30:47 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 18:30:47 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 18:30:50 Connecting with WiFiManager.
10/05/18 18:30:54 MDNS responder started
10/05/18 18:30:54 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/05/18 18:30:54 HTTP server started
10/05/18 18:30:54 timeSync: service started.
10/05/18 18:30:54 statService: started.
10/05/18 18:30:54 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -37db
10/05/18 18:30:54 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MAJOR
10/05/18 18:30:54 dataLog: service started.
10/05/18 18:30:54 dataLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 18:28:45 
10/05/18 18:30:55 historyLog: service started.
10/05/18 18:30:55 historyLog: Last log entry 9/14/18 15:30:00 
10/05/18 18:30:58 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MAJOR.
10/05/18 18:30:59 EmonService: started. url:,node:IotaWatt,interval:10, unsecure GET
10/05/18 18:31:02 EmonService: Start posting at 10/5/18 18:31:10 
10/05/18 18:33:53 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/06/18 01:03:31z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538787811 
10/06/18 01:03:31z Version 02_03_13
10/06/18 01:03:31z Reset reason: Hardware Watchdog
10/06/18 01:03:31z Trace:  18:0, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4
10/06/18 01:03:31z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/05/18 19:03:31 Local time zone: -6
10/05/18 19:03:31 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/05/18 19:03:31 MDNS responder started
10/05/18 19:03:31 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/05/18 19:03:31 HTTP server started
10/05/18 19:03:31 timeSync: service started.
10/05/18 19:03:32 statService: started.
10/05/18 19:03:32 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -45db
10/05/18 19:03:32 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MAJOR
10/05/18 19:03:32 dataLog: service started.
10/05/18 19:03:32 dataLog: Last log entry 10/5/18 19:03:20 
10/05/18 19:03:32 historyLog: service started.
10/05/18 19:03:32 historyLog: Last log entry 9/15/18 19:08:00 
10/05/18 19:03:34 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MAJOR.
10/05/18 19:03:36 EmonService: started. url:,node:IotaWatt,interval:10, unsecure GET
10/05/18 19:03:38 EmonService: Start posting at 10/5/18 19:03:45 
10/05/18 19:06:52 Updater: Auto-update class changed to MINOR
10/05/18 19:06:55 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR.
10/06/18 04:03:44 timeSync: adjusting RTC by -1
10/06/18 13:08:34 Updater: Update from 02_03_13 to 02_03_16
10/06/18 13:08:34 Updater: download 02_03_16
10/06/18 13:08:42 Updater: Release downloaded 7645ms, size 631848
10/06/18 13:08:51 Updater: Update downloaded and signature verified
10/06/18 13:08:58 Updater: firmware upgraded to version 02_03_16
10/06/18 13:08:58 Firmware updated, restarting.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/06/18 19:09:05z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1538852945 
10/06/18 19:09:05z Version 02_03_16
10/06/18 19:09:05z Updater: Installing update files for version 02_03_16
10/06/18 19:09:05z Updater: Installing EDIT.HTM
10/06/18 19:09:05z Updater: Installing GRAPH.HTM
10/06/18 19:09:06z Updater: Installing GRAPH.JS
10/06/18 19:09:06z Updater: Installing INDEX.HTM
10/06/18 19:09:07z Updater: Installing TABLES.TXT
10/06/18 19:09:07z Updater: Installing CNFSTYLE.CSS
10/06/18 19:09:08z Updater: Installation complete.
10/06/18 19:09:08z Reset reason: Software/System restart
10/06/18 19:09:08z Trace:  8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[3], 3:0, 3:6, 1:6, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[19], 1:6, 1:1[10], 1:2[11], 9:0[11], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[5]
10/06/18 19:09:08z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/06/18 19:09:17z SPIFFS mounted.
10/06/18 13:09:17 Local time zone: -6
10/06/18 13:09:17 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/06/18 13:09:18 MDNS responder started
10/06/18 13:09:18 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/06/18 13:09:18 HTTP server started
10/06/18 13:09:18 timeSync: service started.
10/06/18 13:09:18 statService: started.
10/06/18 13:09:18 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -44db
10/06/18 13:09:18 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
10/06/18 13:09:18 dataLog: service started.
10/06/18 13:09:19 dataLog: Last log entry 10/6/18 13:08:40 
10/06/18 13:09:19 historyLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/18/18 15:34:57z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1539876897 
10/18/18 15:34:57z Power failure detected.
10/18/18 15:34:57z Version 02_03_16
10/18/18 15:34:57z Reset reason: External System
10/18/18 15:34:57z Trace:  130:148[78], 171:218[232], 116:52[222], 230:111[151], 134:149[26], 191:3[157], 174:223[223], 198:60[206], 223:10[175], 199:157[51], 92:16[206], 40:187[88], 231:23[86], 48:107[215], 254:127[202], 180:243[113], 39:24[47], 213:212[171], 253:236[29], 38:113[227], 55:58[172], 195:242[225], 236:84[60], 213:120[46], 41:11[155], 214:21[182], 101:41[137], 136:158[138], 252:71[84], 146:139[236], 153:53[44], 93:239[213]
10/18/18 15:34:58z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/18/18 15:34:58z SPIFFS mounted.
10/18/18 09:35:00 Local time zone: -6
10/18/18 09:35:00 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/18/18 09:35:00 MDNS responder started
10/18/18 09:35:00 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/18/18 09:35:00 HTTP server started
10/18/18 09:35:01 timeSync: service started.
10/18/18 09:35:01 statService: started.
10/18/18 09:35:01 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -37db
10/18/18 09:35:02 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
10/18/18 09:35:02 dataLog: service started.
10/18/18 09:35:02 dataLog: Last log entry 10/6/18 13:08:40 
10/18/18 09:35:02 historyLog: service started.
10/18/18 09:35:03 IotaLog: file damaged iotawatt/histLog.log

10/18/18 09:35:03 IotaLog: Creating diagnostic file.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/18/18 15:37:04z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1539877024 
10/18/18 15:37:04z Power failure detected.
10/18/18 15:37:04z Version 02_03_16
10/18/18 15:37:04z Reset reason: External System
10/18/18 15:37:04z Trace:  130:180[78], 170:218[233], 116:52[218], 230:111[151], 198:151[26], 191:3[157], 142:255[223], 206:58[206], 223:26[47], 199:157[51], 92:80[206], 40:187[152], 103:23[86], 48:75[215], 254:127[202], 180:243[113], 165:152[47], 213:212[171], 245:228[29], 38:113[227], 55:58[172], 193:242[235], 206:84[60], 209:120[46], 41:11[153], 151:21[54], 97:105[137], 136:155[142], 252:86[84], 18:139[236], 145:21[44], 93:237[213]
10/18/18 15:37:05z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/18/18 15:37:05z SPIFFS mounted.
10/18/18 09:37:07 Local time zone: -6
10/18/18 09:37:07 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/18/18 09:37:07 MDNS responder started
10/18/18 09:37:07 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/18/18 09:37:07 HTTP server started
10/18/18 09:37:08 timeSync: service started.
10/18/18 09:37:08 statService: started.
10/18/18 09:37:08 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -44db
10/18/18 09:37:08 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
10/18/18 09:37:08 dataLog: service started.
10/18/18 09:37:09 dataLog: Last log entry 10/6/18 13:08:40 
10/18/18 09:37:09 historyLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/18/18 15:37:28z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1539877048 
10/18/18 15:37:28z Version 02_03_16
10/18/18 15:37:28z Reset reason: External System
10/18/18 15:37:28z Trace:  9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[19], 1:6, 1:1[5], 1:2[6], 9:0[6], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[14], 14:0, 14:1, 14:2
10/18/18 15:37:29z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/18/18 15:37:29z SPIFFS mounted.
10/18/18 09:37:30 Local time zone: -6
10/18/18 09:37:30 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/18/18 09:37:30 MDNS responder started
10/18/18 09:37:30 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/18/18 09:37:31 HTTP server started
10/18/18 09:37:31 timeSync: service started.
10/18/18 09:37:31 statService: started.
10/18/18 09:37:32 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -42db
10/18/18 09:37:32 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
10/18/18 09:37:32 dataLog: service started.
10/18/18 09:37:32 dataLog: Last log entry 10/6/18 13:08:40 
10/18/18 09:37:32 historyLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/18/18 15:39:10z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1539877150 
10/18/18 15:39:10z Power failure detected.
10/18/18 15:39:10z Version 02_03_16
10/18/18 15:39:10z Reset reason: External System
10/18/18 15:39:10z Trace:  130:180[46], 171:218[233], 112:52[218], 230:111[215], 198:149[26], 191:3[157], 174:255[223], 206:56[206], 223:26[47], 199:189[51], 92:16[206], 40:187[24], 235:23[94], 176:75[215], 220:125[202], 180:243[81], 167:144[47], 213:212[171], 245:236[29], 38:113[227], 55:58[172], 195:242[235], 236:244[60], 241:120[46], 43:11[152], 150:21[182], 97:105[137], 136:155[138], 248:23[212], 22:139[236], 153:20[44], 29:239[245]
10/18/18 15:39:11z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/18/18 15:39:11z SPIFFS mounted.
10/18/18 09:39:13 Local time zone: -6
10/18/18 09:39:13 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/18/18 09:39:13 MDNS responder started
10/18/18 09:39:13 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/18/18 09:39:14 HTTP server started
10/18/18 09:39:15 timeSync: service started.
10/18/18 09:39:15 statService: started.
10/18/18 09:39:15 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -40db
10/18/18 09:39:16 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
10/18/18 09:39:16 dataLog: service started.
10/18/18 09:39:16 dataLog: Last log entry 10/6/18 13:08:40 
10/18/18 09:39:16 historyLog: service started.
10/18/18 09:39:17 IotaLog: file damaged iotawatt/histLog.log

10/18/18 09:39:17 IotaLog: Creating diagnostic file.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/18/18 15:40:20z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1539877220 
10/18/18 15:40:20z Power failure detected.
10/18/18 15:40:20z Version 02_03_16
10/18/18 15:40:20z Reset reason: External System
10/18/18 15:40:20z Trace:  130:180[46], 171:218[234], 116:52[222], 230:111[151], 198:149[26], 191:3[157], 142:223[223], 206:56[206], 223:26[47], 199:157[51], 92:16[206], 40:251[216], 111:21[94], 160:75[215], 222:119[138], 180:243[113], 39:24[47], 213:212[171], 245:236[29], 38:113[227], 55:58[172], 195:242[235], 206:116[60], 213:120[46], 41:11[154], 215:21[183], 69:105[137], 136:190[142], 188:87[84], 146:11[236], 153:4[44], 221:238[117]
10/18/18 15:40:21z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/18/18 15:40:21z SPIFFS mounted.
10/18/18 09:40:22 Local time zone: -6
10/18/18 09:40:22 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/18/18 09:40:24 MDNS responder started
10/18/18 09:40:24 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/18/18 09:40:24 HTTP server started
10/18/18 09:40:24 timeSync: service started.
10/18/18 09:40:25 statService: started.
10/18/18 09:40:25 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -40db
10/18/18 09:40:25 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
10/18/18 09:40:25 dataLog: service started.
10/18/18 09:40:25 dataLog: Last log entry 10/6/18 13:08:40 
10/18/18 09:40:25 historyLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/18/18 15:40:34z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1539877234 
10/18/18 15:40:34z Version 02_03_16
10/18/18 15:40:34z Reset reason: Software Watchdog
10/18/18 15:40:34z Trace:  9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[19], 1:6, 1:1[5], 1:2[6], 9:0[6], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[14], 14:0, 14:1, 14:2
10/18/18 15:40:34z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/18/18 15:40:34z SPIFFS mounted.
10/18/18 09:40:36 Local time zone: -6
10/18/18 09:40:36 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/18/18 09:40:36 MDNS responder started
10/18/18 09:40:36 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/18/18 09:40:36 HTTP server started
10/18/18 09:40:36 timeSync: service started.
10/18/18 09:40:38 statService: started.
10/18/18 09:40:38 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -41db
10/18/18 09:40:38 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
10/18/18 09:40:39 dataLog: service started.
10/18/18 09:40:39 dataLog: Last log entry 10/6/18 13:08:40 
10/18/18 09:40:39 historyLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/18/18 15:41:49z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1539877309 
10/18/18 15:41:49z Version 02_03_16
10/18/18 15:41:49z Reset reason: External System
10/18/18 15:41:49z Trace:  8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5[19], 1:6, 1:1[5], 1:2[6], 9:0[6], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 8:9, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2, 1:3, 10:13, 1:4, 1:5[14], 14:0, 14:1, 14:2
10/18/18 15:41:50z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/18/18 15:41:50z SPIFFS mounted.
10/18/18 09:41:51 Local time zone: -6
10/18/18 09:41:51 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/18/18 09:41:54 Connecting with WiFiManager.
10/18/18 09:42:03 MDNS responder started
10/18/18 09:42:03 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/18/18 09:42:04 HTTP server started
10/18/18 09:42:04 timeSync: service started.
10/18/18 09:42:04 statService: started.
10/18/18 09:42:04 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -43db
10/18/18 09:42:04 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
10/18/18 09:42:05 dataLog: service started.
10/18/18 09:42:05 dataLog: Last log entry 10/6/18 13:08:40 
10/18/18 09:42:05 historyLog: service started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
10/18/18 15:42:56z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1539877376 
10/18/18 15:42:56z Power failure detected.
10/18/18 15:42:56z Version 02_03_16
10/18/18 15:42:56z Reset reason: External System
10/18/18 15:42:56z Trace:  128:180[110], 171:218[233], 116:116[218], 226:111[215], 134:149[26], 191:3[157], 138:207[223], 198:121[206], 223:10[47], 199:157[51], 92:80[206], 40:187[88], 111:21[94], 176:75[215], 222:125[138], 180:243[113], 167:24[47], 213:212[171], 253:236[29], 38:113[227], 55:58[172], 197:246[227], 204:244[60], 209:120[46], 41:11[18], 134:21[182], 97:105[137], 136:190[138], 252:7[212], 18:139[236], 153:52[44], 93:238[229]
10/18/18 15:42:57z ESP8266 ChipID: 2992186
10/18/18 15:42:57z SPIFFS mounted.
10/18/18 09:42:59 Local time zone: -6
10/18/18 09:42:59 device name: IotaWatt, version: 3
10/18/18 09:42:59 MDNS responder started
10/18/18 09:42:59 You can now connect to http://IotaWatt.local
10/18/18 09:42:59 HTTP server started
10/18/18 09:43:00 timeSync: service started.
10/18/18 09:43:01 statService: started.
10/18/18 09:43:01 WiFi connected. SSID VirusesHere, IP, channel 10, RSSI -41db
10/18/18 09:43:02 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
10/18/18 09:43:02 dataLog: service started.
10/18/18 09:43:02 dataLog: Last log entry 10/6/18 13:08:40 
10/18/18 09:43:03 historyLog: service started.

I copied the files in the root over to a fresh Sandisk 8GB microSD card and it appears to be back up.

Looking at the most recent log that you posted, your unit never recovered the history file on 10/5. I don’t know what indications you had that it was working. There are messages in the log related to history file damage. The last entry was from 9/14.

I’d like to see your status screen now, with the datalog tab expanded. Both the history and current log should begin when you restarted with the new card, and both should be advancing at their respective rates with current time.

It was reporting back to my EmonCMS server for just shy of one day after the reset on 10/5

Here is the Status page:

It does look as if the logging stopped shortly after the upgrade to 02_03_16. The history log was corrupted, and it’s not possible to know if it was there before the upgrade and was detected by 02_03_16, or possibly caused by it. The diagnostic file creation was interrupted by the power cycle and is lost.

I do think everything looks OK now, and should remain so going forward.