IotaWatt to Esphome

May be somebody have expirience to migrate device from Iotawatt firmware to EspHome?
I need only power meter, without output to emoncms and etc, only working with HomeAssisstant

Second time i had lost my sd card :frowning:

I have device about 6 or 7 years, use only for power meter to HomeAssistant , so i think esphome will be best decision

It might be better to explain the actual problem you are having, instead of what you believe to be the solution. You solution sounds like “throwing out the baby with the bath water”.

I am pretty sure no one has done what you are suggesting. People have done it for Emporia, since that is not an open system.

I am not even sure why you would want to do this. Esphome has a very steep learning curve and doing what you want in esphome with IotaWatt hardware is definitely going to be in the “challenging” category.

I have been using IotaWatt for a long time I never had significant issues with it, but did see corruption of an SD card once. After I put it on a mini UPS and got a new quality SD card (non-fake, reputable manufacturer) it has been extremely reliable. But, I don’t send the data to HA, since I much prefer Grafana.

I have thought about buying an Emporia and converting it, but not enough to actually do it yet (too many other projects that are more interesting or urgent).

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I use only HA and it’s energy dashboard
I’d lost my SD second time for 5 years (last time i spend about 2 hours to restore working state with new card (no backuped config.txt)).
Because of using HA i dont need store data or anything on sd card, and i’d like to store config in esp flash
I use a lot of Esp home devices, so config is store in one place (with backup). If esp board was lost, i can replace it with new in 10-15 minutes
So i’d like to have more reliable system without SD card

IotaWatt - is dead project, esphome - alive

“Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated”, Mark Twain.


Well glad it works for you. I have yet to find the love for HA. But then I come from a long history of Tasmota and in the early days people used to make fun of HA, since you always restart it. Since I had already set up MQTT, NodeRED, InfluxDB, and Grafana, HA didn’t really offer anything for my needs.

I am pretty sure there is no existing component/conversion process for IotaWatt to esphome. It will not be a small project. If you are interested in tackling it, it might be possible. The source for IotaWatt is open and available. You will need an understanding on c++. esphome uses a combination of c++, Python, with config stored in YAML. The learning curve of both projects is steep, since they both are doing complicated things.

So, you have had SD card corruption twice in 5 years and once had to spend 2 hours recovering because you did not have a backup of the config. My suggestion, make a backup of your config and get a quality SD card. If it fails again, it should be very quick to replace.

Now, if you really want a mult-week/month/year technical challenge go for it. I am on my third iteration of a project to read data from my heat pump water heater. Turns out 9-bit serial is not as easy as it once was (it seems no one uses it anymore so all the current chips that do Wi-Fi only have 8-bit capable UARTs). I do it for the technical challenge, not because the data is that interesting or that I need it