Yes, IoTaWatt was the password I used. Las night I power cycled it twice just to see if that made a difference, though there was no change.
Today I power cycled it 5 times with no change, then left it for an hour. Upon return, it now shows red red green, so I’ve unmounted it, opened it up, and plugged in the microSD card to my laptop.
I see a number of files in the top directory that relate to configuration and .htm, .js, etc for configuring the IoTaWatt.
under iotawatt directory, there is one file: iotamsgs.txt, updated Dec 2097
There are a number of entries in that txt document like this one;
** Restart **
SD initialized.
Real Time Clock not running.
Reset reason: Power On
Trace: 160:191[116], 213:187[226], 192:24[222], 246:160[79], 161:9[73], 193:126[192], 222:81[78], 96:20[18], 48:219[161], 192:174[159], 191:217[163], 15:110[200], 156:255[143], 54:241[61], 177:114[255], 37:133[13], 147:217[169], 242:131[102], 30:74[71], 183:64[132], 97:12[162], 207:23[131], 154:173[93], 182:83[6], 0:204[22], 132:192[67], 171:206[206], 4:20[6], 167:188[248], 68:198[58], 9:20[214], 198:25[93]
ESP8266 ID: 14660509, RTC PCF8523 (68)
IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_07_05
SPIFFS mounted.
Local time zone: +0:00
device name: IotaWatt
Connecting with WiFiManager.
RTC not running, waiting for WiFi.
RTC not running, waiting for WiFi.
RTC not running, waiting for WiFi.
RTC not running, waiting for WiFi.
RTC not running, waiting for WiFi.
Since I can read the card, the troubleshooting guide says “probably the IoTaWatt SD card socket and the device will need to be replaced”.
Please let me know the next steps to move the above process forward.