Outputs and Data Uploaders

(newbie here). Am I understanding this correctly.

  • The outputs I create in Setup → Outputs are only used in Graph+
  • For exporting data to InfluxDB2 I have to create all the measurements in Setup → Data Uploaders influxDB_v2

For example, if I want to build charts for all units and all ct’s I’m doing this.
I’m new to Flux but it look like it’s working.

Outputs are available real-time in the status display and historically using the query API. Graph+ uses the query API.

The uploaders use the same script system as outputs but you cannot reference an output within an output, so outputs are not available by reference in uploaders. You must replicate them in the uploaders.

I realize this is restrictive, but IoTaWatt doesn’t have a lot of processor horsepower or extra memory to deal with the problems that can develop from referencing outputs within outputs i.e. circularity, deadlock, deletion, renaming etc. Also at issue is the units desired in the upload.

ok I get it. With regards to limited resources, are there any recommendations for how many outputs can be defined?

Is it ok to create all 98 outputs (12 cts x 8 units + 2 vts) and upload to influx or
would it be better to write a script to pull the data using the query api?

Regarding the script option. I was able to access the api

almiller  ~/ curl -sX GET "\[time.iso,Voltage.volts.d3\]&begin=d-1d&end=d&group=1h&format=json&header=yes" |jq|head -14
  "range": [
  "labels": [
  "data": [

but then I found the reference to IotaWatt_Access and got that working.
So I could just setup a cron and massage the numpy dataframes into Influx.

almiller  ~/ iotawatt_download
Downloading data .....
almiller  ls -lart ~/IotaWatt/data
total 15728
-rw-r--r--  1 almiller  staff   262874 Oct 29 08:51 iotawatt_2024-10-25.npz
-rw-r--r--  1 almiller  staff  2217154 Oct 29 08:52 iotawatt_2024-10-26.npz
-rw-r--r--  1 almiller  staff  2216898 Oct 29 08:54 iotawatt_2024-10-27.npz
-rw-r--r--  1 almiller  staff  2216770 Oct 29 08:56 iotawatt_2024-10-28.npz

This is exactly what I needed - thank you. The uploader page in the documentation doesn’t mention this, so I blindly created one upload per input without really noticing that the screen had all the same calculation options as the output configuration!