Me too i discovered iotawatt because of that review. I saw an ad for sense then read the review and here i am
This review sent me here too actually. and I’m very happy. Just waiting for the store to open back up to buy more to get my full nerd on. Though after a week I look at what other usage is and it will never pay for itself, but will be more fun / interesting for if/when we get solar.
Your review of the Sense Energy Monitor on Amazon was How I found IoTaWatt. I couldn’t be happier. Thanks for doing that.
I was looking at the sense on amazon as well and read this review. I prefer open source as the others will eventually charge a monthly fee if they don’t already.
Also the sense is wired into the panel and I do not have any open spots for that. I pretty much immediately ordered the IoTaWatt once I determined what I needed that same day.
I see the review option on a transformer but not on the CT or kit. Here is what I am seeing on the site.
Thanks for the heads up. When redesigning the kits a few months ago, all of the past reviews stayed with the older bundles. I believe WooCommerce has a was to move them, but I just haven’t gotten around to it. In the meantime, I recall that I didn’t enable them in the new kits pending resolution of that. I’ll try to get to it in the next couple of days.