Reloading missing PVoutput data

I just noticed that my PVoutput has no data since 21 Sep 2023. I also noticed that my PVoutput donation expired around that time (a few days before then, I think). I don’t know if the two events are related.

Initially, I thought something was wrong with the IoTaWatt so I power cycled it and I saw red-green-green so I connected to it in AP mode and reconfigured wifi network settings.

After that I was able to see my data in Graph+, so IoTaWatt is collecting data locally fine.

I have again donated to PVoutput and am wanting to reload the missing data. I go to “Data Uploaders” settings in IoTaWatt and configure PVoutput uploader to reload from 22 Sep 2023 and click “save”.

The IoTaWatt Status page says that it is running, with a last update about 82 years in the future:

PVoutput: Running, Last update 07/02/2106 6:28:16 am

In fact, it already said this before I told it to reload PVoutput data.

I tried restarting IoTaWatt since the docs say if you leave the “Reload” checkbox selected, IoTaWatt will reload the data on every restart. But I don’t see any difference. Maybe this (rather than expired donation status) is why data stopped appearing in PVoutput?

I still don’t see my data appearing in PVoutput. I didn’t see anything relevant in todays message log. There were lots of PVoutput rate limit lines in the log from weeks ago (I presume because donatation status had expired).

I just tried again to check the copy the log to include here, but I can no longer connect to IoTaWatt in my browser at http://iotawatt.local, even though the LED is still only green.

I tried power cycling it again. Now it is stick on red-green-green. Half the time it doesn’t appear as an AP network on my phone at all. When it does appear and I connect, half the time the captive portal screen does not appear. I manually browse to and half the time it doesn’t load. When it does load, I scan and select the wifi network again enter the password and save. It says it has saved it and if it doesn’t work to reconnect to AP mode and try again. It never works. Just stays on red-green-green. My router says it is connected for a few minutes, but I can’t connect to it in browser. Then the AP network comes back and I try again. I’ve tried about 15 times.

Not sure what else to do? Maybe it’s stuck in a loop with some kind of heap error while it tries to reload PVoutput data?

I gave up for a while but kept turning wifi off/on on my phone to see if AP network was coming back. It didn’t. My router says the IoTaWatt has been connected for half an hour.

I still can’t connect to it at http://iotawatt.local OR http://{STATIC_IP}. I went outside to check on the device again and the LED is now just green.

There’s still no new data appearing in PVoutput.

Should IoTaWatt respond to ping as a test for network connectivity?

These all seem to be network problems. You say the IoTaWatt has been recording data throughout and now has the dull green led indicating it is still sampling and recording and is connected to WiFi.

There are so many different types/brands of WiFi routers out there that it is impossible to generalize problems like this.

It’s possible your unit is just not responding because it is overwhelmed with the PVoutput upload on top of running three integrators.

You could try connecting the IoTaWAtt to a PC using a USB cable, then run a terminal program like PUTTY (115200 baud). You will get the message log output to the trerminal. It should show what is going on with the WiFi connection (or not) ans what is happening with PVoutput. You can post it and I’ll take a look.

I left it overnight. Router still says it’s been connected for 21:31:25 now:

When I try to telnet to its IP from terminal it times out after what feels like 1-2 minutes:

$ telnet 80
telnet: connect to address Operation timed out
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

Browsers timeout…



I connected via USB and the logging stopped for several minutes on PVoutput: started:

Ik��n{���o�$`r��o��l`�r�p�d�r� �o�
SPI started.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:08:03z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703030883 
12/20/23 00:08:03z Reset reason: External System
12/20/23 00:08:03z Trace:  34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:10[6], 34:30, 34:10[8], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[5], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[2], 34:25[43], 34:28[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10, 22:205, 22:206, 22:207, 11:55, 11:70
12/20/23 00:08:03z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:08:03z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:08:03z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:08:03 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:08:03 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:08:03 HTTP server started
12/20/23 11:08:03 timeSync: service started.
12/20/23 11:08:03 statService: started.
12/20/23 11:08:03 dataLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:08:05 dataLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:45
12/20/23 11:08:08 historyLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:08:08 historyLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:00
12/20/23 11:08:08 free: Started
12/20/23 11:08:09 free: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:45
12/20/23 11:08:09 grid: Started
12/20/23 11:08:09 grid: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:45
12/20/23 11:08:09 solar: Started
12/20/23 11:08:09 solar: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:40
12/20/23 11:08:13 PVoutput: started
12/20/23 11:12:18 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=3, RSSI -59db
12/20/23 11:12:18 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA

During this time the light was solid/flashing/flickering/pulsing red. It’s hard to tell in the sunlight.

Then it connected to WiFi and the light went solid/flickering/pulsing green.

But the IP address is not what I expected and not what the router is reporting. ChatGPT tells me:

The IP address is a link-local address, which is automatically assigned to the device when it can’t obtain an IP address from a DHCP server. This can happen for various reasons, such as if the DHCP server is not reachable or if there’s a network configuration issue.

ChatGPT suggested I search for additional DHCP servers on my network:

$ sudo nmap --script broadcast-dhcp-discover
Starting Nmap 7.94 ( ) at 2023-12-20 11:25 AEDT
NSOCK ERROR [0.2930s] nsock_pcap_open(): pcap_activate(en4) WARNING: BIOCPROMISC: Operation not supported on socket.
NSOCK ERROR [0.2940s] nsock_pcap_open(): pcap_activate(en5) WARNING: BIOCPROMISC: Operation not supported on socket.
NSOCK ERROR [0.2990s] nsock_pcap_open(): pcap_activate(anpi0) WARNING: BIOCPROMISC: Operation not supported on socket.
NSOCK ERROR [0.2990s] nsock_pcap_open(): pcap_activate(anpi2) WARNING: BIOCPROMISC: Operation not supported on socket.
NSOCK ERROR [0.3010s] nsock_pcap_open(): pcap_activate(anpi1) WARNING: BIOCPROMISC: Operation not supported on socket.
NSOCK ERROR [0.3030s] nsock_pcap_open(): pcap_activate(en6) WARNING: BIOCPROMISC: Operation not supported on socket.
Pre-scan script results:
| broadcast-dhcp-discover: 
|   Response 1 of 3: 
|     Interface: bridge100
|     IP Offered:
|     DHCP Message Type: DHCPOFFER
|     Server Identifier:
|     IP Address Lease Time: 2d00h00m00s
|     Renewal Time Value: 1d00h00m00s
|     Rebinding Time Value: 1d18h00m00s
|     Subnet Mask:
|     Broadcast Address:
|     Router:
|     Interface MTU: 1500
|     Domain Name Server:
|   Response 2 of 3: 
|     Interface: en0
|     IP Offered:
|     DHCP Message Type: DHCPOFFER
|     Server Identifier:
|     IP Address Lease Time: 1d00h00m00s
|     Renewal Time Value: 12h00m00s
|     Rebinding Time Value: 21h00m00s
|     Subnet Mask:
|     Broadcast Address:
|     Domain Name Server:
|     WPAD: 
|     NetBIOS Name Server:
|     Domain Name: home
|     Router:
|   Response 3 of 3: 
|     Interface: en0
|     IP Offered:
|     DHCP Message Type: DHCPOFFER
|     Server Identifier:
|     IP Address Lease Time: 1d00h00m00s
|     Renewal Time Value: 12h00m00s
|     Rebinding Time Value: 21h00m00s
|     Subnet Mask:
|     Broadcast Address:
|     Domain Name Server:
|     WPAD: 
|     NetBIOS Name Server:
|     Domain Name: home
|_    Router:
WARNING: No targets were specified, so 0 hosts scanned.
Nmap done: 0 IP addresses (0 hosts up) scanned in 10.31 seconds

I can connect to IoTaWatt on this new unexpected IP:

And you can see that it’s still got the same PVoutput: Running, Last update 07/02/2106 6:28:16 am message (about 82 years in the future).

You can also see that the MAC address reported in the web interface, 84:F3:EB:26:6F:5F, matches the mac address reported by my router, which claims the IP should be

Here’s the full output from the message log in the web interface:

12/19/23 12:36:44 timeSync: service started.
12/19/23 12:36:44 statService: started.
12/19/23 12:36:44 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA
12/19/23 12:36:44 dataLog: service started.
12/19/23 12:36:46 dataLog: Last log entry 12/19/23 12:02:10
12/19/23 12:36:49 historyLog: service started.
12/19/23 12:36:49 historyLog: Last log entry 12/19/23 12:02:00
12/19/23 12:36:49 free: Started
12/19/23 12:36:50 free: Last log entry 12/19/23 12:02:10
12/19/23 12:36:50 grid: Started
12/19/23 12:36:50 grid: Last log entry 12/19/23 12:02:10
12/19/23 12:36:50 solar: Started
12/19/23 12:36:50 solar: Last log entry 12/19/23 12:02:05
12/19/23 12:36:54 PVoutput: started

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/19/23 02:08:46z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1702951726 
12/19/23 02:08:46z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/19/23 02:08:46z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/19/23 02:08:46z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/19/23 02:08:46z SPIFFS mounted.
12/19/23 13:08:46 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/19/23 13:08:46 device name: IotaWatt
12/19/23 13:08:49 Connecting with WiFiManager.
12/19/23 13:15:57 HTTP server started
12/19/23 13:15:57 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=3, RSSI -50db
12/19/23 13:15:57 timeSync: service started.
12/19/23 13:15:57 statService: started.
12/19/23 13:15:57 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA
12/19/23 13:15:57 dataLog: service started.
12/19/23 13:15:59 dataLog: Last log entry 12/19/23 13:08:35
12/19/23 13:16:01 Updater: Auto-update is current for class BETA.
12/19/23 13:16:02 historyLog: service started.
12/19/23 13:16:02 historyLog: Last log entry 12/19/23 13:08:00
12/19/23 13:16:03 free: Started
12/19/23 13:16:03 free: Last log entry 12/19/23 13:08:35
12/19/23 13:16:03 grid: Started
12/19/23 13:16:04 grid: Last log entry 12/19/23 13:08:35
12/19/23 13:16:04 solar: Started
12/19/23 13:16:04 solar: Last log entry 12/19/23 13:08:35
12/19/23 13:16:07 PVoutput: started
12/19/23 13:16:07 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
12/19/23 13:16:08 PVoutput: Reload status beginning 09/22/23 00:05:00

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:00:06z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703030406 
12/20/23 00:00:06z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/20/23 00:00:06z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:00:06z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:00:06z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:00:06 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:00:06 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:00:09 Connecting with WiFiManager.
12/20/23 11:03:09 Did not connect after power-fail. Restarting to reset WiFi.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:03:11z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703030591 
12/20/23 00:03:11z Reset reason: Software/System restart
12/20/23 00:03:11z Trace:  34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:10[6], 34:30, 34:10[8], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[5], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[2], 34:25[43], 34:28[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10, 22:205, 22:206, 22:207, 11:55, 11:70
12/20/23 00:03:11z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:03:11z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:03:11z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:03:11 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:03:11 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:03:11 HTTP server started
12/20/23 11:03:11 timeSync: service started.
12/20/23 11:03:11 statService: started.
12/20/23 11:03:11 dataLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:03:13 dataLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 10:59:45
12/20/23 11:03:16 historyLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:03:17 historyLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 10:59:00
12/20/23 11:03:17 free: Started
12/20/23 11:03:17 free: Last log entry 12/20/23 10:59:45
12/20/23 11:03:18 grid: Started
12/20/23 11:03:18 grid: Last log entry 12/20/23 10:59:45
12/20/23 11:03:18 solar: Started
12/20/23 11:03:18 solar: Last log entry 12/20/23 10:59:45
12/20/23 11:03:21 PVoutput: started

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:05:41z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703030741 
12/20/23 00:05:41z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/20/23 00:05:41z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:05:41z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:05:41z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:05:41 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:05:41 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:05:44 Connecting with WiFiManager.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:06:44z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703030804 
12/20/23 00:06:44z Reset reason: External System
12/20/23 00:06:44z Trace:  34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:10[6], 34:30, 34:10[8], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[5], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[2], 34:25[43], 34:28[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10, 22:205, 22:206, 22:207, 11:55, 11:70
12/20/23 00:06:44z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:06:44z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:06:44z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:06:44 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:06:44 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:06:44 HTTP server started
12/20/23 11:06:44 timeSync: service started.
12/20/23 11:06:44 statService: started.
12/20/23 11:06:44 dataLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:06:46 dataLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:05:00
12/20/23 11:06:49 historyLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:06:50 historyLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:05:00
12/20/23 11:06:50 free: Started
12/20/23 11:06:50 free: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:05:00
12/20/23 11:06:50 grid: Started
12/20/23 11:06:50 grid: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:05:00
12/20/23 11:06:50 solar: Started
12/20/23 11:06:51 solar: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:04:55
12/20/23 11:06:54 PVoutput: started

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:08:00z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703030880 
12/20/23 00:08:00z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/20/23 00:08:00z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:08:00z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:08:00z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:08:00 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:08:00 device name: IotaWatt

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:08:03z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703030883 
12/20/23 00:08:03z Reset reason: External System
12/20/23 00:08:03z Trace:  34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:10[6], 34:30, 34:10[8], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[5], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[2], 34:25[43], 34:28[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10, 22:205, 22:206, 22:207, 11:55, 11:70
12/20/23 00:08:03z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:08:03z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:08:03z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:08:03 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:08:03 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:08:03 HTTP server started
12/20/23 11:08:03 timeSync: service started.
12/20/23 11:08:03 statService: started.
12/20/23 11:08:03 dataLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:08:05 dataLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:45
12/20/23 11:08:08 historyLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:08:08 historyLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:00
12/20/23 11:08:08 free: Started
12/20/23 11:08:09 free: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:45
12/20/23 11:08:09 grid: Started
12/20/23 11:08:09 grid: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:45
12/20/23 11:08:09 solar: Started
12/20/23 11:08:09 solar: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:40
12/20/23 11:08:13 PVoutput: started
12/20/23 11:12:18 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=3, RSSI -59db
12/20/23 11:12:18 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:30:38z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703032238 
12/20/23 00:30:38z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/20/23 00:30:38z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:30:38z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:30:38z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:30:38 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:30:38 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:30:41 Connecting with WiFiManager.
12/20/23 11:33:41 Did not connect after power-fail. Restarting to reset WiFi.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:33:43z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703032423 
12/20/23 00:33:43z Reset reason: Software/System restart
12/20/23 00:33:43z Trace:  34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:10[6], 34:30, 34:10[8], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[5], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[2], 34:25[43], 34:28[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10, 22:205, 22:206, 22:207, 11:55, 11:70
12/20/23 00:33:43z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:33:43z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:33:43z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:33:43 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:33:43 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:33:43 HTTP server started
12/20/23 11:33:43 timeSync: service started.
12/20/23 11:33:43 statService: started.
12/20/23 11:33:44 dataLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:33:45 dataLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:30:15
12/20/23 11:33:48 historyLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:33:48 historyLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:30:00
12/20/23 11:33:48 free: Started
12/20/23 11:33:49 free: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:30:15
12/20/23 11:33:49 grid: Started
12/20/23 11:33:49 grid: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:30:15
12/20/23 11:33:49 solar: Started
12/20/23 11:33:49 solar: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:30:10
12/20/23 11:33:53 PVoutput: started
12/20/23 11:37:56 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=3, RSSI -46db
12/20/23 11:37:56 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA

It no longer includes the old entries I saw before that talked about PVoutput rate limiting. I guess the scroll back buffer is too small, and all the recent reboots have pushed those old logs too far back.

After disconnecting my laptop which powered off the IoTaWatt, I can still connect to it on the same unexpected IP, so at least that’s consistent (for now).

Thank you for your help :smiley:

I should also mention that I tried clicking Stop several times next to PVoutput: Running... on the status page, but it never seemed to do anything.

I also tried updating the textpos querystring arg to message log and I was able to see more logs going back further, which show that WiFi was getting the correct IP address until 15 Dec after a Six week routine restart.

And after that, there were 4 days worth of No time update in last 24 hours (until I started investigating).

I’ve snipped many of the repetitive PVoutput rate limit log lines to stay under the forum message size limit:

11/23/23 11:33:38 WiFi disconnected.
11/23/23 11:34:41 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=9, RSSI -57db
11/23/23 12:01:55 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 13:00
11/24/23 10:01:55 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 11:00
11/24/23 11:00:22 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
11/24/23 11:30:22 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
11/24/23 11:30:23 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
11/24/23 11:31:50 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 12:00
11/24/23 16:01:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 17:00
11/24/23 17:01:22 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
11/24/23 17:31:23 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
11/24/23 17:31:24 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
11/24/23 17:32:17 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 18:00
11/24/23 18:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 19:00
11/24/23 19:02:16 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 20:00
11/24/23 20:00:38 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
11/24/23 20:30:38 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
11/24/23 20:30:39 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
11/24/23 20:31:22 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
11/24/23 21:01:24 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
11/24/23 21:01:25 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
11/24/23 21:03:22 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 22:00
11/25/23 12:02:13 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 13:00
11/25/23 13:01:09 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
11/25/23 13:31:09 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
11/25/23 13:31:10 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
11/25/23 13:31:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 14:00
11/27/23 08:01:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 09:00
11/27/23 09:00:33 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
11/27/23 09:30:33 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
11/27/23 09:30:34 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
11/27/23 09:31:31 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
11/27/23 10:01:32 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
11/27/23 10:01:32 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
11/27/23 10:03:08 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 11:00
11/28/23 18:01:55 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 19:00
11/28/23 19:00:25 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
11/28/23 19:30:25 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
11/28/23 19:30:26 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
11/28/23 19:31:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 20:00
11/29/23 11:01:58 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 12:00
11/29/23 12:00:49 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
11/29/23 12:30:49 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
11/29/23 12:30:50 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
11/29/23 12:31:45 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
11/29/23 13:01:46 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
11/29/23 13:01:46 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
11/29/23 13:03:25 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 14:00
11/30/23 01:01:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 02:00
11/30/23 02:01:18 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
11/30/23 02:31:18 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
11/30/23 02:31:19 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
11/30/23 02:31:51 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 03:00
11/30/23 09:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 10:00
11/30/23 10:01:22 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
11/30/23 10:31:22 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
11/30/23 10:31:23 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
11/30/23 10:32:06 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 11:00
11/30/23 22:01:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 23:00
11/30/23 23:01:38 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
11/30/23 23:31:38 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
11/30/23 23:31:39 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
11/30/23 23:31:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 00:00
12/01/23 13:01:55 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 14:00
12/01/23 14:00:28 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/01/23 14:30:29 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/01/23 14:30:30 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/01/23 14:31:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 15:00
12/03/23 11:01:51 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 12:00
12/03/23 12:09:00 PVoutput: HTTP completion, upload -4
12/03/23 14:08:46 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 15:00
12/03/23 15:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 16:00
12/03/23 16:00:42 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/03/23 16:30:42 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/03/23 16:30:43 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/03/23 16:31:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 17:00
12/04/23 14:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 15:00
12/04/23 15:09:04 PVoutput: HTTP completion, upload -4
12/04/23 17:36:58 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 18:00
12/04/23 18:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 19:00
12/04/23 19:00:38 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/04/23 19:30:39 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/04/23 19:30:39 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/04/23 19:31:55 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 20:00
12/05/23 00:01:58 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 01:00
12/05/23 01:03:43 PVoutput: HTTP completion, upload -5
12/05/23 10:13:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 11:00
12/06/23 23:01:57 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 00:00
12/07/23 00:00:18 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/07/23 00:30:18 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/07/23 00:30:19 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/07/23 00:31:48 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/07/23 01:01:48 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/07/23 01:01:49 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/07/23 01:03:23 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 02:00
12/07/23 05:01:57 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 06:00
12/07/23 06:01:27 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/07/23 06:31:30 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/07/23 06:31:31 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/07/23 06:31:55 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 07:00
12/09/23 00:01:55 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 01:00
12/09/23 01:01:22 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/09/23 01:31:22 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/09/23 01:31:23 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/09/23 01:31:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 02:00
12/09/23 19:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 20:00
12/09/23 20:00:19 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/09/23 20:30:19 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/09/23 20:30:20 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/09/23 20:31:51 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 21:00
12/10/23 00:01:58 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 01:00
12/10/23 01:09:05 PVoutput: HTTP completion, upload -4
12/10/23 05:36:34 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 06:00
12/10/23 16:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 17:00
12/10/23 17:01:37 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/10/23 17:31:37 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/10/23 17:31:38 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/10/23 17:31:51 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 18:00
12/11/23 15:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 16:00
12/11/23 16:00:24 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/11/23 16:30:25 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/11/23 16:30:26 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/11/23 16:31:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 17:00
12/11/23 19:01:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 20:00
12/11/23 20:00:50 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/11/23 20:30:51 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/11/23 20:30:53 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/11/23 20:32:03 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 21:00
12/12/23 11:01:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 12:00
12/12/23 12:01:40 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/12/23 12:31:40 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/12/23 12:31:41 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/12/23 12:32:01 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 13:00
12/12/23 13:02:00 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 14:00
12/12/23 14:02:02 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/12/23 14:32:02 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/12/23 14:32:03 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/12/23 14:32:19 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 15:00
12/12/23 15:02:01 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 16:00
12/12/23 16:01:58 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 17:00
12/12/23 17:09:05 PVoutput: HTTP completion, upload -4
12/12/23 17:29:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 18:00
12/13/23 05:01:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 06:00
12/13/23 06:01:08 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/13/23 06:31:08 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/13/23 06:31:09 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/13/23 06:31:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 07:00
12/13/23 18:01:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 19:00
12/13/23 19:00:37 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/13/23 19:30:37 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/13/23 19:30:38 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/13/23 19:31:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 20:00
12/13/23 20:01:59 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 21:00
12/13/23 21:02:00 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 22:00
12/13/23 22:01:39 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/13/23 22:31:39 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/13/23 22:31:40 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/13/23 22:32:01 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 23:00
12/13/23 23:01:36 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/13/23 23:31:36 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/13/23 23:31:37 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/13/23 23:31:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 00:00
12/14/23 18:02:03 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 19:00
12/14/23 19:00:40 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/14/23 19:30:40 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/14/23 19:30:41 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/14/23 19:32:02 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 20:00
12/15/23 07:02:07 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 08:00
12/15/23 08:00:18 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload 
12/15/23 08:30:18 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
12/15/23 08:30:19 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
12/15/23 08:32:00 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 09:00
12/15/23 08:34:59 timeSync: Six week routine restart.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/14/23 21:35:00z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1702589700 
12/14/23 21:35:00z Reset reason: Software/System restart
12/14/23 21:35:00z Trace:  1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[4], 1:2[5], 9:0[5], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[20], 1:6[4], 20:0, 20:1
12/14/23 21:35:00z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/14/23 21:35:00z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/14/23 21:35:00z SPIFFS mounted.
12/15/23 08:35:00 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/15/23 08:35:00 device name: IotaWatt
12/15/23 08:35:00 HTTP server started
12/15/23 08:35:00 timeSync: service started.
12/15/23 08:35:00 statService: started.
12/15/23 08:35:00 dataLog: service started.
12/15/23 08:35:02 dataLog: Last log entry 12/15/23 08:34:55
12/15/23 08:35:05 historyLog: service started.
12/15/23 08:35:06 historyLog: Last log entry 12/15/23 08:34:00
12/15/23 08:35:06 free: Started
12/15/23 08:35:06 free: Last log entry 12/15/23 08:34:55
12/15/23 08:35:06 grid: Started
12/15/23 08:35:07 grid: Last log entry 12/15/23 08:34:55
12/15/23 08:35:07 solar: Started
12/15/23 08:35:07 solar: Last log entry 12/15/23 08:34:55
12/15/23 08:35:10 PVoutput: started
12/15/23 08:39:13 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=9, RSSI -54db
12/15/23 08:39:13 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA
12/16/23 08:35:15 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
12/17/23 08:36:15 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
12/18/23 08:37:15 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
12/19/23 08:38:15 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/19/23 00:01:56z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1702944116 
12/19/23 00:01:56z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/19/23 00:01:56z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/19/23 00:01:56z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/19/23 00:01:56z SPIFFS mounted.
12/19/23 11:01:56 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/19/23 11:01:56 device name: IotaWatt
12/19/23 11:01:59 Connecting with WiFiManager.
12/19/23 11:04:59 Did not connect after power-fail. Restarting to reset WiFi.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/19/23 00:05:01z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1702944301 
12/19/23 00:05:01z Reset reason: Software/System restart
12/19/23 00:05:01z Trace:  34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:10[6], 34:30, 34:10[8], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[5], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[2], 34:25[43], 34:28[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10, 22:205, 22:206, 22:207, 11:55, 11:70
12/19/23 00:05:01z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/19/23 00:05:01z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/19/23 00:05:01z SPIFFS mounted.
12/19/23 11:05:01 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/19/23 11:05:01 device name: IotaWatt
12/19/23 11:05:01 HTTP server started
12/19/23 11:05:01 timeSync: service started.
12/19/23 11:05:01 statService: started.
12/19/23 11:05:02 dataLog: service started.
12/19/23 11:05:03 dataLog: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:01:40
12/19/23 11:05:06 historyLog: service started.
12/19/23 11:05:07 historyLog: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:01:00
12/19/23 11:05:07 free: Started
12/19/23 11:05:07 free: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:01:40
12/19/23 11:05:07 grid: Started
12/19/23 11:05:08 grid: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:01:40
12/19/23 11:05:08 solar: Started
12/19/23 11:05:08 solar: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:01:35
12/19/23 11:05:11 PVoutput: started
12/19/23 11:09:14 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=9, RSSI -62db
12/19/23 11:09:14 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/19/23 00:12:35z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1702944755 
12/19/23 00:12:35z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/19/23 00:12:35z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/19/23 00:12:35z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/19/23 00:12:35z SPIFFS mounted.
12/19/23 11:12:35 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/19/23 11:12:35 device name: IotaWatt
12/19/23 11:12:38 Connecting with WiFiManager.
12/19/23 11:20:58 HTTP server started
12/19/23 11:20:58 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=9, RSSI -64db
12/19/23 11:20:58 timeSync: service started.
12/19/23 11:20:58 statService: started.
12/19/23 11:20:58 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA
12/19/23 11:20:59 dataLog: service started.
12/19/23 11:21:00 dataLog: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:12:30
12/19/23 11:21:03 historyLog: service started.
12/19/23 11:21:03 historyLog: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:12:00
12/19/23 11:21:04 free: Started
12/19/23 11:21:04 free: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:12:30
12/19/23 11:21:04 grid: Started
12/19/23 11:21:04 grid: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:12:30
12/19/23 11:21:04 solar: Started
12/19/23 11:21:05 solar: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:12:25
12/19/23 11:21:08 PVoutput: started
12/19/23 11:43:30 Restart command received.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/19/23 00:43:32z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1702946612 
12/19/23 00:43:32z Reset reason: Software/System restart
12/19/23 00:43:32z Trace:  8:8, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1[3], 1:2[4], 9:0[4], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3
12/19/23 00:43:32z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/19/23 00:43:32z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/19/23 00:43:32z SPIFFS mounted.
12/19/23 11:43:32 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/19/23 11:43:32 device name: IotaWatt
12/19/23 11:43:32 HTTP server started
12/19/23 11:43:32 timeSync: service started.
12/19/23 11:43:32 statService: started.
12/19/23 11:43:32 dataLog: service started.
12/19/23 11:43:34 dataLog: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:43:30
12/19/23 11:43:37 historyLog: service started.
12/19/23 11:43:37 historyLog: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:43:00
12/19/23 11:43:37 free: Started
12/19/23 11:43:38 free: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:43:30
12/19/23 11:43:38 grid: Started
12/19/23 11:43:38 grid: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:43:30
12/19/23 11:43:38 solar: Started
12/19/23 11:43:38 solar: Last log entry 12/19/23 11:43:30
12/19/23 11:43:42 PVoutput: started
12/19/23 11:47:45 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=9, RSSI -48db
12/19/23 11:47:45 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/19/23 01:02:18z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1702947738 
12/19/23 01:02:18z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/19/23 01:02:18z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/19/23 01:02:18z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/19/23 01:02:18z SPIFFS mounted.
12/19/23 12:02:18 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/19/23 12:02:18 device name: IotaWatt
12/19/23 12:02:21 Connecting with WiFiManager.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/19/23 01:09:42z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1702948182 
12/19/23 01:09:42z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/19/23 01:09:42z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/19/23 01:09:42z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/19/23 01:09:42z SPIFFS mounted.
12/19/23 12:09:42 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/19/23 12:09:42 device name: IotaWatt
12/19/23 12:09:45 Connecting with WiFiManager.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/19/23 01:18:20z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1702948700 
12/19/23 01:18:20z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/19/23 01:18:20z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/19/23 01:18:20z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/19/23 01:18:20z SPIFFS mounted.
12/19/23 12:18:20 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/19/23 12:18:20 device name: IotaWatt
12/19/23 12:18:23 Connecting with WiFiManager.
12/19/23 12:36:44 HTTP server started
12/19/23 12:36:44 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=9, RSSI -49db
12/19/23 12:36:44 timeSync: service started.
12/19/23 12:36:44 statService: started.
12/19/23 12:36:44 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA
12/19/23 12:36:44 dataLog: service started.
12/19/23 12:36:46 dataLog: Last log entry 12/19/23 12:02:10
12/19/23 12:36:49 historyLog: service started.
12/19/23 12:36:49 historyLog: Last log entry 12/19/23 12:02:00
12/19/23 12:36:49 free: Started
12/19/23 12:36:50 free: Last log entry 12/19/23 12:02:10
12/19/23 12:36:50 grid: Started
12/19/23 12:36:50 grid: Last log entry 12/19/23 12:02:10
12/19/23 12:36:50 solar: Started
12/19/23 12:36:50 solar: Last log entry 12/19/23 12:02:05
12/19/23 12:36:54 PVoutput: started

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/19/23 02:08:46z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1702951726 
12/19/23 02:08:46z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/19/23 02:08:46z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/19/23 02:08:46z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/19/23 02:08:46z SPIFFS mounted.
12/19/23 13:08:46 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/19/23 13:08:46 device name: IotaWatt
12/19/23 13:08:49 Connecting with WiFiManager.
12/19/23 13:15:57 HTTP server started
12/19/23 13:15:57 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=3, RSSI -50db
12/19/23 13:15:57 timeSync: service started.
12/19/23 13:15:57 statService: started.
12/19/23 13:15:57 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA
12/19/23 13:15:57 dataLog: service started.
12/19/23 13:15:59 dataLog: Last log entry 12/19/23 13:08:35
12/19/23 13:16:01 Updater: Auto-update is current for class BETA.
12/19/23 13:16:02 historyLog: service started.
12/19/23 13:16:02 historyLog: Last log entry 12/19/23 13:08:00
12/19/23 13:16:03 free: Started
12/19/23 13:16:03 free: Last log entry 12/19/23 13:08:35
12/19/23 13:16:03 grid: Started
12/19/23 13:16:04 grid: Last log entry 12/19/23 13:08:35
12/19/23 13:16:04 solar: Started
12/19/23 13:16:04 solar: Last log entry 12/19/23 13:08:35
12/19/23 13:16:07 PVoutput: started
12/19/23 13:16:07 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
12/19/23 13:16:08 PVoutput: Reload status beginning 09/22/23 00:05:00

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:00:06z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703030406 
12/20/23 00:00:06z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/20/23 00:00:06z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:00:06z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:00:06z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:00:06 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:00:06 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:00:09 Connecting with WiFiManager.
12/20/23 11:03:09 Did not connect after power-fail. Restarting to reset WiFi.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:03:11z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703030591 
12/20/23 00:03:11z Reset reason: Software/System restart
12/20/23 00:03:11z Trace:  34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:10[6], 34:30, 34:10[8], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[5], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[2], 34:25[43], 34:28[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10, 22:205, 22:206, 22:207, 11:55, 11:70
12/20/23 00:03:11z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:03:11z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:03:11z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:03:11 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:03:11 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:03:11 HTTP server started
12/20/23 11:03:11 timeSync: service started.
12/20/23 11:03:11 statService: started.
12/20/23 11:03:11 dataLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:03:13 dataLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 10:59:45
12/20/23 11:03:16 historyLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:03:17 historyLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 10:59:00
12/20/23 11:03:17 free: Started
12/20/23 11:03:17 free: Last log entry 12/20/23 10:59:45
12/20/23 11:03:18 grid: Started
12/20/23 11:03:18 grid: Last log entry 12/20/23 10:59:45
12/20/23 11:03:18 solar: Started
12/20/23 11:03:18 solar: Last log entry 12/20/23 10:59:45
12/20/23 11:03:21 PVoutput: started

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:05:41z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703030741 
12/20/23 00:05:41z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/20/23 00:05:41z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:05:41z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:05:41z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:05:41 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:05:41 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:05:44 Connecting with WiFiManager.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:06:44z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703030804 
12/20/23 00:06:44z Reset reason: External System
12/20/23 00:06:44z Trace:  34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:10[6], 34:30, 34:10[8], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[5], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[2], 34:25[43], 34:28[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10, 22:205, 22:206, 22:207, 11:55, 11:70
12/20/23 00:06:44z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:06:44z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:06:44z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:06:44 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:06:44 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:06:44 HTTP server started
12/20/23 11:06:44 timeSync: service started.
12/20/23 11:06:44 statService: started.
12/20/23 11:06:44 dataLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:06:46 dataLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:05:00
12/20/23 11:06:49 historyLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:06:50 historyLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:05:00
12/20/23 11:06:50 free: Started
12/20/23 11:06:50 free: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:05:00
12/20/23 11:06:50 grid: Started
12/20/23 11:06:50 grid: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:05:00
12/20/23 11:06:50 solar: Started
12/20/23 11:06:51 solar: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:04:55
12/20/23 11:06:54 PVoutput: started

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:08:00z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703030880 
12/20/23 00:08:00z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/20/23 00:08:00z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:08:00z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:08:00z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:08:00 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:08:00 device name: IotaWatt

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:08:03z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703030883 
12/20/23 00:08:03z Reset reason: External System
12/20/23 00:08:03z Trace:  34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:10[6], 34:30, 34:10[8], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[5], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[2], 34:25[43], 34:28[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10, 22:205, 22:206, 22:207, 11:55, 11:70
12/20/23 00:08:03z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:08:03z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:08:03z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:08:03 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:08:03 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:08:03 HTTP server started
12/20/23 11:08:03 timeSync: service started.
12/20/23 11:08:03 statService: started.
12/20/23 11:08:03 dataLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:08:05 dataLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:45
12/20/23 11:08:08 historyLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:08:08 historyLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:00
12/20/23 11:08:08 free: Started
12/20/23 11:08:09 free: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:45
12/20/23 11:08:09 grid: Started
12/20/23 11:08:09 grid: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:45
12/20/23 11:08:09 solar: Started
12/20/23 11:08:09 solar: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:07:40
12/20/23 11:08:13 PVoutput: started
12/20/23 11:12:18 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=3, RSSI -59db
12/20/23 11:12:18 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:30:38z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703032238 
12/20/23 00:30:38z Reset Reason: Power-fail restart.
12/20/23 00:30:38z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:30:38z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:30:38z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:30:38 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:30:38 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:30:41 Connecting with WiFiManager.
12/20/23 11:33:41 Did not connect after power-fail. Restarting to reset WiFi.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/20/23 00:33:43z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1703032423 
12/20/23 00:33:43z Reset reason: Software/System restart
12/20/23 00:33:43z Trace:  34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:10[6], 34:30, 34:10[8], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[5], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[2], 34:25[43], 34:28[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10, 22:205, 22:206, 22:207, 11:55, 11:70
12/20/23 00:33:43z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/20/23 00:33:43z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/20/23 00:33:43z SPIFFS mounted.
12/20/23 11:33:43 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/20/23 11:33:43 device name: IotaWatt
12/20/23 11:33:43 HTTP server started
12/20/23 11:33:43 timeSync: service started.
12/20/23 11:33:43 statService: started.
12/20/23 11:33:44 dataLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:33:45 dataLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:30:15
12/20/23 11:33:48 historyLog: service started.
12/20/23 11:33:48 historyLog: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:30:00
12/20/23 11:33:48 free: Started
12/20/23 11:33:49 free: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:30:15
12/20/23 11:33:49 grid: Started
12/20/23 11:33:49 grid: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:30:15
12/20/23 11:33:49 solar: Started
12/20/23 11:33:49 solar: Last log entry 12/20/23 11:30:10
12/20/23 11:33:53 PVoutput: started
12/20/23 11:37:56 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=3, RSSI -46db
12/20/23 11:37:56 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA

Going back even further, it seems that a firmware update occurred on 22 Sep which is the exact date I last see partial data recorded on PVoutput.

Immediately after the firmware update, the device was given an unexpected IP address and reported being unable to do a time sync for the next 6 weeks until the next routine restart, after which it still got the same unusual IP but started logging about PVoutput rate limit.

9/19/23 07:30:20 WiFi disconnected.
9/19/23 07:30:46 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=3, RSSI -54db
9/19/23 12:53:00 Updater: update tables from 0.0.7 to 0.0.8
9/22/23 06:59:37 Updater: Update from 02_08_02 to 02_08_03
9/22/23 06:59:37 Updater: download 02_08_03
9/22/23 06:59:41 Updater: Release downloaded 4140ms, size 964192
9/22/23 06:59:47 Updater: signature verified
9/22/23 06:59:54 Updater: firmware upgraded to version 02_08_03
9/22/23 06:59:54 Updater: Firmware updated, restarting.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
9/21/23 21:00:02z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1695330002 
9/21/23 21:00:02z Reset reason: Software/System restart
9/21/23 21:00:02z Trace:  18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:2, 18:3, 18:4, 18:5, 1:6[6], 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[22], 1:6[4], 22:0, 22:1, 22:0, 22:80, 22:85, 22:2, 1:6[6], 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[3], 1:5[5], 1:6[4], 5:0, 5:7
9/21/23 21:00:02z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
9/21/23 21:00:02z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
9/21/23 21:00:02z Updater: Installing update files for version 02_08_03
9/21/23 21:00:02z Updater: Installing FAVICON.ICO
9/21/23 21:00:02z Updater: Installing GRAPH.HTM
9/21/23 21:00:02z Updater: Installing GRAPH.JS
9/21/23 21:00:03z Updater: Installing GRAPH2.HTM
9/21/23 21:00:03z Updater: Installing GRAPH2.JS
9/21/23 21:00:03z Updater: Installing INDEX.HTM
9/21/23 21:00:04z Updater: Installing TABLES.TXT
9/21/23 21:00:04z Updater: Installing CNFSTYLE.CSS
9/21/23 21:00:04z Updater: Installing EDIT.HTM
9/21/23 21:00:04z Updater: Installation complete.
9/21/23 21:00:04z SPIFFS mounted.
9/22/23 07:00:04 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
9/22/23 07:00:04 device name: IotaWatt
9/22/23 07:00:04 HTTP server started
9/22/23 07:00:05 timeSync: service started.
9/22/23 07:00:05 statService: started.
9/22/23 07:00:05 dataLog: service started.
9/22/23 07:00:07 dataLog: Last log entry 09/22/23 06:59:40
9/22/23 07:00:10 historyLog: service started.
9/22/23 07:00:10 historyLog: Last log entry 09/22/23 06:59:00
9/22/23 07:00:10 free: Started
9/22/23 07:00:10 free: Last log entry 09/22/23 06:59:40
9/22/23 07:00:11 grid: Started
9/22/23 07:00:11 grid: Last log entry 09/22/23 06:59:40
9/22/23 07:00:11 solar: Started
9/22/23 07:00:11 solar: Last log entry 09/22/23 06:59:40
9/22/23 07:00:15 PVoutput: started
9/22/23 07:04:18 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=3, RSSI -51db
9/22/23 07:04:18 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA
9/23/23 07:00:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
9/24/23 07:01:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
9/25/23 07:02:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
9/26/23 07:03:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
9/27/23 07:04:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
9/28/23 07:05:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
9/29/23 07:06:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
9/30/23 07:07:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/01/23 08:08:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/02/23 08:09:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/03/23 08:10:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/04/23 08:11:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/05/23 08:12:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/06/23 08:13:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/07/23 08:14:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/08/23 08:15:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/09/23 08:16:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/10/23 08:17:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/11/23 08:18:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/12/23 08:19:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/13/23 08:20:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/14/23 08:21:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/15/23 08:22:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/16/23 08:23:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/17/23 08:24:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/18/23 08:25:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/19/23 08:26:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/20/23 08:27:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/21/23 08:28:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/22/23 08:29:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/23/23 08:30:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/24/23 08:31:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/24/23 22:57:37 WiFi disconnected.
10/24/23 22:58:09 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=5, RSSI -53db
10/25/23 08:32:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/26/23 08:33:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/27/23 08:34:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/28/23 08:35:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/29/23 08:36:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/30/23 08:37:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
10/31/23 08:38:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
11/01/23 08:39:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
11/02/23 08:40:20 timeSync: No time update in last 24 hours.
11/03/23 08:00:20 timeSync: Six week routine restart.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
11/02/23 21:02:01z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1698958921 
11/02/23 21:02:01z Reset reason: Software/System restart
11/02/23 21:02:01z Trace:  9:9, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[19], 1:6[4], 1:6[6], 1:1[11], 1:2[12], 9:0[12], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[20], 1:6[4], 20:0, 20:1
11/02/23 21:02:01z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
11/02/23 21:02:01z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
11/02/23 21:02:01z SPIFFS mounted.
11/03/23 08:02:01 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
11/03/23 08:02:01 device name: IotaWatt
11/03/23 08:02:01 HTTP server started
11/03/23 08:02:01 timeSync: service started.
11/03/23 08:02:01 statService: started.
11/03/23 08:02:01 dataLog: service started.
11/03/23 08:02:02 dataLog: Last log entry 11/03/23 08:00:20
11/03/23 08:02:06 historyLog: service started.
11/03/23 08:02:06 historyLog: Last log entry 11/03/23 08:00:00
11/03/23 08:02:06 free: Started
11/03/23 08:02:07 free: Last log entry 11/03/23 08:00:20
11/03/23 08:02:07 grid: Started
11/03/23 08:02:07 grid: Last log entry 11/03/23 08:00:20
11/03/23 08:02:07 solar: Started
11/03/23 08:02:07 solar: Last log entry 11/03/23 08:00:20
11/03/23 08:02:11 PVoutput: started
11/03/23 08:06:14 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=5, RSSI -49db
11/03/23 08:06:14 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA
11/03/23 08:25:24 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode  
11/03/23 08:25:25 PVoutput: Start status beginning 10/30/20 00:05:00
11/03/23 08:26:14 Updater: Auto-update is current for class BETA.
11/03/23 08:26:41 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 09:00
11/03/23 09:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 10:00
11/03/23 10:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 11:00
11/03/23 11:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 12:00
11/03/23 12:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 13:00
11/03/23 13:01:55 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 14:00
11/03/23 14:01:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 15:00
11/03/23 15:01:55 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 16:00
11/03/23 16:01:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 17:00
11/03/23 17:02:01 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 18:00
11/03/23 18:01:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 19:00
11/03/23 19:01:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 20:00

After a while, I was no longer able to access the web interface on the self assigned IP address.

ChatGPT gave me this command to listen for all DHCPOFFERS on my network:

sudo tcpdump -i en0 -nev port 67 and port 68

I tested it with my iPhone and it seems to work. I get one event like this every time I toggle the WiFi off and back on:

15:35:04.762125 80:b9:89:7a:4c:0b > ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 342: (tos 0x0, ttl 255, id 5500, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 328) > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 80:b9:89:7a:4c:0b, length 300, xid 0xdf3c0181, Flags [none]
	  Client-Ethernet-Address 80:b9:89:7a:4c:0b
	  Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
	    Magic Cookie 0x63825363
	    DHCP-Message (53), length 1: Request
	    Parameter-Request (55), length 9: 
	      Subnet-Mask (1), Classless-Static-Route (121), Default-Gateway (3), Domain-Name-Server (6)
	      Domain-Name (15), Unknown (108), URL (114), Unknown (119)
	      Unknown (252)
	    MSZ (57), length 2: 1500
	    Client-ID (61), length 7: ether 80:b9:89:7a:4c:0b
	    Requested-IP (50), length 4:
	    Lease-Time (51), length 4: 7776000
	    Hostname (12), length 11: "Tais-iPhone"

Then I power cycled the IoTaWatt and I get over 114 DHCP messages over the ~5 minutes it takes IoTaWatt to go from solid red to solid green (and become available again on the self assigned IP).

  • Most of them appear to be identical except for the time stamp and id.
  • Groups of 5-8 identical messages per id (from 1 up to 9).
  • 98 instances of DHCP-Message (53), length 1: Discover
  • 8 instances of DHCP-Message (53), length 1: Request
  • 8 instances of DHCP-Message (53), length 1: NACK

Here’s an example of each type of message…


15:35:48.075758 84:f3:eb:26:6f:5f > ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 350: (tos 0x0, ttl 255, id 1, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 336) > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 84:f3:eb:26:6f:5f, length 308, xid 0x81866527, Flags [none]
	  Client-Ethernet-Address 84:f3:eb:26:6f:5f
	  Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
	    Magic Cookie 0x63825363
	    DHCP-Message (53), length 1: Discover
	    MSZ (57), length 2: 1500
	    Parameter-Request (55), length 5: 
	      Subnet-Mask (1), Default-Gateway (3), BR (28), Domain-Name-Server (6)
	      NTP (42)


15:42:57.545381 84:f3:eb:26:6f:5f > ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 350: (tos 0x0, ttl 255, id 9, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 336) > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 84:f3:eb:26:6f:5f, length 308, xid 0xb1e5a2cd, Flags [none]
	  Client-Ethernet-Address 84:f3:eb:26:6f:5f
	  Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
	    Magic Cookie 0x63825363
	    DHCP-Message (53), length 1: Request
	    MSZ (57), length 2: 1500
	    Parameter-Request (55), length 5: 
	      Subnet-Mask (1), Default-Gateway (3), BR (28), Domain-Name-Server (6)
	      NTP (42)
	    Hostname (12), length 8: "IotaWatt"


15:42:57.549953 04:d4:c4:4f:65:90 > ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 342: (tos 0xc0, ttl 64, id 64592, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 328) > BOOTP/DHCP, Reply, length 300, xid 0xb1e5a2cd, Flags [Broadcast]
	  Client-Ethernet-Address 84:f3:eb:26:6f:5f
	  Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
	    Magic Cookie 0x63825363
	    DHCP-Message (53), length 1: NACK
	    Server-ID (54), length 4:
	    MSG (56), length 15: "lease not found"

Router has DHCP server configured with a 86400 (1 day) lease time. I don’t see any way to remove the IoTaWatt record from the routers configuration.

I tried making it a static assignment and giving it a new IP, but I see the same behaviour after applying that change and power cycling the IoTaWatt. After the ~5 minute wait until solid green, it is again available on the self assigned IP.

I also tried power cycling the router.

Apparently giving it a new fixed IP and restarting the router and/or just waiting a while (even longer than the ~5 minute startup delay) did work. Then I tried re-assigning the old fixed IP and restarting everything and it again did not work. Then I went back to the new IP and restarted everything and after a while it is again working.

Maybe it’s related to the actual fixed IP address previously assigned? Though there is no other device with the same IP address.

And PVoutput is no longer stuck running with a last update 82 years in the future. It did not automatically reload from the date I had selected though. I just hit save on that config again (without making any changes) and then it did start reloading from the specified date, and is still going now.

I am still at a loss as to what happened to suddenly break things after the firmware update. But I am glad IoTaWatt was still able to capture data and can now retro-actively upload it to PVoutput.

Might be worth adding another integration for a free service like

Configure IoTaWatt to just make a simple GET request reporting its status every 5 minutes, and can then be configured to notify the user (and continue to notify) if no successful health checks are reported within 15 minutes. Then IoTaWatt users could be confident they will be alerted if WiFi breaks or if IoTaWatt reports any other internal health check failure to

1 Like

Oh god, it’s happening again… A month after I noticed my PVoutput donation expired again I tried to reload missing data, and now IoTaWatt is unresponsive… I re-read all my messages above but I don’t understand half of what I wrote :rofl:

@overeasy I waited overnight and the IoTaWatt UI came back. So I guess it was just overwhelmed after reboot trying to do the PVoutput re-upload. But I still see missing data on PVoutput, and I can’t see anywhere in the IoTaWatt status or log about the PVoutput re-upload attempt? I again went to Uploaders settings and checked the box to re-upload and hit save, but on the Status page I just see the last PVoutput update is updating every 5 minutes to the most recent upload.

Where do I need to look in IoTaWatt to see what it is doing with regard to the PVoutput re-upload attempt?

Set the upload from date appropriately and check the Reload History box. You should see the progress in the status display or look at the message log.

@overeasy Thanks for your reply! After I ticked the checkbox and hit save, then checked the Status page and the Uploaders section, I just saw the same “last updated” (4 minutes ago) then I waited a minute and saw it tick over again on the next 5 minute interval.

And trying again now, IoTaWatt has become unresponsive again. Perhaps overwhelmed again with the PVoutput re-upload. Perhaps it never completes and gets overwhelmed whenever I try.

I did go to Tools (I think) and then Message Log but it was a much smaller log than I expected and I’m not sure if the last messages were current. Are the timestamps in UTC? That would put the last message at about an hour before I checked the log.

12/21/24 00:01:55 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 01:00
12/21/24 01:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 02:00
12/21/24 02:01:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 03:00
12/21/24 03:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 04:00
12/21/24 04:01:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 05:00
12/21/24 05:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 06:00
12/21/24 06:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 07:00
12/21/24 07:01:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 08:00
12/21/24 08:01:57 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 09:00
12/21/24 09:01:55 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 10:00
12/21/24 10:01:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 11:00
12/21/24 11:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 12:00
12/21/24 12:01:51 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 13:00
12/21/24 13:02:03 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 14:00
12/21/24 14:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 15:00
12/21/24 15:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 16:00
12/21/24 16:01:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 17:00
12/21/24 17:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 18:00
12/21/24 18:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 19:00
12/21/24 19:01:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 20:00
12/21/24 20:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 21:00
12/21/24 21:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 22:00
12/21/24 22:01:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 23:00
12/21/24 23:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 00:00
12/22/24 00:01:51 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 01:00
12/22/24 01:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 02:00
12/22/24 02:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 03:00
12/22/24 03:01:55 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 04:00
12/22/24 04:02:00 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 05:00
12/22/24 05:01:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 06:00
12/22/24 06:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 07:00
12/22/24 07:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 08:00
12/22/24 08:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 09:00
12/22/24 09:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 10:00
12/22/24 10:01:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 11:00
12/22/24 11:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 12:00
12/22/24 12:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 13:00
12/22/24 13:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 14:00
12/22/24 14:02:18 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 15:00
12/22/24 15:01:57 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 16:00
12/22/24 16:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 17:00
12/22/24 17:01:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 18:00
12/22/24 18:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 19:00
12/22/24 19:01:53 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 20:00
12/22/24 20:01:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 21:00
12/22/24 21:01:52 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 22:00
12/22/24 22:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 23:00
12/22/24 23:01:54 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 00:00
12/23/24 00:01:56 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 01:00
12/23/24 01:01:55 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 02:00
12/23/24 02:12:34 PVoutput: HTTP completion, upload -4
12/23/24 02:39:02 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4
12/25/24 02:30:33 PVoutput: HTTP completion, upload -4
12/29/24 19:35:01 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
12/29/24 08:35:02z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1735461302
12/29/24 08:35:02z Reset reason: Software/System restart
12/29/24 08:35:02z Trace:  8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[22], 1:6[4], 22:0, 22:1, 22:0, 22:120, 22:2, 1:6[6], 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[21], 1:6[4], 21:0, 21:1, 21:10, 21:10
12/29/24 08:35:02z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
12/29/24 08:35:02z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
12/29/24 08:35:02z SPIFFS mounted.
12/29/24 19:35:02 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
12/29/24 19:35:02 device name: IotaWatt
12/29/24 19:35:02 HTTP server started
12/29/24 19:35:02 timeSync: service started.
12/29/24 19:35:02 statService: started.
12/29/24 19:35:03 dataLog: service started.
12/29/24 19:35:04 dataLog: Last log entry 12/29/24 19:35:00
12/29/24 19:35:07 historyLog: service started.
12/29/24 19:35:07 historyLog: Last log entry 12/29/24 19:35:00
12/29/24 19:35:07 free: Started
12/29/24 19:35:08 free: Last log entry 12/29/24 19:35:00
12/29/24 19:35:08 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=5, RSSI -52db
12/29/24 19:35:08 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA
12/29/24 19:35:09 grid: Started
12/29/24 19:35:09 grid: Last log entry 12/29/24 19:35:00
12/29/24 19:35:09 solar: Started
12/29/24 19:35:10 solar: Last log entry 12/29/24 19:35:00
12/29/24 19:35:10 Updater: Auto-update is current for class BETA.
12/29/24 19:35:12 PVoutput: started
12/29/24 19:35:12 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode
12/29/24 19:35:13 PVoutput: Start status beginning 12/29/24 19:35:00
1/03/25 14:46:46 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4
1/05/25 11:40:33 PVoutput: HTTP completion, upload -4
1/09/25 01:00:33 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -11
1/15/25 07:10:33 PVoutput: HTTP completion, upload -4
1/15/25 07:15:38 Updater: Invalid response from server. HTTPcode: -4
1/22/25 16:38:06 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode
1/22/25 16:38:07 PVoutput: Reload status beginning 12/19/24 00:05:00
1/22/25 16:38:08 Heap memory has degraded below safe minimum, restarting.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
1/22/25 05:38:11z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1737524291
1/22/25 05:38:11z Reset reason: Software/System restart
1/22/25 05:38:11z Trace:  10:16[2], 10:17, 10:17, 10:18, 10:23, 10:17, 10:17, 10:17, 1:3, 1:1[3], 1:2[4], 9:0[4], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:3, 1:3, 1:6[1], 1:6[2], 1:6[2], 1:6[3], 1:5[21], 1:6[4], 21:0, 21:1, 21:10, 21:10
1/22/25 05:38:11z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
1/22/25 05:38:11z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
1/22/25 05:38:11z SPIFFS mounted.
1/22/25 16:38:11 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
1/22/25 16:38:11 device name: IotaWatt
1/22/25 16:38:11 HTTP server started
1/22/25 16:38:11 timeSync: service started.
1/22/25 16:38:11 statService: started.
1/22/25 16:38:12 dataLog: service started.
1/22/25 16:38:13 dataLog: Last log entry 01/22/25 16:38:05
1/22/25 16:38:16 historyLog: service started.
1/22/25 16:38:17 historyLog: Last log entry 01/22/25 16:38:00
1/22/25 16:38:17 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=5, RSSI -52db
1/22/25 16:38:17 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA
1/22/25 16:38:18 free: Started
1/22/25 16:38:18 free: Last log entry 01/22/25 16:38:05
1/22/25 16:38:19 Updater: Auto-update is current for class BETA.
1/22/25 16:38:19 grid: Started
1/22/25 16:38:19 grid: Last log entry 01/22/25 16:38:05
1/22/25 16:38:20 solar: Started
1/22/25 16:38:20 solar: Last log entry 01/22/25 16:38:05
1/22/25 16:38:21 PVoutput: started
1/22/25 16:38:21 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, freeload mode
1/22/25 16:38:22 PVoutput: Reload status beginning 12/19/24 00:05:00
1/22/25 16:39:12 PVoutput: Transaction Rate-Limit exceeded.  Resume at 17:00
1/22/25 16:40:28 Restart command received.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
1/22/25 05:40:30z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1737524430
1/22/25 05:40:30z Reset reason: Software/System restart
1/22/25 05:40:30z Trace:  1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:1, 1:2[1], 9:0[1], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:5, 9:9, 1:3, 10:2, 10:3
1/22/25 05:40:30z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
1/22/25 05:40:30z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
1/22/25 05:40:30z SPIFFS mounted.
1/22/25 16:40:30 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
1/22/25 16:40:30 device name: IotaWatt
1/22/25 16:40:30 HTTP server started
1/22/25 16:40:30 timeSync: service started.
1/22/25 16:40:30 statService: started.
1/22/25 16:40:31 dataLog: service started.
1/22/25 16:40:32 dataLog: Last log entry 01/22/25 16:40:25
1/22/25 16:40:35 historyLog: service started.
1/22/25 16:40:36 historyLog: Last log entry 01/22/25 16:40:00
1/22/25 16:40:36 free: Started
1/22/25 16:40:37 free: Last log entry 01/22/25 16:40:25
1/22/25 16:40:37 grid: Started
1/22/25 16:40:38 grid: Last log entry 01/22/25 16:40:25
1/22/25 16:40:38 solar: Started
1/22/25 16:40:39 solar: Last log entry 01/22/25 16:40:25
1/22/25 16:40:40 PVoutput: started
1/22/25 16:44:43 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=5, RSSI -52db
1/22/25 16:44:43 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA
1/22/25 20:23:53 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode
1/22/25 20:23:54 PVoutput: Reload status beginning 12/19/24 00:05:00
1/22/25 20:24:44 Updater: Auto-update is current for class BETA.

PVoutput restricts the rate at which you can upload data. It is an hourly quota and resets on the hour. It looks like you hit the threshold about 1:52 min into each hour and then have to wait till the hour rolls over again. The limit is much higher for donators, both the number of writes as well as the size of each write. The lookback period where it will accept historical data is also larger for donators. Check the PVoutput docs for the latest parameters.

@overeasy IoTaWatt is responding again now and I can see on the Status page:

PVoutput: Running, Last update 23/01/2025 09:30:00
Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload Bad request 400: Energy value [63018438] too high for [09:30]

09:30 is the last time I saw it update this morning before I told it to re-upload. Not sure why or how the energy value would be too high or why it would now be complaining about the value for 9:30 when it previously updated 9:30 without complaint. Looking at the last data received is actually 9:30 this morning. supermassive 7.25kW 9.200kW

I did donate again to PVoutput yesterday so I should have access to the more generous rate limits now. The rate limit warnings from the log I believe are from last year after dontation status expired.

The log is now repeating that error and it seems unable to progress any further.

** Restart **

SD initialized.
1/22/25 22:36:30z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1737585390 
1/22/25 22:36:30z Reset reason: Software/System restart
1/22/25 22:36:30z Trace:  34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[3], 34:10[6], 34:30, 34:10[8], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10[5], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[2], 34:25[43], 34:28[2], 34:5, 34:5, 34:5, 34:6[1], 34:10, 22:205, 22:206, 22:207, 11:55, 11:70
1/22/25 22:36:30z ESP8266 ID: 2518879, RTC PCF8523 (68)
1/22/25 22:36:30z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_08_03
1/22/25 22:36:30z SPIFFS mounted.
1/23/25 09:36:30 Local time zone: +10:00, using DST/BST when in effect.
1/23/25 09:36:30 device name: IotaWatt
1/23/25 09:36:30 HTTP server started
1/23/25 09:36:30 timeSync: service started.
1/23/25 09:36:30 statService: started.
1/23/25 09:36:31 dataLog: service started.
1/23/25 09:36:32 dataLog: Last log entry 01/23/25 09:34:05
1/23/25 09:36:35 historyLog: service started.
1/23/25 09:36:36 historyLog: Last log entry 01/23/25 09:34:00
1/23/25 09:36:36 WiFi connected. SSID=supermassive 24, IP=, channel=9, RSSI -55db
1/23/25 09:36:36 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is BETA
1/23/25 09:36:36 free: Started
1/23/25 09:36:37 free: Last log entry 01/23/25 09:34:05
1/23/25 09:36:37 grid: Started
1/23/25 09:36:38 grid: Last log entry 01/23/25 09:34:05
1/23/25 09:36:38 solar: Started
1/23/25 09:36:39 solar: Last log entry 01/23/25 09:34:00
1/23/25 09:36:39 Updater: Auto-update is current for class BETA.
1/23/25 09:36:40 PVoutput: started
1/23/25 09:36:40 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
1/23/25 09:36:40 PVoutput: Start status beginning 01/23/25 09:30:00
1/23/25 09:40:01 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload Bad request 400: Energy value [63018437] too high for [09:35]
1/23/25 10:10:01 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
1/23/25 10:10:02 PVoutput: Start status beginning 01/23/25 09:35:00
1/23/25 10:10:03 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload Bad request 400: Energy value [63018438] too high for [09:30]
1/23/25 10:40:04 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
1/23/25 10:40:04 PVoutput: Start status beginning 01/23/25 09:35:00
1/23/25 10:40:06 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload Bad request 400: Energy value [63018438] too high for [09:30]
1/23/25 11:10:06 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
1/23/25 11:10:07 PVoutput: Start status beginning 01/23/25 09:35:00
1/23/25 11:10:09 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload Bad request 400: Energy value [63018438] too high for [09:30]
1/23/25 11:40:09 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
1/23/25 11:40:10 PVoutput: Start status beginning 01/23/25 09:35:00
1/23/25 11:40:12 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload Bad request 400: Energy value [63018438] too high for [09:30]
1/23/25 12:10:12 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
1/23/25 12:10:13 PVoutput: Start status beginning 01/23/25 09:35:00
1/23/25 12:10:15 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload Bad request 400: Energy value [63018438] too high for [09:30]
1/23/25 12:40:15 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
1/23/25 12:40:16 PVoutput: Start status beginning 01/23/25 09:35:00
1/23/25 12:40:18 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload Bad request 400: Energy value [63018438] too high for [09:30]
1/23/25 13:10:18 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
1/23/25 13:10:19 PVoutput: Start status beginning 01/23/25 09:35:00
1/23/25 13:10:21 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload Bad request 400: Energy value [63018438] too high for [09:30]
1/23/25 13:40:22 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
1/23/25 13:40:23 PVoutput: Start status beginning 01/23/25 09:35:00
1/23/25 13:40:26 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload Bad request 400: Energy value [63018438] too high for [09:30]
1/23/25 14:10:26 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
1/23/25 14:10:27 PVoutput: Start status beginning 01/23/25 09:35:00
1/23/25 14:10:29 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload Bad request 400: Energy value [63018438] too high for [09:30]
1/23/25 14:40:29 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
1/23/25 14:40:30 PVoutput: Start status beginning 01/23/25 09:35:00
1/23/25 14:40:33 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload Bad request 400: Energy value [63018438] too high for [09:30]
1/23/25 15:10:33 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
1/23/25 15:10:34 PVoutput: Start status beginning 01/23/25 09:35:00
1/23/25 15:10:37 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload Bad request 400: Energy value [63018438] too high for [09:30]
1/23/25 15:40:37 PVoutput: System supermassive 7.25kW, interval 5, donator mode  
1/23/25 15:40:38 PVoutput: Start status beginning 01/23/25 09:35:00
1/23/25 15:40:40 PVoutput: Unrecognized HTTP completion, upload Bad request 400: Energy value [63018438] too high for [09:30]

@overeasy if it is the case that somehow IoTaWatt has a value for 09:30 that is legitimately “too high” for PVoutput… is there some way I can correct or delete just that one data point that it appears to be stuck on?

No. Best you can do is restart it from after that date.

Have you looked with query to see what IoTaWatt has for that date and time at 5 minute intervals?

@overeasy unfortunately IoTaWatt appears to be intermittently unavailable. Perhaps in a loop trying to re-upload to PVoutput and failing to complete or something. So I can’t check right now.

But it is odd that before my last attempt to trigger re-upload, I saw 09:30 was uploaded. And only since triggering the re-upload did it start to say that 09:30 was “too high”.

And oddly, 09:30 does appear on PVoutput… So it did actually upload at some point? But it (and several periods earlier that day) appear to have 0 for some combination of Power / Average / Power Used.

Oh, and the PVoutput re-upload does not seem to be filling in the gaps in PVoutput data… I would have thought if IoTaWatt was getting stuck at 09:30 on 23 Jan, after triggering a re-upload, that the other gaps back in December etc. would have been filled before it got back to 09:30 on 23 Jan?