I recently saw the device become unavailable on home assistant and noticed it was showing the Red Red Green led patterns which is linked to the SD Card.
I checked if it was pulled correctly and finally took it out to check if I can read it with a computer and I couldn’t.
Replaced it with another 8gb microSD, formatted it (FA32). I copied the GitHub files on it and put it back. First reboot, getting the same led pattern so I put it back into the computer and I couldn’t read it anymore, so I assume it broke the microSD somehow?
Retried with a 128gb one I have and I’m now getting a Green Red Red so the device goes into AP mode but I can’t connect it to WiFi. I can navigate to the network configuration but it won’t save the credentials apparently. What would be the next step?
The limit is 32GB. GRR means can’t access SDcard. Don’t understand why you would be getting AP mode unless you disconnected or your router is offline.
The SDcard holder in units before V6.4 were of the push/pull variety where you need to physically pull the card out as opposed to push/push where you can push the mounted card and it spring ejects. It is common for folks to snap an SDcard trying to pull them out with a fingernail. I usually gently pull straight out with needle nosed pliers.
I used nose pliers and possibly broke the microSD.
Using the 128GB I’m getting the Green Green Red (AP mode) but it won’t save password or connect to router (possibility because it can’t reach the config fil?)
I think you misinterpreted RRG, pulled the SDcard and cracked it, then used a 128GB card that gave you GRR because it is not supported. No idea where the GGR comes from. There is no such code.
When you get a supported card, you will probably get RGG again indicating that you need to connect to WiFi (APmode).
You’re right, I meant RGG and not GGR, im getting it using the 128gb card when I reboot the device. But it wont save the wifi infos when I visit the ip and enter the WiFi password. And it changes to a dull green led. (Even on the 128gb)
New 32gb card fixed it. Seems like removing the iotawatt from my router did the trick so it could assign a fresh ip to it? Thank you for the great support.