After a solid week of operation, I noticed last night some “glitches”
Didn’t mworry too much and went to bed.
This morning having a look and noticed no uploads to PV Output.
Check IotaWatt status and noticed that the web service was not running.
That’s odd, because I have not touched the service for a week.
Had a look at the message logs and found the last two entries were software restarts ?
** Restart **
SD initialized.
1/08/20 11:52:36z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1578484356
1/08/20 11:52:36z Reset reason: Software/System restart
1/08/20 11:52:36z Trace: 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:43, 10:57
1/08/20 11:52:36z ESP8266 ChipID: 6145634
1/08/20 11:52:36z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_05_02
1/08/20 11:52:36z SPIFFS mounted.
1/08/20 19:52:37 Local time zone: +8:00
1/08/20 19:52:37 device name: IotaWatt
1/08/20 19:52:37 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt
1/08/20 19:52:37 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt
1/08/20 19:52:37 HTTP server started
1/08/20 19:52:37 timeSync: service started.
1/08/20 19:52:37 statService: started.
1/08/20 19:52:37 dataLog: service started.
1/08/20 19:52:37 dataLog: Last log entry 01/08/20 19:52:05
1/08/20 19:52:41 WiFi connected. SSID=SpeedyDave, IP=, channel=8, RSSI -68db
1/08/20 19:52:41 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
1/08/20 19:52:44 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR.
1/08/20 19:53:37 historyLog: service started.
1/08/20 19:53:37 historyLog: Last log entry 01/08/20 19:52:00
1/08/20 19:53:37 PVoutput: started
1/08/20 19:53:38 PVoutput: System Speedy Dave’s, interval 5, donator mode
1/08/20 19:53:38 PVoutput: Reload status beginning 01/04/20 00:05:00
1/08/20 20:48:25 dataLog: datalog WDT - restarting
** Restart **
SD initialized.
1/08/20 12:48:26z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1578487706
1/08/20 12:48:26z Reset reason: Software/System restart
1/08/20 12:48:26z Trace: 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:41, 25:50, 25:51, 25:53, 25:54, 25:60, 25:61, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:61, 25:64, 25:65, 25:55, 25:56, 25:41, 25:42, 25:43, 10:57
1/08/20 12:48:26z ESP8266 ChipID: 6145634
1/08/20 12:48:26z IoTaWatt 5.0, Firmware version 02_05_02
1/08/20 12:48:26z SPIFFS mounted.
1/08/20 20:48:27 Local time zone: +8:00
1/08/20 20:48:27 device name: IotaWatt
1/08/20 20:48:27 MDNS responder started for hostname IotaWatt
1/08/20 20:48:27 LLMNR responder started for hostname IotaWatt
1/08/20 20:48:27 HTTP server started
1/08/20 20:48:27 timeSync: service started.
1/08/20 20:48:27 statService: started.
1/08/20 20:48:27 dataLog: service started.
1/08/20 20:48:27 dataLog: Last log entry 01/08/20 20:47:55
1/08/20 20:48:31 WiFi connected. SSID=SpeedyDave, IP=, channel=8, RSSI -68db
1/08/20 20:48:31 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is MINOR
1/08/20 20:48:32 Updater: Auto-update is current for class MINOR.
1/08/20 20:49:27 historyLog: service started.
1/08/20 20:49:27 historyLog: Last log entry 01/08/20 20:47:00
1/08/20 20:49:27 PVoutput: started
1/08/20 20:49:35 PVoutput: System Speedy Dave’s, interval 5, donator mode
1/08/20 20:49:35 PVoutput: Reload status beginning 01/04/20 00:05:100:
Ideas ?