-I changed to ALPHA and restarted yesterday morning around 9:30.
-we have no missing data from last night for the first time on eMonCMS
-Log files are a bit messy around 14:00 as I rebooted a few times to ensure all was working and we were actually capturing/logging to disk. I have posted both the log from emoncms web server and serial capture.
-The voltage seems to drop to 0? When this starts to occur is when the house gets some “flickering” in the lights so it might be a mini brown/black out but its for a fraction of a second. This is the first time we have actually seen it in the graphs (as the unit hasn’t hung).
-There has been no intervention on my part with the IotaWatt power/reset/network etc.
-I have ordered a second iotawatt from UK with 2 x VTs (that way the VTs will be identical and if there is an issue with mine from JayCar then it will get resolved)
-I will update my post in an hour or so but the totals logged by emoncms for kw/d feeds seem almost exactly 50% higher than the meter reading for Mains. Solar is correct.
Graph of Voltage from IotaWatt:
(This matches emoncms and I cant see any missing data points on either of them after than the reboots at 9.30 for ALPHA and 14:00 for logging)
CSV Output from Graph.
1533854400, 233.6
1533854520, 233.1
1533854640, 232.7
1533854760, 232.2
1533854880, 229.4
1533855000, 231.8
1533855120, 234.1
1533855240, 234.0
1533855360, 233.9
1533855480, 235.0
1533855600, 234.6
1533855720, 235.4
1533855840, 235.5
1533855960, 235.4
1533856080, 234.4
1533856200, 236.4
1533856320, 237.9
1533856440, 238.1
1533856560, 238.3
1533856680, 238.0
1533856800, 237.4
1533856920, 237.5
1533857040, 237.1
1533857160, 237.1
1533857280, 238.7
1533857400, 234.7
1533857520, 238.7
1533857640, 238.8
1533857760, 237.2
1533857880, 235.6
1533858000, 235.3
1533858120, 236.1
1533858240, 237.2
1533858360, 237.7
1533858480, 238.4
1533858600, 235.6
1533858720, 233.9
1533858840, 236.1
1533858960, 236.6
1533859080, 236.9
1533859200, 238.0
1533859320, 236.6
1533859440, 236.4
1533859560, 237.0
1533859680, 238.1
1533859800, 237.5
1533859920, 236.7
1533860040, 237.2
1533860160, 237.4
1533860280, 234.9
1533860400, 238.1
1533860520, 238.6
1533860640, 238.7
1533860760, 238.9
1533860880, 237.9
1533861000, 236.3
1533861120, 234.6
1533861240, 234.3
1533861360, 236.9
1533861480, 235.8
1533861600, 236.6
1533861720, 237.2
1533861840, 237.0
1533861960, 236.5
1533862080, 237.1
1533862200, 237.7
1533862320, 236.2
1533862440, 233.6
1533862560, 233.1
1533862680, 232.7
1533862800, 232.6
1533862920, 233.1
1533863040, 232.1
1533863160, 232.5
1533863280, 233.0
1533863400, 234.4
1533863520, 235.8
1533863640, 235.6
1533863760, 235.9
1533863880, 235.4
1533864000, 235.4
1533864120, 235.2
1533864240, 235.0
1533864360, 234.1
1533864480, 234.0
1533864600, 233.8
1533864720, 233.2
1533864840, 230.3
1533864960, 232.5
1533865080, 231.6
1533865200, 232.9
1533865320, 232.7
1533865440, 232.9
1533865560, 234.1
1533865680, 234.4
1533865800, 234.5
1533865920, 234.5
1533866040, 234.3
1533866160, 234.7
1533866280, 234.6
1533866400, 235.2
1533866520, 236.1
1533866640, 237.1
1533866760, 238.0
1533866880, 238.0
1533867000, 238.0
1533867120, 238.4
1533867240, 238.3
1533867360, 237.2
1533867480, 236.8
1533867600, 232.6
1533867720, 233.7
1533867840, 236.4
1533867960, 236.8
1533868080, 237.1
1533868200, 236.5
1533868320, 236.7
1533868440, 228.3
1533868560, 233.6
1533868680, 236.8
1533868800, 236.4
1533868920, 236.3
1533869040, 236.3
1533869160, 234.1
1533869280, 237.2
1533869400, 236.6
1533869520, 236.4
1533869640, 236.9
1533869760, 236.6
1533869880, 237.5
1533870000, 237.3
1533870120, 236.8
1533870240, 236.5
1533870360, 236.4
1533870480, 235.9
1533870600, 236.2
1533870720, 236.4
1533870840, 236.3
1533870960, 237.0
1533871080, 236.8
1533871200, 237.0
1533871320, 237.4
1533871440, 237.4
1533871560, 237.1
1533871680, 237.0
1533871800, 238.0
1533871920, 238.0
1533872040, 237.9
1533872160, 237.1
1533872280, 235.6
1533872400, 231.3
1533872520, 229.8
1533872640, 230.5
1533872760, 233.1
1533872880, 233.5
1533873000, 233.7
1533873120, 232.6
1533873240, 229.4
1533873360, 232.0
1533873480, 234.4
1533873600, 233.8
1533873720, 234.5
1533873840, 234.7
1533873960, 234.1
1533874080, 234.3
1533874200, 236.6
1533874320, 236.6
1533874440, 235.5
1533874560, 236.6
1533874680, 237.3
1533874800, 236.3
1533874920, 237.2
1533875040, 237.1
1533875160, 235.8
1533875280, 237.2
1533875400, 236.4
1533875520, 237.2
1533875640, 235.9
1533875760, 235.7
1533875880, 235.2
1533876000, 235.4
1533876120, 237.1
1533876240, 237.2
1533876360, 238.1
1533876480, 238.1
1533876600, 239.0
1533876720, 238.5
1533876840, 238.0
1533876960, 237.3
1533877080, 237.2
1533877200, 237.5
1533877320, 237.4
1533877440, 238.0
1533877560, 237.9
1533877680, 237.4
1533877800, 236.7
1533877920, 237.7
1533878040, 237.3
1533878160, 236.7
1533878280, 236.2
1533878400, 236.2
1533878520, 233.4
1533878640, 235.3
1533878760, 236.2
1533878880, 236.5
1533879000, 236.5
1533879120, 235.4
1533879240, 235.5
1533879360, 235.6
1533879480, 234.8
1533879600, 234.6
1533879720, 233.6
1533879840, 233.5
1533879960, 232.9
1533880080, 232.0
1533880200, 231.5
1533880320, 231.7
1533880440, 231.9
1533880560, 231.1
1533880680, 232.3
1533880800, 234.7
1533880920, 233.8
1533881040, 233.8
1533881160, 235.1
1533881280, 234.8
1533881400, 235.7
1533881520, 235.1
1533881640, 235.2
1533881760, 235.1
1533881880, 234.4
1533882000, 234.0
1533882120, 233.3
1533882240, 232.9
1533882360, 233.6
1533882480, 234.6
1533882600, 233.8
1533882720, 235.2
1533882840, 234.7
1533882960, 234.4
1533883080, 233.8
1533883200, 233.5
1533883320, 234.5
1533883440, 233.9
1533883560, 233.9
1533883680, 234.0
1533883800, 233.9
1533883920, 234.2
1533884040, 235.3
1533884160, 235.2
1533884280, 232.2
1533884400, 230.9
1533884520, 229.3
1533884640, 227.7
1533884760, 229.5
1533884880, 229.6
1533885000, 228.7
1533885120, 229.2
1533885240, 230.7
1533885360, 232.4
1533885480, 233.8
1533885600, 233.2
1533885720, 233.7
1533885840, 232.7
1533885960, 233.1
1533886080, 231.6
1533886200, 231.6
1533886320, 233.6
1533886440, 231.5
1533886560, 231.9
1533886680, 231.6
1533886800, 230.2
1533886920, 231.2
1533887040, 229.5
1533887160, 230.1
1533887280, 229.4
1533887400, 230.1
1533887520, 229.1
1533887640, 229.1
1533887760, 230.6
1533887880, 229.0
1533888000, 231.3
1533888120, 228.9
1533888240, 229.1
1533888360, 226.8
1533888480, 227.3
1533888600, 227.5
1533888720, 227.0
1533888840, 228.0
1533888960, 227.5
1533889080, 226.1
1533889200, 226.5
1533889320, 227.4
1533889440, 227.6
1533889560, 227.8
1533889680, 228.3
1533889800, 226.6
1533889920, 227.5
1533890040, 228.4
1533890160, 227.7
1533890280, 228.8
1533890400, 226.9
1533890520, 225.9
1533890640, 232.2
1533890760, 231.3
1533890880, 231.5
1533891000, 230.8
1533891120, 230.8
1533891240, 231.4
1533891360, 230.5
1533891480, 232.2
1533891600, 230.6
1533891720, 231.8
1533891840, 230.9
1533891960, 231.6
1533892080, 231.6
1533892200, 231.6
1533892320, 232.9
1533892440, 232.5
1533892560, 233.8
1533892680, 8.5
1533892800, 0.0
1533892920, 152.7
1533893040, 233.1
1533893160, 232.1
1533893280, 232.4
1533893400, 94.2
1533893520, 0.0
1533893640, 0.0
1533893760, 0.0
1533893880, 28.4
1533894000, 227.4
1533894120, 228.8
1533894240, 228.7
1533894360, 232.8
1533894480, 232.8
1533894600, 233.8
1533894720, 233.6
1533894840, 234.5
1533894960, 233.3
1533895080, 234.3
1533895200, 233.0
1533895320, 233.8
1533895440, 233.4
1533895560, 231.7
1533895680, 232.7
1533895800, 231.1
1533895920, 232.2
1533896040, 231.3
1533896160, 231.1
1533896280, 231.1
1533896400, 232.0
1533896520, 232.1
1533896640, 233.3
1533896760, 232.5
1533896880, 233.4
1533897000, 231.9
1533897120, 231.1
1533897240, 231.8
1533897360, 232.0
1533897480, 217.2
1533897600, 184.7
1533897720, 232.2
1533897840, 231.5
1533897960, 232.2
1533898080, 230.6
1533898200, 232.3
1533898320, 231.1
1533898440, 232.8
1533898560, 233.3
1533898680, 233.7
1533898800, 234.0
1533898920, 233.3
1533899040, 233.8
1533899160, 232.3
1533899280, 233.2
1533899400, 233.2
1533899520, 233.8
1533899640, 233.0
1533899760, 232.3
1533899880, 233.2
1533900000, 232.6
1533900120, 233.8
1533900240, 231.7
1533900360, 234.2
1533900480, 233.0
1533900600, 234.2
1533900720, 216.5
1533900840, 234.0
1533900960, 234.6
1533901080, 234.6
1533901200, 235.2
1533901320, 234.7
1533901440, 234.7
1533901560, 187.8
1533901680, 233.7
1533901800, 234.1
1533901920, 234.8
1533902040, 234.1
1533902160, 234.6
1533902280, 234.7
1533902400, 233.6
1533902520, 233.5
1533902640, 233.0
1533902760, 233.3
1533902880, 232.4
1533903000, 233.6
1533903120, 231.9
1533903240, 232.8
1533903360, 231.3
1533903480, 232.5
1533903600, 232.1
1533903720, 232.6
1533903840, 232.8
1533903960, 233.0
1533904080, 232.4
1533904200, 232.1
1533904320, 215.3
1533904440, 185.7
1533904560, 231.9
1533904680, 230.9
1533904800, 232.3
1533904920, 182.5
1533905040, 230.0
1533905160, 230.1
1533905280, 230.8
1533905400, 231.5
1533905520, 227.0
1533905640, 227.8
1533905760, 228.2
1533905880, 229.4
1533906000, 231.0
1533906120, 229.3
1533906240, 229.9
1533906360, 233.6
1533906480, 233.3
1533906600, 232.5
1533906720, 229.3
1533906840, 228.5
1533906960, 226.2
1533907080, 227.4
1533907200, 228.9
1533907320, 231.9
1533907440, 231.8
1533907560, 231.9
1533907680, 231.0
1533907800, 230.8
1533907920, 226.9
1533908040, 230.4
1533908160, 231.0
1533908280, 231.6
1533908400, 231.8
1533908520, 227.7
1533908640, 226.9
1533908760, 226.6
1533908880, 226.9
1533909000, 226.8
1533909120, 223.0
1533909240, 223.6
1533909360, 226.0
1533909480, 227.9
1533909600, 228.5
1533909720, 228.1
1533909840, 227.9
1533909960, 225.9
1533910080, 226.3
1533910200, 226.5
1533910320, 221.2
1533910440, 219.9
1533910560, 219.7
1533910680, 218.1
1533910800, 218.7
1533910920, 221.6
1533911040, 221.4
1533911160, 221.8
1533911280, 222.7
1533911400, 223.7
1533911520, 224.5
1533911640, 224.6
1533911760, 225.1
1533911880, 224.9
1533912000, 223.8
1533912120, 222.4
1533912240, 222.2
1533912360, 223.4
1533912480, 223.7
1533912600, 222.4
1533912720, 222.9
1533912840, 223.4
1533912960, 224.6
1533913080, 224.9
1533913200, 224.5
1533913320, 224.7
1533913440, 227.0
1533913560, 226.2
1533913680, 226.0
1533913800, 226.0
1533913920, 226.2
1533914040, 227.3
1533914160, 227.6
1533914280, 227.2
1533914400, 229.5
1533914520, 229.2
1533914640, 229.2
1533914760, 229.8
1533914880, 229.4
1533915000, 229.8
1533915120, 229.1
1533915240, 228.2
1533915360, 228.5
1533915480, 229.0
1533915600, 228.7
1533915720, 227.8
1533915840, 227.4
1533915960, 227.7
1533916080, 228.1
1533916200, 228.9
1533916320, 229.6
1533916440, 229.0
1533916560, 229.1
1533916680, 229.6
1533916800, 229.9
1533916920, 231.0
1533917040, 231.3
1533917160, 231.5
1533917280, 231.3
1533917400, 231.0
1533917520, 231.1
1533917640, 231.5
1533917760, 231.7
1533917880, 232.1
1533918000, 231.8
1533918120, 232.1
1533918240, 232.3
1533918360, 231.8
1533918480, 231.2
1533918600, 230.8
1533918720, 231.3
1533918840, 231.3
1533918960, 231.8
1533919080, 233.6
1533919200, 233.7
1533919320, 233.3
1533919440, 233.0
1533919560, 233.3
1533919680, 233.2
1533919800, 233.1
1533919920, 232.4
1533920040, 232.7
1533920160, 234.5
1533920280, 233.9
1533920400, 234.0
1533920520, 234.7
1533920640, 233.8
1533920760, 234.1
1533920880, 234.2
1533921000, 234.1
1533921120, 235.0
1533921240, 235.8
1533921360, 236.2
1533921480, 235.6
1533921600, 235.4
1533921720, 235.3
1533921840, 235.4
1533921960, 235.5
1533922080, 235.6
1533922200, 235.5
1533922320, 235.7
1533922440, 235.5
1533922560, 235.5
1533922680, 235.7
1533922800, 236.2
1533922920, 236.6
1533923040, 236.2
1533923160, 236.0
1533923280, 235.4
1533923400, 235.8
1533923520, 236.6
1533923640, 235.3
1533923760, 234.7
1533923880, 234.4
1533924000, 234.4
1533924120, 234.5
1533924240, 234.5
1533924360, 235.6
1533924480, 236.5
1533924600, 236.4
1533924720, 236.4
1533924840, 236.5
1533924960, 236.0
1533925080, 236.5
1533925200, 236.7
1533925320, 236.4
1533925440, 236.3
1533925560, 236.3
1533925680, 235.6
1533925800, 235.8
1533925920, 235.5
1533926040, 235.1
1533926160, 234.9
1533926280, 233.8
1533926400, 233.0
1533926520, 233.3
1533926640, 233.1
1533926760, 233.0
1533926880, 232.4
1533927000, 232.4
1533927120, 232.3
1533927240, 232.5
1533927360, 233.2
1533927480, 233.3
1533927600, 232.5
1533927720, 232.9
1533927840, 234.8
1533927960, 234.8
1533928080, 235.0
1533928200, 234.8
1533928320, 235.2
1533928440, 234.9
1533928560, 234.7
1533928680, 235.2
1533928800, 235.2
1533928920, 235.3
1533929040, 235.4
1533929160, 235.3
1533929280, 235.6
1533929400, 235.0
1533929520, 233.9
1533929640, 234.1
1533929760, 233.2
1533929880, 233.5
1533930000, 233.3
1533930120, 233.1
1533930240, 233.3
1533930360, 233.6
1533930480, 234.1
1533930600, 234.4
1533930720, 233.9
1533930840, 233.4
1533930960, 233.6
1533931080, 233.8
1533931200, 234.3
1533931320, 234.1
1533931440, 233.8
1533931560, 233.5
1533931680, 233.3
1533931800, 233.3
1533931920, 233.8
1533932040, 233.3
1533932160, 233.8
1533932280, 233.0
1533932400, 232.8
1533932520, 232.2
1533932640, 231.9
1533932760, 232.3
1533932880, 232.7
1533933000, 232.7
1533933120, 232.8
1533933240, 232.2
1533933360, 231.7
1533933480, 232.0
1533933600, 232.3
1533933720, 232.0
1533933840, 231.8
1533933960, 231.7
1533934080, 230.8
1533934200, 230.9
1533934320, 229.7
1533934440, 229.8
1533934560, 231.2
1533934680, 229.6
1533934800, 228.3
1533934920, 226.0
1533935040, 225.5
1533935160, 224.6
1533935280, 224.6
1533935400, 224.6
1533935520, 225.1
1533935640, 228.9
1533935760, 229.7
1533935880, 230.4
1533936000, 230.4
1533936120, 230.5
1533936240, 230.5
1533936360, 229.3
1533936480, 228.6
1533936600, 229.1
1533936720, 228.9
1533936840, 228.3
1533936960, 227.3
1533937080, 226.8
1533937200, 227.8
1533937320, 228.0
1533937440, 228.2
1533937560, 226.7
1533937680, 226.2
1533937800, 226.4
1533937920, 226.5
1533938040, 226.9
1533938160, 227.5
1533938280, 227.0
1533938400, 226.5
1533938520, 226.5
1533938640, 225.7
1533938760, 226.3
1533938880, 227.5
1533939000, 226.3
1533939120, 225.2
1533939240, 226.5
1533939360, 228.3
1533939480, 230.5
1533939600, 231.3
1533939720, 231.7
1533939840, 231.2
1533939960, 229.3
1533940080, 228.8
1533940200, 228.1
1533940320, 227.9
1533940440, 227.3
1533940560, 229.0
1533940680, 227.5
1533940800, 228.5
1533940920, 229.3
Log from IotaWatt (via web server
8/10/18 10:16:40 MDNS responder started
8/10/18 10:16:40 You can now connect to http://lilliput01.local
8/10/18 10:16:40 HTTP server started
8/10/18 10:16:40 dataLog: service started.
8/10/18 10:16:40 dataLog: Last log entry 8/10/18 10:16:35
8/10/18 10:16:40 statService: started.
8/10/18 10:16:40 timeSync: service started.
8/10/18 10:16:41 WiFi connected. SSID: Gallifrey, IP:
8/10/18 10:16:41 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA
8/10/18 10:16:41 historyLog: service started.
8/10/18 10:16:41 historyLog: Last log entry 8/10/18 10:16:00
8/10/18 10:16:42 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA.
8/10/18 10:16:45 EmonService: started.,node:Lilliput,interval:10, unsecure GET
8/10/18 10:16:50 EmonService: Start posting at 8/10/18 10:15:50
** Restart **
SD initialized.
8/10/18 02:19:30z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1533867570
8/10/18 02:19:30z Power failure detected.
8/10/18 02:19:30z Version 02_03_12
8/10/18 02:19:30z Reset reason: External System
8/10/18 02:19:30z Trace: 246:99[123], 181:229[184], 116:124[72], 71:97[21], 165:42[76], 30:120[181], 127:66[57], 170:4[25], 28:111[15], 9:152[242], 21:133[201], 52:49[57], 216:240[54], 6:23[89], 164:223[36], 251:238[50], 240:37[36], 199:252[121], 201:1[69], 29:150[179], 114:176[176], 18:15[145], 58:238[29], 30:227[247], 236:100[224], 52:63[151], 171:202[248], 225:57[39], 132:237[184], 74:168[174], 90:27[93], 85:172[87]
8/10/18 02:19:30z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910347
8/10/18 12:19:30 Local time zone: 10
8/10/18 12:19:30 device name: lilliput01, version: 3
8/10/18 12:19:33 Connecting with WiFiManager.
8/10/18 12:19:39 MDNS responder started
8/10/18 12:19:39 You can now connect to http://lilliput01.local
8/10/18 12:19:39 HTTP server started
8/10/18 12:19:39 dataLog: service started.
8/10/18 12:19:39 dataLog: Last log entry 8/10/18 12:19:20
8/10/18 12:19:40 statService: started.
8/10/18 12:19:40 timeSync: service started.
8/10/18 12:19:40 WiFi connected. SSID: Gallifrey, IP:
8/10/18 12:19:40 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA
8/10/18 12:19:40 historyLog: service started.
8/10/18 12:19:40 historyLog: Last log entry 8/10/18 12:19:00
8/10/18 12:19:42 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA.
8/10/18 12:19:44 EmonService: started.,node:Lilliput,interval:10, unsecure GET
8/10/18 12:19:54 EmonService: Start posting at 8/10/18 12:19:20
** Restart **
SD initialized.
8/10/18 02:20:21z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1533867621
8/10/18 02:20:21z Version 02_03_12
8/10/18 02:20:21z Reset reason: External System
8/10/18 02:20:21z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1[9], 1:2[10], 9:0[10], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4
8/10/18 02:20:21z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910347
8/10/18 12:20:21 Local time zone: 10
8/10/18 12:20:21 device name: lilliput01, version: 3
8/10/18 12:20:23 MDNS responder started
8/10/18 12:20:23 You can now connect to http://lilliput01.local
8/10/18 12:20:23 HTTP server started
8/10/18 12:20:23 dataLog: service started.
8/10/18 12:20:23 dataLog: Last log entry 8/10/18 12:20:15
8/10/18 12:20:24 statService: started.
8/10/18 12:20:24 timeSync: service started.
8/10/18 12:20:24 WiFi connected. SSID: Gallifrey, IP:
8/10/18 12:20:24 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA
8/10/18 12:20:24 historyLog: service started.
8/10/18 12:20:24 historyLog: Last log entry 8/10/18 12:20:00
8/10/18 12:20:25 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA.
8/10/18 12:20:28 EmonService: started.,node:Lilliput,interval:10, unsecure GET
8/10/18 12:20:30 EmonService: Start posting at 8/10/18 12:20:10
** Restart **
SD initialized.
8/10/18 02:32:20z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1533868340
8/10/18 02:32:20z Power failure detected.
8/10/18 02:32:20z Version 02_03_12
8/10/18 02:32:20z Reset reason: External System
8/10/18 02:32:20z Trace: 246:67[91], 181:229[186], 116:120[72], 79:101[53], 167:42[72], 94:120[177], 123:98[57], 170:4[25], 60:79[15], 9:208[224], 5:181[201], 52:49[41], 217:240[54], 6:22[89], 180:223[100], 251:238[34], 240:37[36], 213:252[49], 137:129[85], 29:22[179], 226:146[176], 18:15[145], 58:239[29], 30:227[247], 204:100[224], 52:63[215], 171:202[248], 225:61[175], 132:236[184], 72:168[46], 90:27[61], 87:172[87]
8/10/18 02:32:20z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910347
8/10/18 12:32:20 Local time zone: 10
8/10/18 12:32:20 device name: lilliput01, version: 3
8/10/18 12:32:23 Connecting with WiFiManager.
8/10/18 12:32:28 MDNS responder started
8/10/18 12:32:28 You can now connect to http://lilliput01.local
8/10/18 12:32:28 HTTP server started
8/10/18 12:32:29 dataLog: service started.
8/10/18 12:32:29 dataLog: Last log entry 8/10/18 12:32:10
8/10/18 12:32:29 statService: started.
8/10/18 12:32:29 timeSync: service started.
8/10/18 12:32:30 WiFi connected. SSID: Gallifrey, IP:
8/10/18 12:32:30 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA
8/10/18 12:32:30 historyLog: service started.
8/10/18 12:32:30 historyLog: Last log entry 8/10/18 12:32:00
8/10/18 12:32:32 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA.
8/10/18 12:32:34 EmonService: started.,node:Lilliput,interval:10, unsecure GET
8/10/18 12:32:35 EmonService: Start posting at 8/10/18 12:31:50
** Restart **
SD initialized.
8/10/18 02:32:44z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1533868364
8/10/18 02:32:44z Version 02_03_12
8/10/18 02:32:44z Reset reason: External System
8/10/18 02:32:44z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4
8/10/18 02:32:44z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910347
8/10/18 12:32:44 Local time zone: 10
8/10/18 12:32:44 device name: lilliput01, version: 3
8/10/18 12:32:47 Connecting with WiFiManager.
8/10/18 12:32:52 MDNS responder started
8/10/18 12:32:52 You can now connect to http://lilliput01.local
8/10/18 12:32:53 HTTP server started
8/10/18 12:32:53 dataLog: service started.
8/10/18 12:32:53 dataLog: Last log entry 8/10/18 12:32:40
8/10/18 12:32:53 statService: started.
8/10/18 12:32:53 timeSync: service started.
8/10/18 12:32:53 WiFi connected. SSID: Gallifrey, IP:
8/10/18 12:32:53 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA
8/10/18 12:32:54 historyLog: service started.
8/10/18 12:32:54 historyLog: Last log entry 8/10/18 12:32:00
8/10/18 12:32:55 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA.
8/10/18 12:32:58 EmonService: started.,node:Lilliput,interval:10, unsecure GET
8/10/18 12:33:00 EmonService: Start posting at 8/10/18 12:32:40
** Restart **
SD initialized.
8/10/18 02:35:15z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1533868515
8/10/18 02:35:15z Version 02_03_12
8/10/18 02:35:15z Reset reason: External System
8/10/18 02:35:15z Trace: 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1[10], 1:2[11], 9:0[11], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4
8/10/18 02:35:15z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910347
8/10/18 12:35:15 Local time zone: 10
8/10/18 12:35:15 device name: lilliput01, version: 3
8/10/18 12:35:17 MDNS responder started
8/10/18 12:35:17 You can now connect to http://lilliput01.local
8/10/18 12:35:17 HTTP server started
8/10/18 12:35:17 dataLog: service started.
8/10/18 12:35:17 dataLog: Last log entry 8/10/18 12:35:10
8/10/18 12:35:17 statService: started.
8/10/18 12:35:18 timeSync: service started.
8/10/18 12:35:18 WiFi connected. SSID: Gallifrey, IP:
8/10/18 12:35:18 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA
8/10/18 12:35:18 historyLog: service started.
8/10/18 12:35:18 historyLog: Last log entry 8/10/18 12:35:00
8/10/18 12:35:20 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA.
8/10/18 12:35:22 EmonService: started.,node:Lilliput,interval:10, unsecure GET
8/10/18 12:35:23 EmonService: Start posting at 8/10/18 12:35:10
8/10/18 12:45:10 EmonService: started.,node:Lilliput,interval:10, unsecure GET
8/10/18 12:45:12 EmonService: Start posting at 8/10/18 12:44:20
** Restart **
SD initialized.
8/10/18 02:45:16z Real Time Clock is running. Unix time 1533869116
8/10/18 02:45:16z Version 02_03_12
8/10/18 02:45:16z Reset reason: Exception
8/10/18 02:45:16z Trace: 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:3, 1:4, 1:1[13], 1:2[14], 9:0[14], 9:0, 9:1, 8:4, 8:6, 8:8, 9:3, 9:4, 9:5, 9:9, 1:2
8/10/18 02:45:16z ESP8266 ChipID: 6910347
8/10/18 12:45:16 Local time zone: 10
8/10/18 12:45:16 device name: lilliput01, version: 3
8/10/18 12:45:18 MDNS responder started
8/10/18 12:45:18 You can now connect to http://lilliput01.local
8/10/18 12:45:18 HTTP server started
8/10/18 12:45:18 dataLog: service started.
8/10/18 12:45:18 dataLog: Last log entry 8/10/18 12:45:10
8/10/18 12:45:18 statService: started.
8/10/18 12:45:18 timeSync: service started.
8/10/18 12:45:19 WiFi connected. SSID: Gallifrey, IP:
8/10/18 12:45:19 Updater: service started. Auto-update class is ALPHA
8/10/18 12:45:19 historyLog: service started.
8/10/18 12:45:19 historyLog: Last log entry 8/10/18 12:45:00
8/10/18 12:45:20 Updater: Auto-update is current for class ALPHA.
8/10/18 12:45:23 EmonService: started.,node:Lilliput,interval:10, unsecure GET
8/10/18 12:45:24 EmonService: Start posting at 8/10/18 12:44:20
8/10/18 14:28:35 EmonService: HTTP response -4, retrying.
8/10/18 14:29:21 EmonService: Retry successful after 3 attempts.
8/11/18 08:36:10 EmonService: started.,node:Lilliput,interval:10, unsecure GET
8/11/18 08:36:11 EmonService: Start posting at 8/11/18 08:35:20
Log from IotaWatt Serial Capture
seriallog.txt (19.1 KB)
Ping Test (every 3 mins) of physical device.
pingtest.txt (68.9 KB)
Generic VT (9v AC from JayCar Electronics)
JayCar is your typical “hobby” electronics store - probably closed to the old style RadioShack.
The voltage in IotaWatt lines up with what I get from the same power point via my MultiMeter - It needed a slight tweak
Output Connection |
selectable DC plugs |
Efficiency |
76% |
AC current rating |
1A |
AC current tolerance |
5% |
AC Voltage rating |
9 |
Rated for AU Mains |
Cable Length |
1.8m |
Width |
58mm |
Height |
48mm |
Depth |
87mm |
IotaWatt Inputs