The Uploader starts form a year back after power loss

When I lose power and get power back the uploader to Emon CMS local starts updating from 12 months ago. Is that a IoTaWatt or Emoncms problem or is that normal.

Thanks in advance for all the knowledge I have received from this community Especially Overeasy.

If you search this forum, you should find an explanation of how a local instance of eMoncms loses its inputs data on reset. The inputs are in a redis database and you need to setup redis persistence in order for IoTaWatt to successfully query the inputs to determine where to resume…

Thanks for your quick reply overeasy. However I only find two post on setup redis persistence. Please help I’m just a dummy trying to get this to work.

Gee, that’s odd. When I search for “redis” I get a couple of dozen hits and at least half-dozen that deal with this very problem. This isn’t an IoTaWatt issue, it’s an eMoncms issue. I don’t maintain a local eMoncms install and don’t know the specifics of turning on redis persistence. The documentation linked to several of the posts seem to have some specific instructions. If all else fails I’d ask on the Emoncms forum how to do it.

If you had the ability to setup a local Emoncms instance, you should be able to do this. If however you continue to have problems, and don’t have the technical skills to maintain your Emoncms, I’d recommend just moving to the EOM cloud version. The cost is nominal and it doesn’t have this problem with restarting.

This must be a different overeasy. I never got responses like “If you search this forum, you should find” and “If you had the ability” From overeasy before. But thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Have a nice day.

Give the man a fish or teach him to fish.

This overeasy is the same overeasy that walked away from the project for a bit due to dealing with BS (you just can’t please some people) and we should all be happy this overeasy is still around.

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