Try this with your energy monitor

Not claiming this has any real-world value, but I was fooling around with the new IoTaWatt 4.9 that has two extra voltage inputs and came up with something different:

Looking for another voltage input to plug in a picked up one that was connected to the 230V 50Hz inverter that I use to test that supply. No reason why it shouldn’t work I said to myself, so I plugged it in.


Works like a charm! While intended primarily for three phase voltage sensing, it’s just another independent voltage channel. The voltage and frequency are reported out perfectly. The only twist is that the Hz reported in the statistics section is a blend of the two. Not sure what meaning that should have anyway in this case.

So going a step further, I connected loads to both the standard 120V service(my computer) and the 230V 50Hz inverter (I have some 100W 230V light bulbs). Setting the correct voltage reference for each (just as you would in Direct Three-Phase configuration) I get the power for each load:


As I said, I don’t see any real-world utility in this, but it makes me feel good about the architecture of IoTaWatt when I can do things like this just by plugging the stuff in and configuring. Didn’t even have to restart as you can see by the running times.