Short Periods of Missing Data

Breaking this down…

So we are talking about just this one short gap.

Approximately. The gap is 5 minute intervals, so the start and end are +/- 5 minutes. It started between 22:35 and 22:40 and picked up again between 00:00 and 00:05.

This appears to be a problem with the current log. That’s the 5 second resolution log. The message log that you posted doesn’t go back enough to see the start of the problem, but the story picks up with a restart after a software watchdog restart. This is very rare and is probably caused by an SDcard problem. Moving down, after the restart, the unit detects damage to the current log (The 5 second resolution log). It begins reading the file and creating a diagnostic file.

A few minutes into the process, there is an exception and the unit again restarts. Again it detects the log damage and this time appears to successfully create the diagnostic file, then it deletes the current log and restarts at 00:00:39. It creates a new current log and apparently runs fine thereafter.

This completely explains the gap, bdut doesn’t get to the root cause of the watchdog timeout, exception or datalog damage. I would not be very confident that there is no as yet undetected history log damage. My recommendation would be to replace the SDcard.

I recommend when building the new card that you don’t copy the /iotawatt directory. You will restart with a new message log and new current and history logs as with a new unit. Unfortunately, you will also lose your history.

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