Sorting out an Australian three-phase installation

I have done the following and await further suggestions.

  1. Re read and applied your directions above and referenced this thread.
  2. Moved the CT direction on Mains 3
  3. Turned off the big 3 phase consumers at the breakers (Aircon/Shed/Garage)
  4. Run the VT / Circuit test with hair dryer (results below).
  5. enabled the hot water (its now showing backwards which I can fix later but I think pf is good…)
  6. I am still logging at 10:00 and capturing stats

Please let me know what you want me to do next.

Again thanks for all your help.

Reference Screenshots:

IotaWatt Input configuration

With 1300W Hair Dryer on same power point as VT

The 8w load on Mains 2 are the internal house lights (it goes away if I turn off the breaker)

With Hot Water Heater on and hair dryer off
I will figure out Garage3 Later… Its breaker is off.